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1、考研英语-432 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)If the technological revolution continues to have its effects, there will be fewer and fewer jobs available, particularly to school-leavers and those over the age of fifty. (1) there are only half the number of jobs in the futur

2、e, men and women will have to share them. Two people will (2) work only twenty hours each (3) the forty they are currently (4) to. It is a well-known fact that those who suffer from stress at work are often not high-powered executives but (5) workers doing boring, (6) jobs, especially those on produ

3、ction lines. Unemployment often has a (7) effect on its victims. If we wish to prevent this type of stress and the depression that frequently follows long periods of it, we will have to find ways of educating people to (8) this sudden increase in leisure time.Many have already (9) pills and tablets

4、to (10) sleeplessness and anxiety, two of the symptoms of long-term stress and depression. In America, we (11) $ 650 million a year on different kinds of medicines. We (12) an astonishing three million sleeping tablets every night. (14) these “drugs of the mind“ can be extremely useful in cases of c

5、risis, the majority of patients would be (14) without them.The boredom and frustration of unemployment are not the only (15) of stress: poor housing, family problems, overcrowding and financial worry are all significant factors. (16) , doctors believe that if people learnt to breathe properly, took

6、more exercise, used their leisure time more (17) and expressed their anger instead of (18) it up, they would not depend so much on drugs, (19) treat only the (20) and not the cause of the stress.(分数:10.00)A.ThoughB.WhenC.SinceD.IfA.otherwiseB.subsequentlyC.thereforeD.simultaneouslyA.instead ofB.othe

7、r thanC.no more thanD.as well asA.amountedB.putC.accustomedD.familiarizedA.efficientB.deficientC.skillfulD.unskilledA.repetitiveB.challengingC.demandingD.exhaustedA.similarB.sameC.diverseD.differentA.idle awayB.cope withC.cut intoD.set asideA.fell onB.switched toC.held onD.turned toA.combatB.campaig

8、nC.contestD.struggleA.costB.repayC.takeD.spendA.digestB.swallowC.purchaseD.manufactureA.AlthoughB.SinceC.WhereasD.IfA.deterioratingB.better offC.worseningD.sufferingA.reasonsB.outcomesC.consequencesD.causesA.FurthermoreB.NeverthelessC.MoreoverD.AdditionallyA.thoroughlyB.enthusiasticallyC.activelyD.s

9、killfullyA.makingB.puttingC.bringingD.bottlingA.whatB.whicheverC.thatD.whichA.symptomsB.indicationsC.signaturesD.appearances二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Banish soft drinks from school vending machines. Cut down on Happy Meals. Load school lunches

10、with fruits and vegetables. Pull the plug on the television and shove kids outdoors. Those are some of the weapons that schools, doctors and parents wield to prevent overweight kids from packing on more pounds.But theres another possibility: Surgically implant an inflatable silicone band around the

11、top of the stomach to restrict food intake. That way, people eat smaller meals. Banding works for many adults. Now Allergan Inc. , a maker of the band, is asking the Food and Drug Administration to approve its device for morbidly obese adolescents as young as 14.You may or may not find this hard to

12、stomach. We suspect your response will depend on your view of the causes of obesity, teen and otherwise. If you think losing weight is only a matter of will power, then you probably will figure this is another stab at a quick-fix that cant work for long. But heres why we cant dismiss it. Chicago is

13、a national epicenter for childhood obesity. From toddlers to teens, Chicagos children far exceed national averages for obesity. An obese teen faces a lifetime of increased health risks.The band surgery wouldnt be for the girl who wants to shed 25 pounds to fit into a dancing party dress. This would

14、be for the morbidly obeseadolescents 100 pounds or more overweight. The surgery is safe and effective for adults. In limited trials, it has helped obese teens. A 2010 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found banding surgery to be far more effective than diet and exercise progra

15、ms in helping teens shed significant poundage. Of 25 patients who got the surgery, 21 lost more than half their excess weight. By contrast, only three of 25 teens on a supervised dieting and exercise program lost that much weight.The prospect of such surgery on a teen should give pause to parents an

