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1、专业英语四级-182及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、PART DICTATION(总题数:1,分数:40.00)1.Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, th

2、e passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Successful People(分数:40.00)_二、PAR

3、T LISTENING COM(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、SECTION A TALK(总题数:1,分数:30.00)Whale Falls1. The whale is a kind of marine mammal 1 size Warm-blooded Air-breathing 2. Lifespan of whales The lifespan varies from one species to another Average is about 2 years 3 can live more than 200 years 3. Whale falls The dead wha

4、le sinks to the 4 Many species live in it 5 to find whale falls in the ocean 4. The first stage feeders of a whale fall Messy eaterstraveling fish and sharks Scavenging the dead whales soft flesh or 6 Several months to two years long 5. The second stage of decomposition Shrimp-like creatures and cru

5、staceans Hairy 7 which feeds on the whalebones Lasting up to 8 years 6. The third and final stage Clams live off sulfidea gas that 9 give off More than 10 species live on a single whale skeleton Last for decades (分数:30.00)填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_四、SECTION B CONVER

6、SATI(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.One year ago.B.Two years ago.C.Three years ago.D.Four years ago.A.Green fees.B.Caddy fees.C.Fees for renting the golf cart.D.Fees for golf clothes.A.Agree.B.Disagree.C.Neutral.D.Uninterested.A.Golf.B.Ping-pong.C.Tennis.D.Football.A.6:30.B.7:30.C.8:30.D.9:30.(分数:15.00)

7、A.The car price is decreasing.B.He and his wife are going to have a baby.C.His wife wants to have a car.D.He has his favorite car on the market.A.By bus.B.By motorcycle.C.By metro.D.By car.A.A Jeep.B.A sedan.C.A limousine.D.A truck.A.Economy.B.Value.C.Fashion.D.Savings.A.Blue.B.Red.C.Black.D.White.专

8、业英语四级-182答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、PART DICTATION(总题数:1,分数:40.00)1.Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the

9、passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Successful People(分数:40.00)_正确答案:()

10、解析:听力原文 The message that the top performers in our society / are not the most skilled and shouldnt be copied, / appears to be different from what we expected. / Yet this report says that those who appear to have achieved the most/are often the beneficiaries of luck, an external, random force. / Luck

11、 is often at work in the lives of the most successful, / which means their achievements arent completely attributable to their own skills. / The researcher advocates looking at those who are the second best. / Most of them arent relying on lucky chances, / so their performances offer an opportunity

12、to measure real success. / 解析 本文主题:成功源自运气还是努力。本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一项调查研究的结果,那就是最成功的人往往是因为运气,而非技能。文中需要注意的较易拼错的单词有“external,random,attributable,opportunity”,需要注意时态和单复数的单词有“advocates,performers,beneficiaries”。二、PART LISTENING COM(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、SECTION A TALK(总题数:1,分数:30.00)Whale Falls1. The whale is a kind o

13、f marine mammal 1 size Warm-blooded Air-breathing 2. Lifespan of whales The lifespan varies from one species to another Average is about 2 years 3 can live more than 200 years 3. Whale falls The dead whale sinks to the 4 Many species live in it 5 to find whale falls in the ocean 4. The first stage f

14、eeders of a whale fall Messy eaterstraveling fish and sharks Scavenging the dead whales soft flesh or 6 Several months to two years long 5. The second stage of decomposition Shrimp-like creatures and crustaceans Hairy 7 which feeds on the whalebones Lasting up to 8 years 6. The third and final stage

15、 Clams live off sulfidea gas that 9 give off More than 10 species live on a single whale skeleton Last for decades (分数:30.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Huge。)解析: Huge。 听力原文 Whale FallsGood morning, everyone! Today we are going to talk about a kind of marine mammal. Their calls can be haunting. Their size can take

16、your breath away. And their worlds are dark and quiet. Yes, we are going to talk about whales, to be exact, something about the death of whales. There are many different species of these huge, warm-blooded, air-breathing mammals that live in the sea. There is the blue whale and the killer whale, the

17、 humpback and the orca, just to name a few. According to several science websites, whales live a long time. There are many different species of whales and each has a different lifespan. The average lifespan, however, is about 50 years. In the wild whales live for a long time. Bowhead whales spend th

18、eir lives in the cold Arctic waters. They may be the worlds oldest mammals, living possibly more than 200 years! As they lived, these giants of the sea die big. Before gases develop in the body, or carcass, of a dead whale it sinks to the ocean floor. This is called a whale fall and it supplies room

