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1、工程硕士(GCT)英语-13 及答案解析(总分:190.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Vocabula(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Those relations of his are_ . I dont want to have any dealings with them.(分数:2.00)A.boring peopleB.bored peopleC.people having boredD.people having boring2.We wish that you _ such a lot of work, bemuse we know that you woul

2、d have enjoyed the concert.(分数:2.00)A.didnt have hadB.didnt haveC.hadnt haveD.hadnt had3.His government insisted that he _ until he finished his degree.(分数:2.00)A.would stayB.stayC.stayedD.shall stay4.Im disappointed with the new officers elected in our club, but there is no point _ about it.(分数:2.0

3、0)A.to worryB.in worryingC.with us worryingD.if we worry5.If you cant turn the key, try _ some oil in the lock.(分数:2.00)A.to putB.putC.puttingD.to have put6.Without the radar receiver, the large antenna(无线) _ of no use.(分数:2.00)A.would beB.will beC.beD.was7.By no means _ look down upon the poor.(分数:

4、2.00)A.weB.should we notC.we shouldD.should we8.All things _, her paper is of greater value than mine.(分数:2.00)A.having consideredB.consideringC.being consideredD.considered9.My typist has not returned my paper yet, but she promised _ by tomorrow.(分数:2.00)A.for me to have it readyB.me it was readyC.

5、it was ready for meD.to have it ready for me10.The girl is made _ right after she comes from school.(分数:2.00)A.do her homeworkB.doing her homeworkC.to do her homeworkD.to be doing her homework二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:20.00)11.Psychology Today (is) (interesting), informative, and (it is) easy (to rea

6、d).(分数:2.00)A.isB.interestingC.it isD.to read12.The differential attractions of the sun and the moon (have) a direct effect (in) the (rising) and falling (of) the tides.(分数:2.00)A.haveB.inC.risingD.of13.In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that (he) (wo

7、rk) as (lastly) (as) possible.(分数:2.00)A.heB.workC.lastlyD.as14.(If) it receives (enough) rain at the proper time, hay (will grow) quickly (as) grass.(分数:2.00)A.IfB.enoughC.will growD.as15.(Despite of) the pills (which) are available, many people (still) have trouble (sleeping).(分数:2.00)A.Despite of

8、B.whichC.stillD.sleeping16.It is essential that the temperature (is not) elevated (to a point) where the substance formed (may become) unstable and decompose into (its) constituent(组成的) elements.(分数:2.00)A.is notB.to a pointC.may becomeD.its17.Before TV, the common man (seldom never) (had) the oppor

9、tunity to see and (hear) his leaders express (their) views.(分数:2.00)A.seldom neverB.hadC.hearD.their18.Two (of the players) from the Yankees (has) been (chosen) (to participate) in the All Star game.(分数:2.00)A.of the playersB.hasC.chosenD.to participate19.(Before) she died, the daughter of Andrew Ja

10、ckson (who) (lives) in the family mansion (宅第) (used) to take tourists through her home.(分数:2.00)A.BeforeB.whoC.livesD.used20.John Philip Sousa, (who) (many) people consider the (greatest) composer of marches, wrote his music during the era (known) as the Gay 90s.(分数:2.00)A.whoB.manyC.greatestD.know

11、n三、BSection C/B(总题数:10,分数:20.00)21.Police have _ to the public to come forward with any information that might help them in their inquires.(分数:2.00)A.appealedB.urgedC.claimedD.called22.Children usually _ both parents because they inherit characteristics from both.(分数:2.00)A.take inB.take forC.take d

12、ownD.take after23.She cant walk without holding _ someones arm.(分数:2.00)A.outB.upC.on toD.on24.Dont have him for a friend. Hes _ a criminal.(分数:2.00)A.anything butB.but forC.nothing butD.rather than25.The French Revolution was a period of _, but produced some great literature.(分数:2.00)A.tideB.chaosC

13、.vigorD.peace26.I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, _ my other important documents.(分数:2.00)A.along withB.alongC.aloneD.all along27.The new director of the television station wants to _ its programs.(分数:2.00)A.divideB.decideC.diversifyD.divert28.Cars are involved in many accidents, and the

14、y _ a lot of deaths.(分数:2.00)A.contribute toB.attribute toC.result fromD.due to29.He is _ fatter than he was when I used to know him.(分数:2.00)A.considerateB.considerableC.considerablyD.considerately30.After years of research, Dr. Duke _ new ideas on the muses of dream.(分数:2.00)A.brought upB.brought

15、aboutC.came upD.came about四、BSection D/B(总题数:10,分数:20.00)31.He was offered the presidency of that country but he declined it, saying that he didnt have good health.(分数:2.00)A.inclinedB.decreasedC.refusedD.declared32.He put it this way, “Unlike others, my wife works because she likes working, not bec

