1、英汉翻译教程自考题-11 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.A pretext was the last thing that Hastings was likely to want._ A.最后,哈丁斯好像需要一个借口。 B.哈丁斯可能不需要任何借口。 C.最后,哈丁斯可能想要的那个东西就是借口。 D.借口好像是哈丁斯想要的最后的东西。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.2.I always found in myself a dread of west and a love of east
2、in Eden. _ A.我总是在自己身上找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之东的喜爱。 B.我总是在我内心深处找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之东的喜爱。 C.我发现自己身上一直有对伊甸之西的畏惧,对伊甸之东的喜爱。 D.我发现自己一直对伊甸之西怀有畏惧,而对伊甸之东怀有喜爱。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.3.The grocer seemed to be in a strange silence for a man who only a moment before and been so noisy with talk. _ A.这刚才如此喧闹地谈话的杂货商,他好像一个异常沉静的人。 B.这杂货
3、商看起来似乎非常沉默,谁知他顷刻之前还在与一人高声谈天呢? C.此商人沉静以后又是一人,因为他适才还喋喋不休。 D.这掌柜的真怪,早一刻儿那么话多,这会儿一言不发了。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.4.He learned his London at first hand and he came to understand the comedy as well as tragedy of poverty. _ A.他自根本地方去研究伦敦,终于明白了贫苦人的喜剧与悲剧。 B.他直接自伦敦获得许多教训,乃开始了解贫穷固是不幸,但贫穷亦有他的趣味。 C.他直接熟悉伦敦,并且了解其喜剧与其贫困之悲剧
4、。 D.他“认识伦敦”是由于亲身经历,因而知道贫穷有悲伤,也有欢乐。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.5.Even so, the money necessary was still more than I could get hold of. _ A.即使如此,我能得到的钱仍不足所需。 B.实在情形,我的收入仍然不敷支出。 C.确是如此,钱的需要超过我的收入。 D.即使这样,我还是凑合不出这么多的一笔钱。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.6.在不断增加粮食生产的基础上,河南省的农民正在进一步发展多种经济。_ A.On the basis of steadily developing grai
5、n production, farmers in Henan Province are further diversifying their economy. B.Based on steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further diversifying their economy. C.As steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further expanding their diversif
6、ied economy. D.Like steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further expanding their diversified economy.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。_ A.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, and reform does so. B.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, an
7、d so does reform. C.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, too does reform. D.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, reform does too.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.8.1995 年与 1949 年相比,粮食总产量增长了 3 倍多,年均递增 31%。_ A.The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled the 1949 figure, of an avera
8、ge increase of 31% a year. B.The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled, comparing the 1949 figure, or an average increase of 31% a year. C.The total grain output in 1995 more than quadruples 1949, compared with its output figure, or an average increase of 31% a year. D.1995 and 1949 were i
9、n comparison that the former quadrupled the latter in terms of the total grain output figure, or an average increase of 31% a year.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.我感谢陆登庭校长的邀请,使我有机会在这美好的金秋时节来到你们这座美国古老而又现代化的学府。_ A.I thank President Rudenstine to invite me to this old yet modern institution of the United States in
10、this golden fall. B.I wish to thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this old yet modern institution of the United States in this golden fall. C.I thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this ancient yet modern institution of the U.S. in this golden autumn D.I wish to thank President Ru
