HD 389-1979 Safety Rules Concerning Electrical Equipment of Machines for Resistance Welding and Allied Processes《电阻焊接机设备和相关工艺的安全规则》.pdf

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HD 389-1979 Safety Rules Concerning Electrical Equipment of Machines for Resistance Welding and Allied Processes《电阻焊接机设备和相关工艺的安全规则》.pdf_第1页
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HD 389-1979 Safety Rules Concerning Electrical Equipment of Machines for Resistance Welding and Allied Processes《电阻焊接机设备和相关工艺的安全规则》.pdf_第2页
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HD 389-1979 Safety Rules Concerning Electrical Equipment of Machines for Resistance Welding and Allied Processes《电阻焊接机设备和相关工艺的安全规则》.pdf_第3页
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HD 389-1979 Safety Rules Concerning Electrical Equipment of Machines for Resistance Welding and Allied Processes《电阻焊接机设备和相关工艺的安全规则》.pdf_第4页
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HD 389-1979 Safety Rules Concerning Electrical Equipment of Machines for Resistance Welding and Allied Processes《电阻焊接机设备和相关工艺的安全规则》.pdf_第5页
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3、 of approval : 1978-71-IO UDC 621.791076.037:627.3:674.8 Key words - welding equipment - electric welding - resistance welding English Version Safety rules concerning electrical equipment of machines for resistance welding and allied processes. Rgles ds scuriti. concernent lquipemsnt lectr5qua des m

4、achines pour soudage par rsistance et techniques coi-inexes. Sicherheitcbestimmungen fr die elektrische Ausrstung von Einrichtungen f r das Widsrstanticsc hweiss en und verwand te Vsrf a hren This document was prepared by the CENELEC Technical Committee TC 26, the final draft of which bore the refer


6、ixal meaber Organieationc -2- m 389 January 1979 CONTENT s I_ Forword _I- 1. General 1.1. Scope 1.2. Objsct I. 3. Operating condiLions 1.4. Staridard ref ermcas 2. Definitions 2,l. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.10. 2.8. Gen eral Eqciipmunt for resistance welding and allied p 1-0 ces s Prscess

7、es allied t3 resistance welding Welding circuit Primary circuit )!elding programme control Ilanual opsration Ssmi- au t omat ic o psrat ion fiu toniat fc operat ion Port ab 1 e ha nd he1 a res i ci tan ce fel d ing equ i pment with incorporated transf orrner 3. General requirements 3.1. General rule

8、s 3.2. Supply vcltage 3.3. Connection to ths supply network 3.4. Emergency stopping and supply disconnection devices 3.5. Connection to accessories 3.6. Cooling 4. Protective measures 4.1. Protective measures against direct contact with 4.2. Short -circu it protect ion 4.3. No-voltage protection liv

9、e parts and zgainsi; indirect contacts 5. Control and signalling 5.1. Control and signalling circuit supplies 5.2. Control circuits 5.3. Signalling circuit 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 a a a a 10 IO 10 10 10 13 - _ 3404583 0005320 7 = -3- HD 389 January 1979 6, Arrangement of control gear assemblies 6.1. Mecha

10、nical design of enclosures and compartments 6.2, Arrangement f electrical devices 6.3, Pendant stations 7. Control devices 7.1. Genepal 7.2. Manual control switches 7.3. Indictor lights 7,4. Illuminated push-buttons 8. Conductors 6. I, Cables and conductors 8.2. Conductors of the welding circuit 9,

11、Wiring 9.1, Gsneral 9.2. Identification of conductors . 9.3. Laying of cables inside control enclosures aiid compartments IO. Local lighting of the machine 11. Assembly and installation of the machine 11.1. General 11.2. Uismantling for shipment 11.3. Location of electric aevices 11.4. Conductors 11

12、.5. Laying of cablss outside control enclosures ana compartment s 11.6. Fixed wiring 11 a.7 I Machini! service 12. Tests 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 10 18 16 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 12.1. General 22 12.2. Welding transformer dielectric tests 22 12.3. Assembled machine tests 22 13. M

13、arking, item d.esiD 93.1 and C3.2 111. The aiin of this Harmonization Docuinsnt is to spec;ify safety rules foi- equipmocts Tor resistunce weldFng and allied processos, It WBE 2ctablished on the basis of HO. 93.1 and 93.2 reference to which is rnade wherwer possible. In such a case, each sub-clluse

14、to be applied is quoksd. It; also takes ivto ascount the b!srk presently in hand in IEC Technical Committee 44. This harmonization will eventually be completed by other documents conccrriing electronic equipment, on the basis of tiD. 33.3. IIEC Publication 204.3). In this way it is possible to desig

15、n ai-id construct zlsctrical equiprnents of machines for resistancu crclding and allied processos on the sane basis as that for general industrial machinss, while taking into ciccount the particular requi- remants for welding. Following an agreement between the chairmc-: of ZEC Technical Cnmrnittse

16、26 (welding) and 44 (Electrical Equipment of Industrial Machines) it is pi-ecised : - TC 26 should deal with the preparation of standards for power sources and equiprnent directly rsiatsd to the welding operation as such - TC 44 should deal with the preparation of general standards for the electrica

