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1、北京外国语大学英语语言学真题 2008 年及答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.Suppose you are teaching an English-speaking person Chinese. How would you help him/her interpret the following sentences, especially the relationships between the noun phrases at the beginning of the sentences and the verbs? Could you classify the s

2、entences into different groups and suggest strategies for interpreting each group?(1)钱你先垫着。(2)这件事你可以写一部小说。(3)报纸我包书。(4)小王我已经告诉他了。(5)我结婚的都送这个。(6)动物园跑了一只熊。(7)谁都了解这个情况。(8)哪个地方都买不到适合我穿的衣服。(分数:40.00)_2.What is your understanding of linguistic competence and communicative competence? Do you agree with draw

3、ing a distinction between these two competences? Why or why not? Please justify your answer with one or two examples. (分数:30.00)_3.Discuss five kinds of lexical relations, using English examples to illustrate your points. (分数:20.00)_4.Discuss sense, denotation and reference, using Chinese examples t

4、o illustrate your points. (分数:20.00)_5.Dialogues 1)and 2)were produced by an English child aged 2 years and 4 months and her mother. Dialogues 3)and 4)were produced by another English child aged 3 years and 11 months and her mother. I. Describe the language of the two children iexically, syntactical

5、ly, semantically and pragmatically. II. Discuss the similarity and differences you notice in their language. (C refers to child, and M mother. )1)C: me want that. M: youve got a real piano. C: why?M: its upstairs. C: why? why?M: what do you mean why?C: why?2)C: mewantto readthat. M: okay. lets read

6、that. C: read that. wrong side. M: I think youve got it upside down. C: look. look her toe. M: I think theyre funny shoes actually. made to look like toes. C: why?3)(looking at a picture book)M: thats an animal called an iguana. dont you like that?C: coverhes face. M: oh why? dont you like it?C: no

7、hesM: hes rather a friendly iguana. C: what are guanas?M: Iguanas. Its a sort of lizardanimalgreen animal. 4)C: when is Daddy going to come back?M: quite soon. I think love. C: at eight oclock?M: no. I hope hell be back at one oclock. C: Mummy, hes going to be back at eight oclock. M: is he?(分数:40.0

8、0)_北京外国语大学英语语言学真题 2008 年答案解析(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.Suppose you are teaching an English-speaking person Chinese. How would you help him/her interpret the following sentences, especially the relationships between the noun phrases at the beginning of the sentences and the verbs? Could you classify the

9、 sentences into different groups and suggest strategies for interpreting each group?(1)钱你先垫着。(2)这件事你可以写一部小说。(3)报纸我包书。(4)小王我已经告诉他了。(5)我结婚的都送这个。(6)动物园跑了一只熊。(7)谁都了解这个情况。(8)哪个地方都买不到适合我穿的衣服。(分数:40.00)_正确答案:(In sentences(1)to(4), there is a noun at the beginning of each sentence, and the noun can be regar

10、ded as the object of the verb in interpretation. These sentences are of the same type of sentence style and they all can be translated into active, or passive voice.(1)You pay the money. /The money is paid by you. (2)You can write the thing into a novel. /The thing can be written into a novel by you

11、. (3)I use this newspaper to cover books. /This newspaper is used to cover books. (4)I have told Xiao Wang all. /Xiao Wang has been told all by me. Sentence(5) is a little different. The noun“结婚的”after“我”, which is not placed in the initial position. can be viewed as the indirect object of the verb

12、“送”. thus the sentences can be translated as “I give it to every married one“. In sentence(6), the noun “动物园” is actually the adverbial of place in the sentence. So the sentence can be translated into “One bear escaped from the zoo“. As for sentence(7), we can use the fixed expression “It is known t

13、o all“. Just like in sentence(6), the noun at the beginning position in sentence(8)can be understood as the adverbial of place. So it can be translated as “I cant buy the clothes anywhere which suit me“.Based on the analysis, we can get several sentence groups: 1)object+subject+verb(OSV), 2)subject+