11、denstine to invite me to this ancient yet modern institution of the U.S. in this golden autumn.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.10.维持世界和平是大有希望的。_ A.To maintain world peace is very hopeful. B.There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace. C.The maintenance of world peace is very encouraging indeed. D.The
12、prospect for world peace is very bright.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.三、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11._认为,“译者的真正途径既不是直译,也不是模仿,而是意译”。 A.费道罗夫 B.奈达和泰伯 C.泰特勒 D.斯坦纳(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.12.英语里有大量的抽象名词,汉语里的抽象名词远没有英语里的多。因此翻译的时候往往把英语里的抽象名词_ A.译成名词或副词 B.译成句子 C.译成动词或形容词 D.省去不译(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.13.It is _ that wrote Essay on the Principl
13、es of Translation in 1790. A. . Tytler B.Charles . Taber C.Saint Jerome D.Eugene . Nida(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.14.有关句子内部及句子之间联系的说法,下列正确的一项是_。 A.在句子内部,英语重形合,句内各成分联系紧密 B.在句子内部,汉语重意合,句内各成分联系紧密 C.英语比较重视句子之间的联系 D.汉语不重视句子之间的联系(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.15.我国的翻译事业最初是从翻译_开始的。 A.科技文献 B.国外名著小说 C.佛经 D.经济名著(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.四、B(
14、总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、BA(总题数:10,分数:10.00)16.mineral deposits(分数:1.00)_17.director general(分数:1.00)_18.Olympic mascot(分数:1.00)_19.the Clean Air Act Amendment(分数:1.00)_20.residential section(分数:1.00)_21.Mediterranean climate(分数:1.00)_22.the cobbled roadway(分数:1.00)_23.the Palace Museum(分数:1.00)_24.popular s
15、cience(分数:1.00)_25.the Hall of Preserving Harmony(分数:1.00)_六、BB(总题数:10,分数:10.00)26.和平共处(分数:1.00)_27.粮食总产量目标(分数:1.00)_28.国民经济(分数:1.00)_29.小资产阶级知识分子(分数:1.00)_30.资本主义(分数:1.00)_31.环境保护法(分数:1.00)_32.生产关系(分数:1.00)_33.对照阅读(分数:1.00)_34.现阶段(分数:1.00)_35.邓小平理论(分数:1.00)_七、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、BA(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.
16、原文:I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age. 译文:我把青春献给了海洋,回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子。(分数:2.00)_37.原文:It may not be in the interest of one or more of these groups to have clarity and simplicity in land information and regulations where that group is deriving illegal profits from la
17、nd transactions. 译文:使土地信息透明和土地法规简化可能不符合正在从土地买卖中非法获利的某些集团的利益。(分数:2.00)_38.原文:The livers of the cod and the halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil. 译文:两种鱼,鳕鱼和比目鱼的肝脏产出营养丰富的油。(分数:2.00)_39.原文:“This is a great shame,“ he said, to two girls nearhim, “where are your men, my dears?“ 译文:“真是一个耻辱”,他对近
18、旁的两个姑娘说。“亲爱的,你们的小伙子都上哪儿去啦?”(分数:2.00)_40.原文:It was a move we had made by choice, for career purposes. 译文:这次搬家是我们为了事业所选择的。(分数:2.00)_九、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)41.原文:科学技术是第一生产力。 译文:Science and technology are a first productive force.(分数:2.00)_42.原文:中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史文化传统。 译文:In the prolonged course of China
19、s development, it has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions.(分数:2.00)_43.原文:这样,不仅我(李素丽)能更好地为他们服务,与他们进行感情交流,也减少了一些他们与其他乘客的误会和纠纷。 译文:In this way, I can render them better service and exchange feelings with them and also reduce their misunderstandings and conflicts with other passengers.(分
