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1、2013届浙江省桐乡市高三模拟考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * You hate Lee, dont you _. I just think he is a bit annoying, thats all. A Not me B Not exactly C No way D Never mind 答案: B 试题分析:句意: 你讨厌吉姆,是吗 并非如此,我只是觉得他有点烦人,仅此而已。 Not exactly并非如此,不完全是这样; Not me不是我; No way没门; Never mind(用于安慰)没关系,不用担心,更不用说。 考点:考查日常交际用语 Please dont

2、phone him between 1 and 3 p.m. tomorrow. He _ a lecture then. A will have delivered B has been delivering C will be delivering D delivers 答案: C 试题分析:句意:请不要在明天下午一点到三点之间给他打电话,那时他正在做演讲。下文中的 “then”指上句中的明天的下午一点到三点这一段时间持续做的事情,表将来。 “做演讲 ”就在这段时间里发生,所以用将来进行时。 考点:考查动词的时态 The winter of 1990 was extremely bad.

3、_, most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. A At last B As a result C In a word D In fact 答案: D It may be fairly cheap to buy, but youve got to _ the money youll spend on repairs. A take charge of B take into account C take advantage of D take the place of 答案: B 试题分析:句意:把它买下来是相当便宜的,不过

4、你得考虑考虑修理的费用。the money放在了后面是因为宾语 the money带了定语从句,把短语 take sth. into account(=take sth. Into consideration考虑 )分得太远,因此调整结构成了现在的样子。 take charge of负责; take advantage of利用; take the place of 代替。 考点:考查动词词组意义的辨析 What were you doing when I phoned you last night I _ my homework and was starting to surf the In

5、ternet. A have already finished B was finishing C was going to finish D had just finished 答案: D 试题分析:句意: 昨晚我给你打电话时,你正在干什么 我刚刚做完作业,就要开始上网。显然 “做完作业 ”发生在 “开始上网 ”之前,为 “过去的过去 ”,用过去完成时。 考点:考查动词的时态 The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, _ much help for knowing space. A which we think it is B

6、which we think are of C of which we think are D I think which is of 答案: B 试题分析:句意:宇航员在宇宙飞船里做了许多实验,我们认为这些实验对理解太空知识很有帮助。转换句子结构,答案:就会显露出来: and we think they(the experiments) are of much help for knowing space. be of much help=be very helpful。 which的先行词为 “the experiments”; we think变成了插入语。去掉这个插入语,答案:更加明了

7、。 考点:考查非限制性定语从句和插入语的位置 Mr. Brook didnt come back at the usual time last night. _, he met some friends and stayed out until midnight. A Meanwhile B However C Instead D Anyway 答案: C 试题分析:句意:布鲁克先生没有在昨 晚通常的时间回来。反而他去会了一些朋友呆在外面直到深夜。 Instead反而,取而代之,用在这儿,意思更加贴切;Meanwhile的意思是同时,同时进行的动作,这里不是同时。 However然而,这儿上下

8、文没有让步关系。 Anyway不论以何种方式,不论以何种方法,无论如何,至少,但是,不顾。 考点:考查副词意义的辨析 Had the US Airways captain not guided his jet to a safe landing on the Hudson River, just west of New York, over 100 people aboard _, along with many more on the ground. A might have died B neednt have died C must die D shouldnt die 答案: A 试题

9、分析:句意:要不是那位美国航空公司机长指挥飞机安全降落在纽约州西部的哈德逊河上的话,那 么机上 100多号人连同地面更多的人也许就命丧黄泉了。上文用了与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,下文就应该是对过去的假设的推测。 might have died也许就会死了; neednt have died本来没有必要去死。 考点:考查情态动词的推测用法 Jenny, its raining outside. Shall I give you a ride Thanks. _. A Of course if you like B It couldnt be better C Mind your own busin

