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1、大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-15 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、短对话(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)(1).When will the man meet Mr. Wilson?(分数:3.00)A.At 3:00.B.At 3:30.C.At 4:00.D.At 4:30.(2).Why doesn“t the woman choose the energy efficient light bulbs?(分数:3.00)A.They use up too much

2、energy.B.They are not efficient.C.They are too expensive.D.She doesn“t believe what it says on the box.(3).What“s the woman?(分数:3.00)A.The man“s secretary.B.A manager.C.A job applicant.D.A waitress.(4).Where are the speakers?(分数:3.00)A.In a butcher“s.B.In a hotel.C.On the plane.D.In a fast food rest

3、aurant.(5).How do they plan for the next lunch?(分数:3.00)A.They will go Dutch.B.The man will pay for the bill.C.The woman will pay for the bill.D.The woman will cook for them.(分数:15.00)(1).What time is the appointment?(分数:3.00)A.10:15.B.11:15.C.1:55.D.2:05.(2).How will they travel to Edinburgh?(分数:3.

4、00)A.By plane.B.By coach.C.By train.D.By car.(3).How much is the man“s ticket?(分数:3.00)A.$16.50.B.$15.00.C.$12.50.D.$10.00.(4).Why was the man late home?(分数:3.00)A.Because of the lorry accident.B.Because of the train strike.C.Because of the bus strike.D.Because of the car accident.(5).Where are the

5、man and the woman talking?(分数:3.00)A.In the sports center.B.In the library.C.In the lecture room.D.In the cinema.三、长对话(总题数:5,分数:70.00)(分数:10.00)(1).What office is the student looking for?(分数:2.50)A.Accounting.B.Economic history.C.Economics.D.History(2).When was the orientation meeting held?(分数:2.50)

6、A.Yesterday.B.Last Friday.C.A week ago.D.Two days ago(3).What is the rule about attendance at lectures?(分数:2.50)A.It is optional.B.It is necessary.C.It is difficult to enforce.D.It depends(4).How often does the student have to attend tutorials?(分数:2.50)A.Once every other week.B.Three times a week.C.

7、Once a week.D.Twice a week(分数:15.00)(1).What“s Tania“s phone number?(分数:3.00)A.506-6178.B.501-6678.C.501-6687.D.506-1678.(2).Who is going shopping at Harrods?(分数:3.00)A.Tania.B.Karl.C.Karl“s mother.D.Tania“s mother.(3).How is Tania going to get to Harrods?(分数:3.00)A.On foot.B.By taxi.C.By tube.D.By

8、bus.(4).Which street plan shows the way from the station? A. B. C. (分数:3.00)A.B.C.(5).What kind of wine does Karl want?(分数:3.00)A.Red Merlot.B.White Bordeaux.C.Rose Chianti.D.Red Bordeaux.(分数:15.00)(1).Which drawing shows the position of the handle? A. B. C. (分数:3.00)A.B.C.(2).What other product fea

9、tures are included?(分数:3.00)A.A range of handle sizes.B.A variety of colour combinations.C.A set of rings for different-sized tins.D.A range of shape varieties.(3).What“s the purpose of the V-clip?(分数:3.00)A.To hold the paint brush so it drips in the can.B.To prevent paint from getting onto the pain

10、ted surfaces.C.To prevent the brush drying out if the painter is interrupted.D.To prevent paint from spilling if the can is dropped.(4).Who will probably use the can-holder?(分数:3.00)A.Artists.B.Decorators.C.Soldiers.D.Architects.(5).How much does the product cost?(分数:3.00)A.4.B.5.C.$4.D.$5.(分数:15.00

11、)(1).What did the man do before attending a drama school?(分数:3.00)A.He joined a band.B.He joined an amateur theatre club.C.He worked for a club as a waiter.D.He worked for a club for a long time.(2).Why did the man take up “busking“?(分数:3.00)A.To earn extra pocket money.B.To support his family.C.To

12、support himself while he studied.D.To rich his life.(3).How did the man“s grandmother influence him?(分数:3.00)A.She encouraged him in his ambitions.B.She taught him how to perform.C.She had been involved in the theatre.D.She created her own theatre.(4).What does the man say about actors who are shy?(