20、数:2.00)_44.原文:相互了解是发展国与国之间关系的前提。 译文:Mutual understanding is the basis for developing relations between countries.(分数:2.00)_45.原文:为了不惊醒她,他轻轻推开房门,悄悄地溜了出去。 译文:In order not to awake her, he pushed open the door andstole out of the room gently.(分数:2.00)_十、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十一、BA(总题数:1,分数:15.00)46.The canal
21、 produced an immediate effect New York City, which had been smaller than Philadelphia and Boston, quickly became the leading city of the coast, In the years that followed, transportation routes on the Great Lakes(五大湖)were joined to routes on the Mississippi River. Then New York City became the end p
22、oint of a great inland shipping system that extended from the Atlantic Ocean far up the western branches of the Mississippi.(分数:15.00)_十二、BB(总题数:1,分数:15.00)47.从这一刻起,澳门的发展进入了一个崭新的时代。我代表中央政府和全国各族人民,向回到祖国怀抱的澳门同胞,表示亲切的问候和良好的祝愿!从这一刻起,中葡两国人民的友谊和两国的友好合作也将在新的起点上向前发展。中葡双方顺应历史潮流,经过共同努力,实现了澳门的平稳过渡和顺利交接。我向所有为解决
23、澳门问题作出贡献的人士,向世界上一切关心和支持澳门回归的人们,表示衷心的感谢!中国政府按照邓小平提出的“一国两制”的伟大构想,成功地解决了香港、澳门问题,这是中国人民在完成祖国统一的大业中取得的重大进展。“一国两制”在香港、澳门的实践,已经并继续为我们最终解决台湾问题发挥重要的示范作用。中国政府和人民有信心有能力早日解决台湾问题,实现全中国的完全统一。(分数:15.00)_英汉翻译教程自考题-11 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.A pretext was the last thing tha
24、t Hastings was likely to want._ A.最后,哈丁斯好像需要一个借口。 B.哈丁斯可能不需要任何借口。 C.最后,哈丁斯可能想要的那个东西就是借口。 D.借口好像是哈丁斯想要的最后的东西。(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 本题考查 the last thing 的用法。the last thing 表示“最不喜欢的,最不想要的”,而不是“最后”。据此即可排除 A、C、D 项。这是一种常见的用法,经常出现在口语中。答案为 B。2.I always found in myself a dread of west and a love of east in
25、Eden. _ A.我总是在自己身上找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之东的喜爱。 B.我总是在我内心深处找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之东的喜爱。 C.我发现自己身上一直有对伊甸之西的畏惧,对伊甸之东的喜爱。 D.我发现自己一直对伊甸之西怀有畏惧,而对伊甸之东怀有喜爱。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题考查对意译的掌握。正如 Saint Jerome(哲罗姆)所说:I have always aimed at translating sense, not words。也就是说,翻译时注重的应是翻译意思,而不是孤立地翻译单词。另外,find+sb./sth.+adj./n.是固定用法
26、,表示“发现某人/某物”。综合这两点可知,A 项“在自己身上找到”和 C 项“发现自己身上”只是“望文生义”的死译,况且,“畏惧”“喜爱”都属于心理的范畴,因此不能用“身上”。因此可排除 A、C 项。再者,本句中的 always 强调的是 dread 和 love 这样的心理,而不是主语 I。这种情况很特殊,比较少见,因此在学习过程中遇到一些翻译起来“有违常规”的句子要加倍注意。答案为 D。3.The grocer seemed to be in a strange silence for a man who only a moment before and been so noisy wit
27、h talk. _ A.这刚才如此喧闹地谈话的杂货商,他好像一个异常沉静的人。 B.这杂货商看起来似乎非常沉默,谁知他顷刻之前还在与一人高声谈天呢? C.此商人沉静以后又是一人,因为他适才还喋喋不休。 D.这掌柜的真怪,早一刻儿那么话多,这会儿一言不发了。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 此题考查对文学作品的翻译。根据题干,我们可以知道句子的答题意思是杂货商前后表现不一致,先前说话多,后来沉默了,基于这个意思,首先排除 A 和 C,由于原句是陈述句,所以排除B,D 项表意明确,符合文学作品的语言风格。答案为 D。4.He learned his London at first h
28、and and he came to understand the comedy as well as tragedy of poverty. _ A.他自根本地方去研究伦敦,终于明白了贫苦人的喜剧与悲剧。 B.他直接自伦敦获得许多教训,乃开始了解贫穷固是不幸,但贫穷亦有他的趣味。 C.他直接熟悉伦敦,并且了解其喜剧与其贫困之悲剧。 D.他“认识伦敦”是由于亲身经历,因而知道贫穷有悲伤,也有欢乐。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题主要考查对 learned his London 的翻译,其意义不是去亲自研究伦敦,或者去伦敦进行研究,而是自己的经历和伦敦的相关特点有机结合了起来
29、。答案为 D。5.Even so, the money necessary was still more than I could get hold of. _ A.即使如此,我能得到的钱仍不足所需。 B.实在情形,我的收入仍然不敷支出。 C.确是如此,钱的需要超过我的收入。 D.即使这样,我还是凑合不出这么多的一笔钱。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题考查两个知识点,一是 even so,二是 more than I could get hold of,前者的意思是即使如此或即便如此,后者的意思是我没有那么多钱。答案为 D。6.在不断增加粮食生产的基础上,河南省的农民正在进