16、d doctors. But lets remember that this is envisioned as a last resort for teens who are 100 pounds or more overweight. Before theyre cleared for surgery, kids would have to show they diligently tried other weight loss methods. That they could stabilize their weight in preparation for surgery. And th

17、at theyre ready to follow through with psychological counseling and other after-surgery programs.Parents and kids need to know: There is no quick, pain-free way around diet and exercise as a weight control. Pills, gastric surgery and other shortcuts may help some for a while. But even surgery likely

18、 wont be effective for long if you dont change the way you think about food and about controlling portions. Yes, we share concerns that once doctors start ratcheting up the numbers of these surgeries, they wont stop at the small numbers of extremely overweight teens. But thats for doctors and parent

19、s to monitor. The FDA should allow the band to be marketed for adolescents, to give them a chance at a normal, healthy life.(分数:10.00)(1).The purpose of surgical treatment is to(分数:2.00)A.urge overweight children to go on a diet.B.engage obese adolescents in more outdoors activities.C.reduce the amo

20、unt of food intake of obese children.D.cut down the number of meals of obese children.(2).You might dismiss the surgical implantation if(分数:2.00)A.it makes thing hard to childrens stomach.B.it does not lead to a reduction in children obesity.C.you believe children become obese for lack of will power

21、.D.you think the surgery poses health risks for children.(3).Band surgery is recommended for obese children for all the following reasons except that(分数:2.00)A.it has proved to be more effective in reducing weight.B.Chicago has an excessive number of obese children.C.overweight people are subjected

22、to greater health risks.D.the band has proved to be harmless to children of all ages.(4).The author warns that(分数:2.00)A.the band surgery should not be the first choice of obese kids.B.children who are morbidly obese should not try band surgery.C.children whose weight is still growing should not tak

23、e the surgery.D.children with psychological problems should not take the surgery.(5).Once approved, there might be danger that band surgery(分数:2.00)A.might cause constant pains to overweight children.B.might be overused on overweight adolescents.C.might be marketed for effects which it does not prod

24、uce.D.might cause psychological problems to obese children.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)About thirty years ago, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned employment decisions that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. To avoid legal penalties, companies crea

25、ted affirmative action programs. These programs became highly controversial, for they were seen by some as a form of reverse discrimination. Both praised and condemned, affirmative action programs remain in effect.Since the passage of Title VII, the United States has undergone a major demographic sh

26、ift. California will soon have a population of 50 percent Hispanic American and nonwhite. More than half of the nations work force now consists of minorities, immigrants, and women; white, native-born males, though still dominant, has become a statistical minority. In addition, about 80 percent of n

27、ew workers are not white males.Affirmative action relied heavily on assimilation, the process by which minorities are absorbed into the dominant culture. Generally, assimilation involves abandoning distinctive cultural patterns of behavior in favor of those of the dominant culture. Two, three, four

28、generations ago, people who immigrated to this country routinely changed their names to help them enter the mainstream as soon and as completely as possible.In contrast, the huge successes of the womens movement and civil rights activism have helped Americans to appreciate their differences, even to

29、 celebrate them. This change is transforming the workplace, for people who are comfortable and proud of being different are much less amenable to assimilation. “You dont have to aspire to be a white male or a member of the dominant group,“ says Thomas, “People are willing to be part of each, but the

30、y wont jump into the melting pot anymore. “Diversity in the workplace is much more than skin color. Diversity also refers to gender, age, religion, social class, sexual orientation, and even to military experience.Realizing that assimilation is probably not the way of the future, companies as divers

31、e as IBM, Ford, and 3M have begun programs called “Managing Diversity“ or “Valuing Diversity. “ The goals of these programs are threefold. (1) to uncover and root out biases and prejudices about peoples differences, (2) to increase awareness and appreciation of peoples differences, and (3) to teach

32、people “skills,“ especially communication and negotiation skills, for working with diverse groups.From a functionalist perspective, we would say that programs in managing diversity are an adjustment in the economic system. They will help meet needs caused by changing demographics within the nation a

33、nd new international relations that require American corporations to be more competitive. From a symbolic interaction perspective, we would say that these programs reflect a change in symbolsthat they illustrate how being different from the dominant group now has a different meaning than it used to.

