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1、大学六级-1398 及答案解析(总分:792.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.名人代言现象普遍2名人代言存在一些问题3你的看法On Celebrity Working as Products Spokesperson_(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)No one would argue that children thrive when they feel respected, important, and cared for by other persons, or

2、that they falter when they lack the self-pride and self-confidence that accompanies such approval and support. However, at the hands of educators eager to encourage lagging pupils, a myth has developed that raising youngsters self-esteem is a sure means of improving their levels of achievement and s

3、olving many of the nations social ills.A 1990 report, for instance, proposes that “self-esteem is the likeliest candidate for a social vaccine, something that empowers us to live responsibly and that keeps us from the lure of crime, teen pregnancy, and educational failure. The lack of self-esteem is

4、 central to more personal and social ills plaguing our state and nation as we approach the end of the twentieth century.“By the 1960s, following the advent of the self-actualization theories of personal growth espoused by psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, interest in enhancing self-estee

5、m as a path to accomplishment got under way in the nations schools. Since then, dozens of “how-to“ books have described ways for improving childrens positive feeling about themselves. The theory is simple: Feeling good is a necessary predecessor of accomplishment.Despite its current popularity, ques

6、tions can be raised about the assumptions underlying the self-esteem movement. For example, what benefit does a third-grader gain in telling herself, “I am smart,“ “I am a good student,“all forms of the “affirmative language“ advocated by Douglas Bloch in his book Positive Self-talk for Children?Doe

7、s it really enhance the self-esteem of members of the fifth-grade baseball teamor improve their athletic skillwhen everyone is awarded a trophy, despite the fact that the team did not show noticeable improvement throughout the season? What effect will this have on next years efforts when this record

8、 of performance ends with apparent approval and satisfaction? Countless statistics and surveys have had a unanimous(一致的) result: nothing is changed, and the days go on the same as ever.People are eager to praise the toddler for a few tentative steps and the two-year-old for simply attempting to matc

9、h form with hole in a puzzle board. Self-esteem is heightened in the young child through such love and approval. Older kids, though, are foxy analysts and know when performance merits praise and when it does not. Repeating indiscriminate praise or acclaiming minimal accomplishments run the risk of t

10、ransforming positive response into meaningless flattery(恭维).Self-esteem theorists appear to have it backwards. Meaningful self-evaluation and positive self-esteem usually are the results, not the prerequisites(前提), of accomplishment. Praise is just one source of feedback; self-esteem more often come

11、s from an awareness that the requirements of a sought-after goal have been mastered. Acquiring the knowledge and skills that enable a child to make progress toward such goals is a necessary basis for developing healthy, realistic self-esteem.Sports are an arena in which Americans generally have litt

12、le reluctance to require hard work and persistence. Coaches do not hesitate to point out errors and mistakes. Childrens self-esteem does not appear to suffer when they are told that they need to practice more and concentrate on the task at hand. The usual effect is renewed effort to work, practice,

13、and learn.In contrast, Americans are reluctant to have teachers evaluate the academic performance of their elementary school children with more than a “satisfactory“ or “needs improvement.“ Later, parents urge high schools to adopt more lenient(宽松的)grading systems, worried that the childrens self-es

14、teem will plummet when they find that the “satisfactory“ of earlier years now has become a “C or “D.“Sympathetic teachers, aware of the difficulties students encounter in their everyday lives, often relinquish standards in an effort to build students self-confidence. In doing so, they deprive youngs

15、ters of the kinds of experience that are prerequisite to later success. Students are fooled and their prospects for later employment are placed in jeopardy when teachers fail to teach them how diligence and effort can help to avoid academic problems, and when they fail to provide children with reali

16、stic feedback in meeting well-defined, challenging goals.American students face a bleak future if they are unable to compete with their peers, both in the U. S. and other industrialized countries. The seriousness of the matter becomes evident in the results of comparative studies of academic achieve

