ISO 3952-2-1981 Kinematic diagrams Graphical symbols Part 2 Trilingual edition《运动图 图形符号 第2部分 三种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 3952-2-1981 Kinematic diagrams Graphical symbols Part 2 Trilingual edition《运动图 图形符号 第2部分 三种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 3952-2-1981 Kinematic diagrams Graphical symbols Part 2 Trilingual edition《运动图 图形符号 第2部分 三种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 3952-2-1981 Kinematic diagrams Graphical symbols Part 2 Trilingual edition《运动图 图形符号 第2部分 三种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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ISO 3952-2-1981 Kinematic diagrams Graphical symbols Part 2 Trilingual edition《运动图 图形符号 第2部分 三种语言版》.pdf_第4页
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ISO 3952-2-1981 Kinematic diagrams Graphical symbols Part 2 Trilingual edition《运动图 图形符号 第2部分 三种语言版》.pdf_第5页
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2、ques - Symboles graphiques - Partie 2 Premiere 6dition - 1981-07-01 3JleMeHTbl KHHeMaTHWCKHX CXeM - YCJlOBH ble rpaC#WleCKble 0603HaWHHA - %CTb 2 llepeoe b43Aawe - 1981-07-01 E -c “,k3 UDC/CDU/YK 744.4 : 531.1 : 003.63 Ref. No./RBf. no : IS0 39!52/2-1981 (E/F/R) “5 CCblJlKa No : MC0 3952/2-1981 (A/P

3、) Fg cur(r Descriptors : engineering drawings, mechanical drives, graphic symbols./Descripteurs : dessin industriel, transmission mkanique, symbole &$j graphique./f+acupunop : repTeXu TexHuqecKue, npusoFbl MexaHuqecKue, cuMsonbl rpauqecKue. gg% Price based on 12 pages/Prix base sur 12 pages/l(eHa pa

4、ccrluTaHa Ha 12 CTP. Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is car- ried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a s

5、ubject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. Interna- tional organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulate

6、d to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 3952/2 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 10, Technical drawings, and was circulated to the member bodies in October 1979. It has been approved by the member

7、 bodies of the following countries : Austria Germany, F.R. Belgium Italy Bulgaria Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Czechoslovakia Netherlands Egypt, Arab Rep. of Norway Finland Poland France Romania South Africa, Rep. of Spain United Kingdom USA USSR The member body of the following country expressed disappro

8、val of the document on technical grounds : Japan Avant-propos LISO lorganisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation fcomites membres de IISO). Lelaboration des Normes internationa- les est confide aux comites techniques de IISO. Chaque

9、 comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec IISO, participent egalement aux tra- vaux. Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites te

10、chniques sont soumis aux comi- t&s membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par le Conseil de IISO. La Norme internationale IS0 3952/2 a et6 elaboree par le comite technique ISO/TC 10, Dessins techniques, et a et6 soumise aux comites membres en octobre 1979. Les

11、comitb membres des pays suivants Iont approuvee : Afrique du Sud, Rep. d Finlande Roumanie Allemagne, R.F. France Royaume-Uni Autriche ltalie Tchecoslovaquie Belgique Jamahiriya arabe libyenne URSS Bulgarie Norvege USA Egypte, Rep. arabe d Pays-Bas Espagne Pologne Le comite membre du pays suivant Ia

12、 desapprouvee pour des raisons techniques : Japon ii MC0 (MeNqyHapoAHafl OpraHuaauufl no CTaHAapTu3auuu) flBnReTcf4 BceMupHoA eflepauueh HauuoHanbHblx opraHu3ayuu no cTaHflapTu3aquu (rneHoB MCO). AeRTenbHOCTb l-IO pa3pa60TKe MeKClyHapOAHblX CTaHAapTOB llpOBOuTCR TeX- Hu4eCKuMu KOhluTeTaMu MCO. Jho6o

13、i WeH opraHusauu, 3auHTepeCOBaHHblL? B AeflTenbHOCTu, &nH KOTOpOh 6bln CO3naH TeXHuAeCKuh KOMuTeT, UMeeT flpaB0 6blTb npe#ZTaBneHHblM B 3TOM KOMuTeTe. npaBuTenbCTf3eHHble u HenpaBuTenbCTBeHHble MemyHapoAHble opraHu3auuu, UMeloque CBRJH c klC0, TaKme npuHuh4aloT yqac-rue B pa6OTe. npOeKTbl MeKpyHapOA

14、HblX CTaHflapTOB, llpuHRTble TeXHu4eCKuMu KOMuTeTaMu, paccblnaloTcf4 weHaM opraHu3auuu Ha oAo6peHue nepeA yTBepxAeHueM ux COBeTOM MC0 B Ka-leCTBe MeXJjyHapOAHblX CTaHQapTOB. MexAyHapOAHblL? CTaHAapT MC0 3962/E? 6bln pa3pa60TaH TeXHuqeCKuM KOMuTeTOM VlCOlTK 10, Texwvecme Yepmelrtu, u pa3ocnaH rnetiaM

15、 opraHu3auuu B oKTfl6pe 1979 roAa. AOKyMeHT 6bln OAO6peH qneHaMu OpraHu3aquu CneAylOuX CTpaH : ABCTpanuu fluBuM 6en bruu Hopeeruu 60nrapuu nonbwl ronnaHAuu PyMblHuu ErunTa COeAuHeHHOrO KOpOneBCBa Mranuu CCCP McnaHuu CUIA uHnRHAuu paHuuu eAepaTuBHOb? Pecny6nuKu repMaHuu qexocnoBaKuu XHO$JpMKaHCKOti P

