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1、考研英语-138 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Use o(总题数:1,分数:10.00)BDirections:/BRead the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, and D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Selection to participate in a top executive-education program is an important rung on the ladder to t

2、op corporate jobs. U. S. corporations U(1) /U billions of dollars in this form of management development - and use it to U(2) /U and train fast-track managers. Yet one U(3) /U of executive education found that less than 5% of the managers U(4) /U to these high-profile programs are women - and minori

3、ties are terribly U(5) /U as well.The numbers are U(6) /U. In regular business U(7) /U usually paid for by the participant, not an employer - there are plenty of women and minorities. Women, for example, U(8) /U for about 30% of MBA candidates. Yet in the U(9) /U programs paid for by corporations th

4、at round out a managers credentials at a U(10) /U career point, usually at age 40 or 45, companies are making only a U(11) /U investment in developing female and minority executives. A case U(12) /U point: Only about 30% of the 180 executives in Stanfords recent U(13) /U management program were wome

5、n.Most companies say these days they are U(14) /U hiring and promoting women and minorities- and there are some U(15) /U trends in overall employment and pay levels so why are companies U(16) /U the ball when it U(17) /U executive education? The schools U(18) /U that they are neither the cause of no

6、r the cure for the problem. A Harvard Business School dean figures that companies are U(19) /U of sending their female executives U(20) /U they dont want to lose them to competitors.(分数:10.00)A.endowB.ventureC.investD.donateA.designateB.identifyC.fabricateD.approachA.viewB.examinationC.surveyD.testA


8、rableC.keyD.symbolicA.besideB.up toC.inD.toA.inferiorB.dependentC.juniorD.advancedA.passivelyB.aggressivelyC.progressivelyD.intensivelyA.negativeB.rightC.positiveD.wrongA.droppingB.carryingC.bouncingD.openingA.comes inB.comes toC.comes onD.comes fromA.apprehendB.verifyC.maintainD.promiseA.shyB.cowar

9、dC.braveD.fearfulA.thatB.whileC.becauseD.But二、BSection Readi(总题数:4,分数:40.00)BPart A/BBDirections:/BRead the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.BText 1/BThis past academic year, 146 New York City kids from 4 to 14 d

10、utifully attended Rosalyn Chaos Mandarin class at St. Patricks Old Cathedral Academy. Many of the students were first-generation Americans; for several, Mandarin would be their third language, after English and Spanish.Get used to this picture; around the world, more adults and kids are learning Chi

11、nese. Beijing is pouring money into new Confucius Institutes (Chinese language and culture centers), and two U.S. senators recently proposed spending $1.3 billion on Chinese-language programs over the next five years. From Ulan Bator to Chicago, it sometimes seems as if everyone is trying to learn t

12、he language now spoken by a fifth of the worlds population.Their reasoning is easy to understand. China is booming, and citizens around the globe want a piece of the action. Speaking Mandarin can facilitate communication with newly wealthy Chinese tourists or smooth bilateral trade relations. In a f

13、orm of intense cultural diplomacy, Beijing is also promoting its films, music, art and language as never before. Front and center are the Confucius Institutes, modeled on the British Council, Germanys Goethe Institutes or the Alliance Francaise. Chinas Ministry of Education is sending thousands of l

14、anguage instructors to foreign programs and inviting foreign students from Asia, Africa and elsewhere to study in its universities.As a result, Beijing predicts that 100 million individuals will be studying Mandarin as a second language by the end of the decade. The U.S. Department of Education anno

15、unced earlier this year that it hopes to have 5 percent of all elementary, secondary and college students enrolled in Mandarin studies by 2010.The Chinese boom hasnt escaped criticism, however. For one thing, the language is hard, with more than 2,500 characters generally employed in daily writing a

16、nd a complex tonal speaking system. Then theres the danger that other important languages, such as Russian or Japanese, will be neglected; for example, there are now 10 times more students learning Mandarin than Japanese in the United States. And other countries fear a growing encroachment(侵蚀) of Ch

17、inese power; some Africans have complained about Beijings “neocolonialist(新殖民主义)“ attitudes, for example, and this could breed resentment against Confucius Institutes on their soil.Yet most Mandarin students, like those at St. Pats, arent letting such concerns dissuade them. Mandarin represents a ne

