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1、大学英语六级-267 及答案解析(总分:97.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、语法练习(总题数:0,分数:0.00)1.There are many regular customers whose faces have become familiarmostly older people from around the neighborhood. Usually a crowd of thirteen-year-old kids is gathered around the video machines, regardless of the time of day. The writer is

2、 considering deleting the following phrase from the preceding sentence: mostly older people from around the neighborhood. If the writer were to make this deletion, the essay would primarily lose:(分数:3.00)A.specific descriptive materialB.detail providing a logical transitionC.foreshadowing of the con

3、clusionD.an understanding of important information2.Intricate mosaicsenormous “paintings“ fashioned from millions of tiny cut stones of various colorsline each of the basilica“s several smaller domes. At this point, the writer is considering adding the following true statement: In addition to being

4、an architect and artist, Michelangelo wrote poetry, including more than 300 sonnets. Should the writer make this addition here?(分数:3.00)A.Yes, because it provides further details about Michelangelo, who designed the dome at St. Peter“s.B.Yes, because it reinforces the paragraph“s implication that Mi

5、chelangelo was extremely talented.C.No, because it distracts attention from the paragraph“s focus, which is on the architecture and visual art of St. Peter“s.D.No, because it adds more information about Michelangelo, who made only small contributions to Vatican City“s art and architecture.3.Smith re

6、alized the extent and her gift when her friend Alex Haley, who had gathered essential material for his best-selling novel Roots from a griot in Gambia, began to refer to her as “my American griot“. This was a revelation to Smith. “Hearing that was like a man who has shoed horses all his life being t

7、old, “You“re a blacksmith!“ she recalls. Given that all the choices are quotations from Mary Carter Smith, which one would best support the argument the writer is making concerning Smith“s belated discovery of her own talent?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.“You“re got to reveal truths to your listeners,“ she

8、says.C.“Through his novel Roots, Alex Haley was in some ways performing the function of a griot for America,“ she says.D.“I“d say that one of the most crucial moments in my development as a storyteller is the few hours I once spent listening to a griot in West Africa. “ She recalls.4.The antara cons

9、ists of a connected row of hollow, vertical pipes of varying lengths, which are then lined up. Given that all of the choices are true, which one provides the most significant new information?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.thus forming this musical instrument.C.arranged from shortest to longest.D.which are fa

10、stened together.5.Last year, one of our school“s exchange students was Lily, who came from Bucaramanga, Colombia. I was a junior then. I wasn“t in any of Lily“s asses and didn“t know her, but I saw her at school events, which are sometimes supported financially by local businesses. Given that all of

11、 the choices are true, which one provides the most relevant information with regard to the narrator“s familiarity with Lily?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.had read a story about her in our school paper, which is written by students interested in journalism.C.saw her at school events and had read a story abou

12、t her in our school paper.D.had read a story about her when I was checking our school paper for local movie listings.6.Today, after many birthdays and New Year“s Days, I now find meaningful the difference I once found confusing. Otherwise, this difference points to significant, underlying cultural v

13、alues.(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.Though,C.In fact,D.Then,7.As he pondered what training might work for this preschooler, Suzuki began to think about how young children learn to use language in sophisticated ways. He suspected that this miraculous-seeming process might offer valuable insights into how all

14、 learning occurs, including learning to play a musical instrument.(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.Nevertheless, he suspectedC.He suspected, howeverD.Instead, he suspected8.Just yesterday I sat across the aisle from a woman who was composing music in pink- tinted glasses in a notebook. The best placement for t

15、he underlined portion would be:(分数:3.00)A.where it is nowB.after the word womanC.after the word wasD.after the word composing9.As for the programming function, Grandpa not only uses it for the news but also for playing jokes on his youngest children. Explaining to the unsuspecting child that he has

16、a remote control implanted in his little finger, grandpa points his finger at the TV and, to the child“s amazement, seemingly turns it on. I suppose Grandpa hasn“t learned all the possible uses of the remote control, but I don“t doubt he will continue to discover new and creative ways of using it. W

