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1、2012届陕西省咸阳实验中学初三下学期中考模拟英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成文后各问题的答语。 Mary was an operator 911 in Los Angeles . One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a young child who said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill”, again and again. Mary hurried to find the address of the call. She called the police

2、, In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open, and they couldnt believe their eyes. The little child was so young that maybe she could not walk. She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mothers hand. Tears were running down her face. The doctor gave

3、 the woman some medicine and soon she woke up. Later, she told people , “Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911 . On Monday morning I tried to teach her how to call 911 but she couldnt do it. ” Mary was surprised, too. 【小题 1】 How did Mary feel when she got a call from a young child S

4、he felt_. 【小题 2】 Who found the house soon. The _and the _did. 【小题 3】 How did they enter the childs house. By _the _. 【小题 4】 Was the little child able to walk or not. The little child was _. 【小题 5】 How old was the little girl She was probably _old. 答案: 【小题 1】 surprised 【 小题 2】 policemen doctors 【小题 3

5、】 breaking door. 【小题 4】 not able to walk 【小题 5】 two years. 试题分析: 【小题 1】本文第一段第一行有一句 she was surprised to get a call from a young child,意思为玛丽接到一个小孩子的电话非常诧异,故本题的答案:为surprised。 【小题 2】本文第三段有一句 She called the police, In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house.意思为玛丽打电话打给警察一会儿时间,警察们和医生就到达小男

6、孩的家,所以应该说是警察们和医生找到了小男孩的家,故本题的答案:是 policemen 和 doctors。 【小题 3】本文第一段第四行有一句 They broke the door open,意思为他们通过把门打坏而进入小男孩的家里,本题介词后用 breaking,故本题的答案:为breaking door。 【小题 4】本文第一段第五行有一句 The little child was so young that maybe she could not walk.意思为小男孩如此的小以至于他可能不会走,所以本题的答案:为小男孩不能走,故本题的答案:为 not able to walk。 【

7、小题 5】本文提到小男孩会说话,却还不能够走,所以他可能的年龄应该为 2岁,故本题的答案:为 two years。 考点:本文是一篇谈论小男孩拨打求救电话的记叙文。 点评:本文主要谈论了玛丽接到小男孩的求救电话,于是打电话给警察和医院,警察们和医生很快的找到了小男孩的住处,了解了小男孩和他母亲的情况,阅读本文时,我们可以根 据小男孩这个中心人物,通读全篇,把握文章的内涵。 单项选择 * Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food. It doesnt matter, You can have_ A we B us C our D ours. 答

8、案: D 试题分析:本题的含义是我来的匆忙忘记带食物了,回答语的含义是没关系,你可以吃我们的食物,表示事物所属的代词用名词性物主代词,故本题选 ours,选 D。 考点:名词性物主代词的使用。 点评:在英文中应注意人称代词和物主代词的使用,代替人或事物作主语的用主格,作宾语的用宾格,表示所属关系修饰名词的用形容词性物主代词,如 my dictionary,表示所属关系代指名词的用名词性物主代词,如 That book is mine.注意它们的使用和区别。 Miss Brown went to the Great Wall _her stay in China last year. A wit

9、h B to C during D by 答案: C 试题分析:本题的含义是去年布朗小姐在中国停留期间参观了长城, during表示在什么期间的意思,与题意相符,故本题选 C。 考点:介词 during的使用 点评:在英文中表示在某个时期内可用介词 during, during是介词不是连词,通常不跟从句,跟从句表示相似意思的用 when或 while来连接,注意区别和使用。 You _to meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. A neednt to come B dont need come C dont

10、 need comimg D neednt come 答案: D 试题分析: need可以作为情态动词,否定形式为 neednt,后跟动词原形, need也可以作为一般的实意动词,表示需要做某事结构为 need to do,否定形式在动词前加 dont,故本题选 D。 考点: need作为情态动词时的使用 点评:在英文中, need可以作为情态动词,后跟动词原形,否定形式在 need后加 not,无人称和数的变化, need也可以作为一般的实意动词,表示主动的意思用 need to do,表示被动的意思用 need doing sth,如 This bike needed repairing,

