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1、大学英语六级汉译英-5 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.在古代,舞蹈和运动是密不可分的。即使在今天,两者之间也有某些相似之处。古代舞蹈是为了娱乐和体育锻炼。据史料记载,公元前 5000年到 4000年之间潮湿的气候让殷慷部落(Tribe of Yin Kang)的很多人患了萎缩症(atrophy),于是舞蹈被发明出来旨在抵御疾病。舞蹈在奴隶社会时期是一种仪式。后来,高难度的特技动作,如劈叉(split of the leg)、托举舞伴等动作被发明出来。这些动作对后期体操和武术(martial art)的发展有

2、重要影响。(分数:15.00)_2.传统年画(traditional New Years pictures)主要以当地人民的生活和习俗为题材,有着强烈的色彩和鲜明的对比。像五谷丰登(A Bumper Grain Harvest)、年年有余(Annual Surplus)这些著名的年画在数百年间都深受大众的喜爱。年画中最受欢迎的人物当属门神秦琼和尉迟恭、捕妖高手钟馗、福禄寿三星(Three Star Gods of Happiness, Wealth and Longevity)、财神和观音。胖胖的孩子也颇受欢迎,它象征着人们对多子多福的期待。人们盼望着一个富足和繁荣的新年的到来。(分数:15.

3、00)_3.中国象棋(Xiangqi)起源于春秋和战国时期(the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods),在当时就曾有过关于象棋游戏的记录。中国象棋是由两个玩家来玩的棋盘游戏。早期象棋由三部分组成:棋子、骰子(dice)和棋板。象棋由象牙(ivory)雕刻而成,每个玩家有六个棋子,在游戏开始之前,这两名玩家会先投骰子。现代中国象棋没有骰子,同它的前身在棋子数量和棋板上都有不同。现如今,中国象棋已传播到了世界各地,它传承着中国传统文化。(分数:14.00)_4.杜甫是中国唐代(the Tang Dynasty)著名诗人。他通常被称为中

4、国最伟大的诗人。他最大的志向是考取功名报效国家。他的生活,像整个国家一样,被公元 755年的安禄山叛乱(An Lushan Rebellion)所毁掉。在不断的动乱中,杜甫度过了人生最后的 15年。他的作品对中国和日本文学产生了巨大影响。至今,在他的诗作中,有近 1500首被保存下来。他被中国评论家称为诗圣(Poet Sage)。他和他的朋友李白是中国唐朝诗歌繁盛时期最杰出的两位人物。(分数:14.00)_5.龙袍(the dragon robe)是中国古代帝王在重要场合穿的一种服饰。龙在中国文化中是最高权力的象征之一。绣有龙图案的长袍(robe)在清朝只有皇帝能穿。在长袍上绣(embroid

5、er)上龙的图案,这种做法可以追溯到周朝。但直到清朝,它们才被命名为“龙袍”,并成为皇室正式装束(official attire system)的一部分。龙袍一般是黄色的,并绣有九条黄龙和五色祥云图案(auspicious cloud pattern)。尽管龙现在仍然是中国的重要标志,龙袍却已成为过去的象征。(分数:14.00)_6.春节年夜饭(spring Festival Eve Feast)也叫“团圆饭”,在中国是一顿非常重要的晚餐。“团圆”是指“聚在一起”。除夕全家人聚在一起吃年夜饭是必不可少的家庭活动。在这个特殊的日子,南方人和北方人对他们所吃的食物有着不同的说法。在中国北方,年夜饭

6、的传统菜肴是饺子(dumplings)。饺子的形状要么是新月(crescent)形,要么是半月形。中国南方人在这个特殊的日子吃年糕(niangao)用糯米(glutinous rice)做的糕,因为年糕含有“每年都越来越高”的意思。(分数:14.00)_7.在中国,人们在农历的正月十五庆祝元宵节(the Lantern Festival),这一天是农历(the lunar year)新年庆祝活动的最后一天。元宵节期间,孩子们晚上带着纸灯笼去大街上猜灯谜(riddles)。在古代,灯笼相当简单,只有皇帝和贵族才拥有硕大华丽的灯笼。到了近代,人们设计了很多复杂的灯笼。灯笼现在经常被制作成动物的形状

