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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 359及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.To prove womens diligence.B.To seek gender equality on campus.C.To improve transportation and accommodation.D.To put pressure on male students.A.The former president

2、has done a good job.B.Most students think women enjoy equal rights.C.The woman cant compete with other man students.D.The woman doesnt get well-prepared for the speech.A.To give an example of inequality.B.To show the positive side of equality.C.To show an example of the role model.D.To emphasize tha

3、t women are superior to menA.He was surely under huge pressure.B.The cafe was not one of his greatest achievements.C.He did almost nothing significant.D.He was the greatest leader of the students union.A.Help her prepare the presentation.B.Give her extra time to finish the report.C.Give her some adv

4、ice on doing the report.D.Hand in her report next Wednesday.A.The professor will often extend the time limit for assignments.B.The students will gain extra scores for handing in assignments ahead of timeC.The professor will penalize lightly for late assignments.D.The students will lose scores by the

5、 day for late assignments.A.Sympathetic.B.Skeptical.C.Grateful.D.Indifferent.A.He lost everything including his computer.B.He suffered from a serious car accident.C.He went abroad to join his family.D.He was transferred to another class.3.Section B_A.They affect ones way of looking at the world.B.Th

6、ey make people feel lonely and unwantedC.They affect ones health condition.D.They are addictive and hard to change.A.To talk with someone or with oneself.B.To have a long and good relaxation.C.To do more aerobic exercises.D.To take more anti-anxiety drugs.A.Because it gives people a sense of achieve

7、ment.B.Because most people like doing it every day.C.Because it is neither biochemical nor poisonous.D.Because it increases the heart rate and circulation.A.Because young people cant remember the villages.B.Because the two World Wars destroyed many villages.C.Because there are no job opportunities i

8、n villages.D.Because it seems that village life is gone for ever.A.They lived a simpler life than villagers today.B.They knew fewer people than villagers todayC.They found it difficult to enjoy themselves.D.They had nothing to do in the evenings.A.Girls left the village to find hope.B.Men left the v

9、illage to seek opportunities.C.The long-established order of society.D.Fresh ideas brought by the two World Wars.A.Dead.B.Worse.C.Better.D.Unclear.4.Section C_A.To give a man a fish for a day.B.To teach a man to fish for life.C.To develop peoples own productivity.D.To remove barbed wire around the l

10、ake.A.Improving the underlying social conditions of productionB.Investing more hunger projects of ending peoples hunger.C.Ensuring that people get the opportunities of working hard.D.Giving people a chance to turn their hard work into well-being.A.Marginalizing hunger people.B.Isolating hunger peopl

11、e.C.Mobilizing communities.D.Building local government.A.Local organization.B.The decision-making role.C.Collective responsibility.D.Social capital.A.A sportsman.B.A coach.C.A runner.D.A reporter.A.How important is an athletes build?B.Why is important to learn sports medicine?C.How can athletes mast

12、er sports medicine?D.What is the key in athletes training?A.The training.B.The equipment.C.The diet.D.The attitude.A.Every culture has the same rules for what is appropriate.B.It is traditional to give lucky money to young, single people.C.An action can have opposite meanings in different cultures.D

13、.Giving gifts to the youth is regarded as a universal custom.A.Touching.B.Talking.C.Smiling.D.Gift giving.A.A plate with water.B.A plate with food.C.A dirty plate.D.A clean plate.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 359答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析

14、:2.Section A_解析:A.To prove womens diligence.B.To seek gender equality on campus. C.To improve transportation and accommodation.D.To put pressure on male students.解析:解析:对话中多处提到“男女不平等”信息,且女士明确说明自己竞选的主题将围绕(focus on)女权问题,故 B正确。选项中的 gender指性别,to seek gender equality 是原文 to champion womens rights的同义表达,其他选

15、项的表述与对话的主题毫不相干,只是利用对话中的个别单词进行原词干扰。A.The former president has done a good job.B.Most students think women enjoy equal rights. C.The woman cant compete with other man students.D.The woman doesnt get well-prepared for the speech.解析:解析:男士说女士是因为平等问题而竞选学生会主席,但是他觉得她不会赢得竞选,接着他说大部分的学生都感觉现今女性享有平等,这是他不看好女士的原因,

16、B 是对该处的同义改写,故选 B。A.To give an example of inequality. B.To show the positive side of equality.C.To show an example of the role model.D.To emphasize that women are superior to men解析:解析:选项为不定式,一般表示目的。此处的例子围绕主题,再次说明男女不平等现象比比皆是。A.He was surely under huge pressure.B.The cafe was not one of his greatest ac

17、hievements.C.He did almost nothing significant. D.He was the greatest leader of the students union.解析:解析:女士最后句话说明她对前任学生会主席不以为然,其中 next to nothing意为“差不多没有”,故 C正确。A.Help her prepare the presentation.B.Give her extra time to finish the report. C.Give her some advice on doing the report.D.Hand in her re