17、l equipment of industrial machines. On the other hand it; shouici be precised in the new revised edition of IEC. Publication 204 : “Automatic machines for assembling may comprise welding equipment for which rderence should be made ti, the standards dealing with eleCtriCa1 and electronic equiprnent f

18、or we1 ding, cutting and allied DrOCBSSeS“ . . ./*. . 1. GENERAL 1.1. Scope This harmonization document applies to electrical equipments for resistance welding and allied processes. The equipment covered by this harmonization doEument begins at the point oi connection of the supply to the electrical

19、 equipment of the machine. 1.2. Object The purpose of this Harmonization Document is to spscify the safety rclec for construction and installation of electrical equipments for rasistsnc2 Neld9ng and allied processes in urder to miniri-!ise danger to Fersor;-, arid properties, particularly : - risks

20、OP direct or indirect contact Mith live prts ; - mechanical hazards. It coniplsments ISO-Recommendation R 669-1 068 “Rating of resistance miding equipment“ e It quotes the clauses cf CENELEC Karmoriizstion Cocurnentc .t2 -3.3 and 93.2 which are applicable to euuiprnsnis for resistance Geldiiig nr:d

21、allisci processes, Opsrcting conditLons EqUiFrrient complying with the present tiarmonisatiori document she1 1 tie cepsbls fr aperating in the f.ollowing normal conditions : _l-“-_I-C 1.3. 1.3. I a Temperature and altitude - -_- .- The Lirnit values of temperature of the cool.ing medium and altitud2

22、 ,re given by Recormendation ISE R 659-1 9ER. The air shall be free from abnormal amounts of dust, acids, corrosive gases, salt, etc. and its relatcve humidity shall not exceed 50 % at thG maxinarr! temperature of 40 C. Higher relative humidities may bo perm5.ti;ed at lower temperaturas, for example

23、 90 % at 20 C and ess. Attention shall be pEid to the possibili.ty of condensation which niay occasionally occur due to variations in t etoperature, Standard references -_y_ .I a-4, The standards re-ferrsa to in this harmonization document are listed ir! Appeii5x. A. . ./. . . 2. DEFINITIONS m 34045

24、83 0005323 2 m HO 389 Januery 1979 Generl -.- 2.1. Definitions given by IS0 RBconmendation E 665-1 968 and CEi?iELEC Document tiD 93. i shall be used b;hers applicahle. 2.2. Equipmsnt far resistance welding -_I- end allied process (1) All equipnent associilited w“,h carrying out the processes of res

25、istance welding including power sourco, clectrcde, and assoctated control. eqtilpnent. It also applisc to both equipmwt .:.hich operates as a separate ur?it ai-ici equipixent wnich forniu part of a more cornpiex mechine The Tollowing are considered as processes allisd to resistance h1eldL:g : brezin

26、g soldsring cr resistance heating which CG carritid Geit on machines sc7ipr.?k1! to resistance welding machine in the cace of brazing or soldering machines, dev:ices for positioning of “Le wcirkpieces or Treading of brazing or soldering rrietz2 when forming part of the brazing or soldering machine c

27、r set, shall fail within -Lhe scope of this armnizat.ion Document, A circuit including the workpiece and all conduccors carrying the wsiding current. 2. i. Primary cires (21 Circult ucsd for supplying power frorn the supply network to the primary side of the welding transformer. 2.6, Welding progrmm

28、e cgntrol- c_ An automatic succsscior o$ operstions more or less complex which accomplishes the weld itself or the aliied process -For which the machine is intended. 2.7. Manual operatian - Mode af opsratimn of the machine in which each operation is hand or foot controlled with the exception of the

29、Welding programme control 2.8. Semi-c ut orna tic ooeration Mode of operation or“ the nachine in which a part of the cperations is autzmatically controiled and the other part is hand or foct contrulled. (1 1 Subsequently in this document the tern “Resistmce welding equipment“ is tzken to represent a

30、ll the equipments covrred by thls Harmonizatiari Document, unless it is necessary to specity these in full. (2) Primary circuit wzlding trancfxmer and welding circciit as a whole, constitute the power circuit as defined irito Docurnent HD 93.1 sub-clause 2.5. . . ./. . I c 3404583 0005324 4 M -7- HD

31、 389 January 1979 2.9. Automatic operation Mode of operation of the machine in which al1,operations are automatically controlled. . 2.10. Portable hand held resistance welding equipment with incorporated -. transformer -I_ An equipnont with built in trsnsforcer and all conductors carrying the weldLn

32、g current, which is intended to be held in the hand during normal use. GENERAL REQULREMENTC -.- -.u.- 3. General rules Hesistance yeId:i-ng mochines shall be so cocstructsd as tc mcet, wnei-e appliczi3le tha raquirements laid down in IS0 Recommendation H 669 (1S68). - 3.1 I For each eqL!tprnenk part

33、 of complex mochines which is not defined in clause 2.2. HD 93 shall apply. PIorEovsr, the different; parts of thz equrpment shall comply with -tihe relevant IS13 Standards and IEC Publications, if any. . 3.2. Supply voitage The electrical equipnient shell be desigried for operation frcm the supply