18、w way of thinking. Chao says that“ we must begin preparing our students for the interconnected world.“ Accordingly, she has encouraged her Mandarin students to correspond with pen pals in Shanghai. Chao says that“ in reading the Chinese students letters, we learned quickly that American students are

19、 far behind their Asian counterparts.“ If they hope to catch up to their Chinese competitors, her students-like the growing legions of Mandarin pupils around the globe - are going to have to study hard indeed.(分数:10.00)(1).The phrase“ first-generation Americans“ (Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably m

20、eans _.(分数:2.00)A.those who are American but whose parents are not.B.those who come to America as immigrants.C.those who are the youngest generation in the family.D.those who were born in America.(2).More and more people in the world learn Mandarin mainly because _.(分数:2.00)A.they want to facilitate

21、 communication with Chinese tourists.B.they want to profit from the prosperous Chinese economy.C.the Chinese government is investing heavily to promote Chinese.D.they can get financial support from their own governments.(3).It can be inferred from the text that the Alliance Francaise is _.(分数:2.00)A

22、.the French council to promote culture.B.an institute of cultural diplomacy.C.modeled on Confucius Institute.D.a language teaching agency.(4).According to the text, some people lay blame on Chinese boom in that _.(分数:2.00)A.chinese is difficult for its complex grammatical and tonal system.B.some cou

23、ntries fear that China will take their global market share.C.the position of other languages has been marginalized by Chinese.D.some countries fear to be politically and economically controlled by China.(5).The author wants to convey in the last paragraph that _.(分数:2.00)A.china is booming and every

24、one wants to participate in it.B.china is well on the way of promoting its culture and language.C.the development of China attracts more people to study Chinese.D.today people must get prepared for the interconnected world.BText 2/BAnimal studies are under way, human trial protocols are taking shape

25、 and drug makers are on alert. All the international health community needs now is a human vaccine for the bird flu pandemic sweeping a cluster of Asian countries.The race for a vaccine began after the first human case emerged in Hong Kong in 1997. Backed by the World Health Organization (WHO), thre

26、e research teams in the US and UK are trying to create a seed virus for a new vaccine. Their task is formidable, but researchers remain optimistic.“ There are obstacles, but most of the obstacles have been treated sensibly,“ says Richard Webby, a virologist at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital in

27、 Memphis, Tennessee.The biggest challenge is likely to be the rapidly mutating virus. Candidate vaccines produced last year against the H5N1 virus are ineffective against this years strain. Scientists will have to constantly monitor the changes and try to tailor the vaccine as the virus mutates. The

28、y cant wait to see which one comes next.The urgency stems from fears that I-ISN1 will combine with a human flu virus, creating a pathogen(病原体) that could be transmitted from person to person. But if people have no immunity to the virus, the strain may not mutate as rapidly in people as it does in bi

29、rds.To quickly generate the vaccine, researchers are using reverse genetics, which allows them to skip the long process of searching through reassorted viruses for the correct genetic combination. Instead, scientists clone sequences for hemagglutinin(红血球凝聚素) and neuraminidase(神经氨酸苷酶), the two key pr

30、oteins in the virus. The sequences are then combined with human influenza genes to create a customized reference strain.Because products developed with reverse genetics have never been tested in humans, the candidate vaccines will first have to clear regulatory review. In anticipation, the US Food a

31、nd Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) are both preparing pandemic response plans. The EMEA has produced a fist-track licensing program, an industry task force and detailed guidance for potential applicants.In Europe, a reassortant influe

32、nza virus - but not the inactivated vaccine - produced by reverse genetics would be considered a genetically modified organism, and manufacturers would need approval from their national or local safety authorities. The WHO has prepared a preliminary biosafety risk assessment of pilot-lot vaccine, wh

33、ich could help speed up the review.A preliminary version of their protocol calls for several hundred subjects, beginning with a group of young adults and gradually expanding to include those most susceptible to the flu - children and the elderly.“ If we had product,“ says Lambert,“ it would probably

