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1、2014年高考提高得分点看 “面 ”专题集训:情景交际英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * May I use your dictionary I need to look up a word. Its over there._. A My pleasure B Got it C Feel free D No problem 答案: C Could you tell me how to get to the town hall _. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there. A A piece of cake B That depends C

2、 I dont care D I dont know for sure 答案: D Shall we ask Diana if shed like to join in the party tonight _. Id like her to join us. A As you wish B Youre welcome C Hurry up D Not likely 答案: A Anything serious with my leg, doctor _. Nothing serious, as a matter of fact. A Take your time B Forget it C T

3、ake it easy D Good luck 答案: C (2013 金华十校联考 )I missed the football match on TV last night. Never mind. _. You can f ind out the results in the newspaper. A Its no big deal B Dont worry C What a pity D Thats OK 答案: A (2013 安徽马鞍山二模 )Shall we drop in at the Williams on our way home, dear _. Time permitt

4、ing, we will. A By all means B It makes no difference C Forget it D It depends 答案: D (2013 东北三省四市一模 )Linda, you couldnt have chosen a much better present for me. _ A Oh, it cant be helped. B Im glad you like it so much. C Thats all right. D Its nothing, isnt it 答案: B (2013 浙江五校二模 )Hi, Mum. I got pro

5、moted for my wonderful performance in my work. _ A Congratulations! B Best wishes. C Good luck. D Dont mention it. 答案: A (2013 江西十所重点中学二模 )Dad, can we go to the shop I want to buy some sweets. _. Cant you see Im busy at the momen t A Take it easy B No problem C Forget it D Dont mention it 答案: C (201

6、3 四川省南充高三二模 )Its been a wonderful evening. Thats very kind of you. _. A Its my pleasure B With pleasure C Go ahead D Not really 答案: A Can I have an apple, Uncle Pal _. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A It doesnt matter B Its a deal C Youre welcome D Help yourself 答案: D Ive got the job Ive been

7、 looking forward to. _ ! A Wish you success B Good luck C Sounds great D Congratulations 答案: D Thanks for the lift. I do appreciate it. _. A No problem B With pleasure C Not necessarily D A piece of cake 答案: A Did you get my iPhone 4S broken last night _ I didnt mean it. A Thats a set-up. B Forgive

8、me. C Forget it. D So what 答案: B How much should I pay for the dinner _. A You are welcome B Thats my pleasure C Its my treat D Its my charge 答案: C May I use your phone I left mine at home. _. Here it is. A By all means B Never mind C It is a pleasure D Dont mention it 答案: A A second, please. I have

9、 another call coming through. _ Im not in a hurry. A Enjoy yourself. B Leave me alone. C Why not D Take your time. 答案: D Go out for what Why not stay at home and watch the exciting basketball match broadcast _ You promised to take me out for dinner. A Great! B Why me C Come on! D Not at all! 答案: C M

10、ay I see your driving license, please _ ? Did I do anything wrong A Why not B What C Who cares D So what 答案: B Hey, taxi! _ , sir Can you take me downtown A Whats it B Whats up C Can I help you D Where to 答案: D Do you think Jim can manage it by himself _. He is expert at dealing with such a matter.

11、A Take care B Im not sure C Dont worry D Dont mention it 答案: C (2013 石家庄市高三二模 )I guess I must leave now. See you tomorrow. _ ! I have some important information for you. A Hang on B Never mind C All right D Take care 答案: A (2013 四川省广元市二模 )Im worrying about the coming examination. Im afraid I cannot

12、pass it. _ _! Im sure youll make it. A Go ahead B Good luck C No problem D Dont lose heart 答案: D (2013 山东省十二校高三二模 )Do you think I should accept the invitation to his birthday party _ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would. A None of your business. B Why not C It depends. D I dont think so. 答案: B

