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1、2015学年河南方城县第一高级中学高一 12月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 语法填空(共 10小题,每题 1.5分,满分 15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 【小题 1】 _ spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correc

2、tly with confidence and without hesitation 【小题 2】_ we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success 【小题 3】 _ language learning. 【小题 4】_good memory is of great help, but i

3、t is not enough only 【小题 5】 _ (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and 【小题 6】 _meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language.【小题 7】 _we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really

4、 learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of 【小题 8】 _ (advise) for those【小题 9】 _are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and【小题 10】_ (write) the language whenever we can. 答案:【小题 1】 it 【小题 2】 thirdly 【小题 3】 in 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 to memorize 【小题 6】 t

5、heir 【小题 7】 If 【小题 8】 advice 【小题 9】 who 【小题 10】 writing 【小题 1】考查代词 用法。根据前文的 the language 为单数,故此处应填入指物的代词 it来指代前文的 the language ,故填入 it 。 【小题 2】考查插入语用法。文章的第一句表明学习语言有四个方面是必要的的条件,第一段已经明示了 firstly, secondly , fourthly ,故还差第三点,所以应填入 Thirdly,首字母需要大写。 【小题 3】考查 success的用法。 success in sth or in doing sth 在某事

6、上成功或成功做某事。所以这里要填入 in。 【小题 4】考查冠词用法。 此处 memory为单数,所以要用不定冠词 a来修饰,且位于句首需要大写,句子译为一个好的记忆具有极大帮助。 【小题 5】考察 enough固定搭配。 be not enough to do sth 做某事是不够的。给出的单词提示是 memorize ,故应填入 to memorize。 【小题 6】考察物主代词用法。根据前文出现的 list of words,可以判断 and后面应该使用 their来指代 “许多单词 ”,故填入 their。 【小题 7】考察 if引导的条件状语从句。整个句子大意为如果我们很满意自己仅仅

7、只是记住了一少部 分关于语言的规则,那么我们就不能够算是真正的学习了语言。而因位于句子首位,首字母应大写,故填入 If。 【小题 8】考察 advise的名词形式。根据固定搭配 a good piece of advice 表示一个好的建议,得出此处应填入名词,所给单词是动词 advise,故应换成名词形式,填入 advice。 【小题 9】考察定语从句用法。此处 those指代下文那些学习语言的人,所以应用 who来引导该定语从句,填入 who。 【小题 10】考察 practise 固定搭配。 practise doing sth 练习做某事 , 故此处应填入 write的 V-ing 形

8、式,即填入 writing。 考点:考查对语法知识的掌握。 完型填空 A little boy wanted to meet God He knew it was a long trip to the place where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of potato chips and a six-pack of beer and started his When he had gone three blocks, he met an old woman She was sitting in the , just sta

9、ring at some pigeons(鸽子 ) The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase He was about to take a drink from his beer he noticed that the old lady looked , so he offered her some chips She them and smiled Her smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it , so he offered her some beer Again,

10、she smiled at him The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling a word As evening came, the boy realized how he was and he got up to leave But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned , ran back to the old woman, and gave her a She gave him her biggest smile ever

11、When the boy went back, his mother was surprised at his look She asked him, What made you so happy He replied, I had lunch with . But before his mother could respond, he added You know what Shes got the most beautiful smile Ive ever ! Meanwhile, the old woman returned home Her son was at the look of

12、 peace on her face and asked, Mother, what made you so happy She replied, I ate chips in the park with God. , before her son responded, she added, You know, hes much than I expected. Too often we dont care too much about the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear or the smallest act

13、 of , all of which have the potential(潜力 )to turn a life around People come into our lives for a season, or a lifetime Embrace(拥抱 )all ! If you want to have lunch with God, bring 【A business B flight C adventure D journey 小题1】 A in B about C out D off A wild B park C public D street A while B since

14、C when D therefore A thirsty B pale C shy D hungry A forgave B accepted C refused D received A over B too C ever D again A with B in C without D beyond A tired B bored C excited D surprised A aside B behind C around D down A hand B hug C smile D chance A joyful B thankful C painful D hopeful A a str

15、anger B God C a woman D a grandma A expected B known C met D seen A surprised B afraid C sorry D glad A But B However C Even D Thus A handsome B taller C cleverer D younger A enjoying B joking C caring D watching A equally B normally C formally D totally A beer B chips C smiles D suitcases 答案:【小题 1】

16、 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 A 【小题 20】 C 阅读理解 Every student wants to learn English well, but how can we learn it well Its a good topic for English learners.

