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1、2012届北京市通州区九年级中考一模英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * I cant carry the big box. Can you help _ A him B her C me D you 答案: C Could you tell me _ yesterday The Great Wall. A where they go B where do they go C where they went D where did they go 答案: C Our school _ in 1892. It has a very long history. A built B is buil

2、t C was built D will build 答案: C You look worried. Whats the matter I _ the exam yesterday. A fail B fails C failed D will fail 答案: C Look! There _ some tomatoes in the basket. Oh. How fresh! A is B are C was D were 答案: B I am a teacher and I _ in this school for 5 years. A teach B taught C will tea

3、ch D have taught 答案: D We will have a picnic if it _ tomorrow. A wont rain B didnt rain C doesnt rain D isnt raining 答案: C Jim, dad asks you _ down the TV. Mom is sleeping now. A turn B turns C to turn D turning 答案: C Must I return the book to you now, Jack No, you _. You can give me back tomorrow.

4、A wont B neednt C cant D shouldnt 答案: B He is poor _ he is happy all the time. A but B and C or D so 答案: A _ does your mother go to work every morning At eight oclock. A When B Why C Where D How 答案: A Mike is _ than his friend Sam. A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest 答案: B My father was born _ J

5、uly 10th, 1969. A at B on C in D to 答案: B 完型填空 A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, red apple on the tree near a house. The boy didnt like eating _35_ very much. He preferred a piece of chocolate if he was given the choice, but this time, seeing the nice apple, the boy wanted it v

6、ery much. The more he looked at the apple, the _36_ he felt and the more he wanted it. He stood on tiptoe (脚尖 ), stretching (伸展 ) as high as he could, but he was still unable to touch it. He began to _37_ up and down, as high as he could, at the top of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple.

7、 Still it remained out of _38_. Not giving up, he thought, if he had something to _39_ on, he could reach it. His school bag wouldnt give enough height and he didnt want to _40_ the things inside, like his lunch box, pencil case, and Gameboy. Looking _41_, he hoped he might find an old box, a rock,

8、or, with luck, even a ladder, but he found nothing that he could _42_. He had tried everything he could think to do. Without seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk away. At first he felt angry and disappointed (失望的 ) thinking about how hungry he had become from his _43_, and how he

9、 really wanted that apple. The more he thought like this, the more unhappy he became. However, the boy of our story was a _44_ one, even if he couldnt always get what he wanted. He started to say to himself, “This isnt helpful. I dont have the apple and Im feeling unhappy as well. Theres _45_ more I

10、 can do to get the apple. That is unchangeable. But we should try to _46_ our feelings. If thats the case (情况 ), what can I do to feel better ” 【小题1】 A fruits B meat C vegetables D rice A sadder B angrier C hungrier D happier A jump B look C walk D climb A hope B hand C sight D reach A put B stand C

11、 work D hold A break B shake C use D change A down B up C around D out A move B take C hold D use A wishes B ideas C efforts D troubles A smart B kind C brave D careful A something B anything C everything D nothing A change B express C forget D describe 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】

12、 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 A 【小题 1】根据文章内容 A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, red apple on the tree near a house.可知答案:为 A。 【小题 2】根据文章内容 the boy wanted it very much.同时符合结构为: the+比较级 + , the+另一个比较级,可知答案:为 C 【小题 3】根据文章内容 He stood on tiptoe (脚尖

13、 ), stretching (伸展 ) as high as he could, but he was still unable to touch it.可知答案:为 A,表示上下跳的意思。 【小题 4】根据上文的内容,可知答案:为 D,表示能够得着的意思。 【小题 5】根据上文的内容,说是自己够不着的意思,因此需要东西去站在上面,故选答案:为 B 【小题 6】根据后文的内容,可知答案:为 A,表示作者不想破坏的意思,故选答案:为 A 【小题 7】根据上文的内容,可知作者在寻找能够站的东西,故需要环顾四周,故选答案:为 C。 【小题 8】根据上文的内容,可知答案:为 D,表示没有可使用的东西

14、,故选答案:为 D 【小题 9】 根据上文的内容可知答案:为 C,表示从失望坏的影响中,故选答案:为 C 【小题 10】根据上下文的内容,可知答案:为 A,表示聪明的意思,符合题意。 【小题 11】根据上文的内容,可知答案:为 nothing,表示自己没有什么可以做的,故选答案:为 D 【小题 12】根据上文的内容 That is unchangeable.可知答案:为 A,表示虽然够不着,这是改变不了的,故选答案:为 A 阅读理解 The holiday is coming to us. Finally, after months of study, you have some time t