10、ess D Thats a deal 答案: B 试题分析:句意: 珍妮,外面正下着雨呢。我载 你一程好吗 谢谢!真是再好不过啦! It couldnt be better太好拉,再好不过啦,没有比这个更好的啦。Of course if you like当然,如果你愿意的话。 Mind your own business管好你自己的事儿 (别多管闲事儿 ),不关你的事。 Thats a deal一言为定,成交。 考点:考查日常交际用语 The Ministry of Education is _ that primary and middle school students perform o

11、ne hour of physical exercise a day. A advocating B inspecting C recommending D commanding 答案: A 试题分析:句意:教育部正在大力提倡中小学生每天进行一小时体育锻炼。advocating提倡; inspecting检查,检验,视察; recommending推荐;commanding命令,指挥。 考点:考查动词词义的辨析 The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught _ in the exam. A to cheat B cheat

12、ing C cheated D cheat 答案: B 试题分析:句意:因为汤姆被发现在考试中作弊,所以老师把他叫到办公室。catch sb. doing sth.(be caught doing). 为固定用法,意为:抓住 /逮住某人在做某事(常常指做不好的事被人抓 /逮住 )。 考点:考查非谓语动词作补语的用法 Experts warn that global warming will cause climate changes, including more _ floods, heat waves and droughts. A frequent B usual C ordinary

13、D common 答案: A 试题分析:句意:专家警告说,全球变暖将导致气候变化,包括更加频繁的洪水,热浪和干旱。其余三个选项与 “通常,普通,共同的 ”等意思有关。 考点:考查形容词词义的辨析 Cooking calls for _ patience and time but it is _ enjoyable experience. A a; the B the; an C /; an D a; / 答案: C 试题分析:句意:烹饪需要耐心和时间,但是它是一个令人愉快的体验。patience耐心,不可数名词,前面不加冠词。 experience.在此表示体验,是一个可数名词。表示经验的时候

14、,是不可数名词。 考点:考查冠词的用法 We, _ a discussion with the teacher, came to understand the problem better. A holding B held C being held D having held 答案: D 试题分析:句意:跟老师讨论之后,我们终于对这个问题有了更好的理解。非谓语动词与句子主语存在逻辑上的主动关系,故排除备选项 BC。显然 “讨论 ”与“明白 ”时间上有先后,所以要用现在分词的完成式。 考点:考查非谓语动词作原因或时间状语 A warm thought suddenly came to me _

15、 I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday. A that B when C if D which 答案: A 试题分析:句意:突然一股暖意由然而生,我可以用零用钱给父亲买些花做为生日礼物。 A warm thought是同位词, that连接的是同位语从句,对 thought的内容进行说明。 考点:考查引导同位语从句的连词 Science is more than a collection of unrelated facts; to be meaningful and valuable,

16、 _ must be arranged to show generalized character. A which B those C it D they 答案: D 试题分析:句意:科学不只是收集一些无关的事实;为使这些事实有价值和有意义,必须对它们进行处理使其具有普遍性的特征。 they指代前面的 facts。复数概念 .不可以用 it,如用的话就指科学了 ,那样意思不通。因为句中用了分号,所以此处不能构成定语从句, A不对。这里不是特指那些事实,所以 B不可以选。 考点:考查代词的用法 _ all the texts that are written, stored and sent

17、electronically, a lot of them are still ending up on paper. A For B From C Except D By 答案: A 试题分析:句意:就所有书面、储存和电传的文字信息而言,其中很多仍旧要终结在纸面上。 For意思是 “至于 , 说到 , 就 而言 ”。 From 从; Except除了;By通过,以 方式。 考点:考查介词的用法 The rescue team didnt leave until they were able to find no _ of life in the ruins after the destruc

18、tive quake. A symbol B sight C sign D signature 答案: C 试题分析:句意:破坏性地震以后,救援队直到在废墟中再也发现不了任何生命迹象后才离开。 sign迹象,信号; symbol 象征; sight视力,看见,视野,景象; signature签名,署名。 考点:考查名词意义的辨析 Li Lin ha snt turned up yet, but he promised to come to the party. He _ home. He is a man of keeping his word. A cant leave B wont be