19、 and board, in other words, food and shelter, to thousands of ocean creatures for many decades. Scientists have only recently discovered just how many species live in a whale fall. This is mostly because of the difficulty in finding whale falls in the ocean. It is like trying to find a needle in a h

20、aystack, as we like to say. The smell of the dead whale brings the first stage of feedersthe traveling, or mobile scavengers. A wide variety of fish and sharks come from miles and miles to scavenge the dead whales soft flesh or tissue. This phase can last as short as several months to as long as two

21、 years. As you can imagine, these first stage scavengers are messy eaters. Their feeding frenzies leave a thick layer of pieces of the whale, what scientists call biomaterial, on the sea floor. This is when the dinner bell rings for the second stage scavengers. During the second stage of decompositi

22、on strange creatures appear. Shrimp-like creatures, crustaceans such as crabs and mollusks eat the small pieces of whale tissue that has dropped to the ocean floor. Hairy worms are also part of this stage. They feed on the whalebones making the whale carcass look like a carpet-a moving, living carpe

23、t. This phase can last up to two years. The third and final stage is the longest. It can last for decades. The flesh of the whale has long been eaten. But even the bones support life. As the whale bones decay, they produce sulfide, a type of gas. This gas supports a rich variety of life. Worms, muss

24、els and several types of clams live off the gas that the whalebones give off. Researchers found more than 30,000 animals totaling more than 200 species on one, single whale skeleton. Scientists who have studied the life of a whale fall found that the community of life and rare species of this final

25、stage is larger than any known community on the deep seafloor. Ok, having talked so much about the stages of a whale fall, I hope that you can have a complete picture of what a whale fall is and understand that whales never die on the ocean floor. 解析 信息题。根据录音可知鲸鱼是一种海洋哺乳动物,它体型巨大。 填空项1:_(正确答案:50。)解析:

26、50。解析 数字题。鲸鱼的平均寿命为50年。 填空项1:_(正确答案:Bowhead whales。)解析: Bowhead whales。解析 信息题。录音中提到“Bowhead whales spend their lives in the cold Arctic waters. They may be the worlds oldest mammals, living possibly more than 200 years!”可知是弓头鲸(北极露脊鲸)。 填空项1:_(正确答案:ocean floor。)解析: ocean floor。解析 信息题。录音中提到“Before gases

27、 develop in the body, or carcass, of a dead whale it sinks to the ocean floor.”。因此填入ocean floor一词。 填空项1:_(正确答案:Difficult/Hard。)解析: Difficult/Hard。解析 推断题。根据录音,科学家近期才找出依赖whale falls生存的海洋生物物种数量,因为在大海中寻找whale falls太困难了。“It is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.”。因此这里填入表示困难的单词即可。 填空项1:_(正确答案:tiss

28、ue。)解析: tissue。解析 细节题。根据录音“A wide variety of fish and sharks come from miles and miles to scavenge the dead whales soft flesh or tissue.”,得到答案。 填空项1:_(正确答案:worms。)解析: worms。解析 细节题。根据题干可知此空要填的是靠吃鲸鱼骨的生物。根据录音“Hairy worms are also part of this stage. They feed on the whalebones making the whale carcass

29、look like a carpeta moving, living carpet.”可知是长毛虫类,此处应填入worms一词。 填空项1:_(正确答案:two。)解析: two。解析 数字题。由录音可知第二阶段的分解可以持续长达两年的时间。 填空项1:_(正确答案:whalebones。)解析: whalebones。解析 信息题,根据录音可知“sulfide”是鲸鱼骨架腐化分解过程中产生的一种气体,在第三阶段很多贝类生物以此气体为生。可知答案填入whalebones一词。 填空项1:_(正确答案:200。)解析: 200。解析 数字题。根据录音“Researchers found more

30、 than 30,000 animals totaling more than 200 species on one, single whale skeleton.”可知一个鲸鱼骨架里总共生存着200多个品种30000多种动物。 四、SECTION B CONVERSATI(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.One year ago.B.Two years ago.C.Three years ago.D.Four years ago.解析:听力原文 W: Hey, Robert.going on vacation? Looks like youre planning on

31、doing some golfing. M: Hi, Linda. Yes, I will be playing golf, but Im not going on vacation. Im meeting up our New York offices senior management team. Well be playing a few rounds and going over the merger plans. W: Really? So when did you take up the sport? M: Around two years ago I began to reali