17、 Here are some good methods, which can help you improve your English quickly. First of all, you must have correct attitude. Please love English, not hate it. And you dont feel shy when you say or speak English. Remember one sentence: Put your face in your pocket. Secondly, I think grammar rules, new

18、 words and phrases are important, but they are not enough. For example, some people are quite good at grammar and learned a lot of English words and phrases. But they cant speak English when they meet foreign friends. The most effective(有效的 ) way to learn English well is to often use English. Dont b

19、e afraid and dont laugh at others. Wed better listen, speak, read and write more. You can go to English corner, talk with foreigners or talk with your friends. If you have time, listen to the radio or English program. Listening to this good material can help you improve your listening and understand

20、ing. And then, you can read English books, newspapers or novels. They are wonderful. You can use the internet, chat with net-friends or write E-mails, dairies Through these ways, you can get more for your English. English isnt so difficult that we cant learn it well. As long as we set our mind to le

21、arn English well, Im sure everyone will be successful. 【小题 1】 The underlined sentence “Put your face in your pocket.” suggests that_ A you should love English B you should not let others recognize your face C you should try not to make mistakes when speaking English D You should not feel shy when us

22、ing English 【小题 2】 In the writers opinion,_ A English learners should not spend time on grammar rules, new words and phrases. B Grammar rules, new words and phrases are the most important thing for an English learner. C If you are good at grammar, your spoken English will be bad. D Learning grammar

23、rules, new words and phrases is only part of English learning. 【小题 3】 The writer gives the following tips EXCEPT_ A go to English corner B communicate with people in English C travel in English-speaking countries D write English diaries 【小题 4】 Which of the following can be the best title of the pass

24、age A How to learn English well B English isnt difficult C Use English often in your life D Grammar learning is not enough 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 试题分析:本文对英语学习者提供了一些英语学习的建议与方法 . 【小题 1】推理判断题目。此类型题目解题时要联系上 下文。该剧所在整段的意思是:第一,你需要有正确的态度,请爱上英语而不是讨厌它。当你在说英语的时候,不要害羞。记住一句话 -。 D选项的意思是在用英语的时候不要害羞

25、。联系该划线句子段落分析, D最符合语境。 【小题 2】细节理解题。第三段最后一句 For example, some people are quite good at grammar and learned a lot of English words and phrases. But they cant speak English when they meet foreign friends.说明:例如,一些人知晓大量词汇和语法,但是他们遇到外国友人却说不出来英语。 D为学习词汇语法只是学英语的一部分,符合题意,故选 D。 【小题 3】细节理解题。第四段 You can go to Eng

26、lish corner, talk with foreigners or talk with your friends.They are wonderful.你可以去英语角,与你的朋友或外国朋友交流 以及 You can use the internet, chat with net-friends or write E-mails, dairies你可以是用网络,与网友聊天或者写英语邮件和日记。可以得出没有travel in English-speaking countries在说英语的国家旅游 ,故选 C 【小题 4】主旨大意题。文章是在介绍学习英语的方法。由第一段中 Every stud

27、ent wants to learn English well,人人都想学好英语和最后一段的第一句 English isnt so difficult that we cant learn it well英语不至于难到我们学不会。学习英语的主题在文章收尾相互呼应,故选 A。 考点:考查说明文阅读。 High school could be a scary time for everyone. The school seems bigger; there are more kids and its a totally new environment. In fact, it isnt that

28、bad. High school is a lot like middle school after a while. The first day of course is always scary, and the first day of middle school must have been the same. Of course, the first few days you might get lost while looking for your classes but after a while, what seemed to be a large school really

29、isnt. One thing thats really cool about high school is that there are so many more classes you can take. If you happen to like art, there are many art classes. In addition, there are other classes that werent available in middle school like photography or psychology. In high school, there are a lot

30、of things that are similar to how middle school was but at the same time, there are other opportunities available as well. There are more clubs, sports, and other activities you can join in. Youre able to join in these activities and make new friends with kids with the same interest as you. These ac

31、tivities also give you a chance to learn something you never had the opportunity to learn before. High school has something for everyone. You just have to decide what to take part in. but theres one thing thats certain that youre going to have just as much fun in high school as you did in middle sch

32、ool. And if middle school wasnt that great for you, high school is a chance to make up for it. High school isnt just about having fun though. You have to be responsible while youre growing up. Teachers arent going to chase (催促 ) you up to do your homework. 【小题 1】 The passage is mainly about _. A hig

33、h school life B how to take art classes C the fun side of high school life D how to make new friends in high school 【小题 2】 In the authors opinion, high school life _. A is a scary time for everyone B is full of fun without any worries C is the same as middle school life D is as much fun as middle sc

