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1、2013届山西省康杰中学高三第六次模拟考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Tens of millions of Internet users make most of the half-price promotion and it is good opportunity for online shopkeepers to get their names known. A a; the B /; the C the; / D the; a 答案: D 试题分析:句意:成千上万网络使用者使用半价促销的方式,使店主老板有机会使自己出名。 make the most of尽量使用,是固定短语

2、。 opportunity是可数名词 ,这里不表特指,故用不定冠词。 考点:考查冠词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。冠词是高中学生必须掌握的知识点,虽然在初中就提到冠词,由于冠词的用法太多,做题时必须根据不同的语境来确定用哪一个冠词。冠词在固定短语中的考查也是近几年的热点。 即学即练: It is clear that _little money the invention will bring him can hardly support so large _company. A /; the B a; the C a; / D the; a : D。句意:很显然,这项发明带给他的不多的钱很难

3、支撑如此庞大的一个公司。此题的关键在于 hardly 的暗示,说明钱不多或很少,用 little 表示 “少量的,不多的 ”,后面又有定语从句修饰,故其前应加定冠词 the;第二空处是 so adj. a可数名词结构。 -Do you need the dictionary, too - Im not urgent. A Not likely. B After you. C Go for it. D What for 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -你也需要字典吗? -你先请,我不急。 Not likely.不大可能;After you你先请; Go for it加油,新目标; What fo

4、r 为什么?根据句意故选 B。 考点:考查交际用语的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。交际用语的考查要放在上下文语境中理解运用,命题者设置了一些干扰项考查考生对语境的理解,其中干扰最大的是 D项,它不符 合英语交际的语言环境。 即学即练: It really makes my blood boil when this sort of things happens. _.Its passed anyway. A. Take care B. Thats a pity C. No problem D. Calm down : D。句意: A项小心;当心; B项真可惜; C项没问题; D项镇静点。由语境可知

5、, D项正确。句意: 这种事情发生时的确使我很紧张。 镇静点。都已经过去了。 Our school basketball match will be held from October 12th to 16th, during time as many as 30 teams will compete for the championship. A which B whose C when D that 答案: A 试题分析:句意:我们学校的篮球比赛将在 10月 12日 16 日举行,在这期间多达 30队将争夺冠军。这里是定语从句,先行词是时间,所以介词之后应该用关系代词, that不能用在介

6、词之后,故选 A。 考点:考查定语从句的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。定语从句是英语语法中非常重要的内容,在阅读和理解过程中起着极其重要的作用。定语从句的考查关键在于定语从句的成分分析,需要考生有分析理解复杂的句子结构的能力。 即学即练: Villagers here depend on the fishing industry, _ there wont be much work. A. where B. that C. by which D. without which : D。考查非限制性定语从句中的 “介词 +which”结构。根据句意,应该用without和后面从句中的 wont构成双

7、重否定结构。 If I can help , I dont like working late into the night. A so B that C them D it 答案: D 试题分析:句意:如果我能帮助做的话,我不喜欢工作到深夜。本题考查 it 的特殊句型 If I can help it“如果我有办法 ”。其他的代词没有这种用法。故选 D。 考点:考查代词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。代词是高中阶段要求掌握的语法项目,尤其是 it的用法多,并且还是高考常考的知识点,需要考生在平时反复的练习中巩固掌握它的用法。 即学即练: Im not going to let him grow

8、 up into a liar if I can help . A. so B. that C. them D. it : D。句意:只要我能做到 ,我不会让他长大后成为一个骗子。 different life today is from what it was thirty years ago! A What a B How C How a D What 答案: B 试题分析:句意:今天的生活与 30年前的生活多么不一样啊!这里是感叹句,被感叹的词是形容词 different,所以用 how感叹; What + aan + 名词单数 主语 谓语; What + (名词复数不可数)主语谓语;

