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1、2014年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(湖南卷带解析) 其他 Many of us invest valuable time, energy and money planning our vacations. We do this because we know for sure that going on vacations must be good for us. Research proves this feeling without a doubt. Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep qualit

2、y and cushion us against depression. Yet, despite these benefits, many of us return home with a feeling that our last vacation was OK - but not great. In order to change this, some mistakes should be avoided. A classic one for vacation planners is attempting to maximize value for money by planning t

3、rips that have too many components (组成部分 ) Perhaps youre planning a trip to Europe, seven cities in 10 days, and you realize it will cost only a little more to add two more destinations to the list Sounds fine in theory, but hopping from one place to the next hardly gives an opportunity to experienc

4、e what psychologists call mindfulness - time to take in our new surroundings, time to be present and absorb our travel experiences. Another mistake is that we worry too much about strategic issues such as how to find a good flight deal, how to get from A to B,or which destinations to add or subtract

5、 from our journey. These issues may seem important, but our psychological state of mind is far more important. Actually, vacation happiness is based on the following top rules. First, choose your travel companions wisely, because nothing contributes more significantly to a trip than the right compan

6、ions. Second, dont spend your vacation time in a place where everything is too expensive so as to maintain a positive mood. Third, shop wisely, for meaningful experiences provide more long-term happiness than physical possessions. 答案: 【小题 1】 Vacations 【小题 2】 performance 【小题 3】 quality of sleep 【小题 4

7、】 attempt 【小题 5】 worry 【小题 6】 good flight deal 【小题 7】 adding 【小题 8】 rules 【小题 9】 choice 【小题 10】 shopping wisely 试题分析:文章大意:文章说明了度假虽然对我们有很多的好处,不过与此同时,我们在度假方面也有许许多多的误区。因此,文章作者对我们如何度过快乐的假期给予我们几条实用的建议。 【小题 1】 Vacations。原词再现。文章多次出现 vacation及 vacations,填写的时候注意首字母大写以及复数形式。 【小题 2】 performance。词性转换。根据第一段中的最后一

8、句 Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression.可以归纳出答案:,注意动词 perform变为名词。 【小题 3】 quality of sleep。词义归纳。根据第一段中的最后一句 Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression.可以归纳出答案:。 【小题 4】 attempt。词

9、性转换。根据第二段中的 A classic one for vacation planners is attempting to maximize value for money by planning trips that have too many components (组成部分 ).可以归纳出答案:,原句的动词转换为名词。 【小题 5】 worry。原词再现。根据文中第二段中 Another mistake is that we worry too much about strategic issues可以归纳出答案:。 【小题 6】 good flight deal。原词再现。根据第

10、二段的最后 such as how to find a good flight deal, how to get from A to B, or which destinations to add or subtract from our journey.可以得出答案:。 【小题 7】 adding。词性转换。根据 第二段的最后 such as how to find a good flight deal, how to get from A to B, or which destinations to add or subtract from our journey.由 add转换为 add

11、ing。 【小题 8】 rules。原词再现。根据第三段第一句 Actually, vacation happiness is based on the following top rules.可以归纳出答案:。 【小题 9】 choice。词性转换 。根据第三段中的 First, choose your travel companions wisely, because nothing contributes more significantly to a trip than the right companions.中有动词 choose转换为词组 make a choice。 【小题 1

12、0】 shopping wisely。词性转换。根据最后三段中 Third, shop wisely, for meaningful experiences provide more long-term happiness than physical possessions.由 shop wisely转换为 shopping wisely。 考点:考查学生对信息的归纳。 单项选择 * Children, when _ by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. A to be accompanied B to accompany C

13、accompanying D accompanied 答案: D 试题分析:考查非 谓语动词用法。句中的逻辑主语为 children,与 accompany之间为被动意义上的关系,故用过去分词作状语。句意:当有父母陪伴的时候,孩子们是允许进入体育馆的。故 D正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词用法 ourselves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep thought and inner quietness. A Having freed B Freed C To free D Freeing 答案: C 试题分析:考查非谓