7、。灯笼象征着人们放飞过去的自我,以重获新生。灯笼几乎都是红色的,象征着好运。(分数:14.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-5 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.在古代,舞蹈和运动是密不可分的。即使在今天,两者之间也有某些相似之处。古代舞蹈是为了娱乐和体育锻炼。据史料记载,公元前 5000年到 4000年之间潮湿的气候让殷慷部落(Tribe of Yin Kang)的很多人患了萎缩症(atrophy),于是舞蹈被发明出来旨在抵御疾病。舞蹈在奴隶社会时期是一种仪式。后来,高难度的特技动作,如劈叉(split of the

8、 leg)、托举舞伴等动作被发明出来。这些动作对后期体操和武术(martial art)的发展有重要影响。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(In ancient times dancing was inseparably linked with sports. Even today there are certain similarities between the two. Ancient Chinese dances were meant for both recreational and physical training purposes. According to historica

9、l records, the humid climate at the time of the Tribe of Yin Kang between 5,000 and 4,000 BC caused many people to suffer from atrophy and so dances were created to ward off disease. Dances were performed as a rite in slave society. Later, highly difficult stunts such as split of the legs and liftin

10、g of a partner were developed. These played an important part in the development of gymnastics and martial arts which appeared in later periods.)解析:2.传统年画(traditional New Years pictures)主要以当地人民的生活和习俗为题材,有着强烈的色彩和鲜明的对比。像五谷丰登(A Bumper Grain Harvest)、年年有余(Annual Surplus)这些著名的年画在数百年间都深受大众的喜爱。年画中最受欢迎的人物当属

11、门神秦琼和尉迟恭、捕妖高手钟馗、福禄寿三星(Three Star Gods of Happiness, Wealth and Longevity)、财神和观音。胖胖的孩子也颇受欢迎,它象征着人们对多子多福的期待。人们盼望着一个富足和繁荣的新年的到来。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Traditional New Years pictures mainly feature local peoples life and customs with intense colors and violent contrast. Famous pictures like “A Bumper Grain Ha

12、rvest“, and “Annual Surplus“ have been prevailing across China for hundreds of years. The most popular characters appearing on prints are the door gods Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong, the demon catcher Zhong Kui, the Three Star Gods of Happiness, Wealth and Longevity, the God of Wealth, and Guanyin-the Go

13、ddess of Mercy. Playful, plump children are also favorite during New Year times who symbolize peoples wish for many sons to come. People hope for a plentiful and prosperous year to come.)解析:3.中国象棋(Xiangqi)起源于春秋和战国时期(the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods),在当时就曾有过关于象棋游戏的记录。中国象棋是由两个玩家来玩的

14、棋盘游戏。早期象棋由三部分组成:棋子、骰子(dice)和棋板。象棋由象牙(ivory)雕刻而成,每个玩家有六个棋子,在游戏开始之前,这两名玩家会先投骰子。现代中国象棋没有骰子,同它的前身在棋子数量和棋板上都有不同。现如今,中国象棋已传播到了世界各地,它传承着中国传统文化。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Xiangqi originates in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, by which time there had been official documents about the game. Xiangqi

15、 is a two-player Chinese board game. The early-stage Xiangqi was composed of three components chess pieces, dice and board. The pieces were carved out of ivory, and each player has six pieces. Before starting a game, the two players would play dice. Theres no dice in modem Xiangqi. And the game is d

16、ifferent from its ancient counterpart in terms of pieces and board. Currently, Chinese Xiangqi has been introduced to the whole world, giving a boost to the effort to carry on and develop Chinese traditional culture.)解析:4.杜甫是中国唐代(the Tang Dynasty)著名诗人。他通常被称为中国最伟大的诗人。他最大的志向是考取功名报效国家。他的生活,像整个国家一样,被公元

17、755年的安禄山叛乱(An Lushan Rebellion)所毁掉。在不断的动乱中,杜甫度过了人生最后的 15年。他的作品对中国和日本文学产生了巨大影响。至今,在他的诗作中,有近 1500首被保存下来。他被中国评论家称为诗圣(Poet Sage)。他和他的朋友李白是中国唐朝诗歌繁盛时期最杰出的两位人物。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Du Fu was a prominent Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is frequently called the greatest poet among the Chinese poets. His gre

