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1、1998年1月英语六级真题答案真题 120Part Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there wil

2、l be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A、B、C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第1题:参考答案:B答案解析:W: I havent had much exercise lately. My only recreation has been watchi

3、ng TV or going to the movies. What do you do for recreation? M: In summer I like playing tennis instead of swimming and boating, and my favorite sport in the winter is skating. Q: What is the mans favorite sport in summer?第2题:参考答案:B答案解析:M: Why dont you come to our house for dinner some time next wee

4、k? W: Id like to, but we have visitors from Finland, perhaps next week. Q: Why cant the woman accept the mans invitation?第3题:参考答案:A答案解析:W: Im out of coins for the slot machine. Do you have any? M: I dont have any, either. But Ill get some from the calf. Q: What does the man offer to do?第4题:参考答案:B答案解

5、析:M: I just got a statement from the bank. It says Ive drawn $ 300 more than I have in my account. W: Well, we did spend a lot on our vocation. In fact, we didnt know exactly how much was in our bank. Q: What are they talking about?第5题:参考答案:B答案解析:W: Take a seat, Mr. Brown. Could you tell me which po

6、sition you think most appeals to you? M: Well, as for me, I prefer to take the post of sales manager if you think Im qualified. Q: Whats the mans purpose in meeting the woman?第6题:参考答案:C答案解析:W: Billy, have you heard the latest news? It appears that we wont be laid off after all. M: Oh, But Im tired o

7、f working here anyway. Q: Whats the mans reaction to the news the woman told him?第7题:参考答案:A答案解析:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room? M: It was when Linda came over. She has been so helpful that I simply cant do without her. Q: What does the man mean?第8题:参考答案:D答案解析:M: I

8、m terribly sorry, Anna, I lost the magazine you lent me the other day. W: It doesnt matter. It was a back number anyway. Q: Why doesnt the woman care about the lost magazine?第9题:参考答案:D答案解析:M: Im sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. I didnt think the meeting would be so long. W: Thats

9、 all right, Dr. Green. Ive got the data you required and a few reference books which I think may be useful to your presentation at the conference. Q: Whats the purpose of the womans visit to the man?第10题:参考答案:A答案解析:W: Excuse me, Sir. Ive been waiting here for nearly 20 minutes just to pay my telepho

10、ne bill. M: Im sorry about that. But the computer is down, and everybody has had to wait this afternoon. Q: Whats the woman complaining about?Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the ques

11、tions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A、B、Cand D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.听力原文A community theatre is an important part of almost every city or town i

12、n the United States. There are over 2,000 community theatres in the United States today, about 4.5 million people work or perform in these theatres, for an audience of more than 50 million people annually. These theatres are amateur organizations and are different from professional theatre companies

13、. A community theatre may have its own building or perform in a school or church hall. The actors and actresses do not receive money for their work in the community theatre. They have other jobs to support themselves instead. Small communities cant support a full time theatre. They cannot pay actors

14、, directors or stage workers, so the theatre participants work for free. One purpose of community theatre is to provide an opportunity for creative work. Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative. Several people in a community theatre group were asked why

15、they join. Each one said he or she needed to be creative, to be something original. One man said, I love to act. Its the only time I feel alive. Another said, I have a very boring job. In the play, I can create something. One woman said, My whole life is occupied by husband and family. I need someth

16、ing more than that. Another purpose of community theatre is to educate and improve the community. Theatre is an art that also introduces new ideas to the audience. 第11题:参考答案:D答案解析:How many people participate in the work of community theatres in the United States?第12题:参考答案:A答案解析:How are community the

17、atres different from professional theatre companies?第13题:参考答案:C答案解析:What opportunity does the community theatre provide to the people in a community?听力原文According to a new study done at the Medical School of University of California at Los Angeles, left handed people may be more likely to have accid

18、ents than the right-handed. One reason may be: left-handers tend to make minor mental mistakes. In the study of 2000 sailors, those who had more mental errors also had more accidents, and left-handers were reported to have more mental errors and more accidents than right-handers. The author of the s

