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1、情景对话及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.Ian: Tomorrow is my big exam. Im afraid Ill fail.Andrew: Dont worry. You have studied very hard. You have done your best. I think if you calm down, you will do well in the exam.Ian: Youre right. Ive prepared the best I can. Thanks for your enco

2、uragement.Andrew: _ A. Thats not too bad. B. Id rather you didnt. C. Come on, lets take a break. D. Its a snap.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.Tom: You need a break. Why dont we go to a movie tonight?Tony: _Tom: You work too hard. A break would do you good. A. Why did you ask? B. Have you finished your dinner ye

3、t.9 C. I have seen French movies many times. D. Id love to, but I have a lot of work to do.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.3.Man: I suggest that you dont eat such junk food too often. Dont you know that French fries contain 450 calories?Woman: Really! I know that an adult woman like me needs only 1,600 calories pe

4、r day.Man: French fries contains a lot of fat too, about 22 grams of fat for one portion.Woman: _ A. Thats really too much. B. I meant it. C. Are you out of your mind? D. I dont trust you.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.A: What time is this meeting supposed to begin?B: Im not sure. I thought it was to start at 7

5、:00 p.m., but its already 7:20 p.mA: _B: Its unlikely that the guest speaker has arrived yet. I think he is still eating his dinner.A: Well, that explains it! A. What do you think the problem is? B. Dont you know? C. Are you sure? D. What do we do then?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.John: I want to go to Chicag

6、o. When is the next train, please?Booking clerk: in fifteen minutes.John: How much is the fare?Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?John: _Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10% of the fare. A. Will it take me straight there? B. How much is it? C. Whats the difference?

7、 D. What is the fare?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.Sam: Hello, Id like to make a reservation for July 30.Lucia: _?Sam: Id like a suite with a king-size bed.Lucia: A suite with a king-size bed. Let me see. Yes, we _. Its $146 a night.Sam: All right. That sounds good. A. What type of room; have no room available

8、 B. What type of room; have a room available C. Which room do you like; have one available room D. Your name, please; have one room available(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.7.Customer: Id like to mail this box to Californi a.Clerk: _Customer: Gee, I dont know about that. What do you have?Clerk: Airmail and surface

9、 mail.Customer: I guess surface mail is fine.A. Do you want to insure it?B. How do you want to mail it?C. What can I do for you?D. Where will you mail to?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.8.Paul: Im afraid I spilled some coffee on the tablecloth.Roger: Oh, dont worry about it.Paul: Im really sorry. Is there anything

10、 I can do?Roger: _ I never did like it anyway. A. Just forget about it. B. Im afraid there is not. C. Dont be silly. D. Its absolutely out of the question.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.9.Mike: If you are not busy, would you by any chance be interested in going to the movie with me this Saturday?Susan: Id love to

11、, but I cant. I have to study for my exams.Mike: _Susan: Thanks for asking though. Maybe we can see a movie some other time. A. Dont do this. B. Thats too bad. C. Dont you think you can make it? D. Fantasti(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.Waiter: Would you like to have one bill or separate bills, sir?John: Its m

12、y treat. One bill, please.Paul: You paid last time. _John: Well, all right if you insist. But next time you must let me pay. A. This is on me. B. Stop kidding me. C. I have money. D. Knock it out.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.11.A: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the subway station?B: Im sorry. _A: T

13、hank you anyway. A. I dont know when the train will leave. B. Im afraid youve got lost. C. Take the subway at the nearest station. D. Im also a stranger around her(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.12.Clair: _Ms. Britt: No, but its the first time we have seen the city of Shanghai.Clair: Well, Shanghai is a famous sce

14、nery city. Im sure you will not regret coming here.Mr. Britt: I believe so. A. What do you think of China? B. Have you ever been to China? C. Is this your first trip to China? D. Do you enjoy the flight?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.Customer: Im going to hold a farewell party for some friends. Id like to book