11、注意它们的使用和区别。 What did your teacher say this morning She asked me_ this morning. A how did Tom come to school. B why was Tom late for school C when Tom would get to school D what will Tom do at school 答案: C 试题分析:本题回答语 ask后跟的是一个宾语从句,应该用正常的陈述语序,而不是疑问语序,故本题选 C。 考点:特殊疑问句构成宾语从句的使用 点评:在英文中,应注意不同句式在宾语从句中的使用,

12、陈述句通常用 that来连接,特殊疑问句通常用不具有疑问性质的关系词 +正常语序的句子,一般疑问句通常用 if加正常语序的句子, if可以表示是否的意思,如 I dont if he will come here tomorrow.注意在英文中此种句型结构的使用。 Mr Wangs never bee n to Canada, has he _. He went there on business last week. A No, he hasnt B Yes, he has C No, he has D Yes, he hasnt 答案: B 试题分析:本题考察的是反义疑问句,反义疑问句回答

13、时事实是肯定用 yes,是否定的用 no,本题回答语表示的含义是王先生上周去加拿大做生意去了。所以本题事实表示的是肯定,故用 yes来回答, D项结构不正确,故本题选 B。 考点:反意疑问句回答语的使用。 点评:在英文中,反义疑问句的结构为,前半句为肯定,后半句用否定的结构,前半句为否定,后半句用肯定的结构,结构为助动词 +人称。如 He is a smart boy, isnt he?反义疑问句回答应该根据事实去回答,事实是肯定的用 yes,事实是否定的用 no 来回答,若前半句为否定,翻译时要注意 yes翻译成不的意思,而 no翻译成是的意思,这样语意才符合,注意此种句型的结构和使用规则。

14、 China develops so fast. Thats true. It _ a lot already. A changes B changed C will change. D has changed. 答案: D 试题分析:本题表示的含义是中国从过去到现在已经发生了很大的改变,还将继续改变,表示的是一个过程,故本题用现在完成时,结构为 have或 has+过去分词,故本题选 C。 考点:现在完成时的使用。 点评:在英文中表示过去发生的事一直持续到现在,还可能继续持续下去,表示的是一个过程通常用现在完成时来表示,如 I have lived here for ten years。注意

15、此种时态在不同句子中的使用。 Did Kate do best in the final exam No, but of all the students she did_. A. the most careful B. more careful C. most carefully D more carefully 答案: C 试题分析:本题表示的含义是凯特期末考试做的不是最好,但是是最认真地,修饰动词应该用副词 carefully,最高级为 the most carefully,副词最高级 the可以省掉,故本题选 C。 考点: carefully和 careful的区别。 点评:在英文中,

16、修饰名词或在连系动词之后作表语通常用形容词, careful为形容词,修饰动词作状语通常用副词, carefully为副词,如 The boy is careful,he works carefully.注意形容词和副词在句中作不同成份的使用。 At last the boy was made_ and began to laugh. A stop crying B to stop to cry C to stop crying D stop to cry. 答案: C 试题分析:本题的含义是最后男孩不再哭了开始笑了, make在被动句中使用动词不定式 to do作补语, stop doing

17、 sth表示停止做某事,本题中的 stop crying表示停止哭的意思,故本题选 C。 考点: make在被动句中使用, stop to do和 stop doing的区别。 点评:在英文中,使役动词 let, make, have在主动句中用动词原形作补语,而在被动句中用动词不定式作补语。同时应注意 stop to do和 stop doing的区别,前者表示停下来做另一件事,而后者表示停止做某事,类似的单词还有 forget,remember等,注意它们的使用和区别。 Which would you like, tea or coffee Either_ OK , but I prefe

