【考研类试卷】同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语-18 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语-18 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPaper One/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)1.A: Have you invited Susan to the party?B: _(分数:1.00)A.Yes, because I know she wants to stay at home.B.Not yet, because I know she prefers to stay at home.C.No, because I know she likes to join us.D.Yes, because Ive to thi

2、nk about it carefully.2.A: Susan, this is my boyfriend Sam.B: _C: Nice to meet you, too.(分数:1.00)A.You may only have one.B.Yours is lovely, too.C.Very well, thank you.D.Oh, really? Nice to meet you.3.A: I was thinking of staying in tonight to surf the Internet. Do you want to join me?B: _(分数:1.00)A.

3、Saying in tonight to surf the Internet? Its a good idea. Enjoy yourself.B.Join you with the Internet? What about the Internet?C.What I want to do is nothing else but take a walk.D.Not really. I work on the computer all day long. I need a break from computers screen.4.A: I have two tickets for tonigh

4、ts concert. Could you go with me?B: Id like to, but Im busy tonight.A: _(分数:1.00)A.All my work goes for nothing.B.What a pity! Im sorry.C.How could I do such a silly thing?D.Is it just as what you said?5.A: I havent been driving as fast as the other cars.B: _(分数:1.00)A.Sorry, madam. I am sorry there

5、 is something wrong with your car.B.Dont be arguing with me. Ill kill you if you drive so far next time on the superhighway.C.The other cars? Different cars have to observe different traffic rules, you know.D.Im sorry, madam, your speed limits fifty-five miles per hour. I have to give you a ticket.二

6、、BSection B/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)6.Man: Would you like to go with me to the airport to pick up Frank?Woman: Id like to, but I have class till 2:00. And I know Franks decided to take the early flight.Question: What does the woman imply?(分数:1.00)A.She wont be able to go with the man.B.She doesnt think Fran

7、k is arriving until tomorrow morning.C.She has to pick up Frank at 2:00.D.She doesnt know when her class will end.7.Woman: Would you like to go and see the new exhibit with us?Man: That is the last thing in the world I ever want to do.Question: What does the man mean?(分数:1.00)A.He saw the exhibit la

8、st week.B.He wants to see the last exhibit.C.He doesnt want to go and see the new exhibit.D.The exhibit was new when he saw it last time.8.Woman: Do you want the windows open or closed?Man: I almost always prefer fresh air, if possible.Question: What does the man imply?(分数:1.00)A.Hed like to have th

9、e windows open.B.He rarely leaves the windows open.C.He thinks the air is polluted.D.Hell help her close the window.9.Man: Would you like to go to the movies with Anne and me on Friday?Woman: I wish I could, but I am having dinner at my brothers.Question: What will the woman do on Friday?(分数:1.00)A.

10、Go to the movies with the woman.B.Take her brother to the movies.C.Eat at her brothers.D.Cook dinner with Anne.10.Man: Need a hand with those boxes?Woman: Thats OK. I can manage. Theyre empty.Question: What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.The man should have offered his assistance earlier.B.She doesn

11、t need the mans help.C.She didnt realize the boxes were empty.D.She wants the man to move the boxes.三、BPart Vocabula(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11.The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were illegible.(分数:0.50)A.illiterateB.illegitimateC.inscrutableD.indecipherable12.The ultimate cause of the Am

12、erican Civil War was bombardment of Fort Sumter.(分数:0.50)A.finalB.uniqueC.trueD.straight13.We should never underestimate influence we can have on the children we love.(分数:0.50)A.undersellB.undervalueC.disregardD.misjudge14.A briefcase full of counterfeit money was found on the counter.(分数:0.50)A.for

13、gedB.currencyC.substitutedD.cash15.They believe that the merchants had conspired to undermine the nations economic independence.(分数:0.50)A.upholdB.minimizeC.weakenD.postpone16.She actually preferred a more gregarious urban life style and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime.(分数:0.50)A.tranquil

14、B.sociableC.inactiveD.undisturbed17.There is a controversy even among doctors as to whether this disease is contagious or not.(分数:0.50)A.incisiveB.infertileC.allergicD.communicable18.They make better use of the time they have, and they are less likely to succumb to fatigue in stressful jobs.(分数:0.50