19、leaving C could have left D must have left 答案: D 试题分析:句意: 李林还没来,但他答应过要来参加聚会的。 他肯定已经从家里出来了。他可是个信守诺言的人。从 He is a man of keeping his word中可以看出,李林肯定已经出发来参加我们的晚会,这是对已发生的事肯定的推测,故用情态动词完成式。注意 must用作推测意义时,不能用于否定式和疑问句。 cant leave肯定没有离开; wont be leaving将不愿意离开; could have left本来可以离开的。 考点:考查情态动词的推测用法 The most sa

20、tisfying life is one _ you know the things youre interested in and pursue it in your own way. A why B where C to whom D on which 答案: B 试题分析:句意:最令人满意的生活是这样一种生活:在这种生活中你可以去了解你感兴趣的事,并以自己的方式去追求它。先行词为 one指代的是 life。在某人的生活中,用 in ones life,所以用 where指在生活中。 考点:考查定语从句的关系词选择 完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项 (A、 B、

21、 C、 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 My grandparents built and lived in a small 600-square-foot cottage for most of their adult lives. They actively practiced living a 21 life. Saving and avoiding overspending was their life 22 for their whole life. 23 seeking satisfaction through material items, they cho

22、se to spend 24 time together, with family, and in nature. Over the years my grandparents noticed 25 changes in their community. Every year more farmland was 26 to build larger and larger homes. With houses prices 27 , many of their neighbors sold their little homes and lands. 28 only their small hou

23、se was still on the block, surrounded by a sea of tall buildings. Countless family members 29 my grandparents to expand their home. But they didnt want a bigger place and were 30 with what they had. In many ways, Ive modeled my life after my grandparents. Through their example I learned an important

24、 31 : It is absolutely possible to live a small and fulfilling life. My grandparents lived in a small home, but they owned a(n) 32 garden. They loved gardening deeply because it not only 33 their grocery bill, but also improved their health and gave them a(n) 34 to be outside. They said, “ 35 you li

25、ve in a small home or an apartment, you dont have to give up gardening.” My grandparents avoided lifestyle creep(攀比 ) by paying for their own home in cash and building it themselves. They also recycled and 36 everything. For instance, they drove the same car for over 15 years and didnt buy anything

26、new until their stuff was 37 worn out. My grandparents taught me that living well on 38 isnt about feeling bad for myself. 39 , its about giving yourself the time, freedom, and money to seek your dreams. You know: Becoming debt free, living in a smaller home, and others are a few ways to 40 your lif

27、e. 【小题1】 A dull B simple C single D busy A attitude B experience C principle D standard A Rather than B More than C Other than D Apart from A shopping B work C break D quality A obvious B delicate C enjoyable D flexible A improved B ruined C discovered D distributed A taking up B making up C going u

28、p D turning up A Probably B Suddenly C Instantly D Eventually A forced B encouraged C persuaded D ordered A content B angry C cautious D familiar A lesson B theory C truth D sentence A small B special C ordinary D huge A reduced B handled C checked D handled A platform B stage C excuse D solution A

29、As if B Even if C Only if D What if A sewed B created C sold D reused A thoroughly B generally C nearly D hardly A more B less C better D worse A Whats more B As a result C On the whole D On the contrary A risk B manage C limit D destroy 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 B 【小题

30、7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 D 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 B 试题分析:本文通过对祖父母简朴生活的细微的描述,作者悟出了来自祖父母的生活哲学:适时地返朴归 “简 ”吧!返朴归 “简 ”既是一种生活方式,也是一种生活态度。抛开繁杂和过多的物质束缚,用一颗知足的心去拥抱简单而充实的生活,我们将和快乐不期而遇。简单的快乐,你值得拥有! 【小题 1】 B根据上文 “lived in a small 6

