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1、托业-36 及答案解析(总分:100.01,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART 1(总题数:40,分数:80.00)1.The sales director said that he would leave the company soon after he finished the project to start _ own business.(分数:2.00)A.hisB.himselfC.himD.he2.Should you need to return this product, please _ the attached form and send it to us within

2、 15 days of your purchase.(分数:2.00)A.completeB.completingC.completedD.to complete3.Everyone who registered for the company anniversary party _ an invitation two weeks ago, containing a detailed schedule.(分数:2.00)A.has been sentB.would sendC.will sendD.was sent4.The gardener told me that the shrubs n

3、ear the main gate _ to be watered at least once a week.(分数:2.00)A.involveB.chooseC.needD.require5.Whoever has more than two years“ experience in design is _ to participate in the logo design contest.(分数:2.00)A.contraryB.reliableC.eligibleD.voluntary6.Online sales grew significantly by 6 percent, but

4、 they are _ expected to account for less than 10 percent of all sales.(分数:2.00)A.thoughB.whenC.stillD.besides7.To alleviate space constraints in the head office, the new annex building, _ is now under construction, will be opened next September.(分数:2.00)A.whereB.thatC.whichD.whose8.Auto Show of the

5、Future will take place in Pusan next month, at which time TM“s new line of sedans will be _.(分数:2.00)A.introducedB.referredC.exceptedD.declared9.A series of lectures will be available _ sales representatives from our branch offices.(分数:2.00)A.byB.onC.withD.to10.The two focus groups _ greatly in opin

6、ions on the newly developed skin products.(分数:2.00)A.alterB.noticeC.revealD.differ11._ extending working hours, our company strived to overcome the financial crisis together.(分数:2.00)A.DespiteB.ByC.AsD.To12.The marketing workshop was _ designed to assist members of the marketing team to develop effe

7、ctive marketing strategies.(分数:2.00)A.clearedB.clearlyC.clearD.clearing13.Happy Land, a big family restaurant _ the region for ten years, is currently offering a 20 percent discount.(分数:2.00)A.servesB.servingC.servedD.server14._ advertising experience would be helpful, it is not a requirement for th

8、e entry-level sales position.(分数:2.00)A.RegardingB.OtherwiseC.DespiteD.Although15.All passengers are advised that the seat belts should be tightly fastened _ takeoff and landing.(分数:2.00)A.prior toB.withC.overD.due to16.Our company decided not to renew the contract with MS Inc. because the products

9、they delivered were neither of the correct number _ of the right model.(分数:2.00)A.norB.orC.andD.also17.The details of the stockholder“s meeting should be accurately _ in the minutes.(分数:2.00)A.attendedB.recordedC.remindedD.practiced18.Although customers have relatively new mobile phones, advances in

10、 technology and attractive designs offer strong _ for purchasing new ones.(分数:2.00)A.eliminationB.occurrenceC.extravaganceD.justification19.The service staff at the restaurant were friendly and professional, and most of the customers were _ with the service provided.(分数:2.00)A.impressesB.impressionC

11、.impressedD.impress20.Jackwood Company will be introducing _ office furniture products to satisfy their loyal customers.(分数:2.00)A.variationB.variousC.variableD.variety21.The CEO mentioned to the board members that it is not _ to disclose the upcoming merger which can cause turmoil among employees.(

12、分数:2.00)A.most appropriatelyB.appropriatenessC.appropriateD.appropriately22.JVC Bank is _ in that it has stayed in business for more than 80 years by continuously improving customer service.(分数:2.00)A.inclusiveB.exceptionalC.wholeD.multiple23.Since Mr. Rooney is busy preparing for the project, we _

13、see him in the office before 4 RM. anymore.(分数:2.00)A.practicallyB.elsewhereC.seldomD.sparsely24.Every _ must be taken to ensure that the fragile products arrive at the factory safely.(分数:2.00)A.regulationB.precautionC.ideaD.advice25.A free _ to help you write your first rsum and cover letter can be