13、分数:3.00)A.They prefer to perform on their own.B.They are eager to perform.C.They concentrate more on their performances.D.They concentrate more on the audience“s reaction.(5).When do actors play a role better, in the man“s opinion?(分数:3.00)A.When they can identify with the character they are playing

14、.B.If they know what the audience wants.C.If they are familiar with the plot of the play.D.If they are familiar with the characters of the protagonist.(分数:15.00)(1).What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?(分数:3.00)A.Professor and postgraduate student.B.Interviewer and analyst.C.Cu

15、stomer and businessman.D.Parent and child.(2).What was the result of the changes made after Christmas 1999?(分数:3.00)A.Their website was much expanded.B.Their spending was cut by 40 percent.C.Their sales improved slightly.D.Their profits dropped.(3).How much more money did try to raise in May?(分数:3

16、.00)A.$80 millionB.$100 millionC.$20 millionD.$120 million(4).According to Marlene, what was the biggest financial mistake made?(分数:3.00)A.They spent too much money launching their site in other countries.B.Their products were too expensive.C.They wasted a lot of money on advertising.D.They wasted

17、a lot of time on promotion.(5).Why didn“t investors want to risk any more money by investing in boo. corn?(分数:3.00)A.Because it didn“t have the right kind of staff.B.Because it didn“t have a good business strategy.C.Because it didn“t have high quality products.D.Because it didn“t have advanced corpo

18、ration culture.大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-15 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、短对话(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)(1).When will the man meet Mr. Wilson?(分数:3.00)A.At 3:00.B.At 3:30.C.At 4:00.D.At 4:30. 解析:听力原文 M: Please call Mr. Wilson and tell him I“ll be late for the four o“clock me

19、eting. What time is it now? W: It“s 3:00. How late do you think you“ll be? M: About half an hour. 解析 对话中问 Mr. Wilson 会迟到多久,由男士的回答 About haft an hour 可知 D 选项正确。(2).Why doesn“t the woman choose the energy efficient light bulbs?(分数:3.00)A.They use up too much energy.B.They are not efficient.C.They are

20、too expensive. D.She doesn“t believe what it says on the box.解析:听力原文 W: I want to buy these energy efficient light bulbs, but they are three times the price of the regular ones. M: You have to think in the long term. In time they will save you money. W: That“s what it says on the box, but I need to

21、save money right now. 解析 对话中问女士为什么没有买这个节能电灯,由女士的回答 but I need to save money right now,可知 C 选项符合题意。(3).What“s the woman?(分数:3.00)A.The man“s secretary.B.A manager.C.A job applicant. D.A waitress.解析:听力原文 M: You must be Ruth Pearson. W: That“s right. M: We“re not quite ready for you yet, Miss Pearson;

22、we“re just finishing up with the previous candidate. W: That“s all right. M: Would you like to take a seat here and we“ll be with you in just a moment? There“s coffee in the machine on the floor just below this one. 解析 男士表示他们刚刚与 the previous candidate 谈完话,可见这位女士是一名应聘者。(4).Where are the speakers?(分数:

23、3.00)A.In a butcher“s.B.In a hotel.C.On the plane.D.In a fast food restaurant. 解析:听力原文 M: Evening! Steak and kidney pie, please, and a bag of chips. W: To eat on the premises? M: No, wrap it up, please, if you could. W: Sorry. Sold out of steak and kidney. I can warm up a chicken and mushroom for yo

24、u. We haven“t got one ready right now. 解析 男士点了 Steak and kidney pie 以及 chips,女士问他要不要在 premises(店里)吃,男士说他要打包。可以推断这里是一家快餐店。(5).How do they plan for the next lunch?(分数:3.00)A.They will go Dutch.B.The man will pay for the bill.C.The woman will pay for the bill. D.The woman will cook for them.解析:听力原文 W:

25、Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. M: It“s OK. W: Next time lunch is on me. M: Don“t be silly. W: I“m serious. M: All right. Next time you“ll treat. W: It“s a deal! 解析 对话中问下一次的午餐有什么计划,由女士的回答 Next time lunch is on me.可知 C 选项符合题意。(分数:15.00)(1).What time is the appointment?(分数:3.00)A.10:15.B.11:15.C.1

