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1、翻译三级口译实务-生活口译(一)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part (总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.服务员:晚上好,先生,欢迎光临我们饭店。Customer: Could you tell me what kind of rooms you have now?服务员:我们饭店有单人间、双人间、套房和豪华套间。各种设施齐全。Customer: Well, can I have a double room, please?服务员:请问,您想在这儿住几天?Customer: A week or so, from August 15th to 22nd. Id li

2、ke to have a quiet room if possible, not too close to the street.服务员:让我查一下可以,您可以住在 1201房间。那间屋子面对后院。Customer: Whats the rate please?服务员:每天 60美元,包括早餐。Customer: All right, Ill take it.服务员:好的,先生,请填一下住宿登记表,姓名请大写。Customer: (filling in the form) OK. Here you are.服务员:麻烦您出示一下护照好吗?Customer: Certainly.服务员:请您收好

3、护照,这是房间的钥匙。电梯就在右边,您的行李我会马上派人送上去。Customer: Thanks. I want you to give me a morning call at six tomorrow as I will go to the Great Wall.服务员:没问题,先生。祝您晚安。(分数:20.00)_二、Part (总题数:1,分数:40.00)2.The word SOHO stands for “Small Office, Home Office“. To enter into the SOHO life, all you need to have is just a

4、computer, a desk and a chair. Find a remote, good working environment that you can separate yourself and distinguish between your work time and your personal time. Write down all the resources you have. and then match them to your business ideas.Over 60% of the work opportunities and income generate

5、d in the USA comes from small and medium sized businesses. Anyone who really sets their mind to it and is willing to learn, take a few calculated risks, and stick to it can succeed in owning their own small company.Needless to say, SOHO lifestyle promises great rewards and joy. First of all,you dont

6、 need to follow the strict schedules of office life, struggling out of bed and rushing to your workplace with endless tasks to finish. In addition, you are able to control your own destiny and have immediate feedback for your decisions. Although some describe entrepreneurship as “Sheer Terror“, the

7、exhilaration of finding success and knowing that youve created this small company and will reap what you plant is very rewarding.However, dont expect every day owning your own small business to be a cakewalk. There will be great stress. You can never have a regular paycheck every month. Although you

8、 dont need to worry about being late for work, you are under a constant pressure of earning your bread for tomorrow.(分数:40.00)_三、Part (总题数:1,分数:40.00)3.大家好,我们现在来到了颐和园。下面我们要参观的景点是园里的大戏楼。这是中国最大的戏楼,高21米,共有 3层。你们都听说过清朝的慈禧太后吧。慈禧太后是一个大戏迷,经常 在这里看京剧。现在,我来给大家简单介绍一下京剧。京剧是地道的中国国粹,可以追溯到 1790年。那年,4 个徽剧戏班子奉诏进京表演。

9、表演大受欢迎,于是这些戏班子就留了下来。可以说京剧艺术吸收了几种地方戏的唱腔。京剧的一大特点是在人物的脸上涂上各种颜色,以象征这个人物的性格和品质。简单地讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇;黑脸代表智慧;蓝脸和绿脸代表草莽英雄;黄脸和白脸代表奸诈; 金脸和银脸代表神秘或超自然力量。京剧又号称东方歌剧。我们今天晚上就为你们安排了一场京剧表演。大家有什么问题,现在可以提出来。(分数:40.00)_翻译三级口译实务-生活口译(一)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part (总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.服务员:晚上好,先生,欢迎光临我们饭店。Customer: Could you

10、 tell me what kind of rooms you have now?服务员:我们饭店有单人间、双人间、套房和豪华套间。各种设施齐全。Customer: Well, can I have a double room, please?服务员:请问,您想在这儿住几天?Customer: A week or so, from August 15th to 22nd. Id like to have a quiet room if possible, not too close to the street.服务员:让我查一下可以,您可以住在 1201房间。那间屋子面对后院。Customer

11、: Whats the rate please?服务员:每天 60美元,包括早餐。Customer: All right, Ill take it.服务员:好的,先生,请填一下住宿登记表,姓名请大写。Customer: (filling in the form) OK. Here you are.服务员:麻烦您出示一下护照好吗?Customer: Certainly.服务员:请您收好护照,这是房间的钥匙。电梯就在右边,您的行李我会马上派人送上去。Customer: Thanks. I want you to give me a morning call at six tomorrow as I

12、 will go to the Great Wall.服务员:没问题,先生。祝您晚安。(分数:20.00)_正确答案:(Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our hotel.客人:你们现在有什么房间?Receptionist: We have single rooms, double rooms, ordinary suites and deluxe suites. They are fully equipped with all kinds of facilities.客人:请给我一个双人间好吗?Receptionist: How lon

13、g would you like to stay in this hotel?客人:一周左右。从 8月 15日到 22日。如果可能,我想要一个安静点的房间,不要离街道太近。Receptionist: Let me check. Yes, you can have Room 1201. That room faces the backyard.客人:请问房费是多少?Receptionist: $60 per day, including breakfast.客人:我就要这间吧。Receptionist: Well, sir, would you please fill in the regist