14、indirect object+verb+direct object(sovo), 3)place noun+verb+subject, 4)semantically-equivalent sentences.Some suggested strategies for interpretation:We may view the initial noun in the first group as the object, so we can use both active and passive voice to interpret sentences in the group. As for

15、 the second group, we should interpret them on the basis of the semantic content. As for the third group, we still need to fix the normal sentence order according to its semantic content. And the last group, which is usually fixedly expressed, can be interpreted from language practice and the cultur

16、e concerned.)解析:解析 本题考查英、汉语句型的异同,英、汉语之间既有相同或者说对等之处,同时也有较多相异之处。这就要求考生对该校所规定的三本参考书部应有所关注。2.What is your understanding of linguistic competence and communicative competence? Do you agree with drawing a distinction between these two competences? Why or why not? Please justify your answer with one or two

17、 examples. (分数:30.00)_正确答案:(I agree with drawing a distinction between linguistic competence and communicative competence. Linguistic competence originally comes from Chomsky. It refers to the grammatical knowledge of the ideal language user and has nothing to do with the actual use of language in c

18、oncrete situations. This concept of linguistic competence has been criticized for being too narrow and presenting a “Garden of Eden View“.To expand the concept of competence, D. H. Hymes proposes communicative competence, which has four comp6nents: possibility, feasibility, appropriateness and perfo

19、rmance. In Hymes view, the leamer acquires knowledge of sentences not only as grammatical but also as appropriate. It stresses the context in which an utterance occurs, which also leads to a concentration on discourse, in Hymesterm linguistic routines-the sequential organization beyond sentences. In

20、 its application, the teacher may teach how in different situations the same sentence can perform the function of statement, command, or request. On the other hand, while introducing different linguistic forms with the same semantic structure, for example the two forms of “you“ in Chinese, he may dr

21、aw special attention to difierent contexts in which they are used. Thus, in the teaching of literature, the teacher can tbcus on features of different genres. In the teaching of conversation, he can introduce such strategies as opening, continuing, turn-taking and closing.)解析:解析 本题考查 Chomsky 的语言能力与

22、Hymes 的交际能力。3.Discuss five kinds of lexical relations, using English examples to illustrate your points. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(SynonymySynonymy is used to mean sameness or close similarity of meaning. Synonyms are two or more forms with very closely related meanings, which are often, but not always, inte

23、rsubstitutable in sentences. Examples of synonyms are the pairs broad-wide, hide-conceal, almost-nearly, cab-taxi, liberty-freedom, and answer-reply.Some semanticians maintain, however, that there are no real synonyms, because two or more words named synonyms are expected without exception to differ

24、 from one another in one of the following aspects: in shades of meaning(e.g., finish, complete, close, conclude, terminate, finalize, end, etc.), in stylistic meaning, in emotive meaning(or affective meaning), in range of use(or collocative meaning), in British and American English usagese.g., autum

25、n(BrE), fall(AmE).2)AntonymyAntonymy is the name for oppositeness relation. There are three main sub-types: gradable antonymy, complementary antonymy, and converse antonymy.Gradable antonymy is the commonest type of antonymy, in which the members of a pair differ in terms of degree. The denial of on

26、e is not necessarily the assertion of the other. For example, good- bad, big-small and hot-cold are of this type.Complementary antonymy refers to the sense relation in which the members of a pair in this type are complementary to each other. For example, single-married, dead-alive and male-female ar

27、e of this type.Converse antonymy is a special type of antonymy in that the members of a pair do not constitute a positive-negative opposition. They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. For example, buy-sell and parent-child are of this type.3)HyponymyHyponymy involves us in the

28、notion of meaning inclusion. It is a matter of class membership. That is to say, when X is kind of Y, the lower term X is the “hyponym“, and the upper term Y is the “superordinate“. Two or more hyponyms sharing the same superordinate are called “co-hyponyms“. For example, “flower“ is the superordina

29、te of “tulip“, “violet“ and “rose“, which are the co-hyponyms of “nower“.4)PolysemyPolysemy refers to the semantic phenomenon that a word may have more than one meaning. For example, “negative“ means(1)a statement saying or meaning “no“, (2)a refusal or denial, (3)one of the following words and expr