9、How + 形容词副词 主语谓语;这里是 how+形容词 +主语 +谓语,故选 B。 考点:考查感叹句的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。感叹句是高中阶段必须掌握的语法项目,不仅是在单选还经常在短文改错中考查。考生必须牢记 what与 how的用法。 即学即练: _ from Beijing to London! A. How long way it is B. What a long way is it C. How long way is it D. What a long way it is : D。句意:从伦敦到北京市多么长的距离。 Sometimes I keep my feelings

10、to myself its hard for someone else to understand. A as soon as B because C as long as D although 答案: B 试题分析:句意:有时候 ,我什么都不愿意说 ,只因为别人很难理解自己。 as soon as一 就 ; because因为; as long as只要; although尽管。根据句意故选B。 考点:考查连词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考的热点,主要考查从句中的连词所作的成分,它们的区别及意义。需要考生会正确分析复杂的句子结构的能力,能够正确理解语境。 即学即练: I ne

11、ver go past that house_ I think of the happy life we had in the old days. A. where B. and C. that D. but : D。考查转折连词的用法。 but在此强调一贯事实。句意为:我每次经过那所房子,都会想起旧日我们在那里的幸福生活。根据句意,选 D。 He is determined and competent and intelligent as well, which is _ it takes to become _success. A that; / B what; a C what; / D

12、 that; a 答案: B 试题分析:句意:他是有决心的,有能力的并且聪明的,凭借这些他成了一个成功人士。这里 which引导的是定语从句,这里是句式 it takes+宾语 +to do,这里 what引导的是表语从句,它在从句中做的是宾语; success指成功的人或事时,前面可以用不定冠词修饰,故选 B。 考点:考查连词及冠词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考常考的语法项目,主要考查的是它们的用法及意义,还需正确理解句意及正确分析句子的成分才能做出正确的判断。提醒考生牢记冠词在名 词前的特殊用法。 即学即练: “Youll have to wait for two hour

13、s,_is, about 11:30, the medical report will come out.” the doctor said to me. A.that; when B.which; that C.that; before D.which; when : A。考查 when表示 “那时 ”的用法。根据句意,选 A。 -Will you accept the job offer -If I five years younger, I it. A were; have taked B has been; would take C were; would take D had bee

14、n; would have taken 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你将接受提供的这项工作吗? -如果我再年轻 5岁,我就接受它。这里是虚拟语气从第一句来看,这里应是对现在的虚拟,从句用过去式,主句用 would have done,故选 C。 考点:考查虚拟语气的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。虚拟语气是高中阶段的重要语 法项目,需要考生牢记各种情况的虚拟语气的谓语动词的形式,并要有分析理解语境的能力。 即学即练: You are late.If you _ a little minutes earlier, you _ him. A. came; would meet B. had com

15、e; would have met C. came; would have met D. were to come; would meet : B。句意:由句意可知 “没能遇到他 ”,表示对过去事实的虚拟,主句用would/could/should/might+过去分词,从句用过去完成时,故选 B。 You should respect your teammates and be of their feelings when working in a team. A sympathetic B sensible C considerate D aware 答案: C 试题分析:句意:你应该尊敬

16、你的队友,当和他们在一起工作时考虑他们的感情。 sympathetic同情的; sensible敏感的; considerate考虑周到的; aware意识到的。根据句意故选 C。 考点:考查形容词辨析。 点评:本题难度适中。考查辨析词性及词形相近的词,是近几年的高考的热点,需要考生平时注意积累,牢记它们的用法及区别。这里考生容易误选 D。 即学即练: If you were of all that, you would change your mind. A. sympathetic B. sensible C. considerate D. aware : D。句意:如果你知道了那一切 ,

17、你会改变主意的。 His failure suggested that he the teachers suggestions A cant have followed B neednt follow C mustnt have followed D shouldnt follow 答案: A 试题分析:句意:他的失败表明了他不可能听了老师的建议。 cant have done不可能做了某事; must表推测不能用于否定句;因为现在已经失败,所以这是对过去的推测,过去没有听从老师的建议。故选 A。 考点:考查情态动词的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。情态动词的完成式是高中阶段的重难点之一,需要考生