18、r coffee _ milk. A is; with B is; to C are; with D are; to 答案: A 试题分析:本题中的 either为两者当中任何一个的意思,表示的是单数,故 be用 is,本题回答语的含义是咖啡或 茶任何一个都可以,但我更喜欢加点儿牛奶的咖啡, with可以表示带有或具有的意思,与本题的意思相符,故本题选 A。 考点:代词 either和介词 with的使用。 点评:在英文中, either表示两者当中的任何一个,而 both表示两者的意思,neither表示两者都不的意思, all表示三个或三个以上都,而 none表示三个或以上一个也不,注意这

19、些词意思的不同, with表示带有可以修饰名词,否定形式为 without, with和 without都是介词,注意它们的使用和区别。 As we know, England is _ European country and Singapore is _Asian country. A an; an B an; a C a; a D a; an 答案: D 试题分析:本题的含义是正如我们所知道的,英国是一个欧洲的国家,新加波是一个亚洲的国家,表示事物类别用不定冠词 a或 an,元音因素前用 an,辅音音素前用 a, European第一个音为辅音,故用 a,而 Asian第一个音都是元音,

20、故用 an,故本题选 D。 考点:不定冠词 a和 an的区别。 点评:本题主要考察的是不定冠词的使用,在英文中表示事物的类别或表示数量一通常用不定冠词,元音因素前用 an,辅音音素前用 a,同时不定冠词也可表示每一的意思,相当于 each,如 three times a week,不定冠词也可以与序数词使用表示又一,再一的意思,如操场上有两个男孩,又来了一个男孩可以说a third boy,注意它们的使用和区别。 完型填空 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案:,使短文连贯完整。 In America, where labor(劳工) costs are so

21、high, do-it-yourself is a way of life. Many people 31 their own cars, build their own garages, and even rebuild their own houses. 32 many of them will also write their own books. In Hollywood there is a 33 that publishes(出版) childrens books with the help of computers. 34 other book companies also pu

22、blish that way, this company is not like the others. It 35 the reader to become the main character with the help of computers. Here is 36 they do it. Let us suppose a child is named Hody. The computer uses this information to make up a story 37 pictures. The story is then printed up. This book is ab

23、out me, a child who 38 such a book might say. So the company is called Me-Books Publishing Company. 39 like me-books because they like to see in print their own names, their pictures, and the names of their friends and their pets. But more 40 , in this way, readers are much more interested in readin

24、g the stories. Me-books are helping children to learn how to read. 【小题1】 A make B build C buy D repair A Otherwise B Only C Once D Soon. A director B person C company D computer. A However B Although C That D Unless. A allows B hates C hires D pays. A what B how C why D where. A with B about C for D

25、 except A prints B borrows C sells D receives. A Writes B Children C Companies D Friends A impossible B imaginative C important D inactive. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 C 试题分析: 【小题 1】由于美国劳工成本高,所以美国人亲自做事是他们生活的方式,许多人自己修车,建车库,甚至是重建他们自己的房屋,

26、故本题的空格根据句意应该填 repair,故本题的空格选 D。 【小题 2】本句的含义为以后他们中有许多人将会写他们自己的书,表示将来,意思为很快或不久可用 soon来表示,故本题的空格处选 D。 【小题 3】本句后面提到公司,所以本句的含义为在好莱坞有一个出版儿童书的公司, company表示公司的意思,故本题选 C。 【小题 4】本句的含义为虽然别的书籍公司也是以这种方式来出版书籍,但这个公司与别的公司不同,它可 以是读者成为主角,表示让步可用 although表示虽然的意思,故本题选 B。 【小题 5】本句的含义是在电脑的帮助下,这个公司可以使读者成为书的主角,allow sb to d