16、ause of money.“(分数:2.00)A.laidB.placedC.statedD.suggested33.She suddenly recalled that her blanket had been taken away.(分数:2.00)A.releasedB.rememberedC.reassuredD.relieved34.Lewis withdrew from administration to devote himself to teaching.(分数:2.00)A.wanderedB.recoveredC.quitD.pulled35.I at last came

17、 to the realization that the problem could not be solved by the means I had been using.(分数:2.00)A.toolsB.mediaC.methodsD.expressions36.For three months, the city was in turmoil due to serious unemployment.(分数:2.00)A.disorderB.influenceC.impactD.inquiry37.The examination was quite exhausting because

18、of its difficulty and length.(分数:2.00)A.longB.excitingC.tiringD.refreshing38.It is easy for scientists to understand the significance of the doctors findings.(分数:2.00)A.complexityB.simplicityC.clearnessD.importance39.He expressed his gratitude to her for her favorable help with the experiment.(分数:2.

19、00)A.congratulationsB.sphereC.thanksD.sympathy40.When he checked in a hotel, it was already nine o clock in the evening.(分数:2.00)A.inspectedB.registeredC.realizedD.departed五、BPart Cloze/(总题数:1,分数:40.00)There are far too many road accidents in this country, too many deaths and too many people injured

20、. One wonders who are most toU (41) /U, drivers or pedestrians(行人). Some people say that the blame cannot beU (42) /Ufairly without considering the state of the roads and the wholeU (43) /Usystem. InU (44) /Ucities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, mad conditions are so chaotic(混乱的) that both d

21、river and pedestrianU (45) /Uendanger lives through no fault of their own.U (46) /Udeficiencies as too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of the streets, congested(拥挤的) parking are all a sureU (47) /Uof bad road conditions.U (48) /U, many experts areU (49) /Uthat the larger par

22、t of the blameU (50) /Uthe death toll(死亡人数) must be put on persons and personsU (51) /U: Drivers who drive too fast and without anyU (52) /Ufor others; drivers who think they are safe at theU (53) /Ueven though they have drunk too much alcohol; drivers, who out of someU (54) /Usense of power, are in

23、capable of understanding that their car is a lethal(致命的) weaponU (55) /Uimproperly used. Pedestrians,U (56) /U, must share the guilt steppingU (57) /Uthe pavement without first looking to the left or right, crossing roads when the traffic lights areU (58) /Uthem, jumping off a moving bus. To be fair

24、, pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame. OneU (59) /Uthe day when the motor-car has been replaced by some less dangerousU (60) /Uof transport.(分数:40.00)A.scoldB.criticizeC.accuseD.blameA.fixedB.settledC.putD.appliedA.transferB.transportC.transformerD.transmissionA.fullB.crowdingC

25、.crowdedD.filledA.oftenB.alwaysC.rarelyD.neverA.TheseB.ThoseC.TheirD.SuchA.symbolB.descriptionC.indicationD.statementA.In the same wayB.On the other handC.In the meantimeD.On the wholeA.convincingB.convincedC.persuadingD.persuadedA.forB.ofC.withD.aboutA.lonelyB.aloneC.loneD.merelyA.consequenceB.cons

26、cienceC.considerationD.consciousnessA.tyreB.brakeC.hornD.wheelA.uniqueB.usualC.curiousD.indifferentA.ifB.unlessC.untilD.lestA.otherwiseB.likewiseC.converselyD.consequentlyA.offB.onC.alongD.downA.onB.toC.forD.againstA.looks up toB.looks toC.looks forward toD.looks ahead toA.methodsB.meansC.waysD.mann

27、ers六、BPart Reading (总题数:5,分数:40.00)BPassage One/BEsperanto is an artificial language designed to serve internationally as an secondary means of communication among speakers of different languages. The creation of Ludovic Lazar Zamenhof, a Polish-Jewish ophthalmologist(眼科学者), Esperanto was first pres

28、ented in 1887. An international movement to promote its use, although originally annoyed with disagreement, has continued to flourish and has members in more than 80 countries.Esperanto is used internationally across language boundaries by at least one million people, particularly in specialized fie

29、lds. It is used in personal contacts, on radio broadcasts, and in a number of publications of both modern works and classics. Its popularity has spread from Europe both East and West to such countries as Brazil and Japan. It is, however, in China that Esperanto had had its greatest impact. It is tau

30、ght in universities and used in many translations (often in scientific or technological works). El Popola Cinio (From Peoples China), a monthly magazine in Esperanto, is read worldwide. Radio Beijings Esperanto program is the most popular program in Esperanto in the world.Esperantos vocabulary is dr

