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1、大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-29 及答案解析(总分:89.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、IQ Test(总题数:27,分数:89.00)1.Find the missing number. (分数:4.00)2.Different foods are to be found on three shelves in a fridge. Butter is kept below the eggs while cheese is kept above the milk. The butter is also above the milk, but the eggs are on the sa

2、me shelf as the yoghurt. The ice cream is above the cheese. What is on the bottom shelf? (分数:4.00)3.Two aero planes are flying straight towards each other. One is traveling at 10 kilometres per minute, and the other at 15 kilometres per minute. Assuming that the planes are exactly 1,000 kilometres a

3、part, what distance will be between them one minute before they crash into each other? (分数:4.00)4.Each of these words has a partner, except one. Which is the odd one out? (分数:4.00)5.The restaurant owner bought two hundred pounds of potatoes which contain 99% water content. The potatoes are left in t

4、he sun for 4 hours. Now the total water content of the potatoes is slightly reduced to 96%. What is the total weight of the potatoes now? (分数:4.00)6.Rearrange the following to form two connected words. TOUGHDUN FACETIKUR (分数:4.00)7.Which letters complete the sequence? (分数:4.00)8.What number is missi

5、ng from the segment below? (分数:4.00)9.What word goes in the brackets? Kilt (Look) Polo Log () Coca (分数:3.00)10.Henry is a beggar. He has the habit of picking up cigarette ends left by other people. He can always make one new cigarette out of seven ends. One Saturday night he collected 49 cigarette e

6、nds. The next day he made them into cigarettes and smoked them all. How many whole cigarettes did he smoke that day? (分数:3.00)11.The five rings on the flag are Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green. (分数:3.00)12.Yesterday my doctor gave me some tablets. There were five in the box. He told me to take one

7、 every half hour. How long did they last? (分数:3.00)13.John can mow a field in 6 hours. Bill can mow a field in 5 hours. Henry can mow a field in 4 hours. Joe can mow a field in 3 hours. Tom can mow a field in 2 hours. If they all work together at their respective rates, how long will it take to mow

8、the field? (分数:3.00)14.If 5 frogs catch 5 flies in 5 minutes, how many frogs are required to catch 50 flies in 50 minutes? (分数:3.00)15.Replace the dots with a word to make three new words. (.) DOOR/FLOW/GROW (分数:3.00)16.A man jogs at 6 mph over a certain distance and walks back over the same route a

9、t 4 mph. What is his average speed for the journey? (分数:3.00)17.What American has had the largest family? (分数:3.00)18. (分数:3.00)19.If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long will it take to take them all? (分数:3.00)20. (分数:3.00)21. (分数:3.00)22.With the aid

10、of the clue, insert the letters into the grid, to find the two words. (分数:3.00)23.A number of antonyms of the keyword are shown. Take one letter from each of the antonyms, in order, to spell out another antonym of the keyword. KEYWORD: OMNIPOTENT ANTONYMS: INFERIOR, IMPOTENT, POWERLESS, VULNERABLE,

11、FRAIL, INCAPABLE What is it? (分数:3.00)24.If all the letters of the alphabet were written out backwards, which would be the next but one letter after the third vowel? (分数:3.00)25.A, B, C, D, E and F are six seaside resorts. A, C and F have promenades, but the others do not. B, D and F have a fun fair

12、 and a caravan park, whereas C has a caravan park only. The others have neither. There are amusements at all the resorts except B and C. Which resort without a caravan park has amusements but no promenade? (分数:3.00)26.Which of the numbers in the square is the odd one out? (分数:3.00)27.You are looking

13、 for one word in this paragraph. The word appears only once, its first letter is the eighth letter which appears after a certain vowel and the same vowel is the fifth letter before its last letter. (分数:3.00)大学生英语竞赛 C 类非英语专业-29 答案解析(总分:89.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、IQ Test(总题数:27,分数:89.00)1.Find the missing num

14、ber. (分数:4.00)解析:27解析 第一个图中下角 1 的得出是 1 的立方为 1,第二个图中下角 8 的得出是 2 的立方为 8,那么第三个图中 3 的立方就应该为 27。2.Different foods are to be found on three shelves in a fridge. Butter is kept below the eggs while cheese is kept above the milk. The butter is also above the milk, but the eggs are on the same shelf as the y

