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1、跑男团联合国巅 峰演 讲2018 年 浙 江 卫 视 奔 跑 吧 第 一 期第1页共7页Ladies and gentlemen,good evening and welcomeThank you for joining us for theKeep Running Youth Forum of United Nations Sustainable Development GoalsFirst,letsmeet the host tonight,Marginta Deputy directorof the mayors office ofVienna,who alsohas a Chinese

2、 name Guo Sile(来自维也纳市长办公室郭思乐)主持人What an introduction hereGood evening,friends!各位中国朋友,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!我本人非常喜欢中国。“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”First of all,we feel very honored to have a messageLadies and gentlemen,dear friends,please give a round of applause to the Austrian ChancellorMrSebastian Kurz and his message t

3、o this evening(来自奥地利总理塞巴斯蒂安库尔茨)Sebastian Kurz Awarm welcome fromAustriaI am honored that the popular ChineseTV show,Keep Running is taking place in AustriaWe will have theopportunity to discuss the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals,what in my opinion is of great importanceI hope all of you

4、 willhave a good time in our beautiful countryI also hope our viewers inChina will have a good opportunity to experience Austria as one of theUnited Nations Headquarters and also to experience our wonderfullandscapeAustria wishes you all the best(来自联合国新闻署、维也纳办公室主任马丁内西尔)Martin Nesirky Well,hello ever

5、yoneI would like to welcome the Keep Running showand the stars to ViennaIt is really fantastic that you visited the UnitedNations here tooSo lets all take actions in our own lives to make thegoals a reality 1 号 目 标 : 无 贫 穷 2 号 目 标 : 零 饥 饿In other words,we are using atoms to better the lives of peopl

6、e alloverthe world第2页共7页 5 号 目 标 : 性 别 平 等 8 号 目 标 : 体 面 工 作 和 经 济 增 长(来自海达费蒙森登)Hedda FemundsendenWhen women and men are more equal,economies growfasterand more people are lifted out of poverty主持人He is a famous charming actor in ChinaFew of you(have)knew himalreadyAnd he is the fastest man in the te

7、amThe topic of his speech will bethe sixth of the sustainable development goals,Clean water andsanitationWelcome MrZheng Kai 6 号 目 标 : 清 洁 饮 水 和 卫 生 设 施郑恺Ladies and gentlemen,good eveningHere is a question foryouWhat wouldyou do with half bottle of waterleft?OptionA:Throw it awayOption B:Keep it and

8、 drink laterWhats your choice?B?Thats niceIt seems like all of you here today iswaterresource activistsIm really happy to see thatWell done(掌声)Many people are not aware of this situation of watershortageForexample,lets have a look at this pictureAccording to the surveys,the total amount ofbottled wa

9、ter wasted in one day globally can supply a million children forthree days,maybe even longerSo clean waterand sanitation is the sixth goalon the 2030 sustainable development agenda(掌声)China has a popularsaying,“绿水青山就是金山银山。”(掌声)It means thatwaterand land are ourheritage and ultimate wealthSo I believ

10、e we can all make a difference in this world starting with saving halfbottle of waterThank you very much主持人Anotherbig thank you to MrZheng Kai 11 号 目 标 : 可 持 续 城 市 和 社 区 14 号 目 标 : 水 下 生 物(来自瓦莎波波娃)Vassia PopovaSo CTBTO uses a science to prevent people from doing awfulthings with science第3页共7页主持人Plea

11、se welcome MrLi Chen and MrChen He 7 号 目 标 : 经 济 实 用 的 清 洁 能 源 13 号 目 标 : 气 候 行 动李晨Hello everyone,good eveningIm Li Chen陈赫Im Chen HeGood evening(掌声)李晨Before we began our speech today,we would like you to first watch thisvideo(视频)This is Baffin Island CanadaApolarbearis walking to usHeslooking for fo

12、od,but there is nothing for him except a dry boneThe polarbearis helplessHe has no choice but to wait fordeathWe stood there cryingfilming with tears rolling down ourface(掌声)陈赫Climate change caused by human activities threatens all beings on earth andfuture of our planetThe clock is ticking!The sust

13、ainable development goalnumber 13 ClimateAction calls on everyone of us to take urgent action(againstclimate change and its impactsIf we continue to leave it unrestrained,climatechange will eventually threaten our own living conditions,including our foodand watersuppliesSuch may even lead to conflic

14、ts overresources one day)(掌声)李晨Now,we have learned about the situation faced by polarbearsLet us have alook at a Chinese panda(图片)Can anyone guess what this is?观众Panda李晨No陈赫Yes李晨Nonono,its(not)a really panda陈赫This is in fact a solarpowerstation in Datong Shanxi,designed in the image ofa pandaTonight

15、,we are pleased to have the motherof this panda design hereat ourforumPlease welcome from Hong Kong MissAda Li(掌声)(来自“熊猫光伏电站”创意者李恩童)李恩童Thank youHi,everyoneIm really excited to be hereOne day,an idea litup in my mindWhy not bring the cute panda,a symbol of China and amessagerof peace,togetherwith sol

16、ar panels to create a solarpowerstation?Reducing air pollution through the use of clean energy is one effective way ofresponding to climate change(掌声)陈赫Thank you,AdaThank you(掌声)Small steps can make a big differenceif we all can action together晨&赫Wecan change the world李晨Thank you everybodyEnjoy toni

17、ght第4页共7页主持人Lets welcome togetherMrDeng Chao and MadameAngelababy(掌声) 3 号 目 标 : 良 好 健 康 与 福 祉 4 号 目 标 : 优 质 教 育邓超Good evening,everyoneAngelababy Good evening邓超My name is Deng ChaoAngelababy My name isAngelababy(掌声)邓超Whats this?(手举趾压板)Do you know?观众趾压板。邓超ZhiYaBan?Oh,my GodYourEnglish is goodOh,my God

18、Angelababy This is called acupressure mat,which is often seen out in ourTVshow邓超YesAngelababy It can message the feetIt can increase the blood circulation of bodyWehave played a lot of games on this mat邓超Who wants to play?Angelababy Raise hands!邓超HereAngelababy Do you see this handsome(man)?邓超YouPle

19、ase come on(掌声,Christoph上台,两人握手)Nice to meetyouWhats yourname?Christoph Christoph邓超YesTake off your shoesStand hereDo you like sports?(Christoph站在趾压板上)JumpChristoph OK邓超Areyou ready?Christoph How much?邓超How much?Maybeuumforever(掌声)Cool!Are you ready?Christoph Ready邓超Go!One,two,three,four,five,six,se

20、ven,nine,ten,elevenTwenty,twenty-one,twenty-two(Christoph停下)Hurt?Christoph Alittle bitAngelababy Yourevery,very strong邓超Thank you,thank youThank you so muchPleaseAngelababy We all know that sport is the best way to stay healthyUnder the DohaDeclaration UNODC has launched A global Youth Crime Prevent

21、ioninitiative,This program uses sport to help young people develop life skillsimprove social skills and stay away from violence crime and drugs whilehaving fun(掌声)第5页共7页邓超Yes,I agreeWe play sports on ourshowWe show people sport is good,like high jumping,basketball,football and jump ropeWe have jumpe

22、dthe rope with many peopleGuess how many?What?Ten?No,more观众Fifty邓超More观众Twenty-two观众Seven hundred观众FourhundredAngelababy Thats too muchOkay,Seventy-three people in one time(掌声)邓超Amazing!Unