ISO 6173-1982 Open-end spinning machines Vocabulary Trilingual edition《自由端纺纱机 词汇 三种语言版》.pdf

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2、ibres libA Descriptors : textile machinery, spinning frames, open-end spinning frames, definitions. / Descripteurs : materiel textile, metier $I filer, metier B qm filer A fibre IibrMe, dbfinition. / cxpHnTopbt : MaWlHbl TeKCTHflbHble, MUllMHbl npR#QlbHble, MWWlHbl IlpRflHJlbHble AllR nY6FlHblX SOll

3、OKOH, 55; cnoaapn. 300 92 Price based on 8 pages/Prix base sur 8 pages/l(eHa paccwTaHa Ha 8 CTP. Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is car- ri

4、ed out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. Interna- tional organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Dra

5、ft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 6173 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and allied machiner

6、y and accessories, and was circulated to the member bodies in December 1981. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Belgium Brazil Bulgaria China Czechoslovakia Egypt, Arab Rep. of France Germany, F.R. India Ireland Italy Japan Korea, Rep. of Mexico Poland Portugal Ro

7、mania South Africa, Rep. of Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom USSR No member body expressed disapproval of the document. Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de IISO). Lelaboration d

8、es Normes internationa- les est confide aux corni& techniques de IISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec IISO, participent Bgalement a

9、ux tra- vaux. Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi- tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par le Conseil de IISO. La Norme internationale IS0 6173 a Bte Blaboree par le comite technique ISO/TC 72, Mat

10、kriel pour lindustrie textile et ma&Vie/ connexe, et a ete soumise aux comites membres en decembre 1981. Les comites membres des pays suivants lont approuvee : Afrique du Sud, Rep. d Espagne Allemagne, R.F. France Belgique lnde Bresil lrlande Bulgarie ltalie Chine Japon Coree, Rep. de Mexique Egypte

11、, Rep. arabe d Pologne Portugal Roumanie Royaume-Uni Suisse Tchecoslovaquie Turquie URSS Aucun comite membre ne Ia desapprouvee. ii MC0 (MexqyiiapoAHafl OpraHuaagm no CraHapmaaqwb4) flenfleTcR BcehmpHoA *eflepauweU HaMOHaribHblX OpraHWaMi4 rl0 CTaHfiapTLl3aQWl (KOMMTeTOB-WeHOE MCO). AeRTeflbHOCTb no

12、 pa3pa60TKe Me)KJJyHapOAHblX CTaHAapTOB npOBOMTCR TeXHWleCKMMM KOMMTeTaMH MCO. Kax- /jblU KOMMTeT-WleH, 3aklHTepeCOaaHHblfi B AeRTellbHOCTLl, Allfl KOTOpOfi 6bln CO3AaH TeXHH- qeCKH KOMHTeT, HMeeT npal30 6blTb npeflCTaBIleHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. MeXqyIiapOflHble npa- BLlTellbCTBeHHble M HetlpaBMTerlb

13、CTBeHHble opraHHJaL&4H, MMelOWe CBRBH C MCO, Tame npw HMMatOT y-laCTMe B pa6OTaX. npOeKTbl MeyHapOHblX CTaHAapTOEi, np&iHRTble TeXHWleCKHMM KOMHTeTaMH, paCCblIlatOTCR KOMMTeTaM-WeHaM Ha oF(o6peHMe nepeA MX y-raeplcCleHMeM COaeToM MC0 a KaqecTae Me&qy HapOAHblX CTaHAapTOB. MeXoqyHapOAHblA CJTaHAapT M

14、C0 6173 6bIn pa3pa60TaH TexnnrecwM KOMMTeTOM MCOflK 72, TeKCf7?U/JbHb/f? MalUUHbl lJ BCflOMOZNTl&7bHOe 060pydO&iHUe, H pa3OCllaH KOMHTeTaM-WeHaM B AeKaBpe 1981 rona. OH 6bln OF(O6peH KOMMTeTaMM-WleHaMH CileAylOMX CTpaH : 6enbrw Eonrapw4 6pa3kfnw ErMnTa MHAHH MpIlaHAHH McnaHw MTaJlMM KnTafl KOpeAcKOU

15、 Pecny6nllKM MeKCLlKH ObbeAMHeHHOrO KopOnescTaa OllbUll4 IlopTyrailMM PyMblHHM CCCP TYPWH eAepaTL4EHoU PecnyBnMKcl repMaHMM paHqHH qex0cnoeaKw UlBeUapw4 ir%HO-ApL4KaHCKOf Peny6nMKH RllOHMM HH OAMH KOMMTeT-WleH He OTKllOHWl AOKyMeHT. 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1982 0 0 -0rganis