30、essions: no, not, nothing, never, not at all, etc., (4)a negative photograph or film.5)HomonymyThe term homonymy is used when one form(written and spoken)has two or more unrelated meanings. The following types are of homonymy.(1)Homographswords which are identical in spelling, but different in meani

31、ng and pronunciation: tear )解析:解析 本题考查词汇的涵义关系。4.Discuss sense, denotation and reference, using Chinese examples to illustrate your points. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Sense may be defined as the semantic relations between one word and another, or more generally between on linguistic unit and another. It is con

32、cerned with the intra-linguistic relations. In contrast, reference is concerned with the relation between a word and the thing it refers to, or more generally between a word and a non-linguistic entity it refers to.Leech also uses “sense“ as a briefer term for his conceptual meaning. This usage is j

33、ustifiable in that as technical term “sense“ may be used in the same way as “connotation“ is used in philosophy. It may refer to the properties an entity has. In this sense. “sense“ is equivalent to “concept“. So the distinction between “sense“ and “reference“ can be comparable to that between “conn

34、otation“ and “denotation“. The former refers to the abstract properties of an entity, which the latter refers to the concrete entities having these properties. There is another difference between sense and reference. To some extent, we can say every word has a sense; otherwise we will not be able to

35、 use it or understand it. But not every word has a reference. Words like God, ghost and dragon refer to imaginary things. which do not exist in reality.Chinese examples: 汉语中的“龙”有其内涵意义,但它是虚构出来的,在现实中无法找到其所指。再比如“男人”意为男性的人,其外延为世界上所有男性的人,其指称为具体语境下说话者与受话者所共知的某男性的人。)解析:解析 本题考查词汇的意义、外延和指称的关系问题。5.Dialogues 1

36、)and 2)were produced by an English child aged 2 years and 4 months and her mother. Dialogues 3)and 4)were produced by another English child aged 3 years and 11 months and her mother. I. Describe the language of the two children iexically, syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. II. Discuss th

37、e similarity and differences you notice in their language. (C refers to child, and M mother. )1)C: me want that. M: youve got a real piano. C: why?M: its upstairs. C: why? why?M: what do you mean why?C: why?2)C: mewantto readthat. M: okay. lets read that. C: read that. wrong side. M: I think youve g

38、ot it upside down. C: look. look her toe. M: I think theyre funny shoes actually. made to look like toes. C: why?3)(looking at a picture book)M: thats an animal called an iguana. dont you like that?C: coverhes face. M: oh why? dont you like it?C: no hesM: hes rather a friendly iguana. C: what are gu

39、anas?M: Iguanas. Its a sort of lizardanimalgreen animal. 4)C: when is Daddy going to come back?M: quite soon. I think love. C: at eight oclock?M: no. I hope hell be back at one oclock. C: Mummy, hes going to be back at eight oclock. M: is he?(分数:40.00)_正确答案:(From the dialogue 1)and dialogue 2), we c

40、an notice some features of child language at the age of about 2.Lexically, the child misuses me and I. He can use some words (although incorrectly) to name a number of objects, such as “piano“ in dialogue 1). And he always repeats the word “why“ for several times. Some prepositions are often neglect

41、ed. such as “look her toe“.Syntactically, the child can produce a number of utterances by using simple words, such as“ me want to read that“.Semantically, he can convey some but incomplete message because of his small vocabulary. For example, the repetition of “why“ makes the mother confused.Pragmat

42、ically, he can express some. feeling directly, and carry out his communication to some extent. For example, “read that. wrong side. “ indicates that he wants his mother to read it and he knows the picture upside down.As for the child aged 3 years and 11 months. lexically, he can use me and I correct

43、ly but still a small vocabulary, and he can use correct inflectional form; syntactically, he can use correct sentence pattern hnd produce relatively longer sentences; semantically, he can express his feeling relatively clearly; pragmatically, he can understand some pragmatic meaning, neither imitating the adults speech nor accepting the adults correction.)解析:解析 本题考查儿童语言的特点。


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