27、o表示使某人做某事,故本题选 A。 【小题 6】本句的含义是下面谈论的是如何把自己变成书的主角, how表示方式,故本题选 B。 【小题 7】本句的含义是电脑根据信息使用图片编造故事, with可以表示用的意思,故本题选 A。 【小题 8】书是关于我的,所以接受到书的孩子们可以把此公司叫做我书出版公司, receive表示接受的意思,故本题选 D。 【小题 9】孩子们喜欢我书出版公司是由于书中是关于自己和朋友们的有关情况,根据句意本空应填孩子们的单词 children,故本题选 B 【小题 10】本句的含义为更重要的是,通过这种方式,读者对看这样的故事更加感兴趣,重要的比较级为更重要的 mor

28、e important,故本题选 C。 考点:本文是一篇谈论新类别出版公司的说明文。 点评:本文谈论了美国劳工成本高,通常自己完成生活中的许多琐事,同时主要谈论了新类别出版公司,用电脑制作有关自己的书,提出它与其它书籍的不同,以及读者对它喜爱的原因。阅读本文时,我们可以根据我书出版公司各方面的内容通读全篇,把握文章的内容。 阅读理解 阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容,符合的用 “A”表示,不符合的用 “B”表示。 Travelling has been popular with people for a long time. Many of todays travellers ar

29、e trying to find an unusual experience or adventure. Hiking may be a good choice. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is ea

30、sy to do and doesnt have to be very expensive. You can hike close to home or travel to other places. The basic equipment(设备) you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountain, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city. Hiking i

31、s fun and exciting, but you shouldnt forget safety. Here are some basic tips for successful hiking: Dont hike alone. Bring water, a good map and a cellphone. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. 【小题 1】 Hiking is a good way to get close to nature. 【小题 2】 Good shoes, clothes and a backpack are

32、 the basic equipment for hiking. 【小题 3】 People can only hike in the mountain, in a forest or along a river. 【小题 4】 Hiking is always fun, exciting and safe 【小题 5】 Youd better go hiking with others. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 试题分析: 【小题 1】本文第二段第二行有一句 Hiking is a great way to trave

33、l. You will get close to nature,意思为徒步旅行是旅行中一种好的方式,你将可以靠近大自然,故本题的描述是正确的,选 A。 【小题 2】本文第二段第四行有一句 The basic equipment(设备) you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack.徒步旅行所需的基本设备很简单,有好鞋,衣服和背包,故本题描述的是正确的,选 A。 【小题 3】本文第二段最后一句为 You can also go for a hike in the city.意思为你也可以在城市进行徒步旅行,故本

34、句的描述是错误的,选 B。 【小题 4】本文第三段第一句的含义是徒步旅行是令人兴奋和刺激的,同时你也要注意安全,徒步 旅行不总是安全的,故本句的陈述是错误的,故选 B。 【小题 5】在文章最后提出成功旅行的要点,第一点就提到不要单独去旅行,应该和别人一起去旅行,故本句的陈述是正确的,故选 A。 考点:本文是一篇主要谈论徒步旅行的说明文。 点评:本文提到徒步旅行是一种受欢迎的形式,谈论了徒步旅行的好处和徒步旅行所需的设备,以及成功的徒步旅行应注意的要点,阅读本文时我们可以以徒步旅行为中心词,它的优缺点为主要内容而通读全篇。 Shopping on the Internet is becoming

35、 more and more popular. Why do people use the Internet to shop Some people say it is more convenient. They dont have to leave their homes to order something; they can shop for anything they want at any time; they can find things for sale that they cant find in the stores near their homes. Still othe

36、r people say they can find better prices on the Internet. If you want to buy something on the Internet, you need a credit(信用 )card. You have to type your credit card number and information on the website(网页 ) and send them to the store over the Internet. You have to be sure that the store will not u

37、se your information in the wrong way. You dont want someone to get your credit card numbers, so be careful with it, because people sometimes steal(窃取 ) credit card numbers from stores. The Internet is also a good place to go window-shopping. Window-shopping is when you look at the things for sale in