34、 These programs not only reflect that change, they also foster further change in the meaning of diversity. From a conflict perspective, we would say that the key term in managing diversity programs is not diversity, but managing. No matter what they are called, these programs are merely another way

35、to exploit labor.(分数:10.00)(1).What is the goal of Title VII ?(分数:2.00)A.To ensure a smooth shift of population.B.To do away with any kind of discrimination.C.To help companies create the affirmative action programs.D.To guard against reverse discrimination.(2).It can be inferred from the passage th

36、at a reverse discrimination is one(分数:2.00)A.in which the minorities and women are discriminated against.B.by which companies tackle their problems of gender and racial discrimination.C.in which the white people suffer discrimination in employment.D.that goes against the affirmative action programs.

37、(3).By saying that the American people “wont jump into the melting pot anymore,“ (Para. 4) Thomas means that they(分数:2.00)A.are willing to keep their distinctive features.B.are not so brave as the former generations.C.do not appreciate the American culture at all.D.no longer follow the civil rights

38、activists so readily.(4).Which of the following is NOT a goal of affirmative action programs initiated by companies?(分数:2.00)A.To eliminate prejudices.B.To avoid legal penalties.C.To increase employment among the minorities.D.To meet the needs of diverse kinds of customers.(5).The last paragraph is

39、mainly about(分数:2.00)A.how companies exploit their workers through managing diversity.B.what companies expect of their affirmative action programs.C.the implications of the affirmative action programs.D.the national and international action against the exploitation of workers.六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00

40、)Judge Kleinberg got it right when he made it clear that there werent separate rules for bloggers and journalists.Thats not to say bloggers are or arent journalistsjust that there shouldnt be a distinction. In other words, the same rules apply to everyone. Butand heres the tricky partalthough the ru

41、les apply to people equally, we can, do, and should apply them differently to different acts. Asking whether bloggers are journalists is meaningless. Whats important isnt the person but the product. If a snoopy 12-year-old girl find evidence that her towns mayor is taking bribes, then collects it, v

42、erifies it, and publishes it on her blog, thats journalism. If Waiter Cronkite writes in his diary that he planted daisies and washed the dishes that afternoon, thats not. Its whats done, not whos doing it.This isnt something that always needed to be pointed out. In the old days, you could draw a li

43、ne between journalists and everyone else, just as you could draw a line between any other profession. What you did is what you were: reporter, barber, grocer, tailor, whatever. Journalists were usually hired by newspapers, magazines and radio stations. And they followed certain rules, respecting off

44、-the-record comments, being accurate and not misquoting.Today, the Web is an essentially way to get news, and, while journalism is pretty much the same, the term “journalist“ is getting a bit cloudy. Thats why the question of whether bloggers are journalists keeps coming up. When anyone can publish,

45、 anyone can be a journalist. So the questions the courts need to answer is not, “Who is a journalist?“ but rather, “Who is doing journalism?“ That 12-year-old girl was doing it, even if she isnt in high school yeteven if she wasnt a journalist.Not being a journalist doesnt necessarily reduce the qua

46、lity of the work, nor should it reduce the protections it receives. So when a question of journalists rights comes up, we need to ask two questions. First, “What protections should journalism receive under the First Amendment?“ And second, “Was the person in question performing an act of journalism?

47、“ If she isif the work she was doing involves gathering and publishing information of legitimate public interestthen her profession doesnt matter. The idea that the line between amateurs and professionals is blurring is something we need to get used to. The Web gives the little guy the same publishi

48、ng tools as the big guy. Video-editing software is inexpensive enough that the quality of amateurs equals that of many pros. But while our technology is removing age-old distinctions, our perceptions and our laws havent quite embraced the new reality. Its time to shift our thinking.(分数:10.00)(1).Whe

49、n the author says “Whats important isnt the person but the product“ (in the second paragraph), he means(分数:2.00)A.rules should not be set to regulate peoples behaviour.B.what is published determines whether the writer is a journalist.C.the quality of news stories determines the quality of a journalist.D.a blogger is a better journalist if he can produce newsworthy stories.(2).It can be inferred that traditional journalists differ from online “journalists“ in that, in the former case,(分数:2.00)A.what they did determines their occupations.

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