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1、江苏省宁海外国语学校 20092010 学年高三下学期高考模拟英语试题( 5) 其他 任务型阅读(共两节,满分 35分) All That noise is damaging Childrens Hearing Michel become hooked on headphones in his early teens. He walked in the streets of Brooklyn day after day with his favorite music blasting directly into his ears. By his early 20s, Michel had lo

2、st much of his upper-range hearing. The Childrens Hearing Institute reports that hearing loss among children and young adults is rising in the United States, and that one third of the damage is caused by noise. Surrounded By Noise We live in a noisy world. Young and old alike are beset by sounds ove

3、r which we may have little or no control: power mowers, leaf blowers, snow blowers, cars and house alarms, sirens, motorcycles, Jet Skis, loudspeakers, even movie previews. We attend rock concerts, weddings, parties and sports events at which the music is so loud you can hardly hear the person sitti

4、ng next to you. At home, televisions, stereos and computer games are often turned up so loud that listeners can not hear a doorbell or telephone. Many “modern ” restaurants have chosen noise enhancement instead of abatement(减轻 ). Any time you need to shout to be heard by someone near you, your heari

5、ng is most likely to be in a decibel(分贝 ) danger zone. As if environmental noise were not enough, now we surround children with noisy toys and personal listening devices that can permanently damage their hearing. Toys that meet the safety standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials c

6、an produce sound up to 138 decibels, as loud as a jet plane taking off. Yet workplace rules require hearing protection for those exposed to noise above 85 decibels. Protecting Young Ears Before buying noisemaking toys, parents would do well to listen to how loud they are. If the toy comes with a vol

7、ume control, monitor its use to make sure it is kept near the lowest level. Consider returning gifts that make loud noises, disable the noise-making function. Or limit the use of noisy toys to outside play areas. Children who play computer games and stereo equipment should be warned to keep the volu

8、me down. Time spent in video arcades, where the noise level can be over 110 decibels, should be strictly limited. Most iPods have a control that allow parents to set a maximum volume. Dont take children to loud action movies. If you do go and the sound seems deafening, ask the manager to turn down t

9、he volume or insist on you money back. Children who play in bands and teenagers who use power tools, gardening equipment or guns should be made to wear hearing protection, available at sporting goods stores. The League for the Hard of Hearing urges parents to encourage participation in quiet activit

10、ies, like reading, watching family-oriented films, doing puzzles, making thins with construction toys, playing educational computer games, drawing and painting, and visiting librarians and museums. All That noise is damaging Childrens Hearing Introduction A boy lost much of his hearing due to being

11、_71_ to headphones. Problem More and more children have suffered from hearing _72_ loss. Causes of the problems _73_ noise from: a) power mowers, leaf blowers, snow blowers, and etc. b) the music at rock concerts, weddings, parties and sports events which _74_ us hearing someone nearby; c) televisio

12、ns, stereos and computer games _75_ than doorbells or telephones d) “modern ” restaurants Noise from: toys and listening devices which cause _76_ damage to hearing. _77_ to the problem Monitor the volume of toys _78_ gifts making loud noise Limit childrens time spent in video arcades _79_ taking chi

13、ldren to loud action movies Make children wear hearing protection when around loud noise Encourage children to _80_ in quiet activities 答案: addicted loss Environmental prevents/ stops louder/ noisier permanent Solutions Return Avoid participate 单项选择 * - Let me teach you how to download music from th

14、e Internet. - Teach me _! I know how to do it earlier!. A Its easier said than done. BHewholaughs lastlaughsbest. C You are trying to teach your granny how to suck eggs. D You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink 答案: C - Do you think the bright girl will soon get used to the n

15、ew job - Its hard to say. Intelligence only_ for her lack of experience in part. A accounts B compensates C counts D answers 答案: B I think it will be long _ the influence of Sanlu Milk Powder incident dies down. A that B since C before D after 答案: C A terrible earthquake struck Sichuan Province on M

16、ay 12, _ tens of thousands of lives. A claiming B claimed C causing D caused 答案: A - Whats the matter with Jason. He looks a bit upset. - Didnt you know When returning from his holiday last night, he found his house_. A broken off B broken into C broken out D broken down 答案: B Oh, its so cool in the

17、 house. You _ have turned on the air-conditioner, havent you A should B might C must D can 答案: C Fathers often feel _ their duty to earn more money for their family. A that B it C one D what 答案: B - _ the class done most of the work - Yes, but the rest _ rather difficult. A Has, are B Has, is C Have

18、, are D Have, is 答案: D - Andrew wont like it, you know. Can you change its color - _! I dont care what Andrew thinks. A No way B No problem C Its out of question D Its no wonder 答案: A The whole world is undergoing the biggest financial crisis nowadays, _ calls for international cooperation among all

19、 nations to get over. A that B when C what D which 答案 : D - Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on. - Where was I - You _ you didnt like to be prejudiced against. A said B had said C were saying D had said 答案: C Mum, please let us, Mary and me, go to Jacks birthday party tomorrow, _ A can you B

20、 will you C shall we D may we 答案: B Only after being attacked by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor _in the Second World War thoroughly. A had America involved B was America involved C America had involved D America was involved 答案: B We were lucky to have survived the train accident. _, the first and las

21、t car were smashed. A On top of this B What was worse C As it was D So it was 答案: C The problem lies _ we are now giving him a fish, not teaching him to fish. A in that B on that C in which D on which 答案: A 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) When she was seven, we found out that Jenny had a few probl

22、ems. Several _36_ and many speech classes later, we found out that besides hearing, she also had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis(幼儿类风湿性关节炎) . She could not put _37_ on the heels of her feet, so she walked on tiptoe and when the pain became unbearable, I carried her. All _38_ grade school, and on into

