1、Designation: D804 12 (Reapproved 2017)Standard Terminology Relating toPine Chemicals, Including Tall Oil and Related Products1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D804; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision,
2、 the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 Although the pine chemical industry has been a con-tinuing producer of chemical products for many centuri
3、es, thenature of the industry, its products, and its terminology havechanged. In particular, the original practice of recovering pinechemical through the processing of the exudate from pine treeshas been supplemented by their extraction by solvent productsof the wood pulping industry. For many years
4、 the industry wasknown as the Naval Stores industry but that term has graduallybeen replaced by the more descriptive and meaningful term,Pine Chemicals Industry. Thus, this terminology contains someold terms now mostly of historic value, together with the termsof the modern pine chemical industry.22
5、. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3D6090 Test Method for Softening Point Resins (Mettler Cupand Ball Method)E28 Test Methods for Softening Point of Resins Derivedfrom Pine Chemicals and Hydrocarbons, by Ring-and-Ball Apparatus3. Terminologyabietic acid, commercial grade, na product consisting
6、chiefly of rosin acids in substantially pure form, separatedeither from rosin or tall oil commercially for specificpurposes and in which abietic acid and its isomers are theprincipal components.colophony, na term denoting medium and high grades ofrosin.crude stripper oil, na by-product of the manufa
7、cture ofcitrus juice, composed largely of d-limonene and containingup to 1.5 % of aldehydes. (See also d-limonene.)dipentene, nchemically defined as the optically inactiveform of the monocyclic terpene hydrocarbon limonene.DISCUSSIONCommercial dipentenes contain substantial portions ofother monocycl
8、ic and bicyclic, as well as some oxygenated, terpeneshaving closely related boiling ranges. They are generally obtained byfractional distillation from crude oils recovered in the several commer-cial methods of utilizing pine wood, also by isomerization during thechemical processing of terpenes. Ther
9、e is no legal requirement underthe Naval Stores Act that the source, origin, or kind of dipentene beshown in the commercial designation. Consequently, coined tradenames are sometimes used in selling this product. The four kinds ofcommercial dipentene are:chemically processed dipentene, nrecovered as
10、 a productor a by-product in connection with the chemical treatment andconversion of other terpenes.destructively distilled dipentene, nfrom the lighter portionsof the oil recovered during the destructive distillation of pinewood.steam-distilled dipentene, nfractionated from the crudeoleoresinous ex
11、tract during the processing of related steam-distilled wood naval stores.sulfate dipentene, nfrom the crude condensate of thevapors generated in the digestion of wood in the sulfate paperpulp process.ester gum, na resin made from rosin and a polyhydricalcohol, generally glycerol or pentaerythritol.g
12、loss oil, na solution of limed rosin or limed rosin acids in avolatile solvent, used chiefly in surface coatings.d-limonene, na purified optically active terpene hydrocarbonrecovered from by-products of the citrus industry.DISCUSSIONIt is used as a chemical intermediate and as a monomerin terpene re
13、sins.metallic resinates, nrosin in which part or all of the rosinacids have been chemically reacted with those metals thatgive soaps or salts which are water insoluble.DISCUSSIONLimed rosin, zinc-treated rosin, and the resinates oflead, cobalt, copper, and manganese, are of the greatest industrialim
14、portance.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paintand Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D01.34 on Pine Chemicals and Hydrocarbon Resins.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2017. Published February 2017. Origina
15、llyapproved in 1944. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as D804 12. DOI:10.1520/D0804-12R17.2Zinkel, D. F., and Russell, J., eds., Naval Stores: Production, Chemistry andUtilization, Pulp Chemicals Association, NY, 1989.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcont
16、act ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international stand
17、ard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1modifi
18、ed rosin, nrosin that has been treated with heat orcatalysts, or both with or without added chemical substances,so as to cause substantial change in the structure of the rosinacids, as isomerization, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, orpolymerization, usually without substantial effect on thecarboxyl
