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1、大学英语六级汉译英-7 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.几千年来中国有许许多多的发明,从简单的筷子到复杂的地震探测器。但是习惯化上人们把纸、火药、指南针和印刷术称为四大发明(Four Great Inventions)。四大发明曾是 2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式的主题之一。它们见证了中国古代文明的发展,也在全球范围内产生了深远的影响。四大发明被视为古代中国人在科技上最重要的成就,因为它们在东西方交流中占有突出位置。而且,它们也是欧洲资本主义发展的一个强大推动力。(分数:15.00)_2.中国文学的四大名著水

2、浒传、三国演义、红楼梦和西游记,通常被认为是中国最杰出、最有影响力的古代小说。人们普遍认为前两个名著创作于元代(the Yuan Dynasty)。从明清开始,它们便被大多数中国人所熟知。它们居世界上最长和最古老的小说之列,被认为是中国古典小说的巅峰之作,影响了包括中国、日本、韩国和越南(Vietnam)在内的整个东亚地区的许多故事、戏剧、电影、游戏和其他娱乐形式的创作。(分数:15.00)_3.放风筝是一种传统的体育游戏,在中国广受欢迎。风筝被称为人类最早的飞行器,2000 多年前起源于中国。相传伟大的建筑大师鲁班做了一个乌形木鸢(wooden kite),它可以在空中飞行。在此之后,纸被用

3、来制作风筝,因此称之为“纸风筝”。从汉代开始,风筝被用于测量和发送消息。放风筝作为一项运动在中国有着悠久的历史,北京是最有名的放风筝的地点之一。1989 年,国际风筝联合会正式成立,总部设在山东省潍坊市。(分数:14.00)_4.中国书法(Chinese calligraphy)是一种在中国文化圈(通常包括韩国、越南、中国和日本)中广泛流行和推崇的书法形式。东亚书法的传统源自中国。中国书法以其充满动态的表现形式区分于其他的文化艺术形式。评价书法的好坏通常全在于个人喜好。书法也促进了许多艺术形式在中国的发展,包括篆刻(seal carving)、华丽的镇纸(ornate paperweights

4、)和砚石(inkstones)。书法和绘画有很多相似之处。书法通过汉字来表现艺术家的精神世界。(分数:14.00)_5.文房四宝(Four Treasures of the Study)这一说法是用来描述在中国和其他东亚国家的传统书法中使用的笔(brush)、墨(ink)、纸、砚(inkstone)。毛笔是最古老的文房四宝成员之一。公元 105年,蔡伦改进了造纸术。在纸张被发明之前,人们在竹简(bamboo slip)和丝绸上书写。几个世纪以来,在中国出现了数种不同的纸张生产方式。砚是用来把油墨棒(ink stick)研磨成粉末的工具。这种粉末与水在砚台(inkstone)里混合,被研磨成书写

5、时用的油墨。(分数:14.00)_6.唐诗(Tang poetry)是指在中国唐代创作的诗歌,它遵循一定的风格,唐代通常被视为中国诗歌的黄金时期。在唐代,诗歌是各个社会阶层生活的重要组成部分。读书人想要考取功名(official rank)就得掌握诗歌。诗歌这一艺术形式老少皆宜。这就使得历史上有大量关于唐代诗歌和诗人的记载,一部分关于唐代诗歌和诗人的记载至今仍然保存着。杜甫和李白是这一时期两位最著名的诗人。最流行的唐诗诗集可能要数唐诗三百首(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)了。(分数:14.00)_7.孙子兵法(Master Suns Art o

6、f War)由春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period)晚期齐国(State of Qi)的孙武所著。孙子兵法在中国军事史上占有重要地位,对历代的战略家、政治家和思想家都有深远的影响。该书被视为中国最早、最优秀的,也是最完整的关于战争的著作。该书也是全世界最早的关于军事战略的著作。孙子兵法的内容博大精深,涉及了哲学、战略、政治、经济、外交(diplomacy)、天文学(astronomy)和地质学(geology)等学科内容。全书共 13章。(分数:14.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-7 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总