18、port next Wednesday.解析:解析:选项都是动词短语,且 her都作宾语,由此可推测题目应该询问男士为女士做某事。B 中的extra time是对女士话中 extension的同义替换,为正确答案。A.The professor will often extend the time limit for assignments.B.The students will gain extra scores for handing in assignments ahead of timeC.The professor will penalize lightly for late ass

19、ignments.D.The students will lose scores by the day for late assignments. 解析:解析:男士对女士的请求做出回答时提到了 late assignments(迟交作业)的政策,只要听到关键词是 lose和 day,即按迟交天数扣分,便可推知 D正确。A.Sympathetic. B.Skeptical.C.Grateful.D.Indifferent.解析:解析:选项为表态度的形容词。听到男士所说的 sympathize应该知道 A是其同根词。A.He lost everything including his comput

20、er.B.He suffered from a serious car accident. C.He went abroad to join his family.D.He was transferred to another class.解析:解析:选项为某男士做了什么事,对话中提及时,注意主谓宾的匹配。此题属于“听到什么选什么”,答案是原文 he was in a serious car accident的同义改写。3.Section B_解析:A.They affect ones way of looking at the world. B.They make people feel l

21、onely and unwantedC.They affect ones health condition.D.They are addictive and hard to change.解析:解析:“专家们认为情绪有可能是稳定的,会影响人生观长达几小时、几天、几周甚至几年”,故A为答案。A.To talk with someone or with oneself.B.To have a long and good relaxation.C.To do more aerobic exercises. D.To take more anti-anxiety drugs.解析:解析:短文提到,很多

22、人没有意识到,科学家们已经发现有几种非药物的方法可以有效地让人们远离焦虑;然后指出其中最好的方法就是 aerobic exercise,故 C为答案。本题也可以通过排除法解题:A、D 为多数人已知的方法;B 未提及。A.Because it gives people a sense of achievement.B.Because most people like doing it every day.C.Because it is neither biochemical nor poisonous.D.Because it increases the heart rate and circu

23、lation. 解析:解析:短文末尾提到有氧运动提高心率、加快血液循环和改善耗氧量,故答案为 D。A.Because young people cant remember the villages.B.Because the two World Wars destroyed many villages.C.Because there are no job opportunities in villages.D.Because it seems that village life is gone for ever. 解析:解析:D 是录音的同义概括,故正确。A.They lived a simp

24、ler life than villagers today. B.They knew fewer people than villagers todayC.They found it difficult to enjoy themselves.D.They had nothing to do in the evenings.解析:解析:短文中对 life of villagers in the past有这样的一段描述:你和村子里的人很熟;你可以步行在附近找到娱乐活动;家庭主妇们每天被拴在家里;为了省油和煤,人们每天很早休息。这样的生活显然比如今的乡村生活简单多了,由此直接推断 A为正确答案。

25、A.Girls left the village to find hope.B.Men left the village to seek opportunities.C.The long-established order of society.D.Fresh ideas brought by the two World Wars. 解析:解析:“每一场战争之后村民们都会接触到新的观念、态度和新的贸易、职业”,而这些东西带来的结果则是:陈旧的社会体系受到挑战和冲击,新的变革产生(比如录音稍后提到的新能源、新科技在乡村的使用),由此推断 D为正确答案。A、B 是乡村变化的结果而不是原因;C 和

26、the change of village life today并不构成因果关系。A.Dead.B.Worse.C.Better. D.Unclear.解析:解析:短文在最后对乡村生活做了一个总结“It is just life, and a better life”(这就是生活,更好的生活)。故答案为 C。4.Section C_解析:A.To give a man a fish for a day.B.To teach a man to fish for life.C.To develop peoples own productivity. D.To remove barbed wire

27、around the lake.解析:解析:这是一篇关于解决饥荒问题的讲座。讲座开头指出结束饥荒的首要任务是提高人们自身的生产力(starts with peoples own productivity)。C 项“发展生产力”与讲座内容相符,为正确答案。讲座接下来分析发展生产力遇到的问题,提到一句老生常谈的话:授人以鱼不如授人以渔。A 项和 B项分别是这句谚语提到的两种情况。讲座提到穷人们其实有世代相传的“捕鱼”智慧,问题在于被湖边的铁丝网所限制。D 项利用此处的原词 barbed wire作干扰,录音只是比喻的说法,并不真的是要“去除湖边的铁丝网”。A.Improving the under

28、lying social conditions of productionB.Investing more hunger projects of ending peoples hunger.C.Ensuring that people get the opportunities of working hard.D.Giving people a chance to turn their hard work into well-being. 解析:解析:讲座中间提到:最近美国推行了一项“饥荒工程”,旨在给人们提供机会,将他们的努力工作转化为更好的生活,D 项中 turninto 是讲座中 tra

