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1、大学英语四级 5 及答案解析(总分:746.58,做题时间:130 分钟)一、Writing (30 minutes)(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic on a Harmonious Dormitory Life. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况 2一个和谐宿舍生活的必

2、要性 3如何创造和谐的宿舍生活 (分数:30.00)_二、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:1,分数:71.00)The Sixth Sense When you were a child, did you ever wonder how your mother knew when you were writing on the wall with crayons (蜡笔) , even though she couldnt possibly see or hear you? . Or why she always came outside and called you jus

3、t as you headed for forbidden territory? How did she know? If you asked her, she probably told you that it was her “mothers intuition“. That never really explained anything, but it gave you something to think about. Just exactly what is a mothers intuition? Unfortunately, not even mothers who profes

4、s to having it can explain exactly what it is. Some would say it was a “sixth sense“ or a funny feeling that prompted them to check on their children s whereabouts and activities. Others have claimed to hear a voice inside their heads that called their children s names or had a “flash vision“ of wha

5、t their children were doing. In any event, almost every mother seems to have it and will swear by its reliability. A typical example of this ability is the case of a woman who claims that her intuition prevented each of her five children from serious mishaps. Once she awoke in the middle of the nigh

6、t and felt the need to check on her son Paul, who was three years old at the time. He wash t in his bed, so she raced down the stairs to find him. She found him outside, sleepwalking, headed straight toward a flight of concrete steps. Then again, there was a time when one of her daughters fell off a

7、 horse and broke her arm. The child neither cried nor yelled for help. But the mother, sensing that something was wrong, came out of the house and found her in a field just minutes after the accident. How did she know? “Just a feeling,“ she said, “that something was wrong.“ The concept that people a

8、re capable of having a sixth sense is not a new one. Numerous studies of ESP (extra sensory perception) have been under way for decades. What they have revealed only supports the theory that people axe capable of having and using another sense beyond sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. But no sing

9、le group of people seems to have this ability as consistently as mothers do? Why is this? Some theorize that the close and intimate relationship that mother and child have for the first years of a child s life sets up an empathy (感情移入) that no other relationship could possibly duplicate. In other wo

10、rds, a mother “tunes in“ to the thoughts and behavior of her child more than any other person could. Therefore, even though she may be preoccupied with household chores or social activities, a part of her is constantly alert for her child s safety. Not an unreasonable theory-since most of us axe the

11、 product of our mothers devotion. But how does this explain why a mother will know that her child is in danger, even though the child itself may not be aware of it? This is the question which has kept mothers intuition a mystery. Something beyond that which we can logically explain somehow seems to

12、warn a mother when her child approaches danger. An interesting illustration of this sixth sense involves the famous escape artist, Houdini. As the story goes, Houdini was planning to perform an escape from a steel trunk wrapped in chains and dropped into a frozen river. Because the river was so cold

13、, he d only have a few minutes to escape in order to survive. They wrapped Houdini in a straight jacket, locked him into the trunk, secured the chains, and then dropped him into the river through a hole cut into the ice. Minutes passed and Houdini did not appear. When enough time had passed to make

14、it apparent that Houdini s escape had failed, the grief-stricken party left the scene and reported that Houdini had died. One friend remained at the hole in the ice, not yet convinced that Houdini had drowned. To his utter amazement, Houdini did indeed surface at the spot. When the half-frozen artis

15、t had recovered enough, he told his friend that he had not accounted for the current of the river under the ice. The river had carried the trunk downstream and when he got out of the trunk, he couldnt find the hole cut into the ice. He managed to get oxygen from air pockets caught between the ice an

16、d the water, but he had no way of finding the hole through the thick ice. Then he heard his mothers voice calling him. He followed her voice, and it led him to the hole in the ice where his friend was waiting. This was amazing, first, because his mother lived in another city and was nowhere near the