19、tudy Jim Watson said Minor mental mistakes are mistakes that any adults would make when they were tired or careless and they could lead to accidents because we lose track of what we are doing. Paul White, chief of the study program said that he found the study interesting and exciting. But he warned

20、 that the conclusions should not be accepted without further investigation. He said the study had limitations, and limitations could have influenced the results. Jim Watson, who is right-handed himself, stressed that the study was not an official project and said that the findings cannot be applied

21、to every left-hander. He said minor mental mistakes could be regarded as evidence of lack of concentration. But in the past, it was believed that left-handers tended to have more accidents largely because most equipment was designed for right-handers. 第14题:参考答案:C答案解析:What is said about left-handers

22、in the study?第15题:参考答案:A答案解析:What was said about the study program?第16题:参考答案:B答案解析:What was the traditional explanation of left-handers having more accidents?听力原文On 15th, Feb. 1989, an instant survey was carded out among 18 overseas postgraduate students. 11 students were male and 7 were female. The

23、 purpose of the survey was to discover the views of the students on a number of matters of personal concern. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the students to complete. There were five questions. The first question concerned favorite color and the second favorite number.

24、The next 3 questions were all concerned with aspects of marriage. No. 3 looked at the ideal age to get married, No. 4 examined the qualities looked for in a partner and No. 5 asked about the ideal number of children. The main findings were as follows: Blue was the most popular color. This was follow

25、ed by Green and Purple. There was no real significance in the choice of lucky number. About one third of the students said that they had none. Sixty-one percent of the students selected the age group 26 to 30 years as ideal for marriage, followed by 21 to 25 years. In looking at the most important q

26、ualities in an ideal partner, someone hoped the person to be Intelligent, others chose Natural, still others indicated Attractive and Honest. The idem number of children was 2, followed by 3. It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions based upon such a small sample of students from such widely

27、 different backgrounds. However, it is clear that a majority favor of 26 to 30 is the ideal age to get married with an intelligent partner, there by producing 2 children. 第17题:参考答案:D答案解析:Who was involved in this instant survey?第18题:参考答案:D答案解析:What do the 5 questions to be answered focus on?第19题:参考答案

28、:B答案解析:What color was chosen as the most popular in the survey?第20题:参考答案:C答案解析:Why is it difficult to reach any definite conclusions from the survey?Part II Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or un- finished statements. For

29、 each of them there are four choices marked A、B、C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第21题:参考答案:B答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问根据本文,人们常常错误地认为在申请管理职位的过程中会怎么样。根据文章第1段和第2段可知,“人们普遍都有一种误解:一个人的外貌在担任管理职务 方面没有什么影响。但社会科学家已证明

30、:外貌比我们所认为得都重要”,这一看法正与B一致,因此,选B。第22题:参考答案:D答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问社会科学家的调查结果显示了什么。根据文章第4段可知,“越漂亮的人排名越靠前,因此科学家的结论是:漂亮的就是好的”,这正与D“有吸引力的人 往往比没有吸引力的有优势”一致。第23题:参考答案:B答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问科学家的实验显示:当人们评论一个人的品质的时候会怎么样。根据文章第2段和第 3段可知,“尽管以貌取人是不公正、不可靠的,是非美国式的做法, 但许多科学家的实验表明他们言行不一”,这正与B一致,应选B。第24题:参考答案:C答案解析:词义推断题。题目询问Good l

31、ooks cut both ways for women”的意思。根据文章第5段可知,作者以一位教授的解释为例,阐明了这句话的意思。因此,我们知道,美貌带给女 性的不都是好处,故应选C。第25题:参考答案:A答案解析:推断题。题目询问从文章中我们可得出在商业界会如何。根据文章最后一段:“In business,however, good looks cut both ways for women,and deeper than for men In terms of their careers,the impact of physical attractiveness on males is