14、语动词用法。不定式和不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。句意:为了解除我们自己生理和心理的紧张,我们每个人都需要深刻的思考和内心的宁静。故 C正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词用法 Whenever you a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view. A bought B have bought C will buy D buy 答案: D 试题分析:考查动词时态用法 。本题考查 whenever引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。句意:无论什么时候你要买一件礼

15、物,你应当考虑来自接受者的观点。故 D正确。 考点:考查动词时态用法 Its not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do makes life happy. A that B which C what D who 答案: A 试题分析:考查强调句结构用法。强调句型: It is/ was + 被强调部分 (通常是主语、宾语或状语 )+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人 )+ 其他部分。本题强调主语not doing the things we like, but liking the things

16、we have to do。句意:是做我们喜欢做的事情,而不是喜欢我们不得不做的事情让生活幸福。故 A正确。 考点:考查强调句结构用法 【知识拓展】 1. 在强调主语时, that后的谓语动词要与被强调者保持人称和数的一致。 It is I who am a teacher. 2. 在强调 not until 结构 中由 until 短语(或从句)表示的时间状语时,要用固定的强调句型 It is(was) not until .that.。 It was not until 12 oclock last night that my father came home. 3. 特殊疑问句中只有疑问

17、词可以强调,其强调结构是 “被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词) + is/was + it + that/ who + 其它部分? Where was it that you were born All we need a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year. A are B was C is D were 答案: C 试题分析:考查主谓一致及时态用法。句中的主语为代词 all,代指的是物,故谓语动词用单数

18、形式。再根据从句中的 can可以判断用一般现在时。句意:我们所需要的是一小块土地,在整个一年的生长季节,我们能够种各种不同的水果树。故 C正确。 考点:考查主谓一致及时态用法 【知识拓展】 1. all指人时谓语动词用复数;指物时谓语动词用单数。 Now all has been changed. 一切都已改变。 “All are present today, Mr Li.” answered the monitor. 班长回答说:李老师,今天大家全到了。 2. all + of + 名词 ”时,若 of后为不可数名词,动词用单数形式,若 of后为复数名词或代词时,动词用复数形式。 All o

19、f us like sports. 我们所有人都喜欢体育 。 I am looking forward to the day my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her. A as B why C when D where 答案: C 试题分析:考查定语从句用法。句中的先行词为 the day,在从句 my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.作时间状语,故用关系副词 when。句意:我正盼望我女儿能够阅读并知道我对她 的感情的那一天。故 C

20、正确。 考点:考查定语从句用法 _ what youre doing today important, because youre trading a day of your life for it A Make B To make C Making D Made 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词用法。根据句中的连词 because,可以排除前一句用非谓语动词。用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。句意:让你今天所做的重要,因为你在经营你生命中的一天。故 A正确。 考点:考查动词用法 Only when you can find peace in your heart _goo

21、d relationships with others. A will you keep B you will keep C you kept D did you keep 答案: A 试题分析:考查倒装结构用法。 only修饰句子的状语 (从句 )位于句首时 ,句子的主句要用部分倒装。结构为: only+状语 /状语从 句 + be/ 助动词 /情态动词 +主语。根据从句的 can可以排除 D项。句 意:只有当你在你心中找到宁静的时候,你才会与其他人保持好的关系。故 A正确。 考点:考查倒装结构用法 Since the time humankind started gardening, we

22、 _to make our environment more beautiful. A try B have been trying C are trying D will try 答案: B 试题分析:考查动词时态。 Since 作为介词 ,后接某一确定的时间点 ,主句谓语动词是持续性动词 ,常与现在完成时态、现在完成进行时态或过去完成时态连用。句意:自从人类开始园艺,我们一直尽力使我们的环境更美丽。故 B正确。 考点:考查动词时态 If Mr. Dewey- _ present, he would have offered any possible assistance to the pe