15、)A.sustainB.yieldC.endureD.expose19.Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for top flight staff, travel, and television commercials.(分数:0.50)A.dubiouslyB.potentlyC.profuselyD.candidly20.Phosphorus is used in paints for highway signs and marks because it is brigh

16、t at night.(分数:0.50)A.luminousB.harmlessC.adequateD.attractive四、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)21.He is a very _character; he is never relaxed with strangers.(分数:0.50)A.self-confidentB.self-consciousC.self-evidentD.self-serving22.The plane that _in the storm was carrying a group of entertainers on the

17、way to the International Fine-Art Works Exposition.(分数:0.50)A.crushedB.crashedC.crackedD.crafted23.To get my travelers cheques I had to _a special cheque to the bank for the total amount.(分数:0.50)A.make forB.make outC.make upD.make off24.Russian women had to wear protective masks as they walked in M

18、oscow, which was_ by a heavy smog yesterday.(分数:0.50)A.shroudedB.unveiledC.decayedD.deprived25.Youll find that the community has _great changes since you were here last time.(分数:0.50)A.submittedB.sustainedC.perceivedD.undergone26.To celebrate the national day, there was a _fireworks display.(分数:0.50

19、)A.specificB.spectacularC.speculativeD.specialistic27.In that country, a person who marries before legal age must have a parents _to obtain a license.(分数:0.50)A.sanctionB.warrantC.malignanceD.affirmation28.Because it symbolized strength, the oak was traditionally _and had numerous mythological assoc

20、iations.(分数:0.50)A.worshippedB.transformedC.engagedD.startled29.How about a glass of orange juice to _your thirst?(分数:0.50)A.quenchB.quellC.quashD.quieten30.The discrepancy in the company accounts is so _that no auditor could have failed to notice it.(分数:0.50)A.spontaneousB.conspicuousC.notoriousD.s

21、uperfluous五、BPart Reading (总题数:6,分数:45.00)BIDirections/B: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across

22、 the square brackets on your machine-scoring BANSWER SHEET/B./IBPassage One/BMany things make people think artists are weirdthe odd hours, the nonconformity, the clove cigarettes. However, the weirdest may be this: artists only jobs are to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones t

23、hat feel lousy. This wasnt always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere in the 19th(上标) century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring. In the 20th(上标) century, classical music became m

24、ore atonal, visual art more unsettling.Sure, there have been exceptions, but it would not be a stretch to say that for the past century or so, serious art has been at war with happiness. In 1824, Beethoven completed his “Ode to Joy“. In 1962, novelist Anthoy Burgess used it in A Clockwork Orange as

25、the favorite music of his ultra-violent antihero.You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen such misery. But the reason may actually be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.In the West, before mass communication and li

26、teracy, the most powerful mass medium was the church, which reminded worshippers that their souls were in peril and that they would someday be meat for worms. Today the messages that the average Westerner is bombarded with are not religious but commercial, and relentlessly happy. Since these message

27、s have an agendato prey our wallets from our pocketsthey make the very idea of happiness seem bogus(假的). “Celebrate!“ commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attack.What we forgetwhat our economy depends on us forgettingis that happi

28、ness is more than pleasure without pain. The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need someone to tell us that it is OK not to be happy, that sadness makes happiness deeper. As the wine-connoi

29、sseur movie Sideways tells us, it is the kiss of decay and mortality that makes grape juice into Pinot Norway need art to tell us, as religion once did, that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. Its a message even more bitter than a

30、clove cigarette, yet, somehow, is a breath of fresh air.(分数:6.00)(1).What is most strange about artists?(分数:1.00)A.They wear special clothes.B.They rarely work in the daytime.C.They mainly depict distressing things.D.They are liable to take illegal drugs.(2).What does the author mean by “a stretch“?