15、o yourself. So, why not read a book Well, some people will say, “Why do you like reading books We have Internet. It offers a lot of more colorful fun. Books are history!” But I am sure you can learn a lot from books than Internet. One clear reason is that a well-chosen book can give you a lot of won

16、derful words, as long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me; its far easier to get new words from a book or an article than it is from the TV or the Internet. But another more important point is that books give you something that the Internet cannot. The general webpage (网页 ) is pictu

17、re-heavy and the text is as easy to read as possible. While “easy” may attract (吸引 ) you, unluckily its not helpful for any long-term development of reading skills and the general language level. Because of that, reading on the Internet cant take the place of reading books. But perhaps the best reas

18、on is that just choosing what you read and doing it independently means that its something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. Its hard work, but youll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure. 【小题 1】 Does the writer advise people to read books in their

19、holidays 【小题 2】 What can people get from a well-chosen book 【小题 3】 Whats the general webpage like 【小题 4】 How many reasons for reading a book does the writer mention in the passage 【小题 5】 What does the writer want to tell us in the passage 答案: 【小题 1】 Yes, (he does). 【小题 2】 A lot of words. / A lot of

20、wonderful words. / Wonderful words. / New words. / Words. 【小题 3】 Its picture-heavy and the text is as easy to read as possible. 【小题 4】 Three. 【小题 5】 The reasons why we read a book / books. The advantages of reading a book / books. Carbon monoxide poisoning (一氧化碳中毒 ) causes death and injuries around

21、the world. This gas is a problem in all parts of the world that experience cold weather. A few years ago, Americas Centers for Disease Control (C. D. C.) studied deaths linked (联 系 ) with carbon monoxide poisoning. It found that the number of carbon monoxide deaths in the United States was greatest

22、in January. The C.D.C. also found that carbon monoxide kills more than four hundred Americans each year. And, it said more than twenty thousand people are taken to hospital for treatment of health problems linked with the gas. Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer because people do not know it

23、 is in the air. The gas has no color, no taste and no smell. It does not cause burning eyes. And it does not cause people to cough. Yet, carbon monoxide gas is very deadly (致命的 ). It steals the bodys ability to use oxygen. Carbon monoxide makes it difficult for the blood to carry oxygen to body tiss

24、ues (血管 ). It does this by linking with the blood. When the gas links with the blood, the blood is no longer able to carry oxygen to the tissues that need it. Damage (损害 ) to the body can begin very quickly from large amounts (数量 ) of carbon monoxide. How quickly this can happen depend on how long a

25、 person is breathing the gas and how much gas he or she breathes in. Carbon monoxide poisoning has warning signs(标志 ). But people have to be awake to realize them. Small amounts of the gas will cause a persons head to hurt. He or she may begin to feel tired. Their stomachs may feel sick. The room ma

26、y appear to be turning around. The person may have trouble thinking clearly. People develop serious headache as the amount of the gas continues to enter their blood. They will begin to feel very tired and sleepy. They may have terrible stomachache. Doctors say carbon monoxide influences people diffe

27、rently. For example a small child will experience health problems or die much sooner than an adult. The general health of the person or his or her age can also be important. 【 小题 1】 The damage of carbon monoxide to the body has something to do with _. A the amount a person breathes in B whether a pe

28、rson is healthy C how many signs a person finds D ages of people 【小题 2】 One of the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning is _. A burning eyes B bad cough C serious headache D high fever 【小题 3】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A Carbon monoxide poisoning seldom happens in cold are

29、as. B Twenty thousand Americans are killed by carbon monoxide each year. C Most people know whether there is carbon monoxide in the air. D Carbon monoxide stops the blood from carrying oxygen to body tissues. 【小题 4】 What does the passage mainly talk about A Warning signs that carbon monoxide poisoni

30、ng has. B Reasons why carbon monoxide can cause persons death. C The damage of carbon monoxide and how it works. D Influences of carbon monoxide on children and adults. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 1】根据文章内容 Damage (损害 ) to the body can begin very quickly from large amounts (数量 ) of ca

31、rbon monoxide.How quickly this can happen depend on how long a person is breathing the gas and how much gas he or she breathes in.可知答案:为 A 【小题 2】根据文章内容可知答案:为 C 【小题 3】根据文章内容答语可知答案:为 D 【小题 4】根据文章内容大意可知答案:为 C Bobby was sitting out in his back yard in the snow. There were a few holes in his shoes. He th