23、ople there. A were B had been C should be D was 答案: B 试题分析:考查虚拟语气用法。本题考查的是 if条件从句与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故从句用 had + v-ed,主句用 would / could/ should / might + v-ed。句意:如果 Dewey先生在场的话,他会提供那里人们的任何可能的帮助。故 B正确。 考点:考查动虚拟语气用法 【知识拓展】 1. 表示与现在事实相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句:一般过去时(虚拟语气中 bewere )主句用: would(should, could, might)+动词原形。 If

24、 we had time now, we would read it again. If I were you, I would work hard. 2. 表示与过去事实相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句: had+过去分词;主句:would(should, could, might)+have+过去分词。 If I had known your telephone number then, I would have called you. 3. 表示与将来的事实可能相反或不可能发生:条件状语从句: 一般过去时 should +动词原形 were to+动词原形;主句: would(should

25、, could, might)+动词原形。 If it should rain, the crops would be saved. _your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions. A Understanding B To be understood C Being understood D Having understood 答案: A 试题分析:考查非谓语动词用法。不定式(短语)或动名词(短语)均可作主语,区别在于不定

26、式常表示将来,是特指;而动名词表示一般情况,是泛指。而本句指的是普遍现象,属泛指,故用动名词较好。句意:理解你自身的需要及交际风格,同学会表达你的感情和情绪是一样重要。故 A正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词用法 As John Lennon once said, life is_ happens to you while you are busy making other plans. A which B that C what D where 答案: C 试题分析:考查名词性从句用法。本题主句是一个表语从句,表语从句中缺少主语,故用 what来引导。在名词性从句中,当从句缺少主语、宾语或表语时,

27、一般用关系词 what来引导。句意:正如约翰 列侬曾经说过,当我们正在为生活疲于奔波时 ,生活已离我们远去。故 C正确。 考点:考查名词性从句用法 Ive prepared all kinds of food for the picnic. Do you mean we_ bring anything with us A cant B mustnt C shant D neednt 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。 A. cant不能够; B. mustnt 不许,不可以; C. shant将不; D. neednt不必。句意: 我已经准备好野餐的各种食物了。 你的意思是我们不必带任何

28、东西了?故 D正确。 考点:考查情态动词用法 You will never gain success_ you are fully devoted to your work. A when B because C after D unless 答案: D 试题分析:考查连词用法。 A. when当 . 时候; B. because因为; C. after在 之后; D. unless除非,引导条件状语从句。句意:你将永远不会获得成功,除非你完全投入到你的工作。故 D正确。 考点:考查连词用法 There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back

29、in the middle of the grassland, _at the night sky. A to stare B staring C stared D having stared 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词用法。句中的动词 stare的逻辑主语是隐含主语 I,两者之间为主动关系,故用现在分词。句意:没有比背躺在草地中间,盯着夜空更快乐的事情了。故 B正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词用法 完型填空 The summer before I went off to college, Mom stood me in her usual spot behind the ironing

30、 board (烫衣板 )and said, “Pay attention: Im going to teach you to iron.” Mom clearly explained her for this lesson. I was going to be and needed to learn this vital skill. Also, I would be meeting new people, and properly ironed clothes would help me make a good . “Learn to iron a shirt,” Mom said, “a

31、nd you can iron anything.” But ironing shirts was not work. It didnt make use of long muscles we used to throw a baseball, and it wasnt a operation like ice-skating. Ironing was like driving a car on a street that has a stop sign every 10 feet, Moreover, an iron produced steam and it carried an elem

32、ent of .If you touched the wrong part of it, youd get burnt. If you forgot to turn it off when you ,you might bum down the house. As for technique, Mom me to begin with the flat spaces outward, always pushing the iron forward into wrinkled (有褶皱的) parts. Collars had to be done right. Mom said they we

33、re close to your face, where everyone would them. Over the years, Ive learned to iron shirts skillfully, which gives me a sense of Whatever failures I suffer in my life, an ironed shirt tells me I am good at something. ,through ironing Ive learned the method for solving even the most troublesome pro