15、oghurt. The ice cream is above the cheese. What is on the bottom shelf? (分数:4.00)解析:Milk解析 从题意中可以得知,Butter 在 eggs 下面,即 Butter 不在最高一层,下面又提到 The butter 在 milk 上面,而冰箱总共三层,从而可推出 milk 肯定在最底层。3.Two aero planes are flying straight towards each other. One is traveling at 10 kilometres per minute, and the ot

16、her at 15 kilometres per minute. Assuming that the planes are exactly 1,000 kilometres apart, what distance will be between them one minute before they crash into each other? (分数:4.00)解析:25 kilometers解析 两架飞机相向飞行,一架飞行速度每分钟 10 公里,另一架每分钟 15 公里,那么如果相撞,相撞前一分钟时两架飞机的距离应该是 10+15=25 公里。选项 C 正确。4.Each of thes

17、e words has a partner, except one. Which is the odd one out? (分数:4.00)解析:cough解析 cue 与 queue 同音,key 与 quay 同音,prohpet 与 profit 同音,court 与 caught 同音,dough 与 doe 同音,draught 与 draft 同音,cheque 与 check 同音,因而只有 cough 没有与其读音相同的词。5.The restaurant owner bought two hundred pounds of potatoes which contain 99%

18、 water content. The potatoes are left in the sun for 4 hours. Now the total water content of the potatoes is slightly reduced to 96%. What is the total weight of the potatoes now? (分数:4.00)解析:50 pounds解析 假设蒸发掉的水的重量为 x,根据题意,可以得出如下方程式:(20099%-x)/(200-x)=96%。得出 x=150,现在土豆的总重量为 200-150=50(磅)。6.Rearrange

19、 the following to form two connected words. TOUGHDUN FACETIKUR (分数:4.00)解析:DOUGHNUT FRUITCAKE解析 doughnut 油炸圈饼;fruitcake 水果蛋糕。7.Which letters complete the sequence? (分数:4.00)解析:P;E解析 根据字母表的顺序,A 和 C 相间隔 1 个字母 B,C 和 F 相间隔两个字母 D、E,由此发现规律,第一行每相邻两个字母相间隔的字母数依次为 1,2,1,2,1,由此可知 M 和最后一个字母应间隔2 个字母,故应为 P。第二行每相邻

20、两个字母相间隔的字母数依次为 0,1,2,3,4,由此可知 K 和最后一个字母应间隔 5 个字母,故应为 E。8.What number is missing from the segment below? (分数:4.00)解析:3解析 图中的圆被分成 8 部分,其中共有 4 对图形相互对称,通过计算可知,对称的图形 6 个数字相加都等于 30,故图中缺少的数字应为 30-4-5-6-4-8,即 3。9.What word goes in the brackets? Kilt (Look) Polo Log () Coca (分数:3.00)解析:Goal解析 第一行括号内的单词 Look,

21、其首字母 L 和尾字母 K 分别来自括号前面单词的第 3 个字母和第 1 个字母,中间字母两个 0 分别来自括号后面单词的第 2 个字母和第 4 个字母,以此类推,第二行括号应填的单词为 Goal。10.Henry is a beggar. He has the habit of picking up cigarette ends left by other people. He can always make one new cigarette out of seven ends. One Saturday night he collected 49 cigarette ends. The

22、next day he made them into cigarettes and smoked them all. How many whole cigarettes did he smoke that day? (分数:3.00)解析:Eight解析 亨利用 49 个香烟头做了 7 支香烟,抽完后又用这 7 个烟头做了 1 支香烟,所以共计8 支烟。11.The five rings on the flag are Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green. (分数:3.00)解析:120解析 有五种颜色,依据排列组合可以得出数学算式:54321=120。12.

23、Yesterday my doctor gave me some tablets. There were five in the box. He told me to take one every half hour. How long did they last? (分数:3.00)解析:2 hours解析 医生给了我一盒药,一盒里面共装 5 粒,每半小时服 1 粒,如果连续服用,共能服用 2 个小时。选项 C 正确。13.John can mow a field in 6 hours. Bill can mow a field in 5 hours. Henry can mow a fie

24、ld in 4 hours. Joe can mow a field in 3 hours. Tom can mow a field in 2 hours. If they all work together at their respective rates, how long will it take to mow the field? (分数:3.00)解析:41.4 minutes解析 假设这块地的面积为 1,可以求出他们单独割这块地时每小时割地的大小,继而可以得出如下的算式:14.If 5 frogs catch 5 flies in 5 minutes, how many frog

