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1、2010 年首都师范大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案解析(总分:32.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、匹配题(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Match the terms with their definitions.(10 points)a. elements that can not occur unattachedb. phonetic symbols of soundsc. sound representation with letter-symbols and diacriticsd. words of the same form but different meaningse.

2、 words grouped together sharing similar featuresf. more specific wordsg. approach that aims at laying down rules(分数:10.00)(1).prescriptive study of language(分数:2.00)_(2).narrow transcription(分数:2.00)_(3).bound morphemes(分数:2.00)_(4).syntactic categories(分数:2.00)_(5).hyponyms(分数:2.00)_二、名词解释(总题数:10,分

3、数:20.00)1.Give short definition to the following terms in English with an example.(20 points)illocutionary act(分数:2.00)_2.clipped words(分数:2.00)_3.register(分数:2.00)_4.denotative meanings(分数:2.00)_5.logical problems of language acquisition(分数:2.00)_6.interlanguage(分数:2.00)_7.lexical decision(分数:2.00)

4、_8.metacognitive strategy(分数:2.00)_9.aphasia(分数:2.00)_10.linguistic imperialism(分数:2.00)_三、简答题(总题数:1,分数:2.00)11.Answer the following question with necessary background information and/or illustrative examples to show your understanding.(20 points)How does language relate to society and how does the

5、relation affect language learning and teaching?(分数:2.00)_2010 年首都师范大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案解析(总分:32.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、匹配题(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Match the terms with their definitions.(10 points)a. elements that can not occur unattachedb. phonetic symbols of soundsc. sound representation with letter-symbols and diac

6、riticsd. words of the same form but different meaningse. words grouped together sharing similar featuresf. more specific wordsg. approach that aims at laying down rules(分数:10.00)(1).prescriptive study of language(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:g)解析:解析:规定式语言学:approach that aims at laying down rules(2).narrow tr

7、anscription(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:c)解析:解析:严式标音:sound representation with lettersymbols and diacritics(3).bound morphemes(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:a)解析:解析:粘着语素:elements that can not occur unattached(4).syntactic categories(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:e)解析:解析:句法范畴:words grouped together sharing similar features(5).h

8、yponyms(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:f)解析:解析:下义词:more specific words二、名词解释(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Give short definition to the following terms in English with an example.(20 points)illocutionary act(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker“s intention; it is the act performed

9、in saying something. For example, when a person says “ You have left the door open“ , the illocutionary act performed by the speaker is asking someone to close the door, or making a complaint, depending on the context.)解析:解析:(考查行事行为)2.clipped words(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Clipped words are words formed

10、by dropping one or more syllables from a longer word or phrase with no change in meaning. Examples are ad(advertisement), doc(doctor), exam(examination), gas(gasoline), gym(gymnastics, gymnasium).)解析:解析:(考查截断词)3.register(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:A speech variety used by a particular group of people, usua

11、lly sharing the same occupation(e. g. doctors, lawyers)or the same interests(e.g. stamp collectors, baseball fans). A particular register often distinguishes itself from other registers by having a number of distinctive words, by using words or phrases in a particular way(e. g. in tennis; deuce, lov

12、e, tramlines), and sometimes by special grammatical constructions(e. g. legal language).)解析:解析:(考查语域)4.denotative meanings(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Denotative meanings, also called “denotation“ , contrary to connotation, refer to the literal meaning of a word, the “dictionary definition“. For example, if

13、 you look up the word snake in a dictionary, you will discover that one of its denotative meanings is “ any of numerous scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptiles having a long, tapering, cylindrical body and found in most tropical and temperate regions“.)解析:解析:(考查符号语言学中的概念意义或者外延意义)5.logical proble

14、ms of language acquisition(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:It refers to the disparity between the primary linguist input, i. e. the utterances a child is exposed to, and the abstract and complex knowledge that the child acquires. In other words, the language input underdetermines the output(the grammar). This i

15、s called the logical problems of language acquisition.)解析:解析:(考查普遍语法中的语言习得的逻辑问题)6.interlanguage(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Interlanguage is the learner“s independent system of the second language which is of neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his nati

16、ve language to the target language. For example, a learner in the early stages may use nothing but the present tense.)解析:解析:(考查中介语)7.lexical decision(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Lexical decision is a procedure used in many psychology and psycholinguistics experiments. In this procedure, participants have to