26、:55. D.2:05.解析:听力原文 W: Dr. Brown“s Clinic. Can I help you? M: Yes. Can I have an appointment to see the doctor, please? W: Well, he“s free at a quarter past eleven today or tomorrow at a quarter past ten or five to two. M: I“ll come tomorrow afternoon. 解析 根据男士的回答 I“ll come tomorrow afternoon 可知他明天下午

27、来,医生明天 at a quarter past ten or five to two 有空,所以此预约是 five to two,即 2 点差 5 分,1:55。(2).How will they travel to Edinburgh?(分数:3.00)A.By plane.B.By coach. C.By train.D.By car.解析:听力原文 M: Are you going to take the train up to Edinburgh? W: We“ve booked tickets on the coach, actually. We wanted to drive u

28、p there, but we“ve been having problems with the car and we can“t afford to fly. 解析 对话中女士提到 We“ve booked tickets on the coach,所以他们决定 by coach。(3).How much is the man“s ticket?(分数:3.00)A.$16.50.B.$15.00. C.$12.50.D.$10.00.解析:听力原文 M: Can you tell me how much it is for a ticket for Saturday“s performan

29、ce of Macbeth? W: The front stalls and the circle are the most expensive at $16.50. The middle seats in the stalls cost $15 and the back three rows cost $12.50, but the view isn“t so good. All seats are $10 for students. M: I“ll have one in the middle, please. I“m not a student. I“ve got my credit c

30、ard here. 解析 由男士所说最后一句话可知他卖的中间位置的票,价格$15。(4).Why was the man late home?(分数:3.00)A.Because of the lorry accident. B.Because of the train strike.C.Because of the bus strike.D.Because of the car accident.解析:听力原文 W: Hi! Have you had a busy day at the office? M: Yes, sorry I“m late. I didn“t get the bus

31、because John offered me a lift. We didn“t realize the motorway was closed because of a lorry accident, so it took much longer than usual. I“ll be even later tomorrow with the train strike. 解析 根据 because of a lorry accident 可知男士晚回家的原因是碰上卡车事故。(5).Where are the man and the woman talking?(分数:3.00)A.In t

32、he sports center.B.In the library.C.In the lecture room. D.In the cinema.解析:听力原文 Woman: It“s a bit crowded isn“t it. worse than a football match! Can you see well enough from here? Man: It doesn“t matter. As long as I can hear and get down the important points of what he says, it“s OK. Woman: I“m go

33、ing to the library after this. I want to get this report finished so that I can go to the cinema later. 解析 由 a bit crowded,hear and get down the important points 可知他们是在听一场报告。三、长对话(总题数:5,分数:70.00)(分数:10.00)(1).What office is the student looking for?(分数:2.50)A.Accounting.B.Economic history.C.Economics

34、. D.History解析:听力原文 M: Hello. Can I come in? W: Oh, yes, please do. How can I help you? M: I“m looking for the Economics Office. I“ve been looking for it everywhere. But I could only find the School of Accounting and Economic History. Is this the right place? W: Yes. This is the School of Economics.

35、M: Oh, good. I am a new student. And I was wondering if someone could give me some information. W: Well, I might be able to help. What do you need to know? M: Quite a few things, actually. Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have to attend? W: Ah, well, the course you registered for has two lectu

36、res a week and one tutorial. The lectures are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. M: Do you know what time? W: Let me see. You should have all this information in the handout you received yesterday at the orientation meeting. M: Oh, was there a meeting yesterday? I didn“t know about that. No one men

37、tioned it. W: Yes, there was. But never mind. Now your lectures are both at four in the afternoon. M: Four is a bit late. I“ve got a part-time job that starts at 4:30. W: Well, you can“t be in two places at once, can you? And attendance at lectures is necessary. We expect at least 90 percent attenda

38、nce at this university, you know. M: 90 percent? That“s high. Do you enforce that rule? W: Yes, we do. We are pretty strict about it, actually. M: And what times have been set for the tutorials? Do you have that information? W: Yes, there are a number of tutorial times: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