19、group.DISCUSSIONThe following are types of modified rosin:disproportionated (dehydrogenated) rosin, nrosin that has beensubjected to chemical or physical treatment, or both, so as to causesubstantial simultaneous hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of therosin acids to form their hydrogenated and dehy
20、drogenated counter-parts.heat-treated rosin, nrosin in which a reduction of acid number and apositive shift in optical rotation has been brought about by controlledheat treatment only, in order to improve its suitability for specific uses.hydrogenated rosin, nrosin that has been treated with hydroge
21、n underconditions that cause a partial or complete saturation of the resin acidspresent, best indicated by a drop in the refractive index. Commercialhydrogenated rosin is usually only partially saturated.polymerized rosin, nrosin that has been treated by chemicalor physical means, or both, in a mann
22、er so as to cause theformation of dimers (and some trimers) to such an extent thatthe average molecular weight of such rosin will be measur-ably greater than that of the original rosin. Also known as“dimerized rosin.”monocyclic terpenes, na designation sometimes used in thetrade to describe a hetero
23、geneous mixture of monocyclic,bicyclic, and other related terpene C10H16hydrocarbonsrecovered or removed in the fractionation of certain terpenesor other essential oils, or as a by-product in the chemicalconversion of pinenes generally sold under trade names.DISCUSSIONThe term “other monocyclic hydr
24、ocarbons,” used instatistical reports of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, covers thistype of material.naval stores, nthe current name for chemically reactive oils,resins, tars, and pitches derived from the oleoresin containedin, exuded by, or extracted from wood chiefly of the pinespecies (Genus
25、Pinus).DISCUSSIONThe term naval stores was derived from the use of thesechemical products for the sealing of the hulls of naval vessels incolonial times. The term survived for many years and was also used todescribe the products obtained by upgrading oleoresin and crude talloil. The term Naval Store
26、s is gradually being replaced by the term PineChemicals.naval stores act, nthe U. S. Federal regulation (42 Stat1435.7 USC 9199 and 7CFR 160) establishing the qualitystandards fro naval stores products.DISCUSSIONIt was originally passed by Congress in 1923 andamended in 1951 to include tall oil rosi
27、n and sulfate turpentine.neutral content, nthe total amount of material contained inpine chemicals, such as rosin, tall oil, and their derivativesthat do not contain any acidic functionality.DISCUSSIONNeutral content includes unsaponifiable matter and anycombined acidic material present as derivativ
28、es, such as esters,anhydrides, or lactones.oil of (pine) tar, ncertain heavier fractions of the volatile oilrecovered by distilling pine-tar oil to convert it into pine tar.oil of turpentine, nthe pharmaceutical name for spirits ofturpentine that conforms to the requirements of the NationalFormulary
29、.oleoresin, npine gum, the nonaqueous secretion of resinacids dissolved in a terpene hydrocarbon oil that is producedor exuded from the intercellular resin ducts of a living tree,and is present, together with oxidation products, in the deadwood of weathered limbs and stumps.pine needle oil, nan esse
30、ntial oil of typical fragranceobtained by steam distillation of the leaves (needles) ofcertain species of pine.DISCUSSIONSome imported oils derived from other conifers areclassified as pine needle oil.pinenes, nbicyclic terpene hydrocarbons, the principal con-stituent of all turpentines and existing
31、 therein in two iso-meric forms, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene.pine oil, na colorless to amber colored volatile oil withcharacteristic pinaceous odor, consisting principally of iso-meric tertiary and secondary cyclic terpene alcohols, withvariable quantities of terpene hydrocarbons, ethers, ketones,p
32、henols, and phenolic ethers, the amount and character ofwhich depend on the source and method of manufacture.DISCUSSIONThe four commercial kinds of pine oil are:destructively distilled pine oil, nobtained from the lighter distillatefrom the destructive distillation (carbonization) of pine wood.steam
33、-distilled pine oil, nobtained from the crude oleoresinousextract of pinewood during the processing of related steam-distilledwood naval stores . sulfate pine oil, na high boiling fraction obtainedin the refining and fractional distillation of crude sulfate turpentine.synthetic pine oil, nobtained b
34、y chemical hydration of pinenes toform monocyclic terpene alcohols, mainly alpha-terpineol.pine tar, nA product of the destructive distillation of pinewood.pitchsee tall oil pitch.reclaimed, rosin, nrosin that has been recovered or re-claimed by any means from waste or deteriorated material,provided