16、ation internationale de normalisation, 1982 0 0 YeayHapoAHaR OpraHHaal4Fl no CTaHapTwacal(wH, 1982 . Printed in Switzerlandllmprimt5 en Suisse/MqaHo B Weeiqapnn . . . III INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE MEXAYHAPOHblti CTAHAAPT IS0 6173-1962 (E/F/R) MC0 6173-1962 (A/0/P) Open-end spinning

17、 machines - Vocabulary Machines de filature A fibres lib these terms have been included at the request of ISO/TC 72 and are published under the responsibility of the committee members of Germany, F.R. (DIN) and of Italy (UNI). However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages m

18、ay be considered as IS0 terms and defini- tions. Les termes et dbfinitions don ces termes ont Bt6 inclus B la demande du cornit technique ISO/TC 72, et sont publi 3TM Tr?pMHHbl BBt?AeHbl ri0 npOCb- 6e TeXHWieCKOrO KOMuTeTa kiC01TK72, II ny6- IluKylOTCR llO# OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb KOMMTeTOB- weHoB 0ejqepaTm

19、iofi Pecny6nuKu k?pMaHuu (AMH) H UTEUlu (YHM). OAHaKO, nulllb TepMHHbl U Orlpe#8leHuR HEI OiQl!%lbHblX R3blKaX MOryT PaCCMaTpuBaTbCR KIK TepMuHbl u OnpeAelle- HMR UCO. CCblJlKH IS0 477, Textile machinery and ac- IS 0 477, Ma t&et pour Iindus trie textile - MC0 477 - eKCt?llf7bHble M6lUUHbl U cessori

20、es - Cone and cheese winders Bobinoirs i& ftl cr0is.G) - Vocabulaire. BcnoMozamenbHoe o6opydoaaHue - Mo- - Vocabulary. l7lEUlbHble MaUlUHbl C KOHllW?CKOii MOmKOfi IS 0 2205, Ma t&iei pour lindktrie textile - u yunuHapuuecKuMo 606uHaMu - Cno- IS0 2205, Textile machinery and ac- SW&me d%tirage pour ma

21、tkriel de fiature aapb. cessories - Drafting arrangements for - Terminologie. spinning machines - Terminology. MC0 2205 - kKClTWJlbHble MaUlUHbl u acnoh+ozamenbHoe 060pydoaaiiue - Bbi- mmiwble cucmeMb/ ana npaaunbHbrx Ma- WUH - Tt3pMUHOnOzUt7. 3 Main definitions Definitions principales OcHosH ble 0n

22、peAeneHwi 3.1 open-end spinning machine : machine de filature B fibres lib6r6es: IlpRAHJlbHaR MslUHHe C ps3pblBOM llpO/JyK- Machine for converting staple fibre into Machine dans laquelle des fibres individuel- Ta: MaWHa Am HenpepblBHoro npous- spun yarn via a continuous process in les ou des groupes

23、 de fibres p&sent& BOACTBa rlpfVKU U3 TeKCTUJlbHblX BOllO- which the individual fibres or groups of dune myC?re continue par leur bout libre KOH, npU KOTOpOM OTfleJlbHble BOllOKHa fibres assemble at the open-end of the sont assembk avant de subir une torsion, UllU rpynnbl BOllOKOH npUKpyWBatOTCFl K

24、forming yarn and real twist is inserted ceci indkpendamment du bobinage. opMupyeMoMy KoHqy npmu, a npoyecc independent of the winding process. Kpy4eHL.W OTAelleH OT npOqeCCa HaMaTbl- BaHUR. 1 IS0 6173-1982 (E/F/R) MC0 6173-1982 (A/P) 3.2 rotor type open-end spinning machine: Machine in which the ass

25、embly of the individual fibres and the insertion of real twist are effected by the rotor. The fibres are separated from the feed stock and are conveyed to the rotor where they are continuously deposited on the collection surface. By rotation of the rotor the fibres are twisted into yarn which is pro

26、gressively withdrawn through the navel. 4 Definitions relating to Dbfinitions relatives aux rotor type open-end spinning machines de filature ti fibres machines lib&kes B rotor 4.1 opening device: Device for unit6 de defibrage: Ensemble destine A pa3aeflHHnqee ycpoAcrso: YcpoA- separating the feed s

27、tock into individual d6mgler les fibres, B les presenter en fibres cB0 Anfl pa3aeneHufl nuTatoNer npo- fibres or groups of fibres and conveying individuelles ou en groupes de fibres, et B Ayma HaoTAenbHbie sonoKtia unu rpynnbl them through the fibre channel to the les acheminer par le canal daliment