25、s are required to catch 50 flies in 50 minutes? (分数:3.00)解析:5解析 五只青蛙在五分钟内可捉到五只苍蝇,也就是说一只青蛙五分钟可以捉到一只苍蝇。因此,一只青蛙 50 分钟内可以捉 10 只苍蝇,要在 50 分钟内捉到 50 只苍蝇需要 5 只青蛙。15.Replace the dots with a word to make three new words. (.) DOOR/FLOW/GROW (分数:3.00)解析:OUT解析 outdoor 户外的,屋外的。outflow 流出,流出量。outgrow 过大而不适于,长出。16.A

26、 man jogs at 6 mph over a certain distance and walks back over the same route at 4 mph. What is his average speed for the journey? (分数:3.00)解析:8 mph解析 mph 英里/小时。设单程距离为 x,平均速度=总距离/总时间=2x/(x/6+x/4)=4.8。17.What American has had the largest family? (分数:3.00)解析:George Washington解析 乔治华盛顿是“father of the na

27、tion”。18. (分数:3.00)解析:11解析 数出图片中的数字一共有几条边。如果有 N 条边,则用 N 乘以三再减去原来的数,就得到图片下方的数。如,图中 1 字共有 11 条边,则其下数字为 113-1=32。图中 4 字一共有 15 条边,则其下数字为 153-4=41。7 字一共有 6 条边,所以 7 字下方的数字应为 63-7=11。(Multiply the number of sides of each number by 3, and then subtract the number printed.)19.If a doctor gives you 3 pills an

28、d tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long will it take to take them all? (分数:3.00)解析:1 hour解析 假设你在 1 点钟时吃第一片药,1 点半时吃第二片,那么 2 点时就会吃完最后一片,总共需一小时。20. (分数:3.00)解析:I解析 从 E 开始按字母表顺序顺时针先正数五个字母是 J,再倒数三个字母是 G,以此类推。21. (分数:3.00)解析:6解析 H 在字母表中位列第 8,14-8=6。Y 位列第 25,29-25=4。所以中间一项的差应该是 5,A位列第 1,6-5=

29、1。22.With the aid of the clue, insert the letters into the grid, to find the two words. (分数:3.00)解析:SCRIPT WRITER解析 从提示可以想到 playwright,script,writer 等词,playwright 显然所含字母太多,不符合要求。23.A number of antonyms of the keyword are shown. Take one letter from each of the antonyms, in order, to spell out anothe

30、r antonym of the keyword. KEYWORD: OMNIPOTENT ANTONYMS: INFERIOR, IMPOTENT, POWERLESS, VULNERABLE, FRAIL, INCAPABLE What is it? (分数:3.00)解析:Feeble解析 这是一道考查词汇量的题。关键词 omnipotent 意为“无所不能的,全能的”。它的反义词有 impotent、weak、feeble、frail 等,六个字母的只有 feeble。24.If all the letters of the alphabet were written out back

31、wards, which would be the next but one letter after the third vowel? (分数:3.00)解析:G解析 如果将字母表逆序排列写出来,如:ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA,字母 G 是第三个元音字母 I 的相邻第二个。next but one 相邻第二个,隔一个。25.A, B, C, D, E and F are six seaside resorts. A, C and F have promenades, but the others do not. B, D and F have a fun fair

32、and a caravan park, whereas C has a caravan park only. The others have neither. There are amusements at all the resorts except B and C. Which resort without a caravan park has amusements but no promenade? (分数:3.00)解析:E resort解析 A、C 和 F resorts 有 promenades,即没有 promenades 的只有 B、D 和 E resorts。B、D、F 和

33、C resorts 都有 caravan,即没有 caravan park 的是 A 和 E resorts,所以既没有promenades 又没有 caravan park 是 E resort,且 E resort 有 amusements。26.Which of the numbers in the square is the odd one out? (分数:3.00)解析:16解析 因为只有 16 不能被 3 整除。27.You are looking for one word in this paragraph. The word appears only once, its first letter is the eighth letter which appears after a certain vowel and the same vowel is the fifth letter before its last letter. (分数:3.00)解析:paragraph解析 paragraph 这个单词在本段中只出现过一次,它的第一个字母和第八个字母都是P,字母 P 前是元音 A,且 A 也是最后一个字母 H 前面第五个字母。


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