13、 (2013 山西名校一模 )Im going to visit Tom tomorrow. Will you go with me _ But Im going to eat out tomorrow night with John. A Its a good idea. B Can I go with you C Nothing special. D Oh, you should be careful. 答案: A (2013 河南郑州一模 )Daddy, how do you like it if I buy a wallet for my moms birthday _. A Dont

14、 bother B That all depends C It couldnt be better D Its a good deal 答案: C (2013 威海一模 )Would you mind me opening the window, sir _. I am feeling a bit chilly. A By all means B Not in the least C Im afraid not D Id rather you didnt 答案: D (2013 山西太原一模 )My neighbor is always playing loud music late at n

15、ight. _. You really should talk to him about it. A Thats annoying B Its a good point C Youve got it right D This is tricky 答案: A (2013 潍坊五校一模 )Have you been wasting time chatting online recently _. Ive been studying hard and I need a break. A Not really B Dont mention it C Not to worry D Never mind

16、答案: A (2013 青岛一模 )Ive got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice _. Tell me all about it and Ill do what I can. A Dont mention it B No way C No problem D Forget it 答案: C (2013 莆田质检 )Hello, Mrs James. Is Sally at home I want to play badminton with her. _. Shes gone for a walk ac

17、ross the fields. A Im sorry B Hold on C No problem D Forget it 答案: A (2013 浙江嘉兴一模 )Can you tell me Sams telephone number _. Who is Sam The newcomer A I think so B Thats OK C Id rather not D Im afraid not 答案: D (2013 安徽马鞍山两校模拟 )Which room would you prefer to live in, sir _. As long as it is clean and

18、 comfortable. A I dont mind B Im sure C No problem D Go ahead 答案: A (2013 昆明市一模 )Mr. Green, can you spare me a few minutes I still have some questions about your assignment. _. A Its a pleasure B Not at all C Help yourself D Sure, go ahead 答案: D (2013 江苏苏中三市一模 )Im afraid its going to rain this after

19、noon. _ Look at the dark and cloudy sky. A Not really. B Is it C Why not D I guess so. 答案: D (2013 山东省胶东示范学校二模 )I forgot to bring my pen for the lecture. _. I have got a spare one. A Go ahead B Youre welcome C Not to worry D Dont mention it 答案: C (2013 江苏盐城二模 )I am going to Shanghai on a free trip t

20、his weekend. _ A Have fun! B It is none of my business. C You must have been cheated. D So what 答案: A (2013 福建六校二模 )Good afternoon. Im from the repair company. I received your call that there is something wrong with your air conditioner. _. Come in please. The air conditioner is in the living room.

21、A Thats right B Thats OK C No problem D My pleasure 答案: A (2013 陕西汉中二模 )I cant thank you enough for the gift you sent me for my birthday the other day. _. A Thats right B Dont mention it C With pleasure D Nice work 答案: B (2013 陕西宝鸡二检 )How do you find your visit to the museum, Jane _. A Oh, wonderful

22、, indeed B By taking the number 3 bus C I went there alone D A classmate of mine showed me the way 答案: A (2013 榆林二模 )We should believe in ourselves. _ Self -confidence is the first secret of success. A Im with you on that. B Thank goodness! C Lets get going. D Its up to you. 答案: A (2013 长春市一模 )Is th

23、is Mr. Whites office, Mary Yes , _. A all right B it doesnt matter C after you D help yourself 答案: C (2013 陕西咸阳一模 )Hi, Tom. Do you still smoke _. Its three years since I smoked. A No, I dont B Yes, I do C Not too much D Oh, yes, but I wish I didnt 答案: A (2013 安徽皖西四校一模 )Id like some bread and some fish. What about you, Tom _ A Not really. B Me, too. C Good idea. D It depends. 答案: B (2013 河南郑州一模 )Hey, you havent been acting like yourself. Everything OK _. A Sure, it is B Im fine, thanks C Thats good D Its a pleasure 答案: B


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