18、熟记它们的用法,在各类考试中经常出现,它主要用于表示对过去情况进行推测或责备等。 即学即练: Can I have something to eat, Mum I feel hungry. You _ be hungry. Youve just had some bread and hamburger. A. maynt B. wont C. mustnt D. cant : D。否定意义的推测用 can或者 could来 代替 must,表示强烈语气。 We would explain the things the childrens understanding in a simple wa

19、y. A over B under C above D beyond 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我们以简单地的方式来解释一下超过孩子理解范围的内容。这里是固定短语 beyond ones understanding超过某人的理解范围,根据句意故选 D。 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。固定短语的考查是近几年高考的热点,不仅在单选里,还出现在完形短文改错中。需要考生平时牢记它们的用法及意义。 即学即练: The scenery there was beautiful expression A. over B. under C. above D. beyond : D。句意:那儿

20、的风景美丽得无法形容。 When shall we restart our business ? Not until we our plan A will finish B are finishing C are to finish D have finished 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -我们将什么时间重新开始我们的生意? -直到我们能够完成我们的计划。因为 untill引导的是时间状语从句,从句中不能将来时,可以用现在完成时或一般现在时,故选 D。 考点:考查动词时态的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。动词时态是高中必须掌握的语法项目,要求考生必须理解在不同的语境下,应该使用什么样的动词时

21、态。这里考生容易误选 A。 即学即练: If you dont like the drink you just leave it and try a different one. A. ordered B. are ordering C. will order D. had ordered : A。句意:如果你不喜欢你所点的饮料,就把它放那儿,试试另一种。 ”dont like the drink是现在时,点饮料是过去的动作,因此,用过去时或现在完成时,故选 A。 Without my glasses, I couldnt whether that figure on the blackboa

22、rd was a three or an eight. A make out B make up C make for D make off 答案: A 试题分析:句意:不戴眼镜,我看不清黑板上的数字是 3 还是 8. make out 辨认; make up组成,弥补; make for有助于; make off逃走,离开。根据句意故选A。 考点:考查动词短语辨析。 点评:本题难度适中。对于动词短语的考查常考同源介词或同源副词的动词短语,需要考生熟记它们的意义和用法,以提高解题的正确率。这里是由 make与不同的介词或副词构成的短语。 即学即练: I tried to for my loss

23、. A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off : B。句意:我力图补偿我的损失。 If youre to succeed, to the job after finding the proper way to do it A being devoted B devoted C devoting D be devoted 答案: D 试题分析:句意:如果你要成功,在找到了合适的工作后就要致力于工作。 be devoted to .致力于,献身于;因为逗号前是从句,所以逗号后是主句,这里缺少谓语动词。故选 D。 考点:考查动词短语的用法。 点评:

24、本题难度适中。动词短语的考查是近几年高考的热点,命题者主要考查对知识点的再现,需要考生理解语境才能做出正确的判断。 即学即练: She was to her mother and looked after her for many years A being devoted B devoted C devoting D be devoted : B。句意:她深爱着她的 母亲并照顾了她很多年。 -Whats the matter -Just in front of the bus an injured man, all covered with blood. A where lies B doe

25、s lie C lies D lying is 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -发生什么事了? -在汽车的前面躺着一个受伤的人,满身是血。这里 in front of the bus表示地点的介词短语放在句首,句子用完全倒装。选 A误认为是定语从句。为了保持句子平衡或使上下文衔接紧密, 有时可将用作地点状语的介词短语置于句首,此时句中主语和谓语完全倒装。这类句子所涉及的动词通常是表示姿势的不及动词 (如 crouch, hang, lie, sit, stand等 )和表示行动的不及物动词(如 come, die, go, run, live, rise等)。故选 C。 考点:考查倒装的用法。

26、 点评:本题难度适中。倒装句是高中阶段必须掌握的语法项目,它分为部分到装和全部倒装,情况复杂,需要考生熟记它们的用法。 即学即练: Just in front of our house _ with a history of 1,000 years. A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree C. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tree stands : B。状语前置引起全部倒装, 主语 a tall tree要完全放于谓语 stands之后。 完型填空 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40