14、 found on the Job Helper“s Web site, www. .(分数:2.00)A.hierarchyB.templateC.milestoneD.movement26.The auditors will stay at the head office for three days to _ a thorough analysis of compliance with tax laws.(分数:2.00)A.foreseeB.detainC.conductD.associate27.The employees should insert the copy paper g

15、ently to _ the life of the photocopier.(分数:2.00)A.enlargeB.persistC.endureD.prolong28.The development of the new products is nearly complete, but the prices are _ to be determined.(分数:2.00)A.yetB.beyondC.rarelyD.permanently29.Customers are reluctant to buy the product made by TBM Company, but there

16、appears to be no _ because it is the only model the store sells.(分数:2.00)A.choiceB.chooseC.choosingD.chosen30.Ms. Reynolds has given the loan officer her _ that her business will be successful within two years.(分数:2.00)A.assuranceB.assuredlyC.assuredD.assure31.The new microwave is selling so well th

17、at all the _ models have been discontinued.(分数:2.00)A.preciseB.previousC.forwardD.away32.The fire alarms are checked _ to ensure that they work properly in case of an emergency.(分数:2.00)A.recentlyB.almostC.everyD.regularly33.A job candidate is usually expected to send a specific cover letter with a

18、rsum_ applying for a job.(分数:2.00)A.whenB.withC.soD.and34.The company strives to sell more products by discounting _ significantly.(分数:2.00)A.advertisementB.merchandiseC.retailD.refunds35.Mr. Walker, our marketing manager, is _ how to best address the various needs of our customers.(分数:2.00)A.promot

19、ingB.groupingC.determiningD.creating36.Due to the lack of accessibility to readers, many people believe newspapers will become _ and be entirely replaced by news Web sites.(分数:2.00)A.extractedB.obsoleteC.contemporaryD.insolent37.Experts often say that the success of a company is _ on the effort, tea

20、mwork, and creativity of its employees.(分数:2.00)A.dependB.dependenceC.dependableD.dependent38.If you are looking for a pleasant vacation setting, visit the Paramount“s Resort in the Golden Maple Mountains along the Deep Valley“s eastern _.(分数:2.00)A.residenceB.accountC.borderD.deadline39.During the

21、weekly meeting, our staff members have to discuss a number of _ issues regarding the upcoming contract negotiations.(分数:2.00)A.proficientB.delicateC.adequateD.weak40.The newly elected mayor is encouraging city officials to develop new measures to _ pollution.(分数:2.00)A.agreeB.curbC.meetD.decline二、PA

22、RT 2(总题数:4,分数:20.00)For a company to be successful and to remain successful, it is important that they treat customers _ the first priority. Putting money above the people who supply the money is a common mistake that can, and often does, _ to bankruptcy. A company that earns the _ of being more con

23、cerned about the amount of money they can earn despite the fact of whether or not a customer is satisfied will soon find themselves in the red. Building a successful business based on trust, which results in repeat business, is the most effective method for building a business.(分数:4.50)A.andB.asC.or

24、D.beforeA.causeB.resultC.leadD.bringA.reputationB.revenueC.responsibilityD.fundingBecause you are a _ customer, we would like to give you a special offer for discount savings on some new products we are sure you“ll enjoy. The material we _ you includes discounts for many of our current products, a l

25、ist of new products, and a description of our new products. To be eligible for this offer, please _ this form and return it to us promptly. Thank you for your patronage!(分数:4.50)A.preferenceB.preferC.preferringD.preferredA.will be sentB.have sentC.are being sentD.will have sentA.retainB.sendC.comple

26、teD.receiveTo: All From: Benjamin R Re: Construction Dear employees, I am writing to let everyone know about important construction. After two months search, we finally contracted Duncan Construction to build an additional parking lot. Construction of the parking area near the security office _ on

27、June 20. Duncan Construction will be working from 7 A.M. to 5 RM. during the weekdays over the next few months. Although every effort will be made to keep noise to a minimum, this project will involve substantial excavation. Heavy earthmoving _ will be used to prepare the site and underground parkin

28、g lot. It will also be necessary to _ of the waste materials periodically until the project is completed. Therefore, please do not enter the fenced area in which the hazardous waste materials will be placed. For your safety, please observe all the restrictions posted around the construction site. Th