31、00-square-foot cottage”中的 “small”可以推断祖父母生活的简朴 (simple)。 dull呆板的,枯燥的; single单身的,唯一的;busy忙碌的。 【小题 2】 C节俭和避免过度的花费是他们的人生信条 /原则 (principle)。上文的“Saving and avoiding overspending”从逻辑意义上说不是一种 “attitude态度 ”,也不是什么 “experience 经验,经历 ”更不是什么 “standard标准 ”。 【小题 3】 A Rather than而不是; More than不仅仅; Other than除了; Apa

32、rt from除了。把下一题和这一题联系起来考虑。我们将句子改成 “They chose to spend 24 time together, with family, and in nature 23 seeking satisfaction through material items”就比较容易选出答案:。 【小题 4】 D上下文字面意思是:他们选择了和家人在一起共度珍贵时光,享受大自然,而不是去追求物质上的满足。 quality time 珍贵时光; shopping 购物;work工作; break休息。本句译文:比起通过物质 来寻求满足,他们更愿意和家人在一起共度珍贵时光,享受大自

33、然。 【小题 5】 A 根据下文的描述 “Every year more farmland was 26 to build larger and larger homes. ”说明他们所居住的社区发生了 “obvious明显的 ”变化。 delicate微妙的; enjoyable愉快的,快乐的; flexible灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的。这些年来,我的祖父母注意到他们所在的社区发生了非常明显的变化。 【小题 6】 B根据下文的 “to build larger and larger homes”推断应该是 “毁掉农田来建造房子 ”。 improved改善; ruined毁坏; discove

34、red发现; distributed分配。每年,越来越多的农田被毁掉,用以建造越来越大的房子。 【小题 7】 C根据下文 “many of their neighbors sold their little homes and lands.”的描述说明房地产的价格在上升。 go up上升; take up拿起,继续,接受(提议),占去。 make up组成,补足,弥补,编造; turn up出现,调大 (声音 )。随 着房地产价格的节节攀升,他们的很多邻居都卖掉了自己的小房子和土地。 【小题 8】 D 由于 “很多邻居都卖掉了自己的小房子和土地 ”,所以最终的结果是 “only their s

35、mall house was still on the block, surrounded by a sea of tall buildings.(街区就只剩下祖父母家的小房子,而周围全是高楼大厦 )”Eventually终于,最后; Probably也许; Suddenly突然; Instantly立刻。 【小题 9】 B面临 “街区就只剩下祖父母家的小 房子,而周围全是高楼大厦 ”的情况所以 “很多家庭成员鼓励 (encouraged)祖父母扩建他们的房子 ”。本题的最大干扰项是 C 项 persuaded 劝服,但是从下文看,祖父母并没有被劝服。 forced 迫使;ordered命令。

36、 【小题 10】 A be content with=be satisfied/pleased with对感到满意; angry生气;cautious小心的,谨慎的; familiar熟悉的。但他们并不想要一个更大的地方,也非常满足于拥有的一切。 【小题 11】 A learn a lesson学习 一课;在很多方面,我一直效仿我祖父母的生活。从他们身上我学到了重要的一课:我们可以过一种简单而满足的生活。theory理论; truth真相; sentence句子。 【小题 12】 D与上文 “My grandparents lived in a small home”中的 “small”形成对

37、比,故用 “huge巨大的 ”。我祖父母家的房子虽小,却拥有一个巨大的花园。small小的; special特殊的; ordinary普通的。 【小题 13】 A grocery意为 “食品杂货 ”的意思。根据常识,花园里可以种植蔬菜、水果等 来供自己吃,这样就可以 “减少 (reduced)鲜蔬杂货的开销 ”。 handled 处理;checked检查,核对; added增加。他们热爱园艺,因为这不仅能减少鲜蔬杂货开销, 【小题 14】 C 根据常识 “护理花园 ”就要到室外去,而拥有自己的花园确实是 “走出户外 ”绝佳理由 /借口 (excuse)。 Platform平台; stage舞台

