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1、2011-2012学年人教版初三第二学期第一次质量检测英语试卷与答案 单项选择 * I dreamed that Bill Gates _ money _ me last night. A. lent; from B. borrowed; from C. lend; to 答案: B I dont know _. A. where is Jim B. where does Jim come from C. how old Jim is 答案: C 此题考查宾语从句,其后只能接陈述语序,即主语 +谓语,而不能用特殊疑问句。A,B都是特殊疑问句,而 C是陈述语序,故选 C。 - Will you

2、come to the dinner party - I wont come until Jenny _. A. can be invited B. invited C. is invited 答案: C John _ Beijing the day before yesterday. A. arrived at B. reached to C. arrived in 答案: C He _ in his English Test Paper. His teacher was very angry with him. A makes some mistakes B make a mistake

3、C made few mistakes D made many mistakes 答案: D of them the south of China . They live on rice . A Most ; most B Most; mostly C Mostly ; most D Mostly ;almost 答案: B They go out their way to make me at home . A in; feel B of; to feel C on; feel D of; feel 答案: D I cant wait the present box . A open B t

4、o open C opening D opened 答案: B Many boys and girls are made _ what theyre not _. A to do, interested B to do, interested in C do, interested in D doing, interested 答案: B Everyone in our class _. A enjoys to swim B enjoy to swim C enjoys swimming D enjoy swimming 答案: C The boy found _ easy to fly ki

5、tes. A. that B. it C. this 答案: B We go to school _ foot and eat meals _ chopsticks. A by, by B with, by C on, with 答案: C -Have you done most of your jobs -Not_ .I will do it in a minute . A Neither B never C already D yet 答案: D The old thing _are all three _years old. A on show, hundred B for showin

6、g, hundreds of C on show, hundreds 答案: A 试题分析: on show是固定用法,意思是被展览, hundred前有基数词时,不能加 s, 故选 A。 考点:词汇考查题 点评:解答这类题目,关键是要掌握词汇的用法,平时多归纳、总结和记忆。 After several weeks, they _ here with their neighbors. A. used to live B were used to live C got used to living 答案: C 试题分析:句意,几周之后,他们习惯了和他们的邻居生活在一起。 Get used to

7、dong习惯于做某事,故选 C。 考点:固定句型考查 点评:要掌握常用固定句型的用法。 _ left _ the second crossing, then youll see the school. A. Take, on B Turn, at C Turn, from 答案: B 试题分析:句意,在第二个十字路口向左拐,然后你就会看到学校。拐弯,用Turn,在 地点,用 at,故选 B 考点:词汇考查 点评:要掌握常用词汇的用法。 They usually spend two hours _ their homework every day. A. do B doing C to do 答

8、案: B 试题分析: spend ( in ) doing sth.是固定用法,意思是花费时间干某事,故选 B 考点:固定句型考查 点评:常用的固定句型一定要牢记。 We go to school every day _ Saturday and Sunday. A. beside B. besides C. except 答案: C It is bad for your eyes _ computer games too much . A. plays B. to play C. play 答案: B Mary told me that she an old people house the

9、 next day. A. will visit B. would visit C. is going to visit 答案: B 完型填空 Richard found work in a big office after he had finished college. He liked to use his (1)_and was good (2)_ his work. So he was often paid more than his workmates and he worked (3)_. But something was wrong with the young man on

10、e month. He couldnt fall (4)_ at night. So he was always (5)_ in the daytime and often made mistakes. He had to go to a hospital. The (6)_ looked him over and (7)_ him to buy some highly effective sleeping pills(高效安眠药 ). He took them (8)_ the went to bed. Soon after that he went to (9)_. Richard (10

11、)_ in the morning, he had a look at the (11)_ on the wall. It was a quarter to seven. He got up and went to work after (12)_ . As soon as he went in the office, he said to the head of the office, Good morning, Mr. Clarke! Ive(13)_ had a good sleep like last nights. And Im feeling (14)_better now! Sk