31、awn primarily from Latin, the Romance languages, English, and German. Spelling is completely regular. A simple and consistent set of endings indicates grammatical functions of words. Thus, for example, every noun ends in o, every adjective in a, and the infinitive(不定式) of every verb in i. Esperanto

32、also has a highly productive system of constructing new words from old: ami, to love; malami, to hate; malameno, the tendency to hate. (分数:8.00)(1).Which statement is true according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Esperanto was created by a Polish.B.Esperanto was accepted at the very beginningC.Esperanto

33、has the greatest influence in Poland.D.Esperanto is a written language.(2).Which statement is true about Esperanto in China?(分数:2.00)A.It is taught in elementary schools.B.About one million people speak Esperanto in China.C.China has a radio program in Esperanto.D.El Popola Cinio is a magazine publi

34、shed every week.(3).What conclusion can we draw from the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Esperanto is a dying language.B.Esperanto has become the worlds second language.C.Esperanto is the native language of its inventor.D.Esperanto is probably a language easy to learn.(4).Which of the following is the best title

35、 for the passage?(分数:2.00)A.The Origin of EsperantoB.Esperanto in ChinaC.Elements of EsperantoD.EsperantoBPassage Two/BBeliefs are shared ideas about how the world operates. They may be summaries and interpretations of the past, explanations of the present or predictions for the future, and may be b

36、ased on common sense, folk wisdom, religion, science, or some combination of these. Some beliefs apply to intangible (无形的) things (for example, whether the human spirit lives on after .death). All cultures distinguish between ideas for which people have reasonable proof (for Americans, for ex ample,

37、 the idea that smoking increases the risk of cancer) and ideas that have not been, or cannot be, tested (for Americans, for example, the idea that there is intelligent life on other planets). Where and how people draw the line varies, however.Bemuse beliefs shape both personal and social experience,

38、 basic differences in beliefs can account for some of the problems Vietnamese immigrants have had in American society. One exampie is beliefs concerning the nature of time. People in Western cultures believe time is irreversible (不可回转的). We think of time as a straight line. On every January 1st we a

39、dd another year to the calendar. Traditionally, the Vietnamese have reckoned time in sixty-yesr cycles. Every sixty years the cycle starts over with .the year with which it began. Such a conception of time suggests that current events are not unique; that things come around again. American beliefs r

40、egarding time as linear create the sense that “time is ticking away“; the Vietnamese belief that time is cyclical creates an entirely different state of mind.Beliefs apply not only to concepts like time but also to mundane (世俗的,世间的) aspects of the material world. Residents of San Francisco were offe

41、nded greatly to learn that rural immigrants from Laos and Cambodia had been stalking(蹑手蹑脚地走近) their dinner in Golden Gate Park. San Franciscans could not understand how the newcomers could hunt and eat squirrels(松鼠) and stray dogs; the Indochinese(印度支那人) could not understand why San Franciscans did

42、not a classic case of the same object (in this case, dogs) having different cultural meanings. Even within our own culture we can see great variation in how people think about the same re source. Some people see dogs as working animals, acquired to protect our apartments or livestock; others treat t

43、heir dogs as special friends or even substitute children.(分数:8.00)(1).According to the passage, beliefs _.(分数:2.00)A.can be explained by common senseB.are predictions for the futureC.vary in different culturesD.can only apply to abstract concepts(2).If you were a Vietnamese, you would believe that t

44、ime _.(分数:2.00)A.can not be reversedB.is passing by tickingC.can be recurredD.is moving in cycles(3).The word “unique“ (Para. 2) most probably means _.(分数:2.00)A.usualB.having no likeC.differentD.having no standard(4).It can be inferred from the passage that _.(分数:2.00)A.the Indochinese are glad to

45、hunt and eat squirrelsB.San Franciscans enjoy stalking their dinner in Golden Gate ParkC.some people treat dogs as special friends or even substitute childrenD.varied ideas about the same object can be found even in one cultureBPassage Three/BThe computer has changed the way we work, team, communica

46、te, and play; Virtually ewery kind of organization throughout the world conducts business with computers. Students, teachers, and research scientists use the computer as a learning tool. Millions of individuals and organizations communicate with one another over a network of computers called the Int

47、ernet. Computer games entertain people of all ages.Almost all computers are electronic digital computers. They are electronic in their use of electric current(电流) to carry information. They are digital in. that they process information as units of electric charge representing numbers. The word digit

48、al means having to do with numbers. To enable a computer to process information that is not numerical such as words, pictures, or sounds the computer or some other the strange drab(黄褐色的) feathering, so unlike that of most birds, gives them a cloak(伪装)of invisibility while they sleep. And when night falls, out they come to scratch in the ground and find worms and feed to their hearts content.They couldnt do that so effectively if they didnt have another peculiarity that I have not mentioned yet. The nostrils(鼻孔)


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