17、 scene of the frozen river. But more amazing than that was the fact that, when Houdini tried to call his mother, he was informed that she had died just hours before. What had told Houdini s mother that he was in danger-even beyond the grave? How had she been able to protect her child in spite of the

18、 fact that she was no longer living? Someday, perhaps, we will know. Someday we may understand the kind of communication that exists between mother and child and be able to expand on that knowledge to a better form of communication in all relationships. There is no doubt that such a thing as a mothe

19、rs revealed only supports the theory that people axe capable of having and using another sense beyond sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. But no single group of people seems to have this ability as consistently as mothers do? Why is this? Some theorize that the close and intimate relationship that

20、 mother and child have for the first years of a child s life sets up an empathy (感情移入) that no other relationship could possibly duplicate. In other words, a mother “tunes in“ to the thoughts and behavior of her child more than any other person could. Therefore, even though she may be preoccupied wi

21、th household chores or social activities, a part of her is constantly alert for her child s safety. Not an unreasonable theory-since most of us axe the product of our mothers devotion. But how does this explain why a mother will know that her child is in danger, even though the child itself may not

22、be aware of it? This is the question which has kept mothers intuition a mystery. Something beyond that which we can logically explain somehow seems to warn a mother when her child approaches danger. An interesting illustration of this sixth sense involves the famous escape artist, Houdini. As the st

23、ory goes, Houdini was planning to perform an escape from a steel trunk wrapped in chains and dropped into a frozen river. Because the river was so cold, he d only have a few minutes to escape in order to survive. They wrapped Houdini in a straight jacket, locked him into the trunk, secured the chain

24、s, and then dropped him into the river through a hole cut into the ice. Minutes passed and Houdini did not appear. When enough time had passed to make it apparent that Houdini s escape had failed, the grief-stricken party left the scene and reported that Houdini had died. One friend remained at the

25、hole in the ice, not yet convinced that Houdini had drowned. To his utter amazement, Houdini did indeed surface at the spot. When the half-frozen artist had recovered enough, he told his friend that he had not accounted for the current of the river under the ice. The river had carried the trunk down

26、stream and when he got out of the trunk, he couldnt find the hole cut into the ice. He managed to get oxygen from air pockets caught between the ice and the water, but he had no way of finding the hole through the thick ice. Then he heard his mothers voice calling him. He followed her voice, and it

27、led him to the hole in the ice where his friend was waiting. This was amazing, first, because his mother lived in another city and was nowhere near the scene of the frozen river. But more amazing than that was the fact that, when Houdini tried to call his mother, he was informed that she had died ju

28、st hours before. What had told Houdini s mother that he was in danger-even beyond the grave? How had she been able to protect her child in spite of the fact that she was no longer living? Someday, perhaps, we will know. Someday we may understand the kind of communication that exists between mother a

29、nd child and be able to expand on that knowledge to a better form of communication in all relationships. There is no doubt that such a thing as a mothers intuition exists. And the fact of its existence may be an indication that all of us are capable of having another instinct-a sixth sense. (分数:71.0

30、0)(1).This passage tries to explain the reason why mothers often have a sixth sense. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(2).Almost every mother has a motion s intuition and is quite sure of its existence. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(3).Studies on the sixth sense showed that no one could be able to use any sense beyond smel

31、l, taste, etc. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(4).A mother is always on alert for her child s safety even when she is busy with housework or social activities. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(5).Everyone left the scene when they found that Houdini had failed to escape. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(6).If a mother doesnt love her chi

32、ld, she will not have a mother s intuition. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(7).Houdini managed to get out of the trunk, but couldnt find the hole cut in the ice. (分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(8).Houdini managed to get oxygen from air pockets caught between _. (分数:7.10)_(9).When Houdini tried to call her mother, he was to

33、ld that _. (分数:7.10)_(10).In the future, we may be able to expand on our knowledge of the kind of communication between mothers and children to _. (分数:7.10)_三、Listening Comprehens(总题数:1,分数:15.00)A.No one can find a supermarket.B.He helps people find a supermarket here.C.He has no idea where to find