17、hich of the choices would best provide an ending most consistent with the essay as a whole?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.and he probably won“t bother learning them either.C.so the salesperson should explain how to interpret the 200-page manual.D.and Grandpa gratefully acknowledges this.10.In 1989, he came u

18、p with his idea for a line of Southern-inspired cuisine, a time when there were no convenience foods designed for African American consumers.(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.He came up with his idea for a line of Southern-inspired cuisine in 1989,C.He came up in 1989, with his idea for a line of Southern-inspi

19、red cuisine,D.The idea came to him in 1989, hat a line of Southern-inspired cuisine should be11.I told my parents about Lily“s problem, which needed to be solved.(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.problem, which was a dilemmaC.problem that needed a solutionD.problem12.The Mendoza family made their living working

20、 alternately as field hands and as touring musicians. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?(分数:3.00)A.earned their living byB.made their living fromC.made their living onD.earned their living13.The Vatican Museums house a great many valuable paintings

21、, sculptures, pieces of jewelry, and tapestries, as well as the world“s most extensive collections of ancient manuscripts. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?(分数:3.00)A.in addition toB.besidesC.also there isD.and also14.Doesn“t anyone play pinball a

22、nymore? I was disappointed the other day when I took my kids to a game arcade. Afterwards, I went to the movies. Not one of the colorful machines with flashing lights was a pinball game. Video games filled the room.(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.I made my way to the movie theater after that.C.(The movie thea

23、ter was my next stop. )D.OMIT the underlined portion.15.There are different kinds of prairies in Illinois depending on the moisture gradient and soil type. The different kinds of prairie wildflowers, are often associated with these different moisture gradients and soil types. As an ecological habita

24、t, grasses and herbaceous wildflowers, rather than trees and shrubs, or areas with more or less permanent water, dominated prairies. High quality prairies are interesting and colorful places to visit during the growing season because they demonstrate high biodiversity. The writer is considering dele

25、ting the underlined portion from the sentence. Should the phrase be kept or deleted?(分数:3.00)A.Kept, because it provides supporting details that reinforce the main idea of the sentence.B.Kept, because it establishes that prairies contain more biodiversity than any other habitat.C.Deleted, because it

26、 has already been established earlier in the paragraph that prairies have low biodiversity.D.Deleted, because it draws attention away from the different types of prairies.16.Plus, as Einstein figured out anyway , the stars“ apparent positions aren“t really where they are, because the light they emit

27、 is bent by gravity before it reaches our eyes. The best placement for the underlined portion would be:(分数:3.00)A.where it is now.B.after the word are (but before the comma).C.after the word emit.D.after the word gravity.17.Think of them as rapid cognition or condensed reasoning that takes advantage

28、 of the brain“s built-in shortcuts. Or think of intuition as an unconscious associative process. _ At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence: Long dismissed as magical or beneath the dignity of science, intuition appears to consist of fast mental operations. Would this b

29、e a relevant addition to make here?(分数:3.00)A.Yes, because it provides a needed transition between sentences.B.Yes, because it finally provides the official definition of intuition.C.No, because it contradicts the idea expressed in the following sentence.D.No, because it provides a digression that l

30、eads the paragraph away from its primary focus.18.Banneker lived and worked on the family farm. After his father died in 1759, Banneker took over the responsibility of the farm and the care of his mother and younger sister. In addition, he pursued scientific studies and taught himself to play the fl

31、ute and violin. _ If the writer were to delete the last part of the preceding sentence (ending the sentence with a period after the word studies), the paragraph would primarily lose:(分数:3.00)A.support for the essay“s point about Banneker“s love of learning.B.a direct link to the previous paragraph.C

32、.a humorous description of Banneker“s other interests.D.an extensive digression about music.19.Crazy stuff happens to young artists all the time. So just before being called into the meeting, he quickly drew another group of characters and named them after his own family: he used the real names of h

33、is parents and two little sisters, but invented another for the sarcastic, academically unmotivated male child, thinking that using his own name would give away how little work he had put into the idea. To the animator“s great relief, the producer loved the hurriedly created new characters. Their fi

34、rst animated short debuted in 1987, and by the end of 1989 they had their own half-hour show. Which of the following sentences makes for the best transition between the first and second parts of the paragraph?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.At times like this, he wished he were still at college in Washington.

