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1、2012年北师大版高中英语必修一 Module8Unit24练习卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * I finally had to _ the subject of payment. A bring up B pick up C turn up D brighten up 答案: A 试题:考查词组, bring up 提出(议题)等; pick up 收拾; turn up出现,来到;brighten up发光,发亮,根据句意最后我必须为赔付问题提出方案。 考点:词组辨析 点评:此题较易,考查学生对相近词组的辨析能力,这是常考内容,要加强记忆。 Her failure in the expe

2、riment suggested that she _ the professors instructions. A should not follow B would not follow C hadnt followed D hasnt followed 答案: C 试题:考查语法, suggest 做暗示时从句不用虚拟语气,在这里就是暗示,启发的意思,主句的时态是一般过 去时,故从句用过去完成时,故选 C. 考点:考查语法。 点评:此题较易, suggest 的特殊用法,要特殊记忆。 The police came here in the hope _ they could learn

3、about the cause of the traffic accident. A that B what C which D How 答案: A 试题:考查语法, in the hope 希望 that 引导同位语从句,对 hope进行解释说明。句意是警察来到这希望了解交通事故的原因。 考点:考查引导词。 点评:此题难易一般, that引导同位语从句,在从句中不做句子成分。主要是要对句子成分进行分析,然后选择合适的连接词。 I would rather you _ the truth now instead of afterwards. A will know B knew C shoul

4、d know D Know 答案: B 试题:考查语法, would rather (主观上的抉择 )宁可,宁愿,接的从句中用虚拟语气 should+动词原形, should可省略。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 点评:此题较易,主要是 would rather 从句使用虚拟语气的用法,要特殊记忆。 -Who do you think should _ the responsibility for white pollution - Both the producer and the consumer. A burden B replay C answer D undertake 答案: D 试题:考

5、查单词, burden 负担; replay 重新 answer 回答 undertake担任,承担,句意是你认为谁应该承担白色污染的责任? 考点:词义辨析。 点评:此题较易,主要对单词词义的辨析,要加强对单词的记忆。 The old temple, which _ to the 17th century, needs to be repaired. A was dated back B dates back C is dated back D dated back 答案: B 试题: which引导非限制性定语从句修饰 temple,谓语动词时态与主句相同 ,date back 回溯到,故

6、选 B. 考点:考查时态。 点评:此题较易,考查非限制性定语从句中的时态。限制性定语从句与非限性定语从句的区别,从句与先行词的紧密度。 Scientists warn us _ the need to keep an eye _ the greenhouse effect. A to; in B of; to C in; on D of; on 答案: D 试题:考查介词, warn sb of 固定用法,警告,预先通知; keep an eye on 关注,注意,句意是科学家警告我们关注温室效应是 很必要的。 考点:词组搭配。 点评:此题较易,主要是词组的固定搭配,要加强记忆。 It is

7、hoped that there will be _ time in the future when _ man can defeat cancer. A a; the B a; 不填 C不填 ; the D不填 ; 不填 答案: B 试题:考查冠词, a time (特定的 )时间,时期; man指人类不用冠词限定。句意是希望将来有一天人类会战胜癌症。 考点:考查冠词。 点评:此题较易,主要考查冠词的用法。特指某个人时用 the 限定,泛指是不用冠词。 Its really a great pity that the great writer died _ his works unfinis

8、hed. A for B with C from D of 答案: B 试题: die of 死于 .主要是内部原因情感,冷饿,疾病等; die from死于 .外部原因,受伤等, die with表示一种伴随状态。 考点:动词搭配。 点评:此题较易,动词与不同的介词搭配有不同的意思,要加强记忆进而进行辨析。 Tom_ me your secret, but he meant no harm. A oughtnt to have told B shouldnt tell C shouldnt be telling D ought not to tell 答案: A 试题: ought to /

9、should have done本应该做某事而未做, ought to 的语气较强,句意是 Tom本不该告诉我你的秘密,但是他没有恶意。故选 A。 考点:考点虚拟语气。 点评:此题较难,考查虚拟语气以及情态动词的用法,情态动词主要是弄清楚词义及其语气的强弱,加强记忆并进行辨析。 Good ways of doing things can help us save time, and _ its necessary for us to find them. A otherwise B furthermore C therefore D moreover 答案: C 试题: otherwise 另

10、外; furthermore而且,此外; therefore因此,所以;moreover再者,此外,句意是好的做事方法可以帮助我们节省时间,因此我们寻找这些方法很有必要。 考点:词义辨析。 点评:此题较易,这些词的用法很相似,词义不同,弄清词义很重要。 -Thanks for giving us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Miss Wang. -_. A Im glad you enjoyed it B Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook very well C Come again when you are free D Its not nec

