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1、2003年英语专业八级真题答案真题 120PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. while listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but yon will need them to complete a gap-filling task afte

2、r the mini-lecture. when the lecture is over, yon will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.听力原文When we talk about modern company, we usually have managers, employees, products, res

3、earch development or marketing in mind. However, in reality, a company is not just made up of these elements. There are other things that make a company what it is. This morning, were going to look at some other aspects of a company. Lets first take a look at the offices. The physicalsurroundings of

4、 most modern companies, especially offices, are becoming more and more similar. Although there are some differences from country to country, one office looks much like another. Office furniture and equipment tend to be similar: desks, chairs, filing cabinets, computers, etc. What is important about

5、offices, you may ask? Well, the atmosphere of the work place can often influence the effectiveness of a companys employees. Modern offices are more spacious and better lit, heated, ventilated and air-conditioned than in the past. But of course this is a feature that varies from firm to firm and may

6、be dependent on the size of the company and its corporate philosophy. In some companies, the employees work in large open plain offices without walls between the departments. In others, the staff members work more privately in individual offices. No matter what the office layout is like, modern comp

7、anies pay special attention to the physical surroundings in order to create an atmosphere conducive to higher working efficiency. Another related point when talking about offices is the work relations with other people at the place of work. They include relationships with fellow employees, workers o

8、r colleagues. A great part of work or job satisfaction, some people say the major portion, comes from getting on with others work. Work relations will also include those between management and employees. These relations are not always straightforward, particularly as the managements assessment of ho

9、w your performing can be crucial to your future career. Now Id like to say a bit more about the relations between management and employees. There are also matters about which employees want to talk to the management. In small businesses, the boss will probably work alongside his or her workers. Anyt

10、hing that needs to be sought out will be done face to face as soon the problem arises. There will be no formal meetings or procedures. But the larger the business, the less direct contact there will be between employees and management. Special meetings have to be held and procedures set up to say wh

11、en, where, how and in what circumstances the employees can talk to the management. Some companies have specially organized consultative committees for this purpose. In many countries of the world today, particularly in large firms, employees join the trade union and ask the union to represent them t

12、o the management. Through the union, all categories of employees can pass on the complaints they have and try to get things changed. The process through which unions negotiate with the management on behalf of their members is called collective bargaining. Instead of each employee trying to bargain a

13、lone with the company, the employees join together and collectively put forward their views. Occasionally, the firm will refuse to recognize the right of the union to negotiate for its members and the dispute over union recognition will arise. Where there is disagreement, bargaining or negotiation w

14、ill take place. A compromise agreement may be reached. Where this is not possible, the sides can go to arbitration and bring in a third party from outside to say what they think should happen. However, sometimes, one of the sides decides to take industrial action. The management can lock out the emp

15、loyees or prevent them from coming to work. It used to be quite common, but its rarely used today. The main courses of action open to a trade union are strike, a ban on working overtime, working to rule, that is, when employees work according to the companys rule book. Go-slows, which means the empl

16、oyees may spend more time doing the same job and picketing, which means the employees stand outside the entrance to the business location, holding up signs to show that theyre in conflict with the management. Every country has its own tradition of industrial relations, so its difficult to generalize

17、. In some businesses, unions are not welcomed by the management, but in others, the unions play an important role both in the everyday working relations of individual companies and also in the social and political life of the country. 第1题:参考答案:C答案解析:第2题:参考答案:A答案解析:第3题:参考答案:D答案解析:第4题:参考答案:B答案解析:第5题:参

18、考答案:C答案解析:听力原文Hostess. If youre going to create a TV show that deals week after week with things that areunbelievable, you need an actor who can play a believer, you know, a person who tends to believe everything. Tonight, in our show, we have David Duchovny , who is stared in the popular TV series

19、The X-Files. Thanks to his brilliant performance in the TV series, David has become one of the best-known figures in the country. H: Good evening, David. Im so glad to have you here. D: Its my pleasure. Thanks for inviting me on the show. H: David, have you often been on the radio shows? D: Oh yes,

20、quite often. To be frank, I love to be on the show. H: Why? D: You know, I want to know what people think about the TV series and about me, my acting, etc. H: Ok, David, lets first talk about the character you played in The X-Files. The character, whose name is Mulder, is supposed to be a believer.