34、 be a couple of months at the earliest before we have early data in healthy adults.“(分数:10.00)(1).We can infer from Paragraph 2 that facing the tough task the researchers of WHO _.(分数:2.00)A.flinch from their work.B.hesitate and feel perplexed.C.carry on their research.D.abandon their research.(2).D

35、uring the developing of the vaccine, the biggest problem may probably be _.(分数:2.00)A.the combination of bird flu virus with human flu virus.B.the virus mutates in a short period.C.the vaccines are ineffective against the virus.D.the time is pressing for the scientists.(3).The vaccine generated by r

36、everse genetics is required to review in that _.(分数:2.00)A.it has strong side effect to the elderly.B.it may turn ineffective in a short period.C.it is useless in preventing the virus.D.it hasnt been tested in humans.(4).Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?(分数:2.00)A.there is alr

37、eady a case in which the virus is transmitted from person to person.B.american scientists take the pandemic more seriously than European ones.C.the effect of candidate vaccines can last more than one year.D.the manufacture of the vaccine must be authorized by safety authorities.(5).What is the autho

38、rs attitude towards the newly developed bird flu vaccine?(分数:2.00)A.Slightly approves of.B.Depicts neutrally.C.Slightly disapproves of.D.Completely rejects.BText 3/BPeople can get emotional about immigration. Bill OReilly, a talk-show host, devoted a recent segment to the story of an illegal alien w

39、ho got drunk and accidentally killed two attractive white girls with his car. If only he had been deported for previous Umisdemeanours/U, Mr. OReilly raged, those girls would still be alive. Another talk-show host, Geraldo Rivera, during an on-air shout-joust(争吵) with Mr. O Reilly, denounced his dem

40、agogic choice of story-angle as“ a sin“.President George Bush tried again this week to bring a more rational tone to the debate. He urged the new Democratic Congress to revive the immigration reforms that the old Republican Congress killed last year. His proposal was broadly the same as before. He s

41、aid he wanted to make it harder to enter America illegally, but easier to do so legally, and to offer a path to citizenship for the estimated 12m illegals who have already snuck in.The first part faces few political hurdles and is already well under way. Mr. Bush expects to have doubled the number o

42、f Border Patrol agents by the end of next year. The new recruits are being trained. And to defend against the invading legions of would-be gardeners and hotel cleaners, the frontier is also equipped with high-tech military gizmos(小发明), such as unmanned spy planes with infra-red(红外) cameras. This may

43、 be having some effect. Mr. Bush boasted that the number of people caught sneaking over the border had fallen by nearly 30% this year.And the controversial part of Mr. Bushs immigration package-allowing more immigrants in and offering those already in America a chance to become legal - is still just

44、 a plan. House Republicans squashed it last year. Mr. Bush senses a second chance with the new Democratic Congress, but Democrats, like Republicans, are split on the issue. Some, notably Ted Kennedy, think America should embrace hard- working migrants. Others fret that hard-working migrants will und

45、ercut the wages of the native-born.Mr. Bush would like to see the pro-immigrant wings of both parties work together to give him a bill he can sign. The Senate is expected to squeeze in a debate next month. The administration is trying to entice law-and-order Republicans on board; a recent leaked mem

46、o talked of substantial fines for illegals before they can become legal and“ much bigger“ fines for employers who hire them before they do.The biggest hurdle, however, may be the Democrats reluctance to co-operate with Mr. Bush. Some figure that, rather than letting their hated adversary share the c

47、redit for fixing the immigration system, they should stall until a Democrat is in the White House and then take it all. So there is a selfish as well as a moral argument for making a deal.(分数:10.00)(1).The underlined word “misdemeanours“ (Line 3, Paragraph 1) can be replaced by _.(分数:2.00)A.severe c

48、rimes.B.homicide.C.misbehaviors.D.nonsense doings.(2).Which of the following is proposed by Mr. Bush?(分数:2.00)A.Making it harder for immigrants to enter America both legally and illegally.B.Carrying out substantial fine for illegals before they can become legal.C.Setting up more Border Patrol agents by the end of this year.D.Allowing more immigrants in and offering them a chance to become legal.(3).Some Democrats oppose to Ted Kennedy, because they believe that _.(分数:2.00)A.America should encourage the coming of hard-working migrants.B.hard-working migrants will make the natives e


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