17、ment. In one, for example, 96% of Chinese and 90 % of Japanese fifth-graders tested had mathematics scores higher than the average of their counterparts in the U.S. Results are not much better at the 11 th-grade level: 86% of the Chinese and 92% of the Japanese received scores above American average

18、 scores.One might guess from the growing emphasis on self-esteem that American children generally have a negative self-image. This is not the case. In research conducted with representative samples of 11 th-graders and their parents in Minnesota and Virginia, for instance, we found that Americans se

19、em to have an unusually positive image of themselves. Participants were asked to rate the students achievement in mathematics on a seven-point scale where a rating of four was defined as average. Both students and their parents made ratings whose averages were significantly above averagethat is, abo

20、ve four. “Above average“ ratings were not limited to academic areas; the students gave themselves these ratings on a diverse array of characteristics, including athletic skills, physical appearance, and how well they got along with others. Chinese and Japanese students and parents made more realisti

21、c appraisals: their average ratings conformed more closely to the average as the researchers had defined it.Evaluations made by the Americans do not describe students plagued by self-doubt and in need of strong reassurance. Of course, there are American youngsters who have low self-esteem and who re

22、spond to this hy giving up academic pursuits. Nevertheless, the principal challenge, it seems, is not so much in building up their self-esteem as in teaching them that all students are capable of raising their levels of performance if they are willing to work hard.We asked several thousand American

23、and East Asian students to tell us what was most important for doing well in school. The most common response of the East Asian students was “studying.“ The U. S. students said “a good teacher“. The difference in the place of responsibility reflected in these answers well may reveal the consequences

24、 of a “feel good“ approach.What conclusions can be drawn? First, it is through progress and accomplishment that students develop the confidence which underlies solid self-esteem. Second, meeting challenging goals and receiving accurate feedback provides a sense of competence that leads to a healthy,

25、 realistic basis for feeling good about oneself. There is no evidence that adopting ever-higher standards as they learn and requiring students to work harder will lower their positive feelings about their abilities.Having kids tell themselves “Im good enough. Im smart enough. And doughnut, people li

26、ke me“ may be comforting for the moment, but we delude ourselves if we think a “feel good“ approach will solve the problems of educating Americas children and protecting the nation from social ills.Praise and award certificatesthe currency of the self-esteem movementare cheap. More tangible types of

27、 reform that rely on redesigning institutions such as schools are expensive, difficult, and time-consuming. Even so, Americans must be as hardheaded and as clear as their competitors in realizing that an effective educational system for children and youth are fundamental to a nations health and prog

28、ress. Feeling good is fine; it is even better when people have something to feel good about.(分数:70.00)(1).When children feel good about themselves, they are likely to be _.(分数:7.00)A.elegantB.ignorantC.successfulD.lonely(2).The 1990 report of the California Task Force to Promote Personal and Social

29、Responsibility finds _ accounts for more personal and social ills.(分数:7.00)A.the lack of self-esteemB.the lack of lawC.the lack of moneyD.the lack of education(3).Interest in enhancing self-esteem as a path to success got under way after _.(分数:7.00)A.the realization of the importance of self-esteemB

30、.the educational reform in 1960sC.the advent of the self-actualization theoriesD.the educators comment of self-esteem(4).Countless statistics and surveys have proved that sometimes the self-esteem movement _.(分数:7.00)A.helps the people successfulB.encourages the peopleC.frustrates the peopleD.has ch

31、anged nothing(5).The self-esteem theorists argue that _ is a necessary basis for developing healthy, realistic self-esteem.(分数:7.00)A.the teachers right guidanceB.necessary knowledge and skillsC.praise from the parentsD.the social measures(6).The parents urge high school teachers to develop more len

32、ient grading systems because they think it will _.(分数:7.00)A.enhance the childrens self-esteemB.help the children with the academic performanceC.plummet the childrens self-esteemD.make the children more competent(7).In the authors opinion, real self-esteem usually comes from meeting worthwhile goals