28、ation BOIIOKOH U Allfl TpaHCnOpTUpOBaHUR UX rotor. vers le rotor. qepea KaHan s npanunbHyto Kah4epy. 4.1.1 opening device with drafting system : Opening device in which the feed stock is passed through a drafting system (defined in IS0 22051. 4.1.2 opening device with opening roller: Opening device

29、in which the feed stock is presented to the opening roller In order to cause the separation into individual fibres or groups of fibres. feed unit: Unit which pre- sents the feed stock to the opening rol- ler by either a feed roller and feed plate combination or interacting feed rollers. 4.1.

30、2.2 opening roller: Roller clothed with pins or teeth or similar devices to separate the feed stock into individual fibres or groups of fibres. fibre channel : Channel through which the fibres are conveyed by an air current from the opening device to the rotor. trash removal system :

31、 System for removing impurities from the opened feed stock before the fibres are conveyed to the rotor. machine de filature Sr fibres lib6r6es 6 rotor: Machine dans laquelle Iassemblage et la torsion des fibres individuelles seffec- Went dans un rotor. lndividualisees et convoykes jusquau rotor, les

32、 fibres se dbposent dune maniere continue dans le collecteur de ce rotor, animb dun mouvement de rotation, pour y recevoir une torsion et se trouver progressi- vement appelbes sous forme de file vers la buse de sortie. llHeBMOMeXaHH4eCKeR npR/JHllbHaR Me- wnna: MawuHa, B KOTOPOI OpMupoBa- HUe CJlOR

33、U3 OTfiellbHblX BOnOKOH U CKpy- wBaHue ero B npfllcy 0cyyecTBnfleTcfl npRAMnbHo0 KaMepoA. IluTawguM npofiyKT pa3flenfleTcf4 Ha OT- AenbHble BonoKHa, KoTopble nepeAatoTcfl e i-lpRAUllbHyD KaMepy, B KOTOpOfi OHM CKannMsatoTcn Ha cGopnoi4 nosepxHocTu. 6naroAapR spayeHuto npflAunbHoA KaMe- pbl BOnOKHe C

34、KpyWlBetOTCR B llplMy, KO- TOpaFl HellpepblBHO OTTRrUBaeTCR qepe3 npFl)KeBblBOAHylC BOpOHKy. OnpeAeneww 0THocnqHecfi K nHesMoMexaHHSectwM IlPRHJlbHblM MaUlHHaM unit6 de dbfibrage avec dispositif d&i- pa3aeRHHfiKqee CTCCTBO c BblTmK- rage: Unit6 de dbfibrage assurant la p- HblM np60pou : Paabeufimqee

35、 yCTpOi% sentation en fibres individuelles par pas- CTB, B 0T0p0td nuTafoguGl npoAyKT npo- sage B travers un systeme dbtirage (dbfini XO#iT rlepes BblTWKHOh npubop (onpefie- dans IISO 2205). neHue UMeeTCR B MC0 2205). unit6 de defibrage avec cylindre dt+fi- pa3meuHmqee ycpoiica c pacqecbl- breur : U

36、nite de dbfibrage assurant la prf% samqHM 6apa6aHom : PasaeAuHntoNee sentation en fibres individuelles ou en grou- ycpoMce0, B 0TOp0h4 nuTaioqufi npo- pes de fibres par action dun cylindre defi- AYKT noAaeTcfl K pacqecblBaKqeh4y Bapa- breur. 6aHy Ann pa3genew.w na OTAeIlbHble BO- noKHa unu rpynnbl B

37、onoKoH. dispositif dalimentation : Dispositif nnramqee CTPOCTBO: YCTPOACTBO nnfl assurant la pr&entation de la mat&e dali- noRaw nu-ralolqero npoA(ylcTa K pacrecbl- mentation au cylindre dbfibreur par Iaction BaICqeMy 6apa6aHWKy c nOMoU(bt0 nu- combinee dun cylindre dalimentation et TaIoqero BalWlKa

38、 u CTOnuKa nu6o nuTaIo- dune table dalimentation ou par Iaction U(UMU BanuKaMu. simultanee de deux cylindres alimentaires. cylindre dbfibreur: Cylindre gerfi pacewBaI0qHii 6apa6aH : 6apa6aH, no- daiguilles ou de dents, ou dispositifs simi- KpblTblfi UrnaMU unu 3y6bRMu unu noAo6- laires, assurant par