11、essary for you to say so 答案: A 试题:考查语境, A很高兴你很喜欢。 B哦,我怕我做的不是很好。 C有空再来。 D没必要这么说。所以选 A. 考点:考查交际用语。 点评:此题较易,考查交际用语要放在上下文的理解及运用上,此题是对别人的感谢的回答,要符合英语国家的习惯,不要太中国化。 -Who was the man talking to our manager in the hall yesterday -A man _ himself a popular singer. A being called B calls C called D calling 答案:

12、D 试题:分词做定语,句意是昨天在大厅与经理说话的人是谁?一个自称是歌星的人。因为是自称所以用现在分词。 考点:考查分词。 点评:此题较易,主要考查分词作定语用法,主动用现在分词,被动用过去分词。 The Niagara Fall is great tourist _, drawing millions of visitors from all over the world every year. A interest B view C scene D Attraction 答案: D 试题: interest 引起兴趣的地方,可数名词; view 风景,可数名词; scene 场面;attr

13、action吸引力,不可数名词。可数名词前应有冠词限定,故选 D . 考点:考查单词词性。 点评:此题较易,主要考查单词的词性,记忆单词不仅要记忆词义还要记忆词性并进行辨析。 The general spoke highly of such _ as honesty, loyalty and bravery shown by the soldiers. A virtues B vices C advantages D vacant 答案: A 试题: virtue美德; vice 罪恶,邪恶; advantage优点; vacant 茫然的,根据句意人们对士兵的一些美德给予高度的赞扬比如诚实,

14、忠诚,勇敢等。故选 A。 考点:词义辨析。 点评:词义辨析题要弄清单词的具体含义,以及具体用法,要加强记忆。 In order to complete the project ahead of time, the boss demanded that John _ extra hours. 答案: 试题:考查语法, demand 要求,接 that从句中用虚拟语气, should+动词原形。故选 A。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 点评:此题较易,主要考查 demand接从句时的固定用法,要特殊记忆。 When a new system _, the old one is abolished. A c

15、ame into being B comes into being C is come into being D come into beings 答案: B 试题:考查语法,主句时态是一般现在时, when引导的时间状语从也用一般现在时, come into being 开始实施。故选 B。 考点:考查时态。 点评:此题较易,考查主句和从句的时态。 When在这里等于 as soon as 一 .就 .。 In most countries, urban population is _ while the population of German _ by 8 percent. A rais

16、e; decrease B increase; on the decrease C on the increase; decreases D rise; on the decrease 答案: C 试题:固定词组, rise 增加是名词, raise 增加(程度,价格) on the increase 正在增长, decrease 减少,句意是在很多国家城镇人口正在增加,而德国的人口正以 8%速度递减。 考点:考查单词的用法。 点评:此题较易,主要是对近义词的辨析,一定要弄清它们的具体用法。 _ people are generally better off, the gap between

17、the rich and the poor has widened. A Despite B Whereas C However D Although 答案: D 试题: despite 尽管,是介词; whereas 连词,然而,另一方面; however连词,但是; although连词,虽然,尽管,句意是尽管人们的生活越来越好,但是贫富差距还是在扩大。 考点:考查连接词。 点评:此题较易,主要是连词的辨析,弄清楚他们所连接的前后句的关系。 Last night my neighbors _ to be quiet but the noise started up again. I fin

18、ally lost my _ with them and called the police. A apologized; fear B promised; temper C suggested; mood D threatened; pride 答案: B 试题:考查单词, aologize 道歉; promise 许诺; suggest建议; threaten威胁,loose ones temper发脾气,句意是昨晚,邻居答应保持安静,但是现在噪音又开始了最终我很生气报了警。 考点:词语辨析。 点评:单词词义的辨析,主要是要弄清句意,根据语境选择合适的单词。 At present, 1 i

19、n every 10 people is aged 60 years or older, _ in 2050, 1 in every 5 people will be aged 60 years or older. A for example B in addition C whereas D also 答案: C 试题: for example 举例; in addition 副词,另外; whereas 连词,然而; also副词,也,句意是现在十个人中就有一个人是 60岁或者 60岁以上,然而到 2050年每 5个人就有一个。 考点:词义辨析。 点评:此题较易,主要是弄清楚这些词的词性和

20、词义根据句意 选择。 Advertising is a part of modern life that we have to put up _ but adverts aimed _ young people just encourage them to waste their money and this is something they dont seem to be aware _. A to; at; of B with; to; on C on; at; with D with; at; of 答案: D 试题:考查介词, put up with 容忍,忍耐; put up to

21、 纵容,鼓励; aim at目的是;aware of 意识到,句意是广告是现代生活的一部分,我们必须容忍它,但是广告人的目的是让年轻人去浪费他们的钱,而且他们还没有意识到这一点。 考点:考查词组。 点评:此题较易,介词和动词的搭配有很多都是固定的,要加强这方面的记忆。 Sally helped her husband make a(n) _ to his hearing aid so that he could heard her clearly. A ownership B adjustment C burden D signature 答案: B 试题:考查单词, ownership 所有