15、 a dinner here.Waiter: How many people of you will come to the dinner?Customer: About ten.Waiter: _Customer: Deep fried shrimps and roasted pork. As for other dishes, Ill leave the choice to you if you dont mind. A. What can I do for you? B. What do you like? C. Anything particular on the menu? D. M

16、ay I recommend some dishes?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.14.Wang: I think we should go to the theater tonight. What do you think, Mr. Huber?Mr. Huber: _ But if the play is in Chinese, Im afraid I wont be able to follow it.Wang: No problem. Ill be your interpreter. What about Beijing Opera? Would you like to go?M

17、r. Huber: Oh, Id love to. A. Ive no idea. B. Havent you got any other ideas? C. Oh no, I hate to watch plays at theater. D. Its fine with m(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.15.Wife: Our visit to London is really rewarding. What do you think, darling.9Husband: _ Weve really got something from this visit.Wife: Dont fo

18、rget the shopping before we leave this lovely city.Husband: Ive carved it in my mind. Dont worry. A. I get it. B. Well, I dont think the way you do. C. You bet. D. Im glad to hear that.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.16.Susan: What a beautiful sweater!Sam: Do you think it looks good on me?Susan: Yes, and it goes p

19、erfectly well with your pants,Sara: _ but it was really cheap.Susan: I wish I could find one like that. A. You know what, B. You wont believe it, C. To tell you the truth, D. I got it on sale,(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.17.Mr. Langdon: Come on in, please. Im sure you must be Mr. Cheung for the Foreign Trade Co

20、rporation, right?Mr. Cheung: Yes, I am. I hope I am not late for our appointment.Mr. Langdon: _ I was expecting you. Please sit down. Would you like to try a cup of Canadian bag-tea?Mr. Cheung: Thank you. Ive come to make you that your stay here is a pleasant one. A. Dont mention it. B. No, not at a

21、ll. C. No problem. D. Its not the point.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.18.Interviewer: Ive read your application with interest. Now I want to ask you a few questions if you dont mind.Interviewee: _Interviewer: In your resume you said youve had some experiences in computer programming.Interviewee: Yes, I have been

22、 a programming engineer for three years. A. As you please. B. Never mind. C. No, not at all. D. Of course not.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.19. Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom? _ Cant you see that its not working fight? A. Do you have to repair it? B. It is not very hot in this season. C.

23、 I also think we should buy a new one. D. Whats wrong with the one we have now?(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.20.Kevin: Is this Mr. Grabers office?Receptionist: Yes, thats right. _Kevin: Id like to see Mr. Graber, but I havent got an appointment, Im afraid.Receptionist: Im sorry but Mr. Graber is engaged at prese

24、nt. A. What do you want? B. Are you looking for him? C. Can I be of any assistance? D. Good mornin(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.情景对话答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.Ian: Tomorrow is my big exam. Im afraid Ill fail.Andrew: Dont worry. You have studied very hard. You have done your best. I think

25、if you calm down, you will do well in the exam.Ian: Youre right. Ive prepared the best I can. Thanks for your encouragement.Andrew: _ A. Thats not too bad. B. Id rather you didnt. C. Come on, lets take a break. D. Its a snap.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:“别准备了,休息一下吧。”Andrew 用此句话来劝说 Ian 不要为考试过于紧张。A、B 选项含义不符合语

26、境,D 选项“小菜一碟”不可以用作对别人感谢话语的回答。2.Tom: You need a break. Why dont we go to a movie tonight?Tony: _Tom: You work too hard. A break would do you good. A. Why did you ask? B. Have you finished your dinner yet.9 C. I have seen French movies many times. D. Id love to, but I have a lot of work to do.(分数:1.00)

27、A.B.C.D. 解析:此题考查的是对邀请的回答。D 选项是最适合的委婉谢绝的表达方式,A 和 C 选项都过于直接,而B 选项不符合语境。3.Man: I suggest that you dont eat such junk food too often. Dont you know that French fries contain 450 calories?Woman: Really! I know that an adult woman like me needs only 1,600 calories per day.Man: French fries contains a lot

28、of fat too, about 22 grams of fat for one portion.Woman: _ A. Thats really too much. B. I meant it. C. Are you out of your mind? D. I dont trust you.(分数:1.00)A. B.C.D.解析:女士对男士所说的数字感到惊讶,A 选项比较贴切。B 选项“我是认真的”;C 选项“你放了吗”;D 选项“我不信任你”均不符合该语境。4.A: What time is this meeting supposed to begin?B: Im not sure.