27、分) Its good to make mistakes, and here is why First of all, mistakes are a clear 36 that you are trying new things Its always 37 to try new things because when you are trying new things you are 38 If you never try anything new, how can you 39 The simple answer is “You cant” With few exceptions, ever

28、y single detail of development is the 40 of someone trying something new When you are making mistakes, you are 41 Edison failed 10,000 times before he 42 the light bulb When asked how it felt to 43 that many times, he said that he hadnt failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that

29、didnt 44 Finally, when you make a mistake you are much 45 to success Why When all is done, you will have tried some number of things before you succeed 46 you make a mistake you eliminate (排除 ) one of those things and are one step closer But this all doesnt mean that you should go ahead 47 consideri

30、ng the consequences of a mistake Quite the contrary, when you try something new, you 48 be willing to set some reasonable limits, so that in the event that it doesnt 49 the way you want it to, you will be in a position to try again We all have 50 resources in time and money, so dont blow them all on

31、 one 51 to a problem Realize that it probably wont be perfect the first time, and allocate (分配 ) these resources properly so you can learn, 52 corrections, and try it again Only by 53 and using your mistakes in this way, can you make significant 54 in your business or career As an old saying goes, “

32、If youre not making mistakes, youre not trying hard enough ” So go 55 and make mistakes And learn And grow And succeed 【小题1】 A word B sign C mark D signature A interesting B funny C bad D good A working B failing C growing D playing A improve B study C insist D think A progress B result C strength D

33、 experiment A learning B correcting C doing D promising A broke B perfected C designed D bought A succeed B invent C fail D struggle A work B help C go D perform A further B closer C familiar D interested A Only if B Even though C Every time D As if A with B without C into D through A want to B lead

34、 to C tend to D have to A work out B put out C run out D sort out A enough B much C limited D little A way B approach C means D suggestion A make B follow C take D offer A trying B avoiding C accepting D receiving A use B contribution C money D advances A back B forth C off D out 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】

35、 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 B 试题分析:本文叙述了犯错是大有裨益的,原因有以下几点:首先,错误清楚地表明你正在尝试新鲜事物。其次犯错的过程也正是你学习的过程。最后一点,犯错之前正是你更为接近成功之日。有句古话说: “如果你没犯错误,就说明你没有尽力。 ”所以,勇往直前,去犯错误

36、吧。然后学习、成长,最后成功。 【小题 1】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 word单词; sign迹象,符号; mark 标志; signature签名。错误清楚地 表明你正在尝试新鲜事物。故选 B。 【小题 2】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 interesting有趣的; funny滑稽的; bad 坏的; good好的。尝试新事物总是好的,故选 D。 【小题 3】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 working工作; failing失败; growing 成长; playing玩。因为你会在这一过程中不断成长。故选 C。 【小题 4】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 improve进步,提高; study学习;

37、 insist坚持; think认为。如果从不尝试任何新鲜事物,你怎么能进步?故选 A。 【小题 5】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 progress进步; result 结果; strength力气; experiment实验。几乎无一例外,你在客观世界看到的每一件事,或是每一件事的每一个细节都是有人在尝试事物的结果。故选 B。 【小题 6】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 learning学习; correcting改正; doing做; promising答应。犯错的过程也正是你学习的过程。故选 A。 【小题 7】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 broke 打破; perfected完美,改进,熟练; de

38、signed 设计; bought买。爱迪生在改进电灯泡前失败了一万次。故选 B。 【小题 8】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 succeed成功; invent发明; fail失败;struggle奋斗。当被问到失败那么多次,感觉如何时,爱迪生说自己并没有失败一万次,而是获知了一万个并不奏效的事物。故选 C。 【小题 9】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 work起作用, 工作; help 帮助; go 去; perform执行。而是获知了一万个并不奏效的事物。故选 A。 【小题 10】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 further更远的; closer靠近的; familiar熟悉的; interested