12、unk(混蛋 )!the head (15)_ loudly.”Weve looked for you for two days! I wanted you to do something important, but its too late now! 【小题1】 A hand B head C ear D nose A for B in C with D at A hard B fast C harder D faster A asleep B alone C afraid D behind A well B hungry C thirsty D tired A doctor B poli

13、ceman C driver D nurse A tell B say C ask D told A after B since C before D because A asleep B sleeping C sleep D slept A stood up B woke up C at down D lay down A oclock B map C picture D clock A meal B dinner C party D breakfast A always B usually C never D often A much B more C most D than A laug

14、hed B shouted C smiled D asked 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 B 【小题 1】考查名词:他喜欢动脑筋( head)选 B 【小题 2】考查词组: be good at擅长,选 D 【小题 3】考查形容词比较级,从前面的内容可知理查德比其他人工作快。选D 【小题 4】考查词组: fall asleep睡着了。选 A

15、 【小题 5】考查形容词:晚上睡不着,白天就会很累。选 D 【小题 6】考查名词 ;从前面的 He had to go to a hospital.可知是看医生。选 A 【小题 7】考查词组: tell sb to do sth告诉某人做 ,选 D 【小题 8】考查连词:在睡觉之前吃药。选 C 【小题 9】考查词组: go to sleep选 C。 【小题 10】考查词组: wake up醒来。选 B 【小题 11】考查名词:看墙上的钟,选 D 【小题 12】考查名词:吃完早饭去上班。选 D 【小题 13】考查副词:我从没有象昨天晚上睡的那么好了。选 C 【小题 14】考查副词: much修饰

16、比较级, much better好多了。选 A 【小题 15】考查动词:大声叫喊, shout loudly。选 B 阅读理解 What is color Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue Colors are really made by deflected (反射 ) light. We see color because most of the things reflect light. In the same way, if something is green, it refle

17、cts most of the green light. If something reflects all light, it is white. If it doesnt reflect any light, it is black. Some of the light is reflected and some is taken in (吸引 ) and turned into (变成 ) heat (热能 ).The darker the color is, the less light is reflected, the more light is taken in. So dark

18、-colored clothes are warmer in the sun than light-colored clothes. 【小题 1】 When something reflects light, we can _. A see its color B see its heat C not see its color D see nothing 【小题 2】 Something looks white because it reflects _. A some light B no light C all light D most light 【小题 3】 the dark-col

19、ored clothes are warm because _ is taken in. A more light B less light C more color D less color 【小题 4】 In summer _ make people feel cool. A dark-colored clothes B red-colored clothes C green-colored clothes D light-colored clothes 【小题 5】 Whats the best title(标题 )of this passage( 短文 ) A Dark color B

20、 Color C Heat D Clothes 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:这是一篇介绍关于颜色的知识的文章,我们之所以可以看到各种颜色的物体是因为它们反射光线。 【小题 1】 根据 We see color because most of the things reflect light.可知当一些物体反射光线时,我们就可以看到颜色,故选 A。 【小题 2】根据 If something reflects all light, it is white,故选 C。 【小题 3】 根据 Some of the lig

21、ht is reflected and some is taken in (吸引 ) and turned into (变成 ) heat (热能 ).The darker the color is, the less light is reflected, the more light is taken in,所以答案:为 A。 【小题 4】 根据 So dark-colored clothes are warmer in the sun than light-colored clothes.可知夏天人们穿浅颜色的衣服更凉快,因此选 D。 【小题 5】 这篇文章主要讲了关于颜色的一些知识,因

22、此选 B。 考点:教育类短文阅读理解 点评:这篇短文题目的设置大多是细节寻找题,只需在原文中找到与题目相关的句子或段落即可,小题( 5)侧重于把握全文的内容,所以耐心阅读,理解全文的意思是解题关键。 One day Mrs. Wilson went shopping with Tracy and Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping center.” Why do you buy things here ” Tracy wanted to know. “Because they are cheaper here than a

23、t the corner store near our home,” Mrs. Wilson said.” Help me check the prices, please.” The Wilsons were not rich and Mrs. Wilson was always careful with her money. She looked carefully after the prices of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said,“