32、ought hard, but he could not come up with an idea for his mothers Christmas gift. Ever since his father had died three years ago, his mother worked nights at the hospital, but the small money she made could hardly be enough for their needs. Although the family lacked in money and material things, th

33、ey got more love in the family. The children ran the family when their mother was absent. All three of Bobbys sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother. It was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Bobby started to walk down to the street. He walked from shop to shop. Everything

34、 seemed so beautiful and so far away. It was getting dark. Suddenly he found a shiny dime (一角硬币 ) on the ground. Never has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby did at the moment. It was enough to buy a rose with one dime. He went inside a flower shop. When the owner asked if he could help him, Bobby took

35、 out the dime and asked if he could buy one flower. The shop owner looked at Bobby, then said, “You just wait here and Ill see what I can do for you.” The shop owner returned holding a dozen of red roses in his hand. Bobbys heart sank (下沉 ) as the owner put them gently into a long white box. “That w

36、ill be a dime, young man,” said the shop owner, reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Then the shopkeepers wife appeared. “Where are the red roses ” The shop owner said, “A strange thing happened to me this morning. I thought I heard a voice telli

37、ng me to leave a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was.” 【小题 1】 The underlined phrase “lacked in” means _. A had less B gave up C had more D looked down upon 【小题 2】 Bobby slowly gave the dime to the shop owner because _. A he wanted

38、to buy other things B he needed to give the dime to his mum C the roses were too expensive D he could hardly believe what had happened 【小题 3】 From the last two paragraphs we can infer that the shop owner _. A was moved by the boys voice B was ready to help others C knew the boy before D was good at

39、telling stories 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 1】根据单词的意思和在语境中的意思,可知答案:为 A 【小题 2】根据上文内容 Suddenly he found a shiny dime (一角硬币 ) on the ground. Never has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby did at the moment.可知答案:为D 【小题 3】根据这两段内容可知答案:为 B When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a

40、milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. Of course, he delivered (分发 ) more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change our order, my mother would write a note “Please add a bottle of buttermilk next deliv

41、ery”. Then she put the note and the empty bottles into the milk box. The next day, the buttermilk would magically appear. There was also a close relationship between families and their milkmen. Mr. Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box i

42、n the house, so that the milk wouldnt freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time taking a break at our kitchen table, having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery. I am sad that there is no home milk delivery today. Big companies produce cheaper milk, and milk is for sale eve

43、rywhere. People may not need the milkman anymore. Recently, I saw an old milk box in the countryside and it brought back my childhood memories. I took it home and put it outside the door. My sons friends always ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought

44、us friendship with his milk. 【小题 1】 The milkman delivered milk to family _ in the old days. A by car B by bike C on foot D by truck 【小题 2】 The writers mother put the note _. A into the bottles B into the milk box C in the kitchen D in front of the door 【小题 3】 The writer brought back home an old milk

45、 box because he _. A missed the good old days B wanted to tell funny stories C needed it for his milk bottle D wanted to give it to the milkman 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 1】根据文章内容 His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck.可知答案:为 D 【小题 2】根据文章内容 Then she put the not

46、e and the empty bottles into the milk box.可知答案:为 B 【小题 3】根据文章内容 I saw an old milk box in the countryside and it brought back my childhood memories. I took it home and put it outside the door.可知答案:为 A JOB WANTED Waiter Big, busy restaurant. 2 years experience, part time, $ 8 an hour. Apply (申请 ) in p

47、erson at 6756 Main St. Southgate. Office Assistant Franciscos Shoe Shop. Office work, full time, no experience, $ 13 an hour. Speak Chinese. Fax resume (简历 ) to 555-3003. Salesgirl Busy department store. No experience, $ 10 an hour, will train. Apply in person at 224 West Rose Ave. Richmond. Guide L

48、ove travel Join us! Full time, speak English. No experience, $ 12 an hour. Email resume: lewisnclarkdot.org 【小题 1】 If you can speak Chinese, you can apply for _. A Waiter B Office Assistant C Salesgirl D Guide 【小题 2】 If you want to be a waiter, you should _. A be trained B have experience C speak English D know Chinese 【小题 3】 If you work as a guide, you can get _ an hour. A $ 8 B $ 10 C $ 12 D $ 13 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 1】根据文章内容 Office Assistant Franciscos Shoe Shop.Office work, f


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