33、 combined with _.(分数:7.00)A.hard workB.positive praiseC.severe criticizeD.realistic feedback(8).To emphasize the importance of the competitiveness of American teenagers, the author quotes the results of _ of academic achievement.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).Evaluations reveal that American youngsters are not

34、 obsessed with _ and in need of reassurance.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).Americans must be fully aware that _ for children and youth are essential to the nations health and progress.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:3,分数:105.00)A.To remind the woman to lock the door when goi

35、ng out.B.To remind the man to take his keys when going out.C.To prevent the thief to break into when going out.D.To prevent visitors from having an accident.A.The advertisements let us know the best product.B.The advertisements give us sufficient information.C.The advertisements fail to convince peo

36、ple.D.The advertisements give misleading information.A.She wants to borrow his notes and advises him to attend the lecture.B.She wants to borrow his notes and advises him to attend the seminar.C.She can lend her notes right now and advises him to attend the lecture.D.She cant lend him her notes righ

37、t now and advises him to attend the seminar.A.He cant remember people by sight.B.He cant remember people by name.C.He has a terrible memory for football.D.He has a hard time recognizing names.A.She is fond of shopping.B.She doesnt know what to buy for Christmas.C.She gives the man advice on what to

38、buy for Christmas.D.She doesnt think its necessary to buy gifts.A.Hes looking for ways to start his business.B.He has high reward for his overseas counterparts.C.His business starts to be prosperous.D.Hes using a business directory to develop more connections.A.The woman shouldnt lose her job.B.The

39、woman shouldnt be frustrated.C.The woman wont be laid off by the management.D.The woman can easily find new thinA.The cultures of different countries.B.The woman gets along well with her roommates.C.The womans first year study at college.D.The womans foreign roommates.Questions 19 to 22 are based on

40、 the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.To discuss the second essay.B.To get the comments on TV news.C.To plan to join TV news programs.D.To tell the difference of TV news.A.The evening and the midmorning news.B.The breakfast and the six oclock news.C.The midmorning and midnight news.D.The

41、 evening and midnight news.A.She will focus on the sports news.B.She will talk to the audience for the advice.C.She wont make up mind before collecting resources of programs.D.She will study a whole week of news programs.A.Dr Richardson is content with Marys essay.B.Dr Richardson is disappointed wit

42、h Marys essay.C.Mary has great difficulties in completing the essay.D.Mary can complete the essay by the deadlinQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Environment and genes.B.Cells of proteins.C.Genes of parents.D.A sequence of DNA.Individual humans share 90

43、 percent of their DNA.B.Individual humans share 99.9 percent of their DNA.C.Individual humans share 99 percent of their DNA.D.Individual humans share 80 percent of their DNA.This technology can cure all the diseases caused by genes.B.This technology can not lead to a cure for cancer.C.This technolog

44、y has received great achievement in medical field.D.This technology is still in its early stag五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Internet communications.B.Classroom interaction.C.Cyber bullying.D.Instant messaginA.Because

45、 it builds a new world of communication.B.Because it provides him or her with the way of positive interaction.C.Because it helps him or her to make new friends.D.Because it provides no feedback about the consequences of his or her action.A.It is difficult to detect online bullying.B.It is impossible

46、 to monitor bullying outside school.C.Online bullying is usually beyond teachers control.D.All above all.Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Because they owned bombs.B.Because they lied to the FBI.C.Because they threaten peoples life.D.Because they

47、revolt the FBA.He attended a terrorist training camp in Pakistan.B.He hadnt owned weapons and participated in explosives training in Pakistan.C.He wrote the document on how to build a bomb.D.He kept in touch with the terrorists in Pakistan.A.The FBI have detected the location of terrorism attack.B.T

48、he 3 men had confessed to be terrorists.C.The terrorists would have severe revenge.D.The FBI hadnt gotten valuable information.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.The market plays an important role in airline service.B.It introduces the history of the aviation service.C.It describes airline companies.D.It introduces the scale and scope of airline comp

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