29、 I thought it was to start at 7:00 p.m., but its already 7:20 p.mA: _B: Its unlikely that the guest speaker has arrived yet. I think he is still eating his dinner.A: Well, that explains it! A. What do you think the problem is? B. Dont you know? C. Are you sure? D. What do we do then?(分数:1.00)A. B.C.

30、D.解析:从最后的答句“that explains it”(这可以作为问题的解释)可以看出,A 答案是最适合此会话语境的。5.John: I want to go to Chicago. When is the next train, please?Booking clerk: in fifteen minutes.John: How much is the fare?Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?John: _Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10%

31、of the fare. A. Will it take me straight there? B. How much is it? C. Whats the difference? D. What is the fare?(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:此对话发生在订票处,根据售票员上文的提问和下文的回答,可知 John 想知道单程票和全程往返票的差别,因此 C 选项正确。6.Sam: Hello, Id like to make a reservation for July 30.Lucia: _?Sam: Id like a suite with a king-size bed

32、.Lucia: A suite with a king-size bed. Let me see. Yes, we _. Its $146 a night.Sam: All right. That sounds good. A. What type of room; have no room available B. What type of room; have a room available C. Which room do you like; have one available room D. Your name, please; have one room available(分数

33、:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:此句需要填补两句话以完成对话。根据下文的回答,第一句应是问房间的类型,A、B 选项符合,而根据最后 Sam 所说,排除 A 选项。7.Customer: Id like to mail this box to Californi a.Clerk: _Customer: Gee, I dont know about that. What do you have?Clerk: Airmail and surface mail.Customer: I guess surface mail is fine.A. Do you want to insure it?B.

34、 How do you want to mail it?C. What can I do for you?D. Where will you mail to?(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:此对话发生在邮局,根据下文办事员的回答“航空邮件还是水陆路邮件”可知 B 选项为正确答案。8.Paul: Im afraid I spilled some coffee on the tablecloth.Roger: Oh, dont worry about it.Paul: Im really sorry. Is there anything I can do?Roger: _ I never

35、 did like it anyway. A. Just forget about it. B. Im afraid there is not. C. Dont be silly. D. Its absolutely out of the question.(分数:1.00)A. B.C.D.解析:Paul 问 Roger“有什么我可以做的吗”,为了安慰 Paul 弄脏台布不要紧,A 选项的回答最为贴切“别在意,反正我也不喜欢”。9.Mike: If you are not busy, would you by any chance be interested in going to the

36、movie with me this Saturday?Susan: Id love to, but I cant. I have to study for my exams.Mike: _Susan: Thanks for asking though. Maybe we can see a movie some other time. A. Dont do this. B. Thats too bad. C. Dont you think you can make it? D. Fantasti(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:Susan 谢绝了 Mike 邀请,B 答案可以表达出

37、Mike 的遗憾。10.Waiter: Would you like to have one bill or separate bills, sir?John: Its my treat. One bill, please.Paul: You paid last time. _John: Well, all right if you insist. But next time you must let me pay. A. This is on me. B. Stop kidding me. C. I have money. D. Knock it out.(分数:1.00)A. B.C.D.

38、解析:这是 Paul 和 John 在餐厅结账时的一则对话。John 说道“这顿我请”,A 选项符合语境,Paul 客气地说“上次就是你付的帐,这次我请吧”。11.A: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the subway station?B: Im sorry. _A: Thank you anyway. A. I dont know when the train will leave. B. Im afraid youve got lost. C. Take the subway at the nearest station. D.