30、一步发展多种经济。_ A.On the basis of steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further diversifying their economy. B.Based on steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further diversifying their economy. C.As steadily developing grain production, farmers i
31、n Henan Province are further expanding their diversified economy. D.Like steadily developing grain production, farmers in Henan Province are further expanding their diversified economy.(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 本题的关键在于“在不断增加粮食生产的基础上”这一状语的翻译上。B 项中 based on 为分词短语作状语,其后应该加名词、名词短语、动名词等,而名词前需加限定词,故 B 项中 st
32、eadily developing grain production 前应加定冠词 the;C 项中连词 as 后面应该跟句子,故不符合题意;D 项中 like 作介词时,意为“像”,不符合题意。A 项中 on the basis of doing sth.意为“在做的基础上”,用法正确,符合题意。答案为 A。7.革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。_ A.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, and reform does so. B.Revolution means the emancipation of productiv
33、ity, and so does reform. C.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, too does reform. D.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, reform does too.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 汉语表达在形式上较为自由,常有许多重复,而英语在形式上要求严格,要尽量避免重复。本题中,第二部分在译为英语时,即要按照英语表达习惯运用“so+助动词+主语”结构使译文显得简洁、准确、地道。答案为 B。8.1995 年与 19
34、49 年相比,粮食总产量增长了 3 倍多,年均递增 31%。_ A.The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled the 1949 figure, of an average increase of 31% a year. B.The total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled, comparing the 1949 figure, or an average increase of 31% a year. C.The total grain output in 1995 more t
35、han quadruples 1949, compared with its output figure, or an average increase of 31% a year. D.1995 and 1949 were in comparison that the former quadrupled the latter in terms of the total grain output figure, or an average increase of 31% a year.(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 本题考查对汉英句子结构差异的把握。在汉译英时,万万不能受汉语影
36、响直接“望文生义”地勉强连接词语。最主要的是先抓住主干,然后再添加枝叶。(1)本句中,主语是“粮食总产量”,因此D 项错误。(2)本句中比较的是产量数目,而不是 C 项中直接把“粮食总产量”与 1949 这一年份相比较。另外,产量数目是“被”比较的,因此 compare 应当用被动形式。在此方面,B 项(comparing)错 C 项(com-pared)对。(3)“年均递增”是指“粮食总产量”,两者不是并列关系,因此用 of 而不能用 or,据此排除 B、C、D 项。答案为 A。9.我感谢陆登庭校长的邀请,使我有机会在这美好的金秋时节来到你们这座美国古老而又现代化的学府。_ A.I than
37、k President Rudenstine to invite me to this old yet modern institution of the United States in this golden fall. B.I wish to thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this old yet modern institution of the United States in this golden fall. C.I thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this
38、ancient yet modern institution of the U.S. in this golden autumn D.I wish to thank President Rudenstine to invite me to this ancient yet modern institution of the U.S. in this golden autumn.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 此题考查对语体的掌握及翻译,由于原文是发言稿,场合很庄重,所以对专有名词的翻译应该是采用最正式的而不是简称,因此排除 C 和 D,因为这两个选项对美国的翻译时 U.S.而不
39、是 United States.其次,用英语表达“因为而感谢”的意思时用的短语是 thank.for.,不是thank.to.,因此排除 A。答案为 B。10.维持世界和平是大有希望的。_ A.To maintain world peace is very hopeful. B.There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace. C.The maintenance of world peace is very encouraging indeed. D.The prospect for world peace is very bright.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.