35、 that the concentration of rosin acids is not belowthat normal for rosin, and any residual or contaminatingcomponent from the waste material itself or from any articleused in the recovery process is not in sufficient quantity tocause the physical or chemical properties of the reclaimedproduct to dif
36、fer materially from those of rosin.resinates, metallicSee metallic resinates.rosin, na specific kind of natural resin obtained as a vitreouswater-insoluble material from pine oleoresin by removal ofthe volatile oils, or from tall oil by the removal of the fattyacid components thereof or by the solve
37、nt extraction ofmacerated pine wood.DISCUSSIONIt consists primarily of several diterpenoid isomers oftricyclic monocarboxylic acids having the general empirical formulaC20H30O2, with small quantities of compounds saponifiable withboiling alcoholic potassium or sodium hydroxide, and some unsaponi-fia
38、ble matter. The three general classifications or kinds of rosin incommerce are:gum rosin, nobtained from the oleoresin collected from living trees.tall oil rosin, nobtained by the fractional distillation of tall oil. Suchrosin shall have the characteristic form, appearance, and other physicalD804 12
39、 (2017)2and chemical properties normal for other kinds of rosin.wood rosin, nobtained from the oleoresin contained in dead woodsuch as stumps and knots.rosin acids or resin acids, nprincipally monocarboxylicacids with the empirical formula C19H20COOH.DISCUSSIONIt is generally considered that the ter
40、m “resin acids” isapplicable to all substances having the specified molecular formulawhereas the term “rosin acids” is only used when referring to thosefound in rosins. They are classified into two groups: the abietic type andthe pimaric type. Both types and their derivatives are found in wood,gum,
41、and tall oil rosins.rosin adducts, nthe addition product between rosin and an , unsaturated carboxylic acid such as fumaric acid, acrylicacid or maleic anhydride.rosin based resins, nresinous products derived from rosin orrosin adducts through chemical reaction with raw materialssuch as alcohols (es
42、pecially polyhydric alcohols),formaldehyde, , unsaturated carboxylic acids, phenolsetc., or combinations of these materials.DISCUSSIONRosin based resins are used extensively in printing inksand adhesives.rosin crystallization, nthe formation of rosin acid crystalswithin rosin.DISCUSSIONSolid rosin i
43、s a supercooled liquid and is normallytransparent. However, when the rosin contains a preponderance of onespecies of resin acid, crystals of that resin acid can form within therosin giving it a hazy appearance. These crystals create handlingproblems as they cause the rosin to become less brittle and
44、 moredifficult to break up. Further, the rosin has to be heated well above itssoftening point in order to melt the rosin acid crystals and make therosin homogeneous again. Non-crystallizing rosin also has far bettersolubility in many solvents and better compatibility with oils andwaxes. The crystall
45、ization of rosin can be prevented by changing therosin acid distribution within the rosin through heat treatment with orwithout a catalyst.rosin oil, nthe relatively viscous, oily portion of the conden-sate obtained when rosin is subjected to dry destructivedistillation; also used to describe specia
46、lly compounded oilshaving a rosin oil base.rosin spirits, nthe relatively light, volatile portion of thecondensate obtained in the first stages when rosin is sub-jected to dry destructive distillation.rosin standards, nthe combinations of assembled coloredglasses having the colors designated as repr
47、esentative of theestablished U.S. grades used in classifying rosin.DISCUSSIONThe recognized official standards are those developedand issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or similar standardsmade of Lovibond glass, when certified by the same Governmentagency. The official grades established
48、 by or under authority of theFederal Naval Stores Act, for which standards are provided, are asfollows in order of increasing color XC, XB, XA, X, WW, WG, N, M, K,I, H, G, F, E, D, and FF (the latter grade is used only for wood rosin).Rosin darker in color than the standard for Grade D or FF is grad
49、ed B.The designation Opaque with the grade letters OP is used to describerosin that, because of a turbid, cloudy, or nontransparent condition dueto occluded moisture, excessive crystallization, or presence of foreignmatter other than dirt, cannot be accurately graded by comparison withany of the described rosin grade standards. The availability and use ofthese standards is decreasing and being replaced by the use of theGardner color scale.rosin type (sample), na sample of rosin, or a mold ofthermosetting p