34、a supermarket.D.His family lives in this city.A.In a library.B.In a bookstore.C.In a classroom.D.In the womans home.A.A doctor.B.A salesman.C.A pharmacist.D.A librarian.A.He has a better idea.B.He wants to be invited.C.It will depend on the weather.D.He is sure to go for an outing.A.Present a new bo

35、ok to the class.B.Read more than one book.C.Read the book more thoroughly.D.Read the book to the class.A.Jane knows practically everyone.B.Jane knows Karl isnt hard to be happy.C.Karl didnt order the right thing.D.Jane always knows exactly what to say.A.He disagrees with the woman.B.He prefers not t

36、o argue about it.C.He shares the womans opinion.D.He wasnt able to live in the hotel.A.Marcia looks good in everything.B.He knew someone who looked like Marcia.C.He wishes he had a coat like Marcias.D.Marcia should get a new coat.四、Section B(总题数:2,分数:10.00)A.At school.B.In a hospital.C.In a shop.D.I

37、n a park.A.To help the woman make a purchase.B.To request the womans identification.C.To show the woman for a course at City College.D.To register the woman how to make out a check.A.Money.B.Money or credit cards.C.Credit cards or checks.D.Checks or money.A.She used her student ID card and a charge

38、card.B.She used her credit card.C.She used her drivers license and her student ID card.D.She used her telephone number and her student ID card.A.In a supermarket.B.In a restaurant.C.In an appliance store.D.In a department store.A.A TV set.B.A stereo.C.An alarm clock.D.A battery-operated clock radio.

39、A.The store doesnt have the model he wants.B.The store doesnt take credit cards.C.The clerk insults the man.D.The clock radio is too expensive.A.4 yearsB.5 yearsC.8 yearsD.at least 9 yearsA.biologyB.chemistryC.philosophyD.medicineA.Each student must pass a national examination.B.Students who do best

40、 in the studies have a greater chance.C.They can seek to enter a number of medical schools.D.Chances to gain the entrance are many.A.They havent devoted as much energy to medicine as to space travel.B.There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.C.It is not economical to find a cure

41、 for each type of cold.D.They believe people can recover without treatment.A.They reveal the seriousness of the problem.B.They indicate how fast the virus spreads.C.They tell us what kind of medicine to take.D.They show our body is fighting the virus.A.It actually does more harm than good.B.It cause

42、s damage to some organs of our body.C.It works better when combined with other remedies.D.It helps us to recover much sooner.A.The local Sunday newspaper.B.The local Saturday newspaper.C.The local Friday newspaper.D.Not mentioned in this passage.A.Because the traveling expenses are high.B.Because th

43、e rents are too high for most people.C.Because it is easier to get familiar with the area.D.Because it is easier to join in the life of a city.A.The farther you live outside the city, the lower the rents will be.B.Traveling to and from is as expensive as living in the city.C.Many people start to loo

44、k for houses from Saturday morning.D.In many cities the Sunday newspaper can be obtained late Saturday night.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways, depending on the situation they are in. This is very (36) 1. All languages have two g

45、eneral levels of (37) 2: a formal level and an informal level. English is no (38) 3. The difference in these two levels is the situation in which you use a (39) 4level. Formal language is the kind of language you find in textbooks, (40) 5books, and in business letters. You would also use formal Engl

46、ish in compositions and (41) 6that you write in school. Informal language is used in conversation with (42) 7, family members and friends, and when we write (43) 8notes or letters to close friends. Formal language is different from informal language in several ways. First, formal language tends to b

47、e more polite. (44) 9. For example, I might say to a friend or family member, “Close the door, please, “(45) 10. Another difference between formal and informal language is some of the vocabulary. (46) 11. Lets say that I really like soccer. If Im talking to my friend I might say “Im just crazy about soccer!“ But if I were talking to my boss, I would probably say “I really enjoy soccer.“ (分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:2,分数:355.00)Culture is the sum tot


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