39、Im also a stranger around her(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:路人 A 向 B 询问去地铁的道路,根据路人 A 的回答,可排除 C,而在剩下的三个选项中 D 选项更符合语境。12.Clair: _Ms. Britt: No, but its the first time we have seen the city of Shanghai.Clair: Well, Shanghai is a famous scenery city. Im sure you will not regret coming here.Mr. Britt: I believe so

40、. A. What do you think of China? B. Have you ever been to China? C. Is this your first trip to China? D. Do you enjoy the flight?(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:下文 Ms.Britt 提到“但这是我第一次来上海这座城市”,可见是对 C 选项所提出的问题作答。如果 Ms. Britt 的回答为“Yes”的话,B 选项可选。13.Customer: Im going to hold a farewell party for some friends. Id l

41、ike to book a dinner here.Waiter: How many people of you will come to the dinner?Customer: About ten.Waiter: _Customer: Deep fried shrimps and roasted pork. As for other dishes, Ill leave the choice to you if you dont mind. A. What can I do for you? B. What do you like? C. Anything particular on the

42、 menu? D. May I recommend some dishes?(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:这是发生在餐厅的一则对话,下文顾客的回答内容关于饭菜的名字,因此可知服务生的问题应是 C选项“有什么特别的菜品要点吗?”。14.Wang: I think we should go to the theater tonight. What do you think, Mr. Huber?Mr. Huber: _ But if the play is in Chinese, Im afraid I wont be able to follow it.Wang: No proble

43、m. Ill be your interpreter. What about Beijing Opera? Would you like to go?Mr. Huber: Oh, Id love to. A. Ive no idea. B. Havent you got any other ideas? C. Oh no, I hate to watch plays at theater. D. Its fine with m(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:这是一个询问对方建议的对话。Wang 问晚上看电影怎么样,B、C、D 选项都可以来回答此问题,但根据下文的转折语气可以判断 D

44、选项的回答最恰当:“对我来说,好啊”。15.Wife: Our visit to London is really rewarding. What do you think, darling.9Husband: _ Weve really got something from this visit.Wife: Dont forget the shopping before we leave this lovely city.Husband: Ive carved it in my mind. Dont worry. A. I get it. B. Well, I dont think the

45、way you do. C. You bet. D. Im glad to hear that.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. D.解析:妻子在询问丈夫对旅行的体验,根据下文的回答,C 选项符合语境“当然,的确”。A 选项“我明白了”;B 选项过于无礼;D 选项是用来回答对方夸奖的方式。16.Susan: What a beautiful sweater!Sam: Do you think it looks good on me?Susan: Yes, and it goes perfectly well with your pants,Sara: _ but it was really ch

46、eap.Susan: I wish I could find one like that. A. You know what, B. You wont believe it, C. To tell you the truth, D. I got it on sale,(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:Susan 在评论 Sara 的毛衣,根据下文 Sara 语气上的转折“但的确很便宜”可知,B 选项应为对上文所讲内容的回答“你肯定不会信”。17.Mr. Langdon: Come on in, please. Im sure you must be Mr. Cheung for the

47、 Foreign Trade Corporation, right?Mr. Cheung: Yes, I am. I hope I am not late for our appointment.Mr. Langdon: _ I was expecting you. Please sit down. Would you like to try a cup of Canadian bag-tea?Mr. Cheung: Thank you. Ive come to make you that your stay here is a pleasant one. A. Dont mention it

48、. B. No, not at all. C. No problem. D. Its not the point.(分数:1.00)A.B. C.D.解析:根据上文 Mr.Cheung 说“希望我没有约会迟到”可以看出,B 选项的回答很贴切“不,根本没有迟到”。18.Interviewer: Ive read your application with interest. Now I want to ask you a few questions if you dont mind.Interviewee: _Interviewer: In your resume you said youve had some experiences in computer programming.Interviewee: Yes, I have been a programming


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