16、ecny6nuKu KOMuTeM-WeH CneAylOqelil CTpaHbl OTKnOHuR AOKyMeHT n0 TeXHuqeCKuM flpuWHaM : International Organization for Standardization, 1981 l 0 Organisation lnternationale de Normalisation, 1981 l 0 MenqqynapoAnari Oprannsaqwn no CTanAapmsaqw, 1981 l Printed in Switzerland/lmprimB en SuisseiVlsao B

17、WeeAapw iii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE MEXAYHAPOAHblfi CTAHFAPT IS0 39!52/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 395212.1981 (A/P) Kinematic diagrams - Sch6mas Graphical symbols - cinhmatiques - Part 2 Sym boles graphiques - Partie 2 Introduction The purpose of this International Standard is the creati

18、on of a system of graphical symbols for kinematic diagrams. The cre- ation of such a system will simplify the preparation of kinematic diagrams and will facilitate the execution and under- standing of such diagrams by specialists of different countries. Scope and field of application This Internatio

19、nal Standard establishes the graphical symbols for elements of kine- matic diagrams of products in all branches of industry. The symbols established by this International Standard are to be used on diagrams in technical documentation, as well as in technical and educational literature. This Internat

20、ional Standard is being pub- lished in three parts, as follows: Part 1 1 Motion of links of mechanisms 2 Kinematic pairs 3 Links and connections of their components 4 Linkage of bars and their links Part 2 5 Friction and gear mechanisms 6 Cam mechanisms Part 3 7 Geneva and ratchet mechanisms 8 Coupl

21、ings and brakes Introduction Le but de la prksente Norme internationale est la creation dun systeme de symboles (signes) graphiques pour les schkmas cinC- matiques. La creation de ce systeme faci- litera la rkalisation des schCmas cinkma- tiques et la compr&hension des schkmas par les sp&cialistes d

22、es diffkrents pays. Objet et domaine dapplication La prt%ente Norme internationale sp6cifie les symboles graphiques pour les Elements de schemas cinkmatiques, englobant les produits de toutes les branches de Iindus- trie. I1 faut employer les symboles spt%i- fiCs & 1exCcution des schemas de la docu-

23、 mentation technique, ainsi que dans la litterature technique et dagogique. La presente Norme internationale est pu- bliQ en trois parties, comme suit: Partie 1 I Mouvement des solides de mecanismes 2 Liaisons de deux solides 3 olides et leurs composanth 4 Mecanismes articules et leurs composants Pa

24、rtie 2 5 Mecanismes A friction et A denture 6 Mecanismes g tames Partie 3 7 Mecanismes A Croix de Malte et A rochet 8 Accouplements. embrayages et frein 3neMeHTbl Kb4HeManweciwx cxeM - YcnosHble rpaclpbwecxwe 0603HadeHHR - qaCTb 2 Benewe UeJIbH) AaHHOrO MemHyHapOnHOrO CTaH- napTa IIBJIReTCR C03AaHUe

25、 CUCTeMblyCJIOB- HbIXrpa&WecKHx 0603HaveHEiiiAJISI Kme- MaTwIecKIix CXeM. CosnaHkie TaKOE CIIC- TeMbIyIIpOCTAT BbIIIOJIHeHHeKUHeMaTEFIe- CKIiX CXeM Ii o6nerwiT STeHEIe CXeM cne- UIiaJIEICTaMII pa3HbtX CTpaH. 06aer-r H &IaCTb I&NlMeHeHHIl AaHHblll MemilyHapOiIHblk CTaHnapI C- TaHaBnRBaeT yCnOBHbIe rp

26、a&WCKHe 06O- 3HaeHAR3eMeHTOBKHcaIeCKXcxel H-melU& BCeX OTpaCnefi IIOMblIIIZWHlIo- cm. YCTaHOBneHHbIe CraHnapToM 06 3IIaYeHm cnenyeT npmeas-rb npI4 abm0.w I-leHRACXeMBTeXHWIeCKOfiiOKyMeHTaUHII, a TariKe a TexHwecKoti H ye6Hoir JIMTE- paType. AaHHbIti hfeWIyHapOAHbIt CTaHllapT CO- CTOElT 113 Tex sacre

27、l: YaCTb 1 1 ,$u3xcemie 3aeHbea hIexaIIw3hfa 2 &iHeMaTWIeCKRc nap14 3 3BeHbR U CoeLN%HeHHR HX 9acleii 4 PbIYaHbIe hleXaH113Mbl I4 MX -3BeHbI1 YaCTb 2 5 pHKU&iOHHbleH Py6IaTbleMeXaHMPMbl 6 KyflaYKOBhle MeXaHW?MhI 1 IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 395212-l 981 (A/P) TT 3 IS0 39!52/2-1981 (E/F/R) M CO 3952

28、/2-l 981 (A/P) IS0 39!52/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 3952/2-1981 (A/P) 5 IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 3952/2-1981 (A/Q/P) 6 IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 3952/2-l 981 (A/P) I” 7 IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 395212-l 981 (A/O/P) X 4 X 8 IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 395212-l 981 (A/P) -+ X + X + /XII IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 3952/2-l 981 (A/P) IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 3952/2-l 981 (A/P) 11 IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 3952/2-l 981 (A/P) IS0 3952/2-1981 (E/F/R) MC0 395212-l 981 (A/P)

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