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1、2012届广东省汕头二中高三 5月考前临门一脚模拟考试英语试题(带解析) 完型填空 In 1956 Phoenix, Arizona, was a city with boundless blue 1 . One day as I walked around the house with my sister Kathys new parakeet (小鹦鹉) on my finger, I wanted to show Perky what the sky looked like. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my horror , P

2、erky flew off. The enormous, blue sky swallowed up my sisters blue 2 and suddenly he had gone, clipped wings and all. I told Kathy about Perkys disappearance and I was anxious that she would blame me. But , unexpectedly, Kathy managed to 3 me. With fake optimism, she even tried to convince me that P

3、erky would find a new 4 . But I was far too clever to 5 that such a thing was possible. Decades later, I watched my own 6 growing. We shared their activities, spending soccer Saturdays in folding chairs with the 7 of the kids friends, the Kissells. The two families went camping around Arizona togeth

4、er. We became the best of friends. One evening, the game was to tell Great Pet stories. One person claimed(宣称) to 8 the oldest living goldfish. Someone else had a psychic dog. Then Barry, the father of the other family, took the floor and _9_that the Greatest Pet of All Time was his blue parakeet, S

5、weetie Pie. The best thing about Sweetie Pie, he said, was the 10 we got him. One day, when I was about eight, out of the clear, blue sky, a little blue parakeet just 11 down and landed on my finger. When I was finally able to 12 , we examined the amazing evidence. The dates and the locations and th

6、e pictures of the bird all 13 . It seems our two families had been 14 long before we ever met. Forty years later, I ran to my sister and said, You were 15 ! Perky lived! 【小题1】 A lake B sky C parakeet D backyard A pleasure B sadness C treasure D sense A forgive B comfort C help D delight A parent B h

7、ome C nest D fellow A imagine B suppose C doubt D believe A birds B happiness C worries D children A parents B birds C interests D games A catch B find C buy D have A announced B said C retold D hoped A day B place C way D story A floated B dived C settled D went A think B speak C interrupt D explai

8、n A came up B turned up C turned out D matched up A known B fastened C connected D introduced A right B wrong C silly D mad 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 A 阅读理解 Penguins live together, bu

9、t each pair has a little piece of ground of their own.When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbors ground, it must ask permission.If it does not do that, it will have to fight.Most of the time, penguins live on the water.They eat shell fish and look after their children carefully. All penguins

10、 are good parentsthe male penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic water. They choose their wives in the dark.They can only hear themnot see them.Then the female penguins lay their eggs and go away for about two months.The males tak

11、e care of the eggs.If the eggs get cold, there will be no chicks.There is no food.The snow falls heavily and the wind blows stronglysometimes at 150 kilometers an hour.The penguins do not move.When the females return from the sea, they will not remember their husbands.It does not matter.Only one thi

12、ng mattersthe eggs.Male penguins never fightunless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute.They then fight because they all want it.They are strange and wonderful birds. 【小题 1】 It seems interesting and unusual that the male penguins choose their wives _. A when the female penguins return from the sea

13、B just by hearing in the darkness C each time they see the lovely females D after they have had their own grounds 【小题 2】 Male penguins fight when _. A they choose their wives B they see a chick left alone C they want to get something to eat D they walk through their neighbors ground 【小题 3】 From the

14、passage we know that _. A penguins live a hard life B penguins live in pairs C penguins will fight if one walks through others ground without permission D each penguin has a little piece of ground of its own 【小题 4】 The penguins choose their wives in the dark. We can infer that _. A penguins like nig

15、hts very much B there is no daytime in that place at all C the weather is cloudy and rainy all the year around D the sun cant shine there for nearly half a year every year 【小题 5】 Which of the following is NOT true A Female penguins take care of the eggs. B Female penguins often have their new husban

16、ds. C Male penguins use their ears to choose wives. D Male penguins dont move when they take care of eggs, even though the wind often blows strongly. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句 “They choose their wives in the dark.They can only hear thenot see them.”可知,雄性

17、企鹅选择妻子只是在黑暗中通过听的方式。 【小题 2】推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第三句 “Male penguins never fightunless a penguin leaves a chick fora minute.” 可以得知 B项为正确答案:。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句 “When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbors ground, it must ask permission.If it does not do that, it will have to fight.”的描述可知 C项为正确答案:。如选