24、 We dont think you saved money by going to the supermarket.” “Of course I did,” Mrs. Wilson said. “ Everything was cheaper there.” “We know,” the children said,“ but we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The taxi fare was more than the money that you save! ” Mrs. Wilson added everyt

25、hing up. Her children were right. 【小题 1】 The things at the corner store were _than those in the supermarket. A cheaper B nicer C more expensive D saved a little money 【小题 2】 Mrs. Wilson _ in the end. A spent more money B paid less money C lost some money D saved a little money 【小题 3】 From the passag

26、e we know the children were _. A happy B clever C tired D lazy 【小题 4】 Mrs. Wilson will _. A never call a taxi B go on buying things in the supermarket C buy things near her home D not go shopping with her children 【小题 5】 The best title for the passage is _. A Cutting Price B Corner Store C Supermark

27、et D Shopping 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】细节题:从文章的句子: “Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home,”可知答案:是 C 【小 题 2】细节题:从文章的句子: The taxi fare was more than the money that you save! ”可知最后 Wilson太太花的钱更多。选 A 【小题 3】推理题 ;从文章的最后一句话: Mrs. Wilson added eve

28、rything up. Her children were right.可知孩子们很聪明。选 B 【小题 4】推理题:从文章最后可知 Wilson太太最后花的钱更多,所以会在家附近买东西。选 C 【小题 5】主旨题:文章介绍 Wilson太太的购物经历,选 D In western countries, especially in America, some social customs have lasted still today. For example, ladies first, that is to say, women in those countries are respect

29、ed(尊重 ) in many ways. In the U.S. and Europe, you will see men usually open doors for women and women generally walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant unless the man have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or to give other services. On the street, men alm

30、ost walk or across the street on the side of the ladies which is closer to traffic, but if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them. 【小题 1】 In this passage “customs” especially refer to _. A what a group of people usually do B what people in western countries do C what people in east

31、ern countries do D what people in united states do 【小题 2】 When you introduce a group of people in English, you will probably begin with _. A Men and women B Women and men C Gentlemen and ladies D Ladies and gentlemen 【小题 3】 In which country people may think it strange that men should open doors for

32、women A England B Italy C Japan D Germany 【小题 4】 Which of the following statements is not true A In Europe, a man generally follows a woman when they enter a restaurant together. B In America a man who walks ahead of a women always gives services. C In the U.S., women almost always walk closer to th

33、e running cars. D In the U.S. men should always walk by the side of the ladies. 【小题 5】 Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this passage A In western countries, some social customs have lasted till today. B Women in western countries are respected in many ways. C Men usu

34、ally open doors for women in the U.S. as well as in Europe. D Men show respect for women by giving them good services. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 【小题 1】猜词题:从第一句 In western countries, especially in America, some social customs have lasted still today.和后面举得例子可知 customs是西方国家的人做事情的

35、方式,就是风俗。选 C 【小题 2】推理题:从文章的句子: ladies first, that is to say, women in those countries are respected(尊重 ) in many ways. 可知在西方女性是被尊敬的,所以选D 【小题 3】细节题 ;从文章的句子: In the U.S. and Europe, you will see men usually open doors for women 可知美国和欧洲的男子会为女性开门,但不是日本。选 C 【小题 4】细节题:从文章的句子: women generally walk ahead of

36、men into a room or a restaurant unless the man have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table,可知男子不是总是在女子的边上。选 D 【小题 5】主旨题 ;从文章的句子: ladies first, that is to say, women in those countries are respected(尊重 ) in many ways. 可知讲的是女性在西方国家很多方面都是受尊敬的。选 B The clock struck(敲) eight, but I was still on the

37、 bed I could hear it was blowing strongly “It must be windy outside, ” I thought I came to the small town a week ago I sold some clothes to a ten and friends So I tried to meet the manager and ask him to pay for them I was out of luck(运气不好) He went to London and I had to wait for him here There was

