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1、公共英语三级口试-350 及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part A(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Interlocutor : Good morning (afternoon). My name is.and this is my colleague.He/She is just going to be listening to us. (早上/下午好。我叫这是我的同事他/她只是听我们对话,不参与交谈。) And your names are.and.?(你们的名字分别是和?) Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。

2、) Thank you.(谢谢。) (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师。) (分数:1.00)_二、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)2.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like you to talk about something for about 3 minutes. I“m just going to listen.(现在,我要你们两个谈大约 3分钟的话,我来旁听。) I“d like you to talk about these four pictures.(我要你们谈论下面

3、 4幅图片。) (分数:2.00)_三、Part C(总题数:1,分数:2.00)3.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like each of you to talk on your own for about one and a half minutes. I“m going to give each of you a different picture and I“d like you to talk about it. Candidate A, here is your picture: No money, no way. Please let Candidate B h

4、ave a look at it. (现在,每个人分别有 1分半钟的时间就不同的图片来单独发言,我会分别给你们一幅不同的图片。考生A,这是你的图片:不给钱,就不拆。请出示你的图片给考生 B看一下。) Candidate B, I“ll give you your picture in a minute. (考生 B,一会儿我将给你图片。) (分数:2.00)_公共英语三级口试-350 答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part A(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Interlocutor : Good morning (afternoon). My name is.and t

5、his is my colleague.He/She is just going to be listening to us. (早上/下午好。我叫这是我的同事他/她只是听我们对话,不参与交谈。) And your names are.and.?(你们的名字分别是和?) Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。) Thank you.(谢谢。) (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师。) (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:First of all we“d lik

6、e to know something about you, Candidate A, so I“m going to ask you some questions.(考生 A,首先让我们来了解一下你的情况,我要问你一些问题。) T: Do you care about current affairs? 你关心时事吗? A: Yes, very much. 是的,我非常关心。 T: What means do you usually take to know about the current affairs? 你通常是通过什么方式了解时事的? A: I know about the curr

7、ent affairs by means of TV, newspaper, radio and the Internet. 我通过电视、报纸、收音机和互联网来了解时事。 T: Which TV program do you like best? 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么呢? A: CCTV news program. 中央电视台的新闻节目。 T: What do you think of the war between Iraq and America? 你对美伊战争有何看法? A: In my opinion, America shouldn“t invade Iraq. All the

8、disputes should be resolved peacefully under the leadership of the United Nations. Iraqis are living in a more dangerous and poorer society. America won“t win the war in real sense. 我的观点是美国不应该入侵伊拉克。一切问题都应该在联合国的领导下和平解决。现在伊拉克人生活在一个更危险和贫穷的社会里。美国不会真正赢得这场战争的。 Interlocutor : Thank you. Now, we“d like to k

9、now something about you, Candidate B, so I“m going to ask you some questions. (谢谢。考生 B,现在让我们来了解一下你的情况,我要问你一些问题。) T: Do you care about the current affairs? Why? 你关心时事吗?为什么? B: Yes, I care about it very much. The current affairs keep me informed of the situations of the nation and the world at large.

10、I think this is essential to everyone of us. 是的,我非常关心。时事使我全面地了解国内外的形势。我认为这对每个人都很有必要。 T: How do you know the current affairs? 你是怎么了解时事的? B: I know the current affairs by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and surfing the Internet. 我通常是通过看电视、听广播、读报纸和上网了解的。 T: How do you think abou

11、t the news programs? 你怎么看待新闻节目? B: Actually, I think it“s the news program that keeps me informed of the current affairs. 实际上,是新闻节目让我了解了时事。 T: Do you think it“s a good way to know about the current affairs through reading newspapers? Why or why not? 你认为通过阅读报纸了解时事的方式好吗?为什么好或为什么不好? B: I think it“s a g

12、ood way because it“s very convenient. You can get a newspaper easily and take it with you to anywhere. 我认为这是一种好的渠道,因为非常方便。你可以很容易地有一份报纸,而且可以带到任何地方去。 T: Which affair gives you the deepest impression this year? 今年给你印象最深的事件是什么? B: China used its own rocket to launch the first manned spaceship. 中国用自己的火箭发

13、射了第一艘载人飞船。二、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)2.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like you to talk about something for about 3 minutes. I“m just going to listen.(现在,我要你们两个谈大约 3分钟的话,我来旁听。) I“d like you to talk about these four pictures.(我要你们谈论下面 4幅图片。) (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:Candidates : A: What are the people doing in the fi

14、rst picture? 第一幅图片中的人们在干什么? B: They are dumping rubbish everywhere: in public places, on the road, etc. 他们到处扔垃圾:在公共场所、在路上等。 A: What does the second picture show us? 第二幅图片是什么意思? B: There are too many cars now sending off poisonous gas. The polluted air makes people hard to breathe. The facts are that