34、hool life 【小题 3】 It can be inferred that you can do the following things in high school EXCEPT _. A making more friends B taking photography classes C getting lost while looking for classes D ignoring your homework until your teacher reminds you 【小题 4】 The article is probably taken from _. A a trave

35、l magazine B a book review C an advice column for students D a film poster 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:本文介绍了一些关于高中的知识,宣传了一下高中阶段对一个人的影响及好处。 【小题 1】主旨大意题。文章主要讲了一些高中生活的的场景,故选 A。 【小题 2】细节理解题。由第六段最后一句 But theres one thing thats certain that youre going to have just as much fun in high scho

36、ol as you did in middle school.但是有一件事情是确定的,你会在高中得到和初中一样的乐趣。 D选项意思为与你中学生活一样有趣,故选 D。 【小题 3】细节理解题。本文最后一句 ,从 Teachers arent going to chase (催促 ) you up to do your homework.可以得知,高中老师不会催促你写作业。 D选项意思是直到老师提醒你前忽视你的家庭作业。故选 D 【小题 4】推测题。考察文章来源。本文介绍了高中的生活。 A选项是旅游杂志 B是书本预读 C是针对学生的建议专栏 D电影海报。故选 C 考点 :考查说明文阅读。 If y

37、ou live in the United States, you cant have a full-time job until you are 16 years old. At 14 or 15, you work part-time after school or on weekends, and during summer vacation you can work 40 hours each week. Does all that mean that if you are younger than 14, you cant make your own money Of course

38、not! Kids from 10-13 years of age can make money by doing lots of things. Valerie, 11, told us that she made money by cleaning up other peoples yards. Lena, 13, makes money by knitting(织 ) dog sweaters and selling them to her neighbors. Reisa said she had started taking art classes and showing her w

39、orks to people. People ask her to draw pictures for them and they pay her for them. Jasmine, 13, writes articles for different magazines! Kids can learn lots of things from making money. By working to make your own money, you are learning the skills you will need in life. These skills can include th

40、ings like how to get along with others, how to use technology and how to use your time wisely. Some people think that asking for money is a lot easier than making it; however, if you can make your own money, you dont have to depend on anyone else. The five dollars that you make will probably make yo

41、u feel a lot better than the twenty dollars you ask for. 【小题 1】 Kids can have full-time jobs at the age of_ in the USA. A. 17 B.15 C. 14 D. 13 【小题 2】 If you are 15 years old, you cant work part-time_. A after school B on weekends C during school time D during summer vacation 【小题 3】 Reisa makes money

42、 by_. A cleaning up other peoples yard B drawing pictures for others C writing articles for different magazines D knitting dog sweaters. 【小题 4】 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true A The writer thinks kids from 10-13 years of age can make money too. B Kids can learn how to us

43、e their time wisely by making money. C Kids dont need to get along with others when making money. D Kids can learn skills if they try to make money on their own. 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:本文主要讲的是美国学生在 16岁以前主要做什么工作去赚钱以及自己赚钱的各种好处。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据文章的第一段的第一行 If you live in the United St

44、ates, you cant have a full-time job until you are 16 years old. 可知在美国 16岁之前不能做全职工作,故选 A。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据文章的第一段的第二行 At 14 or 15, you work part-time after school or on weekends, and during summer vacation you can work 40 hours each week. 可知在 14或者是 15岁的时候,兼职工作只能在放学后,周末或者是在暑假,但是暑 假一个星期只能工作 40个小时。只有 C是不可以

45、的。故选 C。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据文章的第二段的第二三四行 Reisa said she had started taking art classes and showing her works to people. People ask her to draw pictures for them and they pay her for them. 可知她工作赚钱主要是帮助别人画画。故选 B。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第二三行 These skills can include things like how to get along with others。可知是说

46、包括与人相处,故选 C 考点:考查说明文阅读。 A growing number of students in the United States are studying Mandarin(普通话 ). It is the official language of China. More and more people speak Mandarin than those who speak other languages in the world. Schools that teach Mandarin want to prepare students for a future in whi

47、ch they are likely to work with people from China. Business in China is booming(繁荣的 ), and that trend(趋势 ) is expected to grow. The US government is trying to encourage even more public schools to teach Mandarin. Officials are considering spending about $1 billion on Mandarin programs in schools. Ch

48、ina is getting involved(参与 ) too. The Chinese government has donated Mandarin textbooks to US schools. Some schools are also taking part in teacher exchange programs with China. “It is important for students to learn Mandarin and Chinese culture,” said Mary Patterson, a school principal(校长 ) in Portland, Oregon. “Students who do so will have wider opportunities when they become adults.” 【小题 1】 Why are US schools teaching Mandarin A To help students communicate with Chinese students. B To encourage stude


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