21、He deals with those unbelievable,weird, often bizarre things and events. He must be, I mean, Mulder, someone who really believes in the things he meets in order to keep on probing into those mysteries. D: Thats true. Remember those words said by Mulder? What is so hard to believe? Whose intensity ma

22、kes even the most skeptical viewer believe the paranormal and outrageous government conspiracies, with every reason to believe that life in the persistent survey is driving us out of our terrestrial field, etc. etc? H: Fabulous. I guess, David, your contribution to the hit series is credibility. Now

23、, lets talk about your personal experience. From what I have read, I know that starting from your hildhood, youre always a smart boy went to the best private schools, accepted to most of the IVY colleges, not bad for a low-or middle-class kid from a broken family on New Yorks low eastside. So much t

24、o my surprise, when you, who were on your way to a doctor to Yale to fulfill acting classes and get beaten by the buck. D: You bet, my mother was really surprised when I decided to give up all that in order to become an actor. H: Sure, but talking about Mulder, the believer in The X-Files, what abou

25、t you, David? Do you believe it all in real life, the aliens, people from outer space, you know, UFOs, government conspiracies, all the things that the TV series deal with? D: Well, government conspiracies are, I think, a little far-fetched because, I mean, its very hard for me to keep a secret with

26、 a friend of mine. And youre going to tell me the entire government is going to come together and hide the aliens from us? I found that hard to believe. In terms of aliens, I think that the arts are, there must be. H: But you could believe in aliens? D: Oh yeah. H: The character you played in The X-

27、Files, Fox Mulder is so dark and moody. Are you dark and moody in life? D: I think so. I think what they wanted was somebody who could be this hearted, driven person, but not behave in that way. And therefore be hearted and driven, but also appear to be normal and not crazy at the same time. And I t

28、hink that I could, I can, I cannot for that. H: What haunts you now? What drives you now? D: What drives me is failure and success and all those things, so. H: Where are you now? Are you haunted and driven? Failed or successful? Which? D: Yeah, both. H: All of the above? D: I always feel like a fail

29、ure. H: Do you mean now you feel like a failure? D: Yeah, I mean sometimes, you know, like, I come back to New York, so its like, everything is different, so I lie in bed and think two years ago, three years ago, very different; maybe Im doing well but then I think, you know, therere just so many of

30、 other things that I want to do and. H: Your father and mother divorced when you were 11. Does that have effect on your life today that you recognize? D: Well, yeah. I think that the only way to think of it is that, you know, people are saying your wound is your gold. You know, wherever you hurt, th

31、ats where you become stronger. So thats what its really about. H: Ok. its time for a short break. Well be back in a minute, David Duchovny in The X-Files. Dont go away. 第6题:参考答案:C答案解析:第7题:参考答案:A答案解析:第8题:参考答案:B答案解析:第9题:参考答案:D答案解析:第10题:参考答案:C答案解析:SECTION B In this section you will hear everything ONCE

32、 ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your ANSWER SHEET.听力原文The Bush Administration is warning that continuing Mid-east violence threatens to overwhelm US efforts to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, using the recommendat

33、ions of the Mitchell Commission to bring the two sides together. Administration officials are openly worried that the violence and particularly the car bomb attacks aimed at Israeli civilians could undermine what they see as a positive opening toward renewed peace talks, presented by the Michael rep

34、ort. The US appeal came in the wake of the bomb blast Wednesday in the Israeli coastal town at Netanya that injured several Israelis. Responsibility for the bombing was claimed by the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad. At the State Department, spokesman, Philip Reeker, said there can be no ustificatio

35、n for terrorism and targeting at civilians. And he urged the Palestinian authority to do all they can to put an end to such incidents, which he said, threaten to overtake the latest peace efforts. 第11题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Voters in Peru headed to the post today to cast their ballot in a runoff presidenti

36、al election that many hope will mark the end of the nations political crisis. Opinion polls last week showed the moderate candidate Alejandro Toledo with a narrow lead over the left-leaning former president Alan Garcia. Both Candidates have campaigned on similar publicity platforms. Meanwhile, pre-l

37、ection surveys indicate that up to 25% of voters in Peru plan to spoil or leave their ballot blank to show their dissatisfaction with both candidates. 第12题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Canada, for the 7th consecutive year, runs the best place to live in the world. But if youre a woman, you are better-off in Scand