14、ration form? Please capitalize your name.客人:(填写表格)填好了,给你。Receptionist: I am sorry, but can I see your passport as well?客人:当然。Receptionist: Here is your passport, you can put it away now. Here is your room key. Elevator is on your right. I will have your luggage sent up right away.客人:谢谢。您明天早上 6点叫醒我可以

15、吗?因为我要去长城。Receptionist: No problem, sir, Good night.)解析:二、Part (总题数:1,分数:40.00)2.The word SOHO stands for “Small Office, Home Office“. To enter into the SOHO life, all you need to have is just a computer, a desk and a chair. Find a remote, good working environment that you can separate yourself and

16、distinguish between your work time and your personal time. Write down all the resources you have. and then match them to your business ideas.Over 60% of the work opportunities and income generated in the USA comes from small and medium sized businesses. Anyone who really sets their mind to it and is

17、 willing to learn, take a few calculated risks, and stick to it can succeed in owning their own small company.Needless to say, SOHO lifestyle promises great rewards and joy. First of all,you dont need to follow the strict schedules of office life, struggling out of bed and rushing to your workplace

18、with endless tasks to finish. In addition, you are able to control your own destiny and have immediate feedback for your decisions. Although some describe entrepreneurship as “Sheer Terror“, the exhilaration of finding success and knowing that youve created this small company and will reap what you

19、plant is very rewarding.However, dont expect every day owning your own small business to be a cakewalk. There will be great stress. You can never have a regular paycheck every month. Although you dont need to worry about being late for work, you are under a constant pressure of earning your bread fo

20、r tomorrow.(分数:40.00)_正确答案:(SOHO 指的是“小办公室,家庭办公室”,即在家办公。要成为 SOHO一族,只需一台电脑、一张书桌和一把椅子。你需要营造一种僻静、良好的工作氛围,既不会受外界干扰,又能明确 划分工作和休闲时间。记下所有可以利用的资源,并与你的创业想法一一匹配。在美国,超过 60%的工作机会和收入是由中小企业带来的。只要下定决心、好学上进,敢于在深思熟虑的基础上承担适当风险并且坚持不懈,任何人都可以成功拥有自己的小公司。毋庸置疑,在家办公能够带来巨大的回报和喜悦。首先,你不必遵循严格的办公时间,一大早就从床上挣扎起来冲向单位,做永远干不完的工作。此外,你可

21、以掌控自己的命运,任何决定都能立即看到反馈。尽管有人把自主创业形容为“洪水猛兽”,但一想到自己亲手创建起这个小公司,并将收获辛勤耕耘的果实、感受成功的欣喜,一切辛苦都是值得的。然而,不要期望小老板的日子总是风光无限,这样的生活也会有巨大的压力。你再也拿不到每月一次的固定工资;尽管你不必担心上班迟到,但时时刻刻都要为第二天的生计备感压力。)解析:三、Part (总题数:1,分数:40.00)3.大家好,我们现在来到了颐和园。下面我们要参观的景点是园里的大戏楼。这是中国最大的戏楼,高21米,共有 3层。你们都听说过清朝的慈禧太后吧。慈禧太后是一个大戏迷,经常 在这里看京剧。现在,我来给大家简单介绍

22、一下京剧。京剧是地道的中国国粹,可以追溯到 1790年。那年,4 个徽剧戏班子奉诏进京表演。表演大受欢迎,于是这些戏班子就留了下来。可以说京剧艺术吸收了几种地方戏的唱腔。京剧的一大特点是在人物的脸上涂上各种颜色,以象征这个人物的性格和品质。简单地讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇;黑脸代表智慧;蓝脸和绿脸代表草莽英雄;黄脸和白脸代表奸诈; 金脸和银脸代表神秘或超自然力量。京剧又号称东方歌剧。我们今天晚上就为你们安排了一场京剧表演。大家有什么问题,现在可以提出来。(分数:40.00)_正确答案:(Good morning, friends. Now we are in the Summer Palace

23、. Next we are going to visit the Grand Theater, a tourist spot in the Summer Palace. This huge three-story theater is the largest local opera theater in China. Its height is 21 meters. You must know about the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty. She was an avid Peking opera fan and often watche

24、d performance here.Now let me give you some information about Peking opera. Peking opera is a purely Chinese opera form,one of the best parts of Chinese culture, which dates back to the year 1790. In that year, four local opera troupes of Anhui Province came to Beijing on a performance tour by order

25、 of the imperial court. The tour was a hit and the troupes stayed. The artists absorbed the tunes of some other local operas.For the painted roles, a special feature of Peking opera, the different colors of the faces represent different characters and personalities. Red stands for uprightness and lo

26、yalty, black means wisdom, blue and green indicate the vigorous and rebellious heroes, yellow and white represent cunning, and gold and silver represent mystic or super-natural power.Peking opera is also known as the Eastern opera. We have arranged a Peking opera performance tonight. If you have any questions about Peking opera, I am ready to answer them.)解析:


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