31、(分数:1.00)A.A terrible thing.B.An exaggeration.C.A continuous period of time.D.An exception.(3).The example that “Ode to Joy“ was used in Burgesss novel is meant to illustrate that_.(分数:1.00)A.musicians and novelists share similar artistic tasteB.violent people have a strong desire to be happyC.serio

32、us art is often contradictory with happinessD.music is enjoyed by good and bad people alike(4).The word “Celebrex“ in the advertisement_.(分数:1.00)A.misleads people into buying dangerous drugsB.reminds people of a cheerful feelingC.boasts of the effectiveness of a drugD.comes from a religious term(5)

33、.How could the economy depend on our forgetting things?(分数:1.00)A.The economy would not be boosted if everybody were satisfied.B.There are many new products designed for the forgetful.C.People will spend more money if we believe in easy happiness.D.We pay heavily for forgetting things easily.(6).Wha

34、t does the author imply with the movie Sideways?(分数:1.00)A.Happiness can be found through pains and efforts.B.Happiness comes when everything dies.C.Happiness makes sadness deeper.D.Happiness is not a good thing.BPassage Two/BWe sometimes think humans are uniquely vulnerable to anxiety, but stress s

35、eems to affect the immune defenses of lower animals too. In one experiment, for example, behavioral immunologist ( 免疫学家) Mark Laudenslager, at the University of Denver, gave mild electric shocks to 24 rats. Half the animals could switch off the current by turning a wheel in their enclosure, while th

36、e other half could not. The rats in the two groups were paired so that each time one rat turned the wheel it protected both itself and its helpless partner from the shock. Laudenslager found that the immune response was depressed below normal in the helpless rats but not in those that could turn off

37、 the electricity. What he has demonstrated, he believes, is that lack of control over an event, not the experience itself, is what wakens the immune system.Other researchers agree. Jay Weiss, a psychologist at Duke University School of Medicine, has shown that animals who are allowed to control unpl

38、easant stimuli dont develop sleep disturbances or changes in brain chemistry typical of stressed rats. But if the animals are conditioned to confront with situations they have no control over, they later behave passively even when faced with experiences they can control. Such findings reinforce psyc

39、hologists suspicions that the experience or perception of helplessness is one of the most harmful factors in depression.One of the most startling examples of how the mind can alter the immune response was discovered by chance. In 1975 psychologist Robert Ader at the University of Rochester School of

40、 Medicine conditioned (使形成条件反射) mice to avoid saccharin (糖精) by simultaneously feeding them the sweetener and injecting them with a drug that while suppressing their immune systems caused stomach upsets. Associating the saccharin with the stomach pains, the mice quickly learned to avoid the sweetene

41、r. In order to extinguish this dislike for the sweetener, Ader reexposed the animals to saccharin, this time without the drug, and was astonished to find that those mice that had received the highest amounts of sweetener during their earlier conditioning died. He could only speculate that he had so

42、successfully conditioned the rats that saccharin alone now served to weaken their immune systems enough to kill them.(分数:6.00)(1).The word “vulnerable“(in Para. 1) means_.(分数:1.00)A.fragileB.ambiguousC.soberD.dedicated(2).Laudenslagers experiment showed that the immune system of those rats who could

43、 turn off the electricity_.(分数:1.00)A.was alteredB.was strengthenedC.was weakenedD.was not affected(3).According to the passage, the experience of helplessness causes rats to_.(分数:1.00)A.turn off the electricityB.try to control unpleasant stimuliC.become abnormally suspiciousD.behave passively in co

44、ntrollable situations(4).The reason why the mice in Aders experiment avoided saccharin was that_.(分数:1.00)A.they associated it with stomachachB.it affected their immune systemsC.it led to stomach painsD.they disliked its taste(5).The passage tells us that the most probable reason for the death of th

45、e mice in Aders experiment was that_.(分数:1.00)A.the sweetener was poisonous to themB.their immune systems had been altered by the mindC.they had been weakened physically by the saccharinD.they had taken too much sweetener during earlier conditioning(6).It can be concluded from the passage that the i

46、mmune systems of animals_.(分数:1.00)A.can be altered by electric shocksB.can be weakened by conditioningC.can be suppressed by drug injectionsD.can be affected by frequent does of saccharinBPassage Three/BMost people would be impressed by the high quality of medicine available to most Americans. Ther

47、e is a lot of specialization, a great deal of attention to the individual, a vast amount of advanced technical equipment, and intense effort not to make mistakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must face in the courts if they handle things badly.But the Americans are in a m

48、ess. The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed. Contrary to public belief, it is not just a free competition system. To the private system has been joined a large public system, because private care was simply not looking after the less fortunate and the elderly.But even

49、with this huge public part of the system, which this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollarsmore than 10 percent of the U.S. budgetlarge numbers of Americans are left out. These include about half the 11 million unemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits on income fixed by a government trying to make savings where it can.The basic problem, h


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