7、题数:7,分数:100.00)1.几千年来中国有许许多多的发明,从简单的筷子到复杂的地震探测器。但是习惯化上人们把纸、火药、指南针和印刷术称为四大发明(Four Great Inventions)。四大发明曾是 2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式的主题之一。它们见证了中国古代文明的发展,也在全球范围内产生了深远的影响。四大发明被视为古代中国人在科技上最重要的成就,因为它们在东西方交流中占有突出位置。而且,它们也是欧洲资本主义发展的一个强大推动力。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(Over thousands of years China has produced a great stream of

8、 inventions, ranging from the chopstick to sophisticated earthquake detectors. But in China there are four inventions traditionally referred to as the Four Great Inventions. These are paper, gunpowder, the compass and printing. The Four Great Inventions were featured as one of the main themes of the

9、 opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. They proved the development of Chinese civilization in ancient times which also had a far-ranging global impact. The Four Inventions were regarded as the most important Chinese achievements in science and technology, simply because they had a pr

10、ominent position in the exchanges between the East and the West and acted as a powerful dynamic in the development of capitalism in Europe.)解析:2.中国文学的四大名著水浒传、三国演义、红楼梦和西游记,通常被认为是中国最杰出、最有影响力的古代小说。人们普遍认为前两个名著创作于元代(the Yuan Dynasty)。从明清开始,它们便被大多数中国人所熟知。它们居世界上最长和最古老的小说之列,被认为是中国古典小说的巅峰之作,影响了包括中国、日本、韩国和越南(

11、Vietnam)在内的整个东亚地区的许多故事、戏剧、电影、游戏和其他娱乐形式的创作。(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(The Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatureWater Margin, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dream of the Red Chamber and Journey to the West, are commonly regarded to be the greatest and most influential among ancient Chinese ficti

12、ons. The first two of the four classic novels are traditionally and commonly thought to be written during the Yuan Dynasty. They were known to most Chinese since Ming and Qing Dynasties. They are among the worlds longest and oldest novels and are considered to be the pinnacle of Chinas achievement i

13、n classical novels, influencing the creation of many stories, plays, movies, games, and other forms of entertainment throughout East Asia, including China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.)解析:3.放风筝是一种传统的体育游戏,在中国广受欢迎。风筝被称为人类最早的飞行器,2000 多年前起源于中国。相传伟大的建筑大师鲁班做了一个乌形木鸢(wooden kite),它可以在空中飞行。在此之后,纸被用来制作风筝,因此称之为“

14、纸风筝”。从汉代开始,风筝被用于测量和发送消息。放风筝作为一项运动在中国有着悠久的历史,北京是最有名的放风筝的地点之一。1989 年,国际风筝联合会正式成立,总部设在山东省潍坊市。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Kite flying is a traditional sports game widely popular among the Chinese people. The kite, dubbed the earliest flying object of mankind, originated from China over 2,000 years ago. Legend has

15、it that Lu Ban, the great building master, made a bird-shaped wooden kite that could fly in the air. After that, paper was used to make kites, which were therefore called “paper kites“. Starting from the Han Dynasty, kites were used for measurement and sending messages. Kite flying as a sport has a

16、long history in China. Beijing is one of the best-known hot spots for kite flying. In 1989, the International Kite Federation was officially established, with the headquarters in Weifang of Shandong Province.)解析:4.中国书法(Chinese calligraphy)是一种在中国文化圈(通常包括韩国、越南、中国和日本)中广泛流行和推崇的书法形式。东亚书法的传统源自中国。中国书法以其充满动

17、态的表现形式区分于其他的文化艺术形式。评价书法的好坏通常全在于个人喜好。书法也促进了许多艺术形式在中国的发展,包括篆刻(seal carving)、华丽的镇纸(ornate paperweights)和砚石(inkstones)。书法和绘画有很多相似之处。书法通过汉字来表现艺术家的精神世界。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Chinese calligraphy is a form of calligraphy widely practiced and revered in the Chinese cultural sphere, which often includes Korea, Vie