23、high school, Jenny suffered, yet never complained. She _39_ a smile on her face, a song on her lips, and a(n) _40_ and acceptance of others. I dont remember her ever _41_ self-pity. She ran when she could run. She played when she could play, and she danced when she could dance. And, when she could d

24、o _42_ of these things, she took her medicine, and she waited until she _43_. Jenny never competed in a sport. She could not even take part in a gym class. Jenny continued to have one operation after another on her _44_. Finally, her hearing improved to 60%, and she taught herself to _45_ lips. She

25、was _46_ popular and funny, attending every football game, and cheering the team on. She carried her pillow everywhere she went, so that she could _47_ the pain, when she sat down. Then came her senior year. She would be considered for scholarships; however, school activities, especially _48_, could

26、 often mean the _49_ between receiving an award and losing out. So Jenny came to a decision. She _50_ the high school football coach to let her participate. She got her best friend to sign up with her. Finally the coach _51_, saying, “If you miss one game, you are out!” So, Jenny became a member o t

27、he Garrett High School Football Team. She carried bottles of water to her teammates. She did much preparation work for the team. She worked so actively that it _52_ to be one of the best year for the Garrett High School Football Team, in its 25-year history. When asked why he thought the team was wi

28、nning all their games, even in the _53_ of injury, one team member explained, “Well, when youve been knocked down, and you cant seem to move, you _54_ and see Jenny Lewis. It makes anything the rest of us may suffer seem pretty _55_.” 36. A. trials B. examinations C. experiments D. treatments 37. A.

29、 control B. power C. strength D. pressure 38. A. through B. across C. over D. above 39. A. expressed B. wore C. took D. made 40. A. love B. admiration C. envy D. desire 41. A. speaking B. talking C. sharing D. voicing 42. A. nothing B. all C. none D. some 43. A. would B. could C. should D. might 44.

30、 A. ears B. legs C. arms D. mouth 45. A. see B. learn C. read D. hear 46. A. never B. totally C. occasionally D. seldom 47. A. struggle B. lose C. stop D. ease 48. A. grades B. relationships C. sports D. communication 49. A. importance B. difference C. chance D. choice 50. A. begged B. demanded C. r

31、equired D. managed 51. A. gave out B. gave in C. held up D. held on 52. A. turned over B. turned out C. turned up D. turned in 53. A. sight B. fear C. risk D. face 54. A. looked down B. looked in C. looked up D. looked out 55. A. different B. worth C. difficult D. unimportant 答案: -55 BDABA, DCBAC, B

32、DCBA, BBDCD 阅读理解 This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one thats on my mind tonights about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She is a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thi

33、ng: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldnt vote for two reasons, because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin. And tonight, I think about all that s

34、hes seen throughout her century in America: the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we cant, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can. At a time when womens voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them

35、stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can. When there was despair in the Dust Bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can. When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the

36、 world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can. She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that we shall overcome. Yes we can. A man touched down on the mo

37、on, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change.

38、Yes we can. America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But theres so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see What progress will w

39、e have made (From Obamas victory speech, 2008 ) 56. What can be inferred from the passage A. Ann Nixon Cooper was once a slave. B. Ann Nixon Cooper is a black woman. C. Ann Nixon Cooper knows Obama and his family very well. D. Ann Nixon Cooper contributed much to the changes of America. 57. What doe

40、s the underlined part“cast her ballot”in the first paragraph probably mean A. expressed her happiness B. worked for Obama C. voted in the election D. celebrated the victory 58. What message does this part of Obamas speech mainly send A. Ann Nixon Cooper has experienced the best time and the darkest

41、hours of America in the last century. B. America has undergone great development in the last century and is looking forward to more great changes. C. Ann Nixon Cooper has witnessed the development and democracy of America. D. This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for gener

42、ations. 答案: -58BCB Some of the United States biggest banks have closed their doors to students at community colleges, for-profit universities and other less competitive schools, even as they continue to extend government-backed loans to students at eh nations top universities. Citibank has been amon

43、g the most active in rebuilding the list of colleges it serves. JPMorgan Chase, PNC and SunTrust say have not dropped whole loan plans, but are cutting colleges. Some less-selective four-year colleges, like Eastern Oregon University and William Jessup University, say they have been dropped by some l

44、enders. The practice suggests that if the credit crisis and poor conditions in the student loan business continue, some of the nations neediest students will be hurt most. The difficulty of borrowing money may keep them from attending school or force them to take a semester(学期) off. For those who ha

45、ve got student loans, they will end up with less attractive terms and may run a greater risk of dropping out if they have to change lenders in the middle of their college year. Tuition and loan amounts can be quite small at community colleges. But these institutions, which are a stepping stone to ot

46、her educational programs or to better jobs, often draw students from the lower ranks of the economic classes. According to the most recent data, about a third of US graduates took out loans, a majority of them guaranteed by the government. “If put too many obstacles in their way to get a loan, they

47、ll take a third job or use a credit card,” said Jacqueline K. Bradley, assistant director for financial aid at Mendocino College. “That almost guarantees that they wont be as successful in their college career.” Some loan companies have stopped the students loan business entirely, viewing it as unpr

48、ofitable in the current environment. Students attending first-class, expensive, public and private four-year universities can expect to remain plentiful. The banks generally say these loans are bigger, more profitable, and less risky, perhaps in part because the banks expect graduates from these universities to earn more. So far, financial aid administrators say they have been able to find some lenders that students can switch to, but this is costly to students- in money and time. 59. Who


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