15、 more and more people around us are planning to purchase a car recently. By the way, how much do you know about pollution? 现在有太多的车辆放出有毒的气体。被污染的空气使人们呼吸困难。而事实是在我们周围有越来越多的人打算在最近买车。顺便问一下,你对污染了解多少呢? A: Anything polluted is harmful. Polluted air causes lung trouble and other diseases. Polluted water makes

16、 people sick and kills land and water animals. 被污染的东西都是有害的。被污染的空气引起肺部疾病和其他疾病。被污染的水会使人们生病,也会杀死陆地上和水中的生物。 B: Do you think people are beginning to pay enough attention to these problems? 你认为人们开始注意这些问题了吗? A: Just like the third picture indicates, more and more people are realizing the urgency to cope wi

17、th pollution. People all over the world are cooperating to tackle this tough question. 就像第三幅图片一样,越来越多的人正在意识到处理这个问题的紧迫性,全世界的人们正在合作解决这个难题。 B: Do you think the problem will be solved soon? 你认为环境保护问题会很快得以解决吗? A: There is a long way to go. We should know that the environmental pollution is getting worse

18、and worse in modem society. What“s more, not all people have realized the seriousness of the problem. 路还很长。我们应该知道在现代社会中,环境污染正越来越严重。更有一些人还没有认识到问题的严重性。B: I hope we can enjoy a clean and comfortable world as the boy and the girl do in the fourth picture. 我希望我们可以拥有一个干净舒适的世界,就像第四幅图片中的男孩和女孩一样。 A: I believ

19、e the problems will be solved someday if all of us take proper measures to control and prevent pollution. 我相信如果我们所有的人采取恰当的措施去控制和防止污染,问题总有一天会被解决的。 Interlocutor : Thank you.(口试教师:谢谢。) (Retrieve the picture sheet.收回图片。)三、Part C(总题数:1,分数:2.00)3.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like each of you to talk on your ow

20、n for about one and a half minutes. I“m going to give each of you a different picture and I“d like you to talk about it. Candidate A, here is your picture: No money, no way. Please let Candidate B have a look at it. (现在,每个人分别有 1分半钟的时间就不同的图片来单独发言,我会分别给你们一幅不同的图片。考生A,这是你的图片:不给钱,就不拆。请出示你的图片给考生 B看一下。) Ca

21、ndidate B, I“ll give you your picture in a minute. (考生 B,一会儿我将给你图片。) (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:Candidate A : In the picture, we can see rows of new buildings along a newly, yet unfinished road. In the middle of the road, there is a torn house and on the roof lies a man, who is say something like “No money

22、, no way.“ The road building workers are waiting patiently for the man“s permission to tear it down. I think it“s really a very realistic phenomenon. In all the cities in China, there are a lot of old and torn buildings. In order to better the living conditions of the people, the government tries to

23、 plan the area. Unfortunately, some people“s benefits are damaged. So they ask a higher compensation for their loss. But they don“t know, their acts hurt more people“s benefits. 从图片中我们可以看到在一条新的、还没有完工的马路两旁有一排排的新楼房。在路的正中心有一座破旧的房子。一个人躺在屋顶上,嘴里说着类似于“不给钱,就不拆”的话。修路工人们正耐心地等待着这个人允许拆除的命令。我认为这是一个非常现实的现象。在中国所有的

24、城市,有许多这样又旧又破的房子。政府为了提高人们的居住水平,重新对这些地方进行了规划。但不幸的是有一些人的利益受到了损害。所以他们就提出了一个很高的补偿要求。但他们不知道,他们的行为损害了更多人的利益。 Interlocutor : Thank you. (Retrieve the picture.)谢谢。(收回图片。) Candidate B, is there anything else you“d like to say about the picture?(考生 B,对这幅图片,你还有什么要补充的吗?) Candidate B : I only partly agree with wh

25、at Candidate A said. Nowadays, in many cities, a lot of old houses and buildings are endangering being torn down by the governmental department in the name of the benefits of the people. But the fact is that some of the historic ones arc destroyed. Sometimes people“s interests are also not very well

26、 secured. Thus many disputes arose. In my opinion, when the government takes any action, they should consider the interests of the families concerned. 我部分同意考生 A的观点。当今,在许多城市,有许多老房子和建筑物面临被政府部门拆掉的危险。名义上是为了人们的利益,但事实上是很多有历史意义的建筑物被毁掉了。有时候人们的利益也没有得到保证。这样就产生了许多的纠纷。依我看,当政府部门采取任何行动时,他们都应当考虑有关家庭的利益。 Interlocutor : Candidate B, here is your card: making friends online. Please let Candidate A have a look at it. (考生 B,这是你的图片:网上征友。请把你的图片给考生 A看一下。) (Hand over the picture to Candidate B.)(把图片递给考生 B。)


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