38、inavia, says the UN human development report 2000 released yesterday. Norway is in 2nd place of all the ranking, followed by the US, Australia, Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Japan and Britain. Finland is in 11th place, followed by France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Luxembou

39、rg, Ireland, Italy and New Zealand. At the other end of the scale, the 10 least developed countries that provide the fewest services to their people, from the bottom up, are war- devastated Sierra Leon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Chad, Central African Republic

40、, and Mali. 第13题:参考答案:D答案解析:第14题:参考答案:B答案解析:第15题:参考答案:C答案解析:SECTION C In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your ANSWER SHEET.第16题:参考答案:basic或fundamental详细解答:第17题:参考答案:Safety详细解答:第18

41、题:参考答案:emotional详细解答:第19题:参考答案:worries详细解答:第20题:参考答案:pension详细解答:第21题:参考答案:work详细解答:第22题:参考答案:dependent或different详细解答:第23题:参考答案:human详细解答:第24题:参考答案:Motivation详细解答:第25题:参考答案:co-exist详细解答:PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN) Directions: Proofread the given passage. The passage contains TEN

42、 errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: (1)For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. (2)For a

43、missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a sign and writet 第26题:参考答案:将height改成high。详细解答:height表示“高度”、“身高”、“海拔”、“顶点”、“极度”等时为不可数名词。用作可数名词时,表示“高处”、“高地”。hish用作名词时,表示“高潮”、“最高水平”、“最高数字”、“最高记录”等,为 可数名词,如 Sales have teached a new hish(销售额达到新高)。第27题:参考答案:将冠词a去掉。详细解答:此处steady decline侧重指稳定下降的行为

44、、过程而不是其结果,故为不可数概念。相反,我们可以说The population of that country saw a steady decline in those years。这时强调的是结果。第28题:参考答案:在went与for之间加on。详细解答:go on此处表示“持续”。第29题:参考答案:将high变成比较级higher。 此句中带有提示比较用法的than。详细解答:第30题:参考答案:将Europe改成形容词European,作定语修饰counterparts。详细解答:第31题:参考答案:将more去掉,因为与equally矛盾。详细解答:从语法上讲,将equally

45、去掉也可以,但从上下文的内容看,不及去more合适,因为离婚率低不及结婚早和生育多更有助于出生率增加。第32题:参考答案:将nevertheless改成also。详细解答:前者不符合上下文发展的逻辑要求。此处讲的内容与前部分内容之间为递进关系,而非转折关系。第33题:参考答案:将that改成those。详细解答:指代前面复数形式的marriages。第34题:参考答案:将Since改成Although或While。详细解答:从逻辑上讲,此处应表达让步关系,而非原因。第35题:参考答案:将in改成to。详细解答:to.extent为固定搭配。in与degree搭配。PART II READING

46、 COMPREHENSION (30 MIN) Directions: In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 第36题:参考答案:D答案解析:此题为细节理解题。据第1段第5句我们知道,吉普赛人根据他们从事的传统手艺以及他们分布的地理区域

47、建立起宗派体系,这种组织方式使他们分裂而且难以驾驭。他们只是在面临来自被他们称作gadje的非吉普 赛人的威胁时才会真正团结起来。第37题:参考答案:A答案解析:此题为细节归纳题。据第2段第1句,可排除B与C。据第2段第4句可排除D。第38题:参考答案:C答案解析:此题为细节理解题。据第3段倒数第2句,我们知道,绝大多数吉普赛人没有表示要建立属于自己的国家的愿望,而这与犹太人不一样(尽管这两个民族常被人们相提并论)。据最后l句中加拿大籍吉普赛作家Ronald Lee所言,“哪里讲吉普赛语,哪里就是我的立足之地。”由此可见,他们对自己的身份或归属(identity)并 不在意。 难点解析 Gypsies吉普赛人 shrouded in mystery神秘地掩盖起来,处于神秘之中。shroud表示“遮蔽”、“隐藏”、“把伪装起 来”。 minstrels and mercenaries minstrel指(中世纪的)豪门艺人,专以歌唱、讲故事、滑稽表演等取悦于封 建主的歌手、乐师、滑稽演员等,(中世纪的)吟游诗人。mercenary指外国


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