38、; solution解决方法。 而且还可以改善他们的健康状况,还提供了一个进行户外活动的理由。 【小题 15】 B 上下文有让步关系。 As if 似乎,好像; Even if即使; Only if只是;What if要是 又怎样,如果 将会怎么样。即使你住在一个小房子或者小公寓里,你也不必放弃园艺。 【小题 16】 D 跟上文中的 “recycled循环利用 ”相匹配的词只有 “reused重复使用 ”。sewed缝纫; created发明创造; sold销售,卖。他们还尽量重复使用和循环利用所有东西。 【小题 17】 A祖父母一生过着简朴的生活,再结合上文 “他们的车一开就是 15年多 ”

39、我们可以推断 “家里的东西在没有完全 (thoroughly)用坏之前绝不买新的 ”。generally一般地; nearly几乎; hardly几乎不。 【小题 18】 B living well on less= living a simple life。 More更多; better 更少;worse更糟糕。我的祖父母告诉我过简朴的生活不是亏待自己 /并不心疼自己。feel bad for心疼。 【小题 19】 D下文所说与上文所说正好相反 (On the contrary)“相反,它能赋予你时间、自由和金钱去追求梦想 ”。 Whats more况且; As a result结果; On

40、 the whole总的说来。 D. 【小题 20】 B下文所说都是生活中 的真谛。没有负债,住小一点的房子以及其它就是经营你生活的一些方法。 risk冒险; manage经营,管理; limit限制;destroy破坏。 考点:夹叙夹议类完形填空 阅读理解 I was watching some little kids play soccer. These kids were only five or six years old, but they were playing a real game a serious game two teams, complete with coaches

41、, uniforms, and parents. I didnt know any of them, so I was able to enjoy the game without the distractionof being anxious about winning or losing. The teams were pretty evenly matched. I will just call them Team One and Team Two. Nobody scored in the first period. Then came the second quarter. The

42、Team One coach pulled out what must have been his first team and put in the scrubs(替补队员 ), except for his best player who now guarded the goal. The game took a dramatic turn. I guess winning is important even when youre five years old because the Team Two coach left his best players in, and the Team

43、 One scrubs were no match for them. Team Two packed around the little guy who was now the Team One goalkeeper. He was an outstanding athlete, but he was no match for three or four who were also very good. Team Two began to score. The lone goalkeeper gave it everything he had, desperately throwing hi

44、s body in front of incoming balls, trying bravely to stop them. Team Two scored two goals in quick succession. It angered the young boy. He became a raging maniac shouting, running, diving. With all the strength he could gather, he covered the boy who now had the ball, but that boy kicked it to anot

45、her boy twenty feet away, and by the time he repositioned himself, it was too late they scored a third goal. I soon learned who the goalkeepers parents were. They were nice, decent-looking people. I could tell that his dad had just come from the office he still had his suit and tie on. They yelled e

46、ncouragement to their son. I became totally absorbed, watching the boy on the field and his parents on the sidelines. After the third goal, the little kid changed. He didnt quit, but he became quietly desperate and futility was written all over him. His father changed, too. He had been urging his so

47、n to try harder yelling advice and encouragement. But then he became anxious. He tried to say that it was okay to hang in there. He sorrowed for the pain his son was feeling. After the fourth goal, I knew what was going to happen. The little boy fetched the ball from the net and handed it to the ref

48、eree(裁判 ). He just stood there while huge tears rolled down both cheeks. He went to his knees, and he cried the tears of the helpless and brokenhearted. At that moment, I saw the father start onto the field. His wife seized his arm and said, “Jim, dont. Youll embarrass him.” But he tore loose from her and ran onto the field. Suit, tie, dress shoe, and all he charged onto the field, and


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