18、tnam, China, and Japan. The calligraphic tradition of East Asia originated and developed from China. Chinese calligraphy distinguishes themselves from other cultural arts with its dynamic manifestation. The standard of evaluating calligraphy often varies depending on individual preferences. Calligra

19、phy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights and inkstones. It is very much like painting. It uses Chinese characters to express the spiritual world of the artist.)解析:5.文房四宝(Four Treasures of the Study)这一说法是用来描述在中国和其他东亚国家的传统书法中使用的笔(br

20、ush)、墨(ink)、纸、砚(inkstone)。毛笔是最古老的文房四宝成员之一。公元 105年,蔡伦改进了造纸术。在纸张被发明之前,人们在竹简(bamboo slip)和丝绸上书写。几个世纪以来,在中国出现了数种不同的纸张生产方式。砚是用来把油墨棒(ink stick)研磨成粉末的工具。这种粉末与水在砚台(inkstone)里混合,被研磨成书写时用的油墨。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Four Treasures of the Study is an expression used to denote the brush, ink, paper and inkstone used in

21、 Chinese and other East Asian countries traditional calligraphy. The brush is the oldest Four Treasures member. Cai Lun improved the papermaking technology in 105AD. Previous to its invention, bamboo slips and silks were used for writing. Several methods of paper production developed over the centur

22、ies in China. The inkstone is used to grind the ink stick into powder. This powder is then mixed with water in the inkstone in order to produce the usable ink for writing.)解析:6.唐诗(Tang poetry)是指在中国唐代创作的诗歌,它遵循一定的风格,唐代通常被视为中国诗歌的黄金时期。在唐代,诗歌是各个社会阶层生活的重要组成部分。读书人想要考取功名(official rank)就得掌握诗歌。诗歌这一艺术形式老少皆宜。这就

23、使得历史上有大量关于唐代诗歌和诗人的记载,一部分关于唐代诗歌和诗人的记载至今仍然保存着。杜甫和李白是这一时期两位最著名的诗人。最流行的唐诗诗集可能要数唐诗三百首(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)了。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Tang poetry refers to poetry written in or around the time of Chinas Tang dynasty. It follows a certain style, and the Tang Dynasty is often considered as the G

24、olden Age of Chinese poetry. During the Tang Dynasty, poetry was an important part of social life at all levels of society. Scholars were required to master poetry for winning official rank. This art form was suitable to everyone. This led to a large number of record of poetry and poets and a part o

25、f record even survives today. Two of the most famous poets of the period were Du Fu and Li Bai. The most popular collection of poems in the Tang Dynasty might be the Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty.)解析:7.孙子兵法(Master Suns Art of War)由春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period)晚期齐国(State of Qi)的孙武所著。孙子

26、兵法在中国军事史上占有重要地位,对历代的战略家、政治家和思想家都有深远的影响。该书被视为中国最早、最优秀的,也是最完整的关于战争的著作。该书也是全世界最早的关于军事战略的著作。孙子兵法的内容博大精深,涉及了哲学、战略、政治、经济、外交(diplomacy)、天文学(astronomy)和地质学(geology)等学科内容。全书共 13章。(分数:14.00)_正确答案:(Master Suns Art of War was written by Sun Wu of the State of Qi during the later years of the Spring and Autumn P

27、eriod. Master Suns Art of War holds an important position in Chinas military history, having a far-reaching impact on the strategists, statesmen and thinkers of all dynasties. The book is Chinas earliest and most outstanding and complete work on war. It is also the earliest work on military strategies in the world. The content of the book is extensive and profound, touching upon a wide range of subjects like philosophy, strategies, politics, economy, diplomacy, astronomy and geology etc. The book is composed of 13 chapters.)解析:


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