17、 decide as quickly and accurately as possible whether a presented letter string is a word(e. g. CHAIR)or a nonword(e. g. GREACH).)解析:解析:(考查词汇判断)8.metacognitive strategy(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Metacognitive strategies are actions which go beyond purely cognitive devices, and which provide a way for lear

18、ners to coordinate their own learning process. Metacognitive strategies allow learners to control their own cognitive process, that is to say, to coordinate the learning process by using functions such as centering, arranging, planning, and evaluating. For example the self-questioning, “ What do I a

19、lready know about this topic?“ , “How have I solved problems like this before?“)解析:解析:(考查元认知策略)9.aphasia(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:It refers to the loss or impairment of speech resulting from brain disease or physical damage to the brain. The term is used generally for both partial and complete loss. This

20、 may include difficulty in producing or comprehending spoken or written language. It may be caused by the cerebral lesions caused by a tumor, an accident and so on.)解析:解析:(考查失语症)10.linguistic imperialism(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Linguistic imperialism, or language imperialism involves the transfer of a d

21、ominant language to other peoples. The transfer is essentially a demonstration of powertraditionally, military power but also, in the modern world, economic powerand aspects of the dominant culture are usually transferred along with the language. For example, the dominance of English is asserted and

22、 maintained by the establishment and continuous reconstitution of structural and cultural inequalities between English and other languages.)解析:解析:(考查语言帝国主义)三、简答题(总题数:1,分数:2.00)11.Answer the following question with necessary background information and/or illustrative examples to show your understandi

23、ng.(20 points)How does language relate to society and how does the relation affect language learning and teaching?(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案:Social changes produce changes in language. Once society starts changing, then language change produces special effects.(1 point) There are several possible relation

24、ships between language and society. One is that social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and/or behavior. Studies show that the varieties of language that speakers use reflect such matters as their regional, social, or ethnic origin and possibly even their gender; and

25、other studies show that particular ways of speaking, choices of words and even rules for conversing are in fact highly determined by certain social requirements.(3 points) A second possible relationship is directly opposed to the first; Linguistic structure and/or behavior may either influence or de

26、termine social structure. This is the claims of Bernstein and many of those who argue that languages rather than speakers of these languages can be “sexist“.(3 points) A third possible relationship is that the influence is bi-directional; Language and society may influence each other. One variant of

27、 this approach is that this influence is dialectical in nature. Speech behavior and social behavior are in a state of constant interaction and material living conditions are an important factor in the relationship.(3 points) Sociolinguistic competence enables the individual to cope with language sit

28、uations in everyday life. It refers to the knowledge of stylistic differences usually called register variation.(1 point) The language development at school involves not only the elaboration of a grammatical system, but also the ability to use language as an instrument for learning, and the ability

29、to use language appropriately in varying context. This is important for defining the objectives of language teaching and learning.(3 points)The second generalization is the importance of social interaction in language teaching. The learning environments in which children are embedded form an essenti

30、al part of what is going on when language is taught.(3 points)The third generalization concerns the diversity of language behavior in the classroom. Sociolinguistic factors such as gender, class, and ethnicity play a significant role in the language-learning processes of children at school. Interact

31、ional sociolinguistics in modern education settings provides a perspective which makes possible the exploration of the relationship of different discursive practices of language varieties.(3 points)解析:解析:考查语言与社会的关系。语言来源于社会,它担负着人类思维、社会交流等重任,社会又通过各种方式扩展语言,使其内涵更为丰富,我们可以从他们的相互作用来看他们的相互关系。在语言与社会的相互关系这个问题上,首先值得注意的是,社会的变动往往要引起语言和社会之间的矛盾。这一矛盾,是语言发展变化的催化剂,是新词语得以产生的一个基础。本题还考查语言与社会之间的关系对于语言学习和教学的影响。社会与语言之间的相互作用要求在外语教学过程中不仅要看到所教授的语言本身,而且要看到与语言相关的社会因素:语言的社会文化背景、民族特点、地域特点,交际者的社会、职业、年龄、性别特点,交际者之间的角色关系,所要完成的交际任务等;通过把语言与这些因素相联系来确定教学目标,如提高学生的外语交际能力,设计教学程序、确定教学方法、完成外语教学任务。


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