29、nslateinto的同义表达,故 D项正确。讲座中提到饥荒工程打破铁丝网的禁锢,改善阻碍穷人脱贫的基本社会环境。A 项“改善生产力的基本社会环境”在讲座中有提到,但这只是帮助人们摆脱饥饿的前提条件。讲座提到当我们投资饥饿工程的时候,实际上是在投资人们的生产力,讲座并没有说要“投资更多有关摆脱饥饿的工程”,故 B项错误。讲座说的是给他们提供机会,使他们能将自己的辛勤付出转化为更好的生活,确保人们享有他们应有的这一权利,而不是 C项“确保人们得到辛勤工作的权利”,故 C项错误。A.Marginalizing hunger people.B.Isolating hunger people.C.Mo

30、bilizing communities. D.Building local government.解析:解析:发动社区和建立本地机构对于维持我们每个人的工作和获得更多宝贵资源起着至关重要的作用,C 项“发动社区”是其中的一个因素,故选 C项。A 项“使饥饿的人们边缘化”和 B项“孤立饥饿的人们”在讲座中均有提及,但这些都是饥荒造成的影响,跟问题中的“维持我们每个人工作的核心”不符,D项“建立本地政府”与讲座中“建立本地机构”不符,故排除。A.Local organization.B.The decision-making role. C.Collective responsibility.D

31、.Social capital.解析:解析:讲座最后提到,随着女性经济地位的提高和增强,她们决策角色也随之增加。因此 B项“决策角色”为正确答案。A 项“本地机构”、C 项“集体责任感”和 D项“社会资本”均是讲座提到的名词,但都与问题中“女性经济地位的提高和增强带来的影响”无关。A.A sportsman.B.A coach. C.A runner.D.A reporter.解析:解析:选项均是不同的职业,而且三项都跟体育有关,推测本题与跟运动职业相关。本文是关于运动医学的讲座:Wartman 体育学院的院长 Helen Wartman介绍了她教练生涯的起点和对于运动医学(sports me

32、dicine)产生兴趣的时间和原因,指出了体形(build)、饮食(diet)、先进设备(state-of-the-art equipment)、运动医学(sports medicine)以及态度(attitude)对于运动员获得成功的重要性。讲座提到她已经培养了许多运动员,因此 B项“教练”为答案。A 项“运动员”、C 项“短跑运动员”和 D项“记者”均不是她的职业。A.How important is an athletes build? B.Why is important to learn sports medicine?C.How can athletes master sports

33、 medicine?D.What is the key in athletes training?解析:解析:Helen Wartman 提到当年轻人进入体育学院学习训练,他们经常问她关于运动员体形有多重要的问题,因此 A项“运动员体形有多重要的问题”直接使用讲座原句,为正确答案。B 项“为何学习运动医学很重要”、C 项“运动员如何学好运动医学”和 D项“运动员训练的核心是什么”这三个选项都有一定的迷惑性,跟讲座的主题有一定联系,但都不是年轻人所问的问题,故排除。A.The training.B.The equipment.C.The diet.D.The attitude. 解析:解析:讲座

34、最后 Helen Wartman强调态度对于运动员获得成功非常重要,因此 D项“态度”为正确答案。A 项“训练”,B 项“设备”和 C项“饮食”均在讲座中有重点论述,迷惑性较强,考生应注意听清题目问的是 HelenWartman强调的重要因素。A.Every culture has the same rules for what is appropriate.B.It is traditional to give lucky money to young, single people.C.An action can have opposite meanings in different cul

35、tures. D.Giving gifts to the youth is regarded as a universal custom.解析:解析:讲座先以一个故事引入,该故事提到中国老板给墨西哥女员工一个有 20块钱的红包,但女孩拒绝接受,因为她把红包理解成了另外的含义。主讲人因此得出结论:相同的行为在不同文化里可能会有相反的含义,故 C项为正确答案。A 项“每种文化对于合理的习俗有相同的规则”与故事的宗旨矛盾。B项“给单身的年轻人红包是一种传统习俗”是中国春节的习俗,但这不是故事想要说明的道理。D 项“给年轻人礼物是一种普遍做法”没有在讲座中提到。A.Touching. B.Talkin

36、g.C.Smiling.D.Gift giving.解析:解析:讲座中间讲到在美国和西方国家,见面打招呼都会有一些身体的接触,因此 A项“接触”为正确答案。B 项“聊天”、C 项“微笑”和 D项“送礼”都不是“西方国家见面打招呼的习俗”,故排除。A.A plate with water.B.A plate with food.C.A dirty plate.D.A clean plate. 解析:解析:选项均涉及盘子,预测题目应该跟餐饮有关。讲座最后聊到餐饮习俗:与埃及和中国不同,美国人认为你把盘里的食物吃光了意味着很满意,因此 D项“空的盘子”为正确答案。A 项“有水的盘子”和 C项“脏的盘子”均未在讲座中提及。B 项“有食物的盘子”是埃及和中国的餐饮习俗。


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