29、ank you. Benjamin Russel(分数:4.50)A.beganB.beginningC.has begunD.will beginA.tournamentsB.equipmentC.penaltiesD.pavementA.relieveB.consistC.disposeD.notifyTo: Marketing Department Staff From: Karen Brown, VP Marketing Subject: Advertising Strategy Starting February 9, we will be changing our advertis

30、ing strategy. Currently, we _ a strategy of using radio and print media to advertise our products. This strategy did well to build our company, but lately it has served only to maintain our customer base. We feel that our company is now strong enough to _ with the big players. To do this, we need to

31、 take our marketing to the next level. We will be implementing an aggressive new advertising strategy that will expand our share of the market to the level we deserve. We will be adding television commercials to the current mix of advertising. We will still maintain some presence in radio and print

32、media, but it will be reduced. To help us enact this plan effectively, we“ll be bringing in a highly successful advertising firm to consult with us _ how to do this best.(分数:6.51)A.employB.discardC.broadcastD.look intoA.mergeB.competeC.assistD.acquaintA.inB.toC.as toD.by托业-36 答案解析(总分:100.01,做题时间:90

33、分钟)一、PART 1(总题数:40,分数:80.00)1.The sales director said that he would leave the company soon after he finished the project to start _ own business.(分数:2.00)A.his B.himselfC.himD.he解析:解析 语法:代词 1选项均为代词。 2空格后出现了强调物主代词的 own,同时空格后出现了名词,因而应填入一个物主代词,Ahis 为正确选项。2.Should you need to return this product, please

34、 _ the attached form and send it to us within 15 days of your purchase.(分数:2.00)A.complete B.completingC.completedD.to complete解析:解析 单词形态:动词 1这是一道单词形态选择题,选项均为 complete的不同形式。 2以 please开头的命令句后需要填入一个动词原形,因此 A为正确选项。 3complete 意为“完成”。同时,在表示“填写表格”时和 fill out含义相同。3.Everyone who registered for the company a

35、nniversary party _ an invitation two weeks ago, containing a detailed schedule.(分数:2.00)A.has been sentB.would sendC.will sendD.was sent 解析:解析 语法:被动语态 1主语是收到请帖的对象,因此应使用被动语态。B、C 两选项不是被动语态,因而排除。 2句子中有表示过去的副词 ago,现在完成时源于现在时态,不能和表示过去的副词连用,A 选项排除。D选项是过去时态的被动语态形式,因此 D为正确选项。4.The gardener told me that the

36、shrubs near the main gate _ to be watered at least once a week.(分数:2.00)A.involveB.chooseC.need D.require解析:解析 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为动词。 2选项的动词中能用不定式作宾语的有 need和 require。require 的惯用形式为“require+宾语+to 不定式”。 3如果句子中的宾语要做主语,那么空格中就应填入 require的被动语态形式is required。因此 D排除,Cneed 为正确选项。5.Whoever has more than two

37、years“ experience in design is _ to participate in the logo design contest.(分数:2.00)A.contraryB.reliableC.eligible D.voluntary解析:解析 词汇:形容词 1contrary 后面加介词 to,构成固定搭配结构“contrary to+名词”,意为“和相反的、相违背的”,与文意不符,因此排除。 2可以和空格后的 to不定式一起使用的形容词为 C选项 eligible。“be eligible to+动词”意为“有做的资格”因此 C项为正确选项。 3“be eligible

38、for+名词”也常作为命题考点。6.Online sales grew significantly by 6 percent, but they are _ expected to account for less than 10 percent of all sales.(分数:2.00)A.thoughB.whenC.still D.besides解析:解析 语法:副词 1be 动词和过去分词之间可以填入一个副词。 2through 和 besides均可作副词,多数情况下在句首出现,很少用于 be动词和过去分词之间,而且在语义上也不符合题意。 3在线销售虽然大量增加,但是仍然占销售总量中