18、 D项,则 each penguin应为each pair。 【小题 4】推理判断题。根据常识可知此时为极夜,故到处漆黑,没有光线。 【小题 5】细节理解题。根据第二段第六句 “The males take care of the eggs.”可知是雄性而非雌性企鹅照顾这蛋。 Although April did not bring us the rains we all hoped for, and although the Central Valley doesnt generally experience the sound and lightning that can go with

19、those rains, its still important for parents to be able to answer the youthful questions about thunder and lightning. The reason these two wonders of nature are so difficult for many adults to explain to children is that they are not very well understood by adults themselves. For example, did you kn

20、ow that the lightning we see flashing down to the earth from a cloud is actually flashing up to a cloud from the earth Our eyes trick us into thinking we see a downward motion when its actually the other way around. But then, if we believed only what we think and we see, wed still insist that the su

21、n rises in the morning and sets at night. Most lightning flashes take place inside a cloud, and only a relative few can be seen jumping between two clouds or between earth and a cloud. But, with about 2,000 thunderstorms taking place above the earth every minute of the day and night, theres enough a

22、ctivity to produce about 100 lightning strikes on earth every second. Parents can use thunder and lightning to help their children learn more about the world around them. When children understand that the light of the lightning flashing reaches their eyes almost at the same moment, but the sound of

23、the thunder takes about 5 seconds to travel just one mile, they can begin to time the interval (间隔 ) between the flash and the crash to learn how lose they were to the actual spark (闪光 ). 【小题 1】 According to the author, in the area of the Central Valley_. A rains usually come without thunder and lig

24、htning. B it is usually dry in April C children pay no attention to the two natural wonders. D parents are not interested in thunder and lightning. 【小题 2】 We believe that lightning is a downward motion because_. A we were taught so by our parents from our childhood. B we are taken in by our sense of

25、 vision. C it is a common natural sight. D it is a truth proved by science. 【小题 3】 What is TRUE about lightning according to the passage A Only a small number of lightning flashes occur on earth. B Lightning flashes usually jump from one cloud to another. C Lightning travels 5 times faster than thun

26、der. D There are far more lightning strikes occurring on earth than we can imagine. 【小题 4】 The underlined word “activity” is most closely related to the word (s) _. A cloud B lightning strikes C lightning flashes D thunderstorms 【小题 5】 It can be concluded from the passage that _. A we should not bel

27、ieve what we see or hear. B things moving downward are more noticeable. C people sometimes may have wrong ideas about ordinary phenomena. D adults are not as good as children in observing certain natural phenomena. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 1】推理判断题。 第二段中说:尽管 the Central Va

28、lley一般不会经历下雨时伴随雷电 (的情况),但是 由此可知在 Central Valley下雨时通常没有雷电。 【小题 2】细节理解题。结合第二段 Our eyes trick us into thinking we see a downward motion when its actually the other way around可知答案:。 【小题 3】细节理解题。第三段第二句:由于地球上每天每分钟发生 2 000次雷雨,它们足够造成地球上每秒 100次的闪电。这说明闪电的次数要比我们想象的多。 【小题 4】猜测词 意题。第三段第二句说明有了雷雨才产生了闪电。 【小题 5】推理判断

29、题。第二段第三句:我们的眼睛使我们错误地认为闪电是由上而下,而事实上却相反。 LONDON (Reuters)New faces given to a Chinese man after a bear tore off part of his face and a French-Caribbean man disfigured by a rare tumor show that such transplants can work and are not medical oddities (怪异 ), researchers said. The findings give hope to som

30、e people with severe facial disfigurement and suggest the transplants could prove long-lasting without major problems.Despite the tissue rejection in the first year after their transplants, neither men had psychological problems accepting their new faces and have been able to rejoin society, they re

31、ported. Only three people have received face transplants.The worlds first was carried out on French woman Isabelle Dinoire in November 2005 after she was disfigured in an attack by her dog.In 2007, her doctors reported that she had recovered slowly and steadily, overcoming two periods of rejection.