32、only modestbe tremendous”,这个观点正好与A相一致。第26题:参考答案:C答案解析:推断题。题目询问在本文中作者有理由认为什么。根据文章第1段:“rather than helping the fight against malnutrition inhungry nations, the spread of factory farming has,inevitably aggravated the problem”,C符合题意,因此选C。第27题:参考答案:D答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问按照作者的观点,在工厂蔬菜食物会如何。根据文章第2段:“This is beca

33、use more protein has to be fed to animals in the form of vegetable matter than can ever be recovered in the form of meat”,这一观点与D一致,故D正确。第28题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问西方政府鼓励在亚洲推行畜禽业是因为他们认为这是一项行之有效的办法,可以如何。根据文章第5段:“Because such trade is good for exports, Western governments encourage it”,这正与A一致。第29题:参考答案:

34、B答案解析:词义推断题。题目询问单词“carcass”的意思。根据该句所在的句子和上下文的意思,可知carcass意为“屠宰后的动物肉体”,故应选B第30题:参考答案:C答案解析:推断题。题目询问最后一段作者告诉我们什么观点。根据文章最后一段可知,“目前,孟加拉国的主要进口商品是粮食,因为这个国家生产的粮食不够养活其人民,他们究竟拿什 么来饲养畜禽呢?”这与C“对在孟加拉国发展畜禽养殖业是持批评的态度”一致,应该选C,其余各项与题意不符。第31题:参考答案:C答案解析:词义推断题。题目询问短语emanate from的意思。根据文章第1段中该短语的上下文可知,“emanate from意为“来

35、源于”,故应选C第32题:参考答案:D答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问下面哪一项是口腔异味产生的原因之一。根据文章第5段:“Alcohol,hunger too much talking,breathing through the mouth during exerciseanything that dries the mouth produces bad breathSo can stress,though”,这与D一致,应该选D。第33题:参考答案:D答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问按照本文的观点,喝酒与口腔异味有关的原因是什么。根据文章第5段:“Alcohol, hunger,too muc

36、h talking,breathing through the mouth during exercise anything that dries the mouth produces bad breath(喝酒会使人口腔干燥,即减少唾液分泌,从而导致口腔异味。)”这与D一致。第34题:参考答案:B答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问漱口并不是治疗口腔异味的有效办法,其原因是什么。根据文章最后一段第3句和第 4句:Some mouthwashes claim to kill the bacteria responsible for bad breathThe trouble is,they dont

37、 necessarily reach all offending germs”故应选B。第35题:参考答案:A答案解析:主旨题。题目询问从文章中我们可以得出什么。根据对全文的分析可知,A“口腔异味不易治愈”可以全面概括主题,故应选A。第36题:参考答案:B答案解析:推断题。题目询问从这位巴西生物学家的话中,我们知道像她一样的旅行者会如何。根据文章第2段:“We dont have a budget,We just use our credit cards”,说明了 现在成千上万涌入美国的有钱人和那个巴西生物学家一样,根本没有预算,这正和B一致,故应选B。第37题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实

38、题。题目询问为什么1994年不同寻常。根据文章第3段可知,“美国是世界著名的旅游地之一,而 1994年不同寻常:首先是世界杯吸引了更多的人前往;其次是美元与世 界主要货币的比价下跌,因此在美国购物更便宜,这就更吸引了许多人去美国”,故应选A。第38题:参考答案:D答案解析:词义推断题。题目询问“nobody undersells America”的意思。根据文章第3段,“Nobody undersells America”可知没有国家比美国卖得更便宜,这和D“没有任何一 个国家比美国卖得价格更低”一致,故应选D。第39题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问为什么作者认为美国所有的东西对

39、外国人来说都有吸引力。根据文章第4段可知,“美国产品拥有不可否认的魅力,这是好莱坞的电影和美国的电视连续剧 培植出来的”,这和A一致。第40题:参考答案:C答案解析:推断题。题目询问从文章中我们能够得出的结论是:美国已经逐渐意识到什么。根据文章最后一段可:“The US has come at last to appreciate what other countries learned long ago:the pouring in of foreign toruists may not always be convenient,but“does put money in the bank(