35、C.It was probably silly for him to be worrying so much.D.He wanted the TV gig badly, but didn“t want to risk losing Life in Hell.20.Perhaps a better question would be why Kennedy was sick. The answer is a testimony to Kennedy“s incredible strength and perseverance. A detailed time-line comparison of

36、 his illnesses and treatments with his official decisions and actions resulted in the following discovery: Neither his illness and the drugs seemed to have affected his performance as president. Which of the choices provides the most effective introductory sentence for Paragraph 5?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHAN

37、GEB.Perhaps a better question would be whether Kennedy played football.C.Perhaps a better question would be whether such an ill man was competent to be president.D.Perhaps a better question would be why Kennedy had Addison“s disease.21.This idea was demonstrated often by my elder relatives, who took

38、 pride in reminding younger folk of their “Korean age“. With the great enthusiasm, they added on a year every New Year“s Day. By contrast American society has often been described as one that values the vibrant energy of youth over the wisdom and experience gained with age. Which choice would most c

39、learly communicate the elderly relatives“ positive attitude toward this practice?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.Duplicating an accepted practice,C.Living with two birthdays themselves,D.Obligingly,22.Sand prairies can be moist mesic or dry and their landscape is either flat or slightly hilly. They usually oc

40、cur near current or former bodies of water. Their vegetation is sparser than that of black soil prairies. Given that all of the choices are true, which best concludes the paragraph with a colorful image that relates to the description of a sand prairie.(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.Vegetation includes woody

41、 shrubs, wildflowers, and native prairie grasses.C.The spectacular vegetation includes the vibrant hues of purple spiderwort, orange butterfly weed, and yellow goldenrod.D.More than sixty colorful species of wildflowers have been identified as being native to sand prairies.23.Kevin Bannister“s case

42、was significant in that it was the first in the United States to address clothing prohibitions of a school dress code. His challenge initiated a review of students“ rights, and administrative responsibility in public education. Which choice would most effectively open this paragraph and convey the i

43、mportance of this case?(分数:3.00)A.NO CHANGEB.Therefore, Kevin“s case reminds us that you should stand up for your rights, no matter how old you are.C.The case for personal liberty by means the right to speak up must be taken seriously by the courts.D.All in all, clothing is an important part of our

44、identity.24.1 Although the pay was minimal, I found the work exhausting. 2 I would have loved for the experiments to continue, but the research grant money was running low, and the experiments had already yielded definitive results. 3 All too soon, the experiments were completed. 4 To avoid inadvert

45、ently skewing the results, I was not allowed to know the researcher“s hypothesis ahead of time. 5 When the experiments were complete, my suspicions were confirmed: body language (nonverbal feedback) affects what (and how much) people tell you far more than anything you say. _ For the sake of unity a

46、nd coherence, Sentence 3 of the last paragraph should be placed:(分数:3.00)A.where it is now.B.immediately before Sentence 1.C.immediately before Sentence 2.D.immediately before Sentence 5.25.Banneker“s grandmother was an indentured servant from England who, after completing the term of her contract,

47、bought some land and then married a freed slave. _ Their daughter MaryBenjamin“s motheralso married a freed slave. Benjamin“s grandmother taught him to read, and he attended a one- room Quaker school when the farmwork slowed down during the winter. At this point, the writer is considering adding the

48、 following true statement: Indentured servants needed a master“s permission to leave their place of work, to perform work for others, or to keep money for personal use. Should the writer add this sentence here?(分数:3.00)A.Yes, because it shows the extent of control that masters held over indentured s

49、ervants.B.Yes, because it is necessary to understanding the essay as a whole.C.No, because it provides information that is included elsewhere in the essay.D.No, because it would distract readers from the main topic of the essay.26.If your not familiar, its that game where two teams run around shooting at each other with gas-powered guns that fire little pellets of brightly colored paint: get hit with a pellet, and you“re out. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be


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