38、no theatre here but a cinema The films were all too old I preferred staying in the small hotel to sitting in the cold cinema Half an hour later, I felt hungry I had to get up It was white everywhere and some children were skiing down the hill On my way to the small restaurant, I saw a boy fall on to

39、 a rock (岩石) I ran to him quickly and carried him to a hospital Soon his parents came here Now I knew the boy was just the managers son He thanked me very much and gave me the money after we had a dinner 【小题 1】 What was the weather like ? _ 【小题 2】 What did the writer come to the town for? _ 【小题 3】 W

40、hy did the writer prefer staying in the hotel? _ 【小题 4】 When did the writer get up? _ 【小题 5】 Why did the manager thank the writer? _ 答案: 【小题 1】 It was windy . 【小题 2】 He tried to meet the manager and ask him to pay for the clothes . 【小题 3】 Because there was only a cinema and the films were all too ol

41、d . 【小题 4】 At half past eight 【小题 5】 Because the writer saved his sons life . 【小题 1】根据 I could hear it was blowing strongly “It must be windy outside, ” I thought可知这是个风天。故答: It was windy . 【小题 2】根据 I came to the small town a week ago I sold some clothes to a ten and friends So I tried to meet the ma

42、nager and ask him to pay for them描述,可知答: He tried to meet the manager and ask him to pay for the clothes . 【小题 3】根据 There was no theatre here but a cinema The films were all too old I preferred staying in the small hotel to sitting in the cold cinema 描述,可知答:Because there was only a cinema and the fi

43、lms were all too old . 【小题 4】根据 Half an hour later, I felt hungry I had to get up联系上文 The clock struck(敲) eight,可知他在八点半起床了。故答: At half past eight 【小题 5】根据 Now I knew the boy was just the managers son He thanked me very much 可知这个人救了经理的儿子。故答: Because the writer saved his sons life . 书面表达 现代化的世界里 ,广告无处

44、不在。有人喜欢广告 ,有人讨厌。请你来当评论家,谈谈自己的高见 ,说说广告的优点与不足。 (词数为 80词左右。 ) 答案:略 单词拼写 单词拼写 【小题 1】 We often put food and vegetables in the fridge to keep it (新鲜) . 【小题 2】 People from Colombia are pretty (宽松的 ) about time . 【小题 3】 Dont lie to me! Please tell me the t .(真相) 【小题 4】 The restaurant s (招待) many people ever

45、y day. 【小题 5】 I love Italy, e (特别) when I read one article about The leaning Tower of Pisa. 【小题 6】 You are _ (应该 ) to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend. 【小题 7】 A knife is used for _(切 ) things. 【小题 8】 Everything was _( familiar ) with me because I was in Japan for the first time 【小题 9】 _ (

46、花 ) time with family and friends is very important. 【小题 10】 The cake t_(尝起来) delicious. Would you pass me one more 答案: 【小题 1】 fresh 【小题 2】 relaxed 【小题 3】 truth 【小题 4】 serves 【小题 5】 especially 【小题 6】 supposed 【小题 7】 cutting 【小题 8】 unfamiliar 【小题 9】 Spending 【小题 10】 tastes 【 小题 1】考查 keep的用法。 keep+宾语 +

47、形容词、过去分词或 doing作宾补。Fresh“新鲜的 ”。故填 fresh。 【小题 2】考查形容词。修饰人,用以 ed结尾的形容词。 Relaxed“轻松的 ”。故填 relaxed。 【小题 3】考查固定短语。 tell sb the truth“告诉某人真相 ”。故填 truth。 【小题 4】考查时态。根据 every day可知,用一般现在时。主语是第三人称。故填 serves。 【小题 5】考查副词。 especially“特别,尤其 ”。故填 especially。 【小题 6】考查固定搭配。 be supposed to do sth“应该做某事 ”。故填 supposed。 【小题 7】考查固定句型。 be used for doing sth“被用来做某事 ”。故填 cutting。 【小题 8】考查固定短语。 be familar with sb“对 .熟悉 ”,根据句意可知,表示的是否定的含义。故填 unfamiliar。 【小题 9】考查动名词作主语。


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