
he very beginningd. phenomenon in which words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixese. words that are forbidden


1、he very beginningd. phenomenon in which words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affix。

2、pe is ambiguous, and explicate the ambiguity by drawing two or more syntactic trees for the sentence.10 points 6 What ar。

3、tionsc. language impairment from the very beginningd. phenomenon in which words may shift from one part of speech to ano。

4、d representation with lettersymbols and diacriticsd. words of the same form but different meaningse. words grouped toget。

5、nct from that of its basesb. the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same formc. making the two pho。

6、hat words have different meaningsc. the ways words are formedd. statements that either state, describee. the arrangement。

7、 What is Chomskys Innateness Hypothesis Explain the reasons why this hypothesis is made.15 points 4 Explain the terms lo。

8、3.歇后语分数:5.004.外位语分数:5.00仿词二B分析题B总题数:2,分数:40.006.用画线法分析下列句子成分,并指出句型. 风景美丽的西双版纳,吸引了成千上万的有志气有抱负的知识青年进入橡胶园.分数:20.00。

9、2.synchronic vs. diachronic perspective of language分数:4.003.distinctive features of speech sounds分数:4.004.semantic field。

10、式阶段论18 一般发展19 绅士教育20 程序性知识三论述题21 论述教师应具备的基本素养并说明对教师发展的意义.22 试论新高考背景下课堂教学的变化以及教师如何应对23 试论黄炎培的职业教育社会化内涵内容及意义.24 试论裴斯泰洛齐教育思。

11、平仄4.单纯词分数:5.005.前提触发语分数:5.00二B分析题B总题数:2,分数:40.006.写出下列音素的发音条件. p u分数:20.00。

12、元音4.叠音词分数:5.00飞白二B分析题B总题数:4,分数:40.006.辨析下面的同义词. 连续陆续分数:10.00。

13、 are the differences between inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes分数:10.003.What is Chomskys Innateness Hypo。

14、数:5.00调值4.离合词分数:5.00顶真二B分析题B总题数:4,分数:40.006.辨析下面的同义词. 敏锐敏捷分数:10.00。

15、is分数:20.002.Explain why the sentence John saw a girl with a telescope is ambiguous, and explicate the ambiguity by drawi。

16、role分数:4.003.allophone分数:4.004.semantic field分数:4.005.cohesion分数:4.0021.Try to identify the possible paradigmatic relati。


18、 分 1生态 2生态因子 3生态适应性 4生态容量 5生态阈值 6生态效应 7复合生态系统 8生态旅游 9生态危机 10生态建设 二判断下列陈述的对错 对打错打,共计分 20 每小题 2 分 1人工生态系统的基本功能包括能量流动物质循环信息。

19、 2购买力平价说 3国际储备 4信用 5格雷欣法则 6看涨期权 7利率互换 8表外业务 二简答题 共计 42 分 .每小题 6 分 1 怎样衡量国际收支是否平衡 2什么是国际货币体系它的分类及其核心问题是什么 3试述货币制度及其构成. 4 。

标签 > 湖南师范大学语言学真题[编号:209967]

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