32、ze that if I could get on the golf course with other senior executives, it could open a lot of doors for me. At first I didnt really enjoy it, but now Im almost a golf fanatic. W: I see. So you meet a lot of business executives on the course, huh? M: Yeah, definitely. Its a good way to network. W: I

33、snt golf really expensive? M: To be perfectly honest, golf is a bit of a status symbol.and yes.it can be an expensive game. There are green fees, caddy fees and charges for renting the golf cart. W: But the business opportunities are worth it. M: Absolutely. I read somewhere that a high percentage o

34、f senior business executives play golf. W: It sounds like its almost mandatory to learn golf if you want to climb the corporate ladder. M: It is a good way to recharge, but youre right: golf primarily is a social sport. You get a chance to talk and get to know people on a different level on the golf

35、 course than you do in the boardroom. W: Thats interesting. I read an article once that says you can tell a lot about a persons management style by how they play golf. Do you agree with that? M: Actually, yes. Say for example, you hit your ball into a sand trap.the way you react to that demonstrates

36、 a great deal about your character. W: So the executives on the golf course are all sort of sizing each other up? M: Absolutely. So what about you? Do you play any sports? W: I am on the ping-pong team. Ping-pong suits my temperament. It requires high concentration and quick decision-making skills.

37、Unfortunately, ping-pong is not a game of choice for most business executives. M: Yeah.I dont think CEOs like to get too sweaty. Are you interested in trying your hand at golf? W: I think I might be. Do I have to purchase a set of golf clubs to begin with? M: Not in the beginning. Ill tell you what,

38、 lets go out to the club and hit a few balls next Saturday morning. Who knows? You might get addicted. W: And like you said, playing golf is a good chance to expand my business networks. M: It certainly is. Well, Ive got to take off. How does 7:30 next Saturday morning work for you? W: Sounds great!

39、 Thanks, Robert. M: Not at all. Ill see you next week. When did Robert take up golf? 解析 信息题。录音中女士说道:“Really? So when did you take up the spot?”男士说道:“Around two years ago.”可见Robert是两年前开始玩高尔夫的。A.Green fees.B.Caddy fees.C.Fees for renting the golf cart.D.Fees for golf clothes.解析:听力原文 Which fee is not m

40、entioned in the golf fees according to Robert? 解析 内容题。关于高尔夫可能涉及的费用,录音中提到“There are green fees, caddy fees and charges for renting the golf cart.”D中的买打高尔夫的衣服在录音中并未提及。A.Agree.B.Disagree.C.Neutral.D.Uninterested.解析:听力原文 What is Roberts attitude towards the saying that one can tell a persons management

41、style by the way he plays golf? 解析 态度题。当提到从一个人玩高尔夫的方式可以看出他的管理风格时,说话者提到“Actually, yes. Say for example, you hit your ball into a sand trap.the way you react to that demonstrates a great deal about your character.”。可见Robert是一个肯定回答。B表示不同意,C表示中立,D表示不感兴趣的。A.Golf.B.Ping-pong.C.Tennis.D.Football.解析:听力原文 Wh

42、ich sport does Linda do recently? 解析 细节题。关于Linda正在做的运动,录音中很明确,“I am on the ping-pong team. Ping-pong suits my temperament.”可见,乒乓球很符合Linda的性格。A.6:30.B.7:30.C.8:30.D.9:30.解析:听力原文 When will the two speakers meet next Saturday? 解析 信息题。关于他们约定下次见面的时间,录音中男士说:“How does 7:30 next Saturday morning work for yo

43、u?”,女士回答:“Sounds great! Thanks, Robert.”可见下周六早上7:30碰面,考生认真记录时间就不会出错。(分数:15.00)A.The car price is decreasing.B.He and his wife are going to have a baby.C.His wife wants to have a car.D.He has his favorite car on the market.解析:听力原文 W: Hey there, Chris, what are you up to? M: Hi, Jessica. Im just porin

44、g over some brochures about various car models. W: Oh, so youre thinking about buying a new car? M: Yeah, it looks that way. My wife has been bugging me about it. I thought we could probably survive without one, but with a baby on the way, maybe it is time to get a car. W: So this would be your firs

45、t automobile? M: Thats right. For quite a few years, I rode a bicycle to work. Then I got a motorbike. W: Yeah, I think I can understand your wifes position. Asking her to ride on a motorcycle when shes pregnant is a tall order. M: Oh.I dont let her ride with me. Its just too dangerous. She takes the bus to work, but it is sometimes difficult to get a seat and its crowded and hot. W: So its time to buy your very first car! Wow, thats exciting! M: Yes, but its also a pretty big financial responsibility.


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