18、atest ambition was to serve his country as a successful civil servant. His life, like the whole country, was devastated by the An Lushan Rebellion of 755 AD, and he spent his last 15 years in the constant unrest. His works exert great influence to Chinese and Japanese literary culture. Among his wor

19、ks, nearly fifteen hundred poems have been preserved over the ages. He has been called the “Poet Sage“ by Chinese critics. He and his friend Li Bai are the two most prominent figures in the flourishing period of Chinese poetry in the Tang Dynasty.)解析:5.龙袍(the dragon robe)是中国古代帝王在重要场合穿的一种服饰。龙在中国文化中是最

20、高权力的象征之一。绣有龙图案的长袍(robe)在清朝只有皇帝能穿。在长袍上绣(embroider)上龙的图案,这种做法可以追溯到周朝。但直到清朝,它们才被命名为“龙袍”,并成为皇室正式装束(official attire system)的一部分。龙袍一般是黄色的,并绣有九条黄龙和五色祥云图案(auspicious cloud pattern)。尽管龙现在仍然是中国的重要标志,龙袍却已成为过去的象征。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(The dragon robe is a sort of costume worn by emperors on the most important occasi

21、ons in ancient China. The dragon is one of the symbols of supreme power in Chinese culture. The robe embroidered with dragon patterns was made for the exclusive use of an emperor during the Qing dynasty. The ritual of embroidering dragon patterns on the emperors robe, however, dated back to as early

22、 as the Zhou Dynasty. It was not until the Qing that they were named “dragon robes“ and became part of the official attire system. A dragon robe is yellow in color, and embroidered with nine yellow dragons and five-color auspicious cloud patterns. Nowadays, although the dragon continues to be an imp

23、ortant symbol in China, the dragon robe is an emblem of the past.)解析:6.春节年夜饭(spring Festival Eve Feast)也叫“团圆饭”,在中国是一顿非常重要的晚餐。“团圆”是指“聚在一起”。除夕全家人聚在一起吃年夜饭是必不可少的家庭活动。在这个特殊的日子,南方人和北方人对他们所吃的食物有着不同的说法。在中国北方,年夜饭的传统菜肴是饺子(dumplings)。饺子的形状要么是新月(crescent)形,要么是半月形。中国南方人在这个特殊的日子吃年糕(niangao)用糯米(glutinous rice)做的糕,

24、因为年糕含有“每年都越来越高”的意思。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(The Spring Festival Evc dinner also called “tuanyuan fan“ in Chinese is an extremely important dinner. “Tuanyuan“ means “getting together“. On the New Years Eve all family members getting together for dinner is an indispensable family activity. Southerners and nor

25、therners have different views about the food they eat on this special day. In northern China, a traditional dish for the feast is dumplings. They are shaped like a crescent or half moon. The southerners in China eat niangaoa cake made of glutinous rice flour, on this special day because niangao impl

26、icates the meaning of“higher and higher every year“.)解析:7.在中国,人们在农历的正月十五庆祝元宵节(the Lantern Festival),这一天是农历(the lunar year)新年庆祝活动的最后一天。元宵节期间,孩子们晚上带着纸灯笼去大街上猜灯谜(riddles)。在古代,灯笼相当简单,只有皇帝和贵族才拥有硕大华丽的灯笼。到了近代,人们设计了很多复杂的灯笼。灯笼现在经常被制作成动物的形状。灯笼象征着人们放飞过去的自我,以重获新生。灯笼几乎都是红色的,象征着好运。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(The Lantern Fest

27、ival in China is a festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar year in the lunar calendar marking the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night to streets carrying paper lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns. I

28、n ancient times, the lanterns were fairly simple, and only the emperor and noblemen had large ornate ones. In modern times, many complex lanterns have been designed. Lanterns are now often made in the shape of animals. The lanterns can symbolize that people say goodbye to their past selves and get new ones. The lanterns are almost red to symbolize good fortune.)解析:


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