39、感兴趣的。最后一点,犯错之前正是你更为接近成功之日。这是为什么呢?故选 B。 【小题 11】考查连词及上下文的呼应。 only if只要; even though即使; every time每次; as if好像。每犯一次错误,那些所要做的尝试就会减少一个,从而你离成功也就更近一步。故选 C。 【小题 12】考查介词及上下文的呼应。 without 没有;所有这些并不意味着你就该一个劲地往前冲,而不用考虑每一个错误的后果。故选 B。 【小题 13】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。 want to想要; lead to 导致; tend to 注意 ; have to不得不。恰恰相反,在尝试新事物时

40、,你得注意设定一些合理的限度,以便当事态不尽如人意时,你能够再试一次。故选 D。 【小题 14】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。 work out 解决; put out熄灭; run out 用完; sort out 分类。以便当事态不尽如人意时,你能够再试一次。故选 A。 【小题 15】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 enough足够的; much 许多; limited 有限的; little少的。在时间和金钱 方面,我们的资源都是有限的,故选 C。 【小题 16】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 way方法; approach方法,接近; means 手段; suggestion建议。所以不要在一棵树

41、上吊死,不要把所有的时间和金钱都投入到一个问题的解决途径上。这里 approach与 to 连用,其他的不能,故选 B。 【小题 17】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 make制造; follow 跟随; take拿; offer提供。要明白,第一次可能不会尽善尽美,要合理分配这些资源,这样你就能够学习,改进,并再次尝试。 Make corrections 改正,改进。故选 A。 【小题 18】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 trying尝试; avoiding避免; accepting接受; receiving收到。只有以这种方式欣然接受并利用你的错误,你才能在业务和事业上取得重大进步。故选 C。 【小

42、题 19】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 use使用; contribution贡献; money 钱; advances前进。你才能在业务和事业上取得重大进步。故选 D。 【小题 20】考查副词及上下文的呼应。 back 后退; forth 向前; off 离开; out离去。勇往直 前,去犯错误吧。然后学习、成长,最后成功。故选 B。 考点:人生百味类短文。 点评:由于完形填空的文章是一个意义相关联的语篇,围绕一个话题论述,因此在行文中词语的重复、替代、复现和同现现象是不可避免的。根据这个原则,某一个空格所对应的答案:很可能就是在上下文中复现或同现的相关词,考生可以根据这些词之间的有机联系来确定

43、答案:。所以,解题时应联系上下文寻找相关线索,如某一个词的原词、指代词、同义词、近义词和概括词等。但由于我们在做题时不可能总是重复地阅读文章,因此,在做完形填空时要培养一种捕捉并记忆相关信息的能力 。 阅读理解 Children are very, very observant and have excellent memories. Around Christmas last year, we were heading to Grandmas house. The drive was an hour long, so we had plenty of time to chat. We wer

44、e waiting to get onto the freeway when my daughter Hayley noticed a homeless man, no sign in hand. “Mom, is that man homeless ” I told her I believed he was. We got onto the freeway and drove away. But the chatting had stopped. Hayley was quiet all the way there. We spent a few hours at Grandmas the

45、n packed up to head home. As we drove back, Hayley rustled(沙沙作响地移动 ) around in her seat, trying to reach something on the floor of the car. I asked her to sit still, worried her seatbelt would slip from the booster seat. She mumbled(咕哝 )something and sat back. “Mom, will the homeless man still be ou

46、tside tonight ” I told her I was not sure, maybe. It was a freezing night, and I started to think of the man now too, and how cold he must be. All of a sudden, as we got onto the freeway exit, Haley shrieked (尖叫 ): “There he is! There he is!” and started rolling down her window. “Mom, I found these

47、gloves and scarf back here. Can I give them to him Can I ” she asked. I pulled over to the edge of the road, and beckoned(招手示意 ) the man to come over. Haley smiled at him and handed him her gift. I looked in the front passenger seat, loaded with leftovers from Grandmas house, and handed those out to

48、 him as well. The man thanked us, he clutched (抓紧 ) my hand in his and I could feel the bitter cold of them. We wished him a safe night and continued on our journey to our warm home. “Haley, that was very sweet of you!” I told her. “Well, they were your gloves and scarf, Mom, but his hands looked colder, and he has to keep looking for


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