39、all at 9 o“clock. Your tutorial is on Monday. M: Can“t I choose the time? W: Maybe, but you“ll have to talk to the lecturer. Doctor Roberts is your tutor. M: OK, thanks very much. 解析 由第三句话可知这位学生在寻找 the Economics Office。(2).When was the orientation meeting held?(分数:2.50)A.Yesterday. B.Last Friday.C.A

40、 week ago.D.Two days ago解析:解析 录音原文中女士说到 You should have all this information in the handout you received yesterday at the orientation meeting。由此可知学校综合介绍会是在昨天开的。(3).What is the rule about attendance at lectures?(分数:2.50)A.It is optional.B.It is necessary. C.It is difficult to enforce.D.It depends解析:解

41、析 由女士所说的这句话可知 attendance at lectures is necessary。(4).How often does the student have to attend tutorials?(分数:2.50)A.Once every other week.B.Three times a week.C.Once a week. D.Twice a week解析:解析 倒数第四句话提到 a number of tutorial times: Monday, Wednesday and Friday all at 9 o“clock. Your tutorial is on M

42、onday.由此可知学生出席 tutorials times 一个星期只有一次。(分数:15.00)(1).What“s Tania“s phone number?(分数:3.00)A.506-6178.B.501-6678. C.501-6687.D.506-1678.解析:听力原文 W: Hello, 5016678. M: Hello! Is that you, Tania? W: Hi! Karl! M: Tania, I“m terribly sorry I can“t go to Harrods with you tonight. I“ve got to operate on a

43、patient. It“s urgent. W: That“s all fight. I can go by myself. Do you think I can walk there? M: Oh, no! It“s quite a long way. You could take a taxi, I suppose. It will take you right to the door. W: Get a taxi? But that will cost me a fortune. M: Yeah, I suppose you are fight. Well, you could alwa

44、ys catch the subway. W: Oh, yeah! I forgot about that. Yes, that“s a good idea. But is it very far from the tube to Harrods? M: No, when you come out of the tube station into station road. You turn left and walk towards Oxford Road, then turn left again on the Oxford Road. W: Oxford Road? M: Yes, cr

45、oss over the street and keep going in the same direction, then take the first turning on your right. When you come to the end of the road, you“ll see Harrods on the right. It“s the big building with lots of green flags. Do you follow me? W: Yes, I think so. Thanks. By the way, do you want me to buy

46、anything for you? M: Oh, yes, please! Can you get me a bottle of Red Merlot. My mother is coming tomorrow. W: Ok, I“ll do that. M: Great! Thanks a lot. Bye! W: Bye! 解析 在英语国家中,接到电话的人的第一句话就是报自己的电话号码。(2).Who is going shopping at Harrods?(分数:3.00)A.Tania. B.Karl.C.Karl“s mother.D.Tania“s mother.解析:解析 根据

47、男士的话“Tania, I“m terribly sorry I can“t go to Harrods with you tonight.”及女士的回答“That“s all right. I can go by myself”可知要哈罗德百货公司的是Tania(3).How is Tania going to get to Harrods?(分数:3.00)A.On foot.B.By taxi.C.By tube. D.By bus.解析:解析 当 Karl 建议 Tania 坐地铁去的时候,Tania 的回答是“Oh, yes!”并说道“that“s a good idea.”,由此可

48、见 Tania 将坐地铁去 Harrods.(4).Which street plan shows the way from the station? A. B. C. (分数:3.00)A.B.C. 解析:解析 根据 Karl 的话“除了地铁站后向左拐,沿着 Oxford Road 走,过街后在第一个路口处向左转,路的尽头处就是 Harrods,由此可见选项 C 是正确的。(5).What kind of wine does Karl want?(分数:3.00)A.Red Merlot. B.White Bordeaux.C.Rose Chianti.D.Red Bordeaux.解析:解

49、析 当 Tania 问 Karl 需要给他带什么的时候,男士说给他带“a bottle of Red Merlot”,由此可见选项 A 为正确答案。(分数:15.00)(1).Which drawing shows the position of the handle? A. B. C. (分数:3.00)A. B.C.解析:听力原文 W: And we“ve been looking out especially for things that make it easier to do various jobs. To start off then, David Heaves. Let me try you something that grips onto the edge of your paint-can to help you to hold it for long periods. M: This product is actually basically a can grip, So it“s a convenient way of actually ho


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