38、 a store, but dont plan to buy anything. In window-shopping you can see what kinds of things you are able to get and how much they cost. Somestores like Ross Stores have a website for information about their stores, but not for shopping. Some stores have a website for information about their stores,

39、 and you can shop on-line there, such as office Depot, Payless Shoe Source, Safeway. Some stores like Amazon. com are only for on-line shopping. 【小题 1】 .Some people use the Internet to shop because_. A they can sleep all day long B they want to leave their homes. C they want to play with their frien

40、ds D they can get things with less money. 【小题 2】 The Chinese meaning of the word“convenient”in this passage is “_” A. 时髦的 B 较近的 C方便的 D可用的 【小题 3】 If you want to shop on the Internet, you need_. A an ID card B a credit card C an IC card D a room card 【小题 4】 Which of the following is NOT true according

41、 to the passage A You can shop on line at www. Officedepot. com. B You can not shop on line at www. rosssores. com. C You can only do window-shopping at www. Amazon. com D You can do window-shopping and shop on-line at www.safeway. Com 答案: 【 小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 试题分析: 【小题 1】本文第一段最后一句是

42、Still other people say they can find better prices on the Internet.意思为仍然有一些人说他们可以通过网上购物找到更好的价格,也就是说用更少的钱买到东西,故本题选 D。 【小题 2】第一段第二行有一句 They dont have to leave their homes to order something; they can shop for anything they want at any time;意思为他们不需要离开家就能买到东西,他们可以在任何时候购买任何物品,所以说网上购物是更加方便的,故 convenient的意

43、思为方便的,故本题选 C。 【小题 3】本文第二段第一句是 If you want to buy something on the Internet, you need a credit(信用 )card.意思为如果你想在网上购物,你需要一张信用卡,故本题选 B。 【小题 4】本文最后一段第一句的含义是因特网是浏览商店橱窗的好地方,亚马逊网只 是其中一个例子,故本题陈述错误的为 C项,故本题选 C。 考点:本文是一篇谈论网上购物的议论文。 点评:本文主要介绍了网上购物的方便和价格的便宜,网上购物所需的信用卡及安全问题,以及网上橱窗使用,阅读本文时,我们可以根据网上购物这个中心话题来通读全篇,把

44、握文章的主要内容。 Did you watch the magic shows played by Liu Qian from Taiwan in the 2009 CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢会) They attracted great attention and wide interests of the audience(观众 ) . During the gala, Liu mangaged to drop a coin into a glass which was placed upside down (倒置 ) and transferred a

45、finger ring into an egg. The two magic shows were so successful that everyone is now mad about him and all want to know how to play magic tricks. “I saw the surprise on everyones face. It was cool, ”Liu said. However, you may not believe that Liu didnt go to any magic school. He just learned by hims

46、elf. When Liu was seven, he saw a coin trick in a big store. At that moment Liu decided to learn magic. He worked hard at it. He practiced hard to improve his skills. Then one day he was able to put on a show for his class. After years of hard work, now Liu is a great magician. But he isnt satisfied

47、 with what he has got and keeps on trying every day. He may spend three years working out a new show. 【小题 1】 Liu Qian becomes famous_. A because he is from Taiwan B for his magic shows. C only in Taiwan D when he was seven. 【小题 2】 According to the passage, we can use the following words to describe

48、Liu Qian EXCEPT_. A creative B hardworking C satisfied D wise. 【小题 3】 What does the underlined word “transferred”mean A制作 B进入 C输入 D转移 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 试题分析: 【小题 1】本文第一段第三行有一句 The two magic shows were so successful that everyone is now mad about him and all want to know how to play magic tricks.意思为刘谦所做的两个魔术表演很成功,以至于大家现在都对他很疯狂并且想知道如何来玩魔术,所以说刘谦的出名是因为他的魔术表演,故本题选 B。 【小题 2】本


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