39、很少的一部分,由此可见副词 Cstill 为正确选项。7.To alleviate space constraints in the head office, the new annex building, _ is now under construction, will be opened next September.(分数:2.00)A.whereB.thatC.which D.whose解析:解析 词汇:关系代词 1空格后出现动词,需要一个关系代词充当主语。副词 A选项和所有格形式的 D选项都不能做主语,因此排除。 2关系代词 that前不能出现介词或逗号,B 选项 that排除。

40、3先行词(the new annex building)是事物,而 which指代事物,因此 C为正确选项。8.Auto Show of the Future will take place in Pusan next month, at which time TM“s new line of sedans will be _.(分数:2.00)A.introduced B.referredC.exceptedD.declared解析:解析 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为动词。 2原文意思是“在展会上介绍新产品”,因此 Aintroduce 为正确选项。9.A series of le

41、ctures will be available _ sales representatives from our branch offices.(分数:2.00)A.byB.onC.withD.to 解析:解析 词汇:介词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为介词。 2be available to 后接可利用的对象,因此 D为正确选项。 3be available at+场所,be available in+颜色等均常作为考点命题。10.The two focus groups _ greatly in opinions on the newly developed skin products.

42、(分数:2.00)A.alterB.noticeC.revealD.differ 解析:解析 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为动词。 2A、B、C 选项都是及物动词,后面都应接宾语。 3宾语前出现介词 in,因此不及物动词 Ddiffer 为正确选项。11._ extending working hours, our company strived to overcome the financial crisis together.(分数:2.00)A.DespiteB.By C.AsD.To解析:解析 词汇:介词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为介词。 2介词结构“by+doing”意为“通

43、过”,表示手段和方法。12.The marketing workshop was _ designed to assist members of the marketing team to develop effective marketing strategies.(分数:2.00)A.clearedB.clearly C.clearD.clearing解析:解析 单词形态:副词 1这是一道单词形态题,选项均为 clear的不同形式。 2be 动词和过去分词 designed中可插入副词,因而 Bclearly 为正确选项。13.Happy Land, a big family restau

44、rant _ the region for ten years, is currently offering a 20 percent discount.(分数:2.00)A.servesB.serving C.servedD.server解析:解析 语法:分词 1句子中已经有 is,因此动词 A选项排除。 2空格后出现宾语,空格内应填入一个主动并表示进行状态的现在分词,因此 Bserving 为正确选项。14._ advertising experience would be helpful, it is not a requirement for the entry-level sales

45、 position.(分数:2.00)A.RegardingB.OtherwiseC.DespiteD.Although 解析:解析 语法:连词 1空格后接句子,因此空格内应填入一个连词。选项中只有 D选项 Although是连词。 2Regarding 和 Despite是介词,后面应接名词,Otherwise 是连接副词,不能连接句子。15.All passengers are advised that the seat belts should be tightly fastened _ takeoff and landing.(分数:2.00)A.prior to B.withC.ov

46、erD.due to解析:解析 词汇:介词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为介词。 2原文意思是“起飞和着陆前要系好安全带”,由此可见 Aprior to 为正确选项。16.Our company decided not to renew the contract with MS Inc. because the products they delivered were neither of the correct number _ of the right model.(分数:2.00)A.nor B.orC.andD.also解析:解析 语法:连词 1neither A nor B 意为“既不是

47、 A,也不是 B”,因此 A为正确选项。 2both A and B(A 和 B都)、either A or B(A 或 B)、not only A, but also B(不仅 A而且 B)常在考题中出现。17.The details of the stockholder“s meeting should be accurately _ in the minutes.(分数:2.00)A.attendedB.recorded C.remindedD.practiced解析:解析 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均由动词构成。 2原文意思是“要记录下会议的相关细节”因而 Brecord 为正

48、确选项。 3minutes 也可译为“会议记录、备忘录”。18.Although customers have relatively new mobile phones, advances in technology and attractive designs offer strong _ for purchasing new ones.(分数:2.00)A.eliminationB.occurrenceC.extravaganceD.justification 解析:解析 词汇:名词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为名词。 2原文意思是“尽管有相对新的电话,但新技术和设计仍会驱使人们去购买一台新的电话”。因此 D为正确选项。19.The service staff at the resta


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