22、权,所有制; adjustment调整,适应; burden负担 ;signature签字,句意是 Sally帮助她的丈夫调整了对他的耳疾的治疗,所以他能听到她说的话。 考点:词义辨析。 点评:此题较易,主要是弄清楚单词的意思,所以要加强单词的记忆。 The sentence “I wish I had learned to drive when I was a teenager” means _. Which of the following is wrong A I should learn to drive when I was a teenager. B I regret not ha

23、ving learned to drive when I was a teenager. C Its a pity that I didnt learn to drive when I was a teenager. D I regret I didnt learn to drive when I was a teenager. 答案: A 试题:考查语法,虚拟语气,对过去事实的假设,句意是我多希望在十几岁时就学会了开车。答案: B,C,D表述的都是很后悔,很可惜在十几岁时没有学开车。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 点评:学习虚拟语气,要弄清楚是对什么时间的事情虚拟,从而选择合适时态。 There i

24、s no need to _ - I know you can speak English well! A set off B turn off C go off D show off 答案: D 试题:考查词组, set off 出发, turn off关掉 ;go off离去; show off炫耀,句意是没必要炫耀,我知道你的英语说得很好。 考点:考查词组。 点评:此题较易,对形似词组的辨析,弄清楚词组的意思,加强记忆。 _ I read your advert, I decided to buy the watch _ you claimed it worked in all cond

25、itions _ in water and extreme heat. A When; since; like B After; since; such as C When; for; for example D After; for; such as 答案: B 试题:考查连词, sine 因为,既然; for 表示原因时是引起并列分句表示一种补充说明的理由,只可置于另一分句后; such as 比如, for example 举例说明。句意是看了你的广告之后,我决定买这款表,因为它能在任何条件下工作,比如在水中,和在很热的环境下。 考点:考查连词。 点评:此题主要是考查 since 和 f

26、or 的区别, such as 和 for example的区别,理解它们的具体用法加以辨析,根据句意选择。 Yesterday the thief _ the local bank _ lots of money. A robbed; of B stole; from C robbed; from D stole; of 答案: A 试题:考查单词, rob 公然的抢劫,用法是 rob+被盗人或地方 +of+被盗物; steal 暗中窃取,用法是 steal+被盗物 +from+被盗人或地方。故选 A. 考点:词义辨析。 点评:此题较易,近义词的辨析要弄清每个词的具体用法根据具体语境进行选择

27、。 Its high time that they _ some serious work right now. A should have got down to B would get down to C got down to D get down to 答案: C 试题:考查语法, Its high time that从句用虚拟语气, get down to 开始认真做某事。 考点:考查语法。 点评:此题较易,一些词的固定用法,在什么情况下用虚拟语气,什么情况下不用,要特殊记忆。 The police had to _ the traffic for an hour due to a

28、train accident. A do up B hold up C set up D make up 答案: B 试题:考查词组, do up 整理; hold up 阻挡,耽搁; set up建立; make up 化妆,句意是因为事故,交警必须封闭交通一个小时。 考点:词组辨 析。 点评:此题较易,主要是对相近词组的词义辨析,加强记忆。 【题型单项选择 His mother insisted that he _ the money in the bank. A deposited B should have deposited C deposits D should deposit 答

29、案: D 试题:考查语法, insist 表示坚决要求 .该 .,坚持认为 .定要 .时从句用虚拟语气,句型是 insist that +主语 +should+动词原形。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 点评:此题较易,主要考查单词的特殊用法,在什么情况下用什么用法,要特殊记忆。 完型填空 I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18, when the 31 rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles home. On the 32 was Marty Band

30、era, a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft(草稿 ) of my novel three weeks earlier. “ I have a couple of 33 ,” Bandera said. “First, how old are you ” “Im 48,” I replied. “Are you in good 34 ” “Yes, excellent. Whats this about ” “Ive sold your novels 35 one and a half million dollars.” I sat down

31、 in 36 . I had written over fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been 37 by the publishers. I suppose many people would have been 38 , but not me. Each time, I just 39 writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to 40 . Seeing this book 41 was

32、the best thing that has ever happened to me. Its a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller 42 two weeks after publication! I got my first lesson in story 43 from my grandmother. She used to read me stories. She was the one who gave me a 44 of words. She sparked(激发 ) my 45 a

33、nd she has been a 46 influence on me. I always had stories running through my 47 and as soon as I could write I 48 them down on paper. I married young and I have three children, but I never stopped writing, 49 novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布 ) and dishes. I am writing another novel now. Yes,

34、my 50 has changed my life。 【小题1】 A phone B bell C clock D alarm A step B line C side D doorway A novels B things C questions D problems A wealth B health C care D order A to B in C on D for A need B joy C delight D astonishment A rejected B received C judged D lost A worried B angry C discouraged D