39、 peignage la pr&enta- Hbluu 3neMeHTaMu Ann pa3AeneHwi nu- tion en fibres individuelles ou en groupes TalOujerO IlpOflyKTa Ha OTAeJlbHble BOllOK- de fibres (de la mat&e dalimentation). Ha UnU rpyflnbl BOJlOKOH. canal dalimentation : Canal au travers Kauan Ans sonoKoti: KaHan, no K00p0My duquel les fi

40、bres sent aspirees vers Iint& sonotoia noAaloTcfl 0T pacrlecblealou(er0 rieur du rotor. 6apa6aHa B npfl#unbHyD KaMepy c noh40- W,bIO B03AytUHOrO nOTOKa. syst&me de nettoyage : Syst&me destine cepoyanfmqee ycTpoiice0 : YCTpOh- 8 Bvacuer les impure& de la matihre pre- CTBO Anfl yAaneHuFf cepHblx npwec

41、eti u3 mihre dkfibrbe avant que les fibres soient pa3aefiuHeHHoro nuTaloyer0 npoAyKTa acheminbes vers le rotor. A0 nO&arlU BOJlOKHa B llpRAUllbHyl0 KaMe- PY, 2 IS0 6173-1962 (E/F/R) MC0 6173-1962 (A/O/P) 4.2 rotor: High speed centrifuge in which the fibres are assembled and by virtue of its rotation

42、 real twist is inserted in the forming yarn. The incoming air is dissipated either through holes in the rotor, or over the rim of the rotor. 4.2.1 slide surface: That section of the internal surface of the rotor on which the fibres are deposited and caused to slide to the collection surface. 4.2.2 c

43、ollection surface: That sec- tion of the internal surface of the rotor on which the fibres are condensed for assembly into yarn, often assuming groove form. 4.2.3 separator : Device to direct the incoming fibres to the slide surface of the rotor. 4.2.4 navel : Device aligned on the axis of the rotor

44、 through which the yarn is withdrawn from the rotor and which supports the twist transmission in the forming yarn. 4.2.5 doffing tube : Extension to the navel to guide the withdrawn yarn towards the delivery rollers. 4.3 delivery rollers : Pair of continu- ously rotating rollers which withdraw the s

45、pun yarn from the rotor. 4.4 winding system : System which forms the yarn package (defined in IS0 4773. rotor : Dispositif tournant 5 grande vitesse dans lequel les fibres se condensent et grace auquel une torsion est conferee au fil en formation. Lair amen souvent cette partie presente la forme dun

46、e rainure. s6parateur : Piece assurant le guidage des fibres vers la surface de glissement du rotor. buse de sortie: Dispositif mis dans Iaxe du rotor par lequel le file est Bvacue du rotor, et soutenant la progression de la tor- sion dans le file en tours de formation. tube de sortie : Tube fixe da

47、ns le prolon- gement et dans Iaxe de la buse de sortie pour assurer le guidage du file provenant du rotor vers les cylindres delivreurs. cylindres delivreurs : Paire de cylindres dont la rotation continue assure Iappel du file provenant du rotor. dispositif de bobinage : Dispositif qui effectue le b

48、obinage (defini dans IISO 4773. llpR/JHnbHaR KaMepa : BblCOKOCKOpOCTHaR qenTpucyra, 6ypu KTOPOGI BonoKna akkyuynupytorca u, 6naroAapa ee spawe- HMO, cpopuupyeuofi npmke coo6ulaeTcfl AetiCTBUTeIl bHaR KpyTKa. nOCTyilatOlQUfi B03/4yX Bbl6paCblBaeTfl UJlu lrepe3 OTBep- true B npsflunbnon Kauepe unu rep

49、es 60p npnF(MnbnoR kauepbi. IlOBepXHOCTb CKOnbxeHHR: qaCTb BHy- TpeHHeil nOBepXHOCTU npR&UJl bHOti KaUe- pbl, Ha KOTOpyD nOCTynal0-r BOllOKHa U cKon b3flT no rianpaeneuuio u c6oprioM no- BepXHOCTU. c60pHaK nOBepXHOCTb : 4aCTb BHyTPeH- Heti nOBepXHOCTU npR4llbHO KaUepbl, 4aCTO UMelOqaR C#IOpUy KaHaBKU, Ha KOTO- pOti co6upaIOTCfl BOJlOKHa U OpUUpyeTCR npmka. cenapaTop : YCTPOWTBO, pacnonoKeHttoe BHyTpU npFl#lnbHoA KaMepbl, cnyxayee Aria rianpasnetitia noAaaaeubrx aonokori Ha nOeepXHO


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