34、voltage (SI s*tateCi by the psrc!iase= It skill cperate sactisfactorily bndsr .Full :cd as well as withut load for a rango, of supply voltages between 90.-ana ?-O % of the nominal supply voltage. he supply voltage shall not be greater than : - 300 V to neutra for portable hsnd held resistance weldin

35、g sqliipmsnt with . built in transformers -. - 1000 V between phassc for. other resistance imlding equipmentc. Connection to the supply network I- 3.3. See Docuriient HO 93.1, sub-clause 4.3. Emxency stopping and supply disconnsction devices 3.4. I WI- 3.4.1. Emerese-y_sf-eEng_bev-ce_ Emergency stop

36、ping devics shall be in accordarice with the prescriptinns Docurnent tia, 33.1, cuS-claucc 4.4.q. In the case where a welding equipment is part of a.ccmplex machine, it may De necessary to combine the smergeiicy device for the wsiding equipment witn the devics far the whole machine. . ./. . . 390958

37、3 0005325 b W -0- HO 389 January 1979 If the control system of the machine, wheri the operator ceases to coritroi it, enables ali t.ho potentially dangerous parts of the machine to be switched o.ff, it is not necessary to specify a supplementary device. See Document :ID 93.1, sl;b-clause 4.4.2. The

38、USE? ot plugs and roc%ets is acceptabis TT the rated current is lowsr than or equal to 75 A. In such a case, pr2cautions shall be takun to avoid the IASE nf the plug and sockGt as ai1 crnurgency stopping device and te ensure that the load is removed befme the plug is disccnnectea. 3.5. Connection to

39、 accessories 3.5. Wztsr cooling r cooling with other safe liquids is permitted. For parts of the prinary circuit, having different poiarity the cocjiant hoses shdl-1 have c! length of at least 0.5 rnetrs ano a resistance 3.f: at least i il R per meter. ; resistivity o? the cooling liqijic! shall he

40、at ieitct 2ci si m. 4. PROTECTIVE MEASUR ES Protect2ve measures against diract contact with iive parts and egainst indirect CO ntac t s - -II- - -I”-I -.- -I. ,4,1. In addition to the requirements of sub-clause 5.1. of docurmnt ti0 ci3.i, the following precauti.oris shall be taken : 4.1.1. Exposed c

41、onductive parts of the equipment shall be connected tc a CC,TOI-I termirial to which the protectivs condiictcr is to be connected. This includes transformer cores etc. This terminal shall Deor the symbol Accessible connections of the cooling system in contact with thE main circuit shall be provided

42、with a metal part which hac e provision for earthing. Specifications of sub-clapsas 13.l, -13.2, 13.3 of Document HO 93.1 are applicable. Portablc hand held resistance welding equipmsnt with built in trnsTormes nut cooled by water may be manually used witnoLit earthing provided that they zre of the

43、class II according to harmonization documant HD 366, the excepticri given in 4 1 being applicable to the welciing circuit. 3qOq583 000532b B -9- HD 389 January 1979 4.q.2. To provide protection in the case of brekdown bstwesn primary and secondary circuits, including the workpieces, ths following me

44、asures shall be adopted : 4.1.2. I Direct connection between each secondary circuit, which includes the secondary winding, and %he earth connection. It sha3.1 be designed so that, in the event of failure, the protective devlce for the primary circuit provided 2: iristallstiDiJ shall operate within t

45、he time specified in IEC Pub1,ication 364.3.1. This arra1:gen-1% shall apply unless it causes excessive circulation currents Figures I and la). If excessive circulation curren-ks appear, one of thu foilcwing arrangements , fcii- instance, may be used : Connection through an impeda

46、nce (a.0. cebls, resistance, saturable JLita-inductance; bstiieen one point of each secondar y circuit permanently connected tiitt? the cmon- dary winding, and the earth connection, which is designad j.n sch a WSY C!?z!ary windings rrjnnected to B circuit breaker which reacts with the feult voltage

47、in qxordance with,3. (Figure 7). 3 Each protective screen shall be permanently conn.ected te the voltage :operated earth leakage circuit breaker. Protective devices which prevent eccers to live parts of the mashine when the . welding transformers are live and allow connection to tn

48、e mains anly if the pro- tective devices have become effective. The safety system shall fail safe azd result in the transformer being switched ci? and preveni recrnnection - Note : Examples of such protective devices are : fixed guards, iGterlocked movab!. guards, photocells, etc. . ./. s - - 340458

49、3 0005327 T H - IO - Short-circuit protect ion - - 4.2. HD 389 January 1979 See Document ti0 93.1 sub-clause 5.2. No-vol tage protect ion See Document HL3 93.1, sub-clause 5.4. - -I- 4.3. 5. CONTROL AND SIGNALLIPJG I_. 5.1. Control and signallin$ ctrccilt supplies See Document HD 93.1, sub-clause 6.1. In ,the cacsof a welding equipment bsing a part of i! complex mechine, the control and the signlling cixuitc of the welding equipment should be


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