35、excited A couldnt help B got down to C got used to D went on A shut down B find out C give up D set aside A sold B published C printed D passed A books B shops C record D list A writing B organizing C telling D reading A use B love C meaning D respect A hope B efforts C novels D imagination A lastin

36、g B normal C careful D general A mind B book C voice D work A pulled B put C broke D looked A thinking B reading C developing D translating A friend B age C success D failure 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C

37、【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 C 试题: 【小题 1】由第一句 I remember vividly the call .可知这里应该是电话铃声,故选 A phone. 【小题 2】 on the line 在线,打电话的是,由上一题可知在打电话,故选 B. 【小题 3】由下面的两个问句可推测 Bandera有 两个问题,故选 questions. 【小题 4】由下面 Ive sold your novels for one and a half million dollars.可知Ban

38、dera害怕作者因太惊喜而承受不了。故选 health。 【小题 5】固定用法, sell sth for +钱数,以什么价格卖掉,故选 for. 【小题 6】由后一句作者的小说从没被出版社接受过,故作者很震惊,故选astonishment震惊。 【小题 7】由前后句可推测出作者被出版社拒绝了,故选 rejected 拒绝。 【小题 8】 worry 担心; angry 生气; discourage沮丧; excited兴奋,根据句意我想很多人在这种情况下都已经沮丧了,但是我不会。故选 C. 【小题 9】 get down to 开始认真做某事; get used to 常常做; go on

39、继续做根据句意每一次我都认真开始写下一部小说。故选 B. 【小题 10】根据上一题可知作者没有放弃,故选 give up 放弃。 【小题 11】由第一段可知作者这本 书被出版社接受了,故是这本书的出版对作者来说是最好的事情。故选 B。 【小题 12】 best-seller list 畅销书单句意是这本书出版后连续两周在畅销书单上排名。 【小题 13】根据句意我学习到的讲故事的第一课是跟我的祖母学的。 story telling 讲故事 . 【小题 14】 love of words对文字的热爱。句意是她就是让我对文字产生热爱的那个人。 【小题 15】 imagination 想象力,句意是她

40、激发了我的想象力,她对我的影响是持续的。 【小题 16】 lasting 持续的,句意同上。 【小题 17】 mind 头脑,句意是我的脑子里一直就有故事在酝酿,而且只要能写我就立即把它们写在纸上。 【小题 18】 put sth down 写下,记下,句意同上。 【小题 19】 developing 发展,这里意思是构思,句意是我从来没有停止写作,在洗尿布时,我还构思小说。 【小题 20】 success 成功,句意是我的成功改变了我的生活。 考点:考查的是记叙文。 点评:整个完形填空大题,设空科学合理,考生不难从中领会大意,从而下手会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨

41、析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。 阅读理解 “In my country, men usually go to restaurants on their own. They always take their shoes off before they go in. Then they usually sit on the floor around a small, low table. In the evening they often sing songs.” “You usually take chocolates

42、or flowers. But you always take an odd number of flowers, and you remove the paper before you give them to the hostess. You can also send flowers before you arrive. you dont usually take wine except when you visit very close friends.” “We always offer our guests something to drink when they arrive,

43、tea, coffee or perhaps water or soft drinks. We think it is polite to accept a drink even if youre not thirsty. If you visit someone you always stay for a few drinks. When you have had enough to drink, you tap your cup or put your hand over it. If you say no, your host will insist that you have more

44、 to drink.” “Peoples private lives are very important so they never ask you personal questions about your family or where you live or your job. They never talk about religion or matters of finance, education or politics, but usually stay with safe subjects like the weather, films, plays, books and r

45、estaurants.” “Its difficult to know when to leave, but an evening meal usually lasts about three or four hours. When the host serves coffee, this is sometimes a sign that the evening is nearly over, but you can have as much coffee as you want.” “If the invitation says eight oclock then we arrive exa

46、ctly at eight. With friends we know well, we sometimes arrive about fifteen minutes before.” “Obviously it depends on the occasion, but most dinner parties are informal. The men dont usually wear a suit, but they may wear a jacket and tie. Women are usually smart but casual.” 【小题 1】 The writer of th

47、e passage is probably_. A Chinese B Japanese C the English D American 【小题 2】 What should you bring when you are invited to have dinner A Wine and cigarettes. B Tea or drinks. C Money and presents. D Chocolates or flowers. 【小题 3】 Which of the following subjects are never talked about among the people

48、 A Politics, education, religion, or matters of finance. B Family, books or plays. C Weather, restaurant, or film. D Job, money, weather or film and play. 【小题 4】 When the hostess serves coffee after the meal, it means _. A the evening meal will start at once B the guests can stay more hours C the evening meal has e


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