
wanted to show Perky what the sky looked like. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my horror , Perky flew off. The enormous, blue sky swallowe


1、 wanted to show Perky what the sky looked like. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my horror , Perky flew off. The enormous, blue sky swallowed up my sisters blue 2 and suddenly he had gone, clipped wings and all. I told Kathy about Perkys disappearance and I was anxious that she would blame me. But , unexpectedly, Kathy managed to 3 me. With fake optimism, she even tried to convince me that Perky would find a new 4 . But I was far too clever to 5 that such a thing was possible. De。

2、lyn day after day with his favorite music blasting directly into his ears. By his early 20s, Michel had lost much of his upper-range hearing. The Childrens Hearing Institute reports that hearing loss among children and young adults is rising in the United States, and that one third of the damage is caused by noise. Surrounded By Noise We live in a noisy world. Young and old alike are beset by sounds over which we may have little or no control: power mowers, leaf blowers, snow blowers, cars and 。

3、do you use your computer B: I like it very much. Its very useful 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 E 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】下句的含义为是的,我有一台电脑,所以本句的含义为你有一台电脑吗,故本句空格处选 D。
【小题 2】下句的含义为我通常使用我的电脑在网上搜索,所以本句的含义为你通常使用你的电脑做什么,故本句空格处选 B。
【小题 3】上句的含义是为什么,询问原因,所以本句的含义为因为它快速和容易,故本句空格处选 C。
【小题 4】下句的含义为我每天使用我的电脑,所以本句的含义为你多久一次使用你的电脑,故本句空格处选 E。
【小题 5】下句 的含义为我非常喜欢电脑,所以本句的含义为你觉得电脑如何,故本句空格处选 A。
单项选择 * Where is Mr Green now I havent seen him for a few days . He _ to Hong Kong . A goes B will go C is goi。

4、r laughter I am not asking if you 36 lots of good times. 37 we should laugh during the happy times. But do you also laugh during the 38 times Erma Bombeck is known for her humorous books, but she wrote one that 39 a more serious topic: 40 in children Erma talks with many children with cancer and learns 41 life lessons from them. She learns, for instance, that cancer survivors know how to 42 . She 43 the experience of 15-year-old Jessica from Burlinton Jessicas leg was cut off at the knee b。

5、your answer sheet From bankers to factory staff, employees in the west face the bleak prospect of losing their jobs as a global recession starts to bite. For colleagues in the East the pain is more likely to come through a pay cut. Human resource experts say cultural differences explain why Asian firms try harder to keep jobs in difficult times, which will stop unemployment and may help keep Asian economies afloat at a time of slowing exports. The East Asian attitude may also make it easier for 。

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