40、终于,美国也意识到其他国家早已明白的东西:外国旅游者的涌人虽然带来了不便,可也带来了经济上的实惠)”,这和C“旅游者为其经济作了很大贡献”一致,故C正确。Part Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A、B、C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the co

41、rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第41题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:他从没有上过大学,但他的事业并没因此而受到明显的妨碍。近义动词辨析:prevent“阻止,妨碍”,指有意识地以某种阻碍物阻止或防止某人做某事;restrain“遏制,管制”;hinder“阻碍,妨害,妨碍”,强调一时的妨碍或 暂时的延误,是常用语;refrain“克制,抑制”,根据句意, C正确。第42题:参考答案:D答案解析:句意:陷入流沙时不要挣扎,否则你会陷得更深。动词辨义:absorb“吸收”;p

42、ush“推”;heave“举起”;suck“(用嘴)吸;(漩涡等)吞噬,拉进,卷入”,根据句意, D正确。第43题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:为了借酒消愁,他喝得稍微多了点。形似动词辨义:commence“开始”;compromise“妥协,让步”;compensate“赔偿,补偿”;compliment“恭维,称赞”,根据句意,C正确。第44题:参考答案:A答案解析:句意:所有的参观者都应遵守这些制度。固定搭配:comply with意为“遵守”。第45题:参考答案:A答案解析:句意:船长审视着地平线处,搜寻着驶来的船只。动词辨义:scan“细察,审视”,常用于scanfor结构中;scr

43、utinize“细察,详审”;explore“探测;探究,仔细探查”;sweep“扫视,环视”,根据句意,A正确。第46题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:在任何一种既定的文化中,绝大部分人都得遵守那种文化已经形成的准则。固定搭配:confineto“限制,把限于范围内”;conform to“符合,顺从,遵守”;confront“面对”; confirm“巩固,加强;证实”,根据句意,B正确。第47题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:尽管他在节食,可食物对他仍有极大的诱惑力。动词辨义:inspire“使产生灵感”;tempt“引诱,诱惑,劝诱”;overcome“克服,战胜”;encourage“鼓

44、励,激励”,根据句意,B正确。第48题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:他的论点并没有说明人类在利用这些资源时可以任意挥霍。动词辨义:resort to“求助于,诉诸于”;grant“允许,准许”;afford“得起”,常与can,could,be able to连用;entitle“给定名;授权,使有资格”,根据句意,C正确。第49题:参考答案:D答案解析:句意:如果你想要这种止痛药,得让医生开个处方。形似名词辨义:receipt“收据”;recipe“食谱,秘诀”;subscription“捐助,签署”;prescription“处方”,根据句意,D正确。第50题:参考答案:A答案解析:句意:

45、一些鱼比其他的鱼对酸性水更有忍耐力。名词辨义及与介词搭配:tolerance“容忍,忍耐”;resistance“抵抗力”,后接介词to ;dependence“信赖,依赖”,后接介词on;persistence“坚持不懈”,后接介词in,根据句意,A正确。第51题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:这个国家曾经有一个城镇,在那里所有的生命与其所处的环境似乎都很和谐。名词辨义:coincidence“巧合”;in harmony(with sb/sth)为固定搭配,意为“和协调,与和谐,融洽”;uniform“统一”;in alliance with“与联合/结盟”,根据句意,B正确。第52题:参考

46、答案:D答案解析:句意:法庭认为经济惩罚是处罚他的最适当的手段。名词辨义:payment“偿付”;obligation“义务,职责”;option“选择”;penalty“惩罚,处罚”,根据句意,D正确。第53题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:把野生植物培育成像小麦一样的主要粮食作物需要大量的研究时间,这一点是千真万确的。近义动词辨析:multiply“乘,增多”;breed “培育,养育”;magnify“放大,夸大”;generate“产生”,根据句意, B正确。第54题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:该国政府投入农业的财政预算比其他大多数国家都多。 名词辨义:resource“资源”;pot


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