32、In 2006, Chinese doctors performed a face transplant on a 30-year-old hit by a bear.While there were some complications with tissue rejection following the operation, two years later the man was doing well, his doctors said.“This case suggests that facial transplantation might be an option for resto

33、ring a severely disfigured face, and could enable patients to bring themselves back into society, ” Shuzhong Guo and colleagues at Xijing Hospital in China wrote. A French team described their work on a 29-year-old man who suffered from Von Recklinghausen disease, an illness that changes the shape o

34、f his face.“The man,who was not named, was given a new nose, mouth and chin in a 2007 operation.He began to work 13 months after the transplant has more function in his face and has not rejected the new tissue, ” his doctors said. “Our case confirms that face transplantation is practical and effecti

35、ve for the correction of specific disfigurement, ” Dr.Laurent Lantieri and colleagues at the Henri-Mondor hospital outside Paris wrote. 【小题 1】 Whats the main idea of this passage A Face transplants can work. B Face transplants help regain confidence. C Three people have received face transplants. D

36、Disfigured people need face transplants. 【小题 2】 What happened to the Chinese patient mentioned in the passage A He got a strange illness when he was young. B He received several operations in hospital. C He was the first person to receive a face transplant. D He was once attacked by an animal. 【小题 3

37、】 From the passage we can learn that _. A doctors have different opinions on facial disfigurement B patients could regain self-confidence after face transplants C the new face of every patient has more functions than expected D it is easy for disabled people to be accepted by society 【小题 4】 The unde

38、rlined word “restoring” in Paragraph 4 means “_” A removing B recovering C repairing D rejecting 【小题 5】 What problem resulted from the facial operations A The patients wouldnt accept the facial change. B It was hard for the patients to get along with others. C It took some time for the patients to r

39、ecover from the operation. D The patients usually suffered from tissue rejection. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】主旨大意题。本文介绍了三例成功的手术,表明面部移植手术是可行的。 【小题 2】推理判断题。根据第一段中 “after a bear tore off part of his face”和第四段中 “hit by a bear”可知 D项正确。 【小题 3】推理判断题。根据第四段中的 “could enable patient

40、s to bring themselves back into society”和第五段中的 “He began to work 13 months after the transplant.”可判断出 B项正确。 【小题 4】词义猜测题。 restore表示 “修复;整修 ”。 【小题 5】细节理解题。根据第二段和第三段提到的病例可知,手术后病人都有面部组织的排异反应。 When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldnt understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tr

41、ied to cheer me up, my laughs turned into crying. So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing are controlled by the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so does crying. Whatever helps us to reduce pre

42、ssure is important to our emotional health, and crying seems to work well. One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying. Besides, tears attract help from other people. Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendli

43、er and they are more ready to provide support and comfort. Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we dont even know were very sad until we cry. We learn about our emotions through crying, and then we can deal with them. Just as crying can be healthy, not crying-holding bac

44、k tears of anger, pain or suffering-can be bad for physical health. Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can 1ead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illness. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don

45、t fight it. Its a natural, healthy and emotional response. 【小题 1】 Why didnt the author cry when her grandmother died A Because her father did not want her to feel too sad. B Because she did not love her grandmother. C Because she was too shy to cry at that time. D The author doesnt give the explanat

46、ion. 【小题 2】 It can be inferred from the text that _. A there are two ways to keep healthy B emotional health has a close relationship to physical health C crying and laughing play the same roles D crying does more good to health than laughing 【小题 3】 According to the author, which of the following st

47、atements is true A Crying is the best way to get help from others. B Fighting back tears may cause some health problems. C We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry. D We must cry if we want to reduce pressure 【小题 4】 What might be the most suitable title for the text A Why We Cry B How to K

48、eep Healthy C Power of Tears D New Scientific Discovery 【小题 5】 What is the authors attitude to crying A Positive. B Negative. C Touched. D Upset. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容可以得知作者并没有提到没有哭的原因,故答案:为 D。 【小题 2】推理判断题。 C项说 crying和 laughing起着同样的作用不完全正确 ,所以选 B. 从文章可知情感健康与身体健康密切相关 . 本题为推理判断题 . 【小题 3】细节理解题。由文章最后一段第一句话可知 ,B是明显正确的。 【小题 4】整篇文章主要介绍了哭的力量和作用 .所以选 Powers of Tears.题目要有概括性 【小题 5】推理判断题。作者在文中提到哭对我们健康有益的好几个方面,因此最后 作者建议大家不要压抑而要该哭则哭,由此可以判断出作者的态度是积极的。 单词拼写 Some teenagers admire those excellent artists who gain their su


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