34、blems. “ wrinkles one at a time,” as Mom might have said, “and before long everything will get ironed out.” 【小题1】 A reasons B rules C emotions D methods A helpful B confident C powerful D independent A conclusion B suggestion C impression D observation A useful B easy C special D suitable A direct B

35、 single C smooth D strange A doubt B pressure C surprise D danger A went away B fell down C jumped off D looked up A taught B chose C forced D sent A touch B design C see D admire A honesty B freedom C justice D pride A Instead B Besides C Otherwise D However A Make up B Deal with C Ask for D Rely o

36、n 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 阅读理解 Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage. Kids and Ponds Years ago there was a group of kids who would hang

37、around at some local ponds in the woods near their houses in Warwick, Rhode Island. In summer they caught frogs and fish. When winter arrived they couldnt wait to go skating. Time passed, and the ponds became the only open space for the kids to enjoy themselves in that neighborhood. One day. a thirt

38、een-year-old boy from this group of kids read in the local newspaper that a developer wanted to fill in the ponds and build over a hundred small houses called condominiums. So the boy went door to door and gathered more than two hundred signatures (签名) to stop the development A group of citizens met

39、 and decided to support him. At the meeting of the town planning board (委员会 ), the boy was quite nervous at first and spoke very softly. But when he saw the faces of his friends and neighbors in the crowd and thought about what was happening to their favorite ponds, his voice grew louder. He told th

40、e town officials that they should speak for the citizens. He also insisted that they should leave enough space for children. A few days later, the developer stopped his plan. Nine years later, when that teen was a senior in college, he was informed that the developer was back with his proposal to bu

41、ild condominiums. Now twenty-two years old, he was studying wetlands ecology. He again appeared before the town planning board. This time as an expert witness, he used environmental protection laws to explain restrictions on development in and around wetlands and the knowledge of wetlands ecology to

42、 help improve the development. Finally some condominiums were built, but less than half the number the developer wanted. The ponds where those kids used to hang around were protected by a strip of natural land, and are still there today. 【小 题 1】 What did the kids like to do at the local ponds in win

43、ter (No more than 6 words) (2 marks) _ 【小题 2】 How did the boy win the citizens support (No more than 10 words) (2 marks) _ 【小题 3】 What did the boy tell the town officials (No more than 16 words) (3 marks) _ 【小题 4】 What helped the boy to protect the ponds successfully nine years later (No more than 1

44、2 words) (3 marks) _ 答案: 【小题 1】 They liked to go skating. 【小题 2】 He went door to door and gathered their signatures. 【小题 3】 He told them they should speak for the citizens and leave enough space for children. 【小题 4】 Environment protection laws and knowledge of wetlands ecology helped him. 试题分析:文章大意:

45、讲述了一位男孩在小的时候以及上大学的时候为保护湿地和孩子们的游乐空间,采用不同的方法所做出的努力。 【小题 1】考查细节归纳。根据文章第一 段 When winter arrived they couldnt wait to go skating.可以归纳出答案:,注意词数的限制。 【小题 2】考查细节归纳。根据文章第二段 So the boy went door to door and gathered more than two hundred signatures (签名) to stop the development可以归纳出答案:。 【小题 3】考查细节归纳。根据文章三段中的 He

46、 told the town officials that they should speak for the citizens. He also insisted that they should leave enough space for children.故可以归纳出答案:,注意词数的限制。 【小题 4】考查细节归纳。根据文章第四段 This time as an expert witness, he used environmental protection laws to explain restrictions on development in and around wetla

47、nds and the knowledge of wetlands ecology to help improve the development.可以归纳出答案:,注意词数的限制。 考点:考查记叙文阅读 Want to improve your writing skills New Writing South is directing the way! Towner Writer Squad (班组) for kids aged 13-17 Led by comedy and TV writer, Marian Kilpatrick, Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for 11 months, starting 12 October, 2014. The FREE squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles, from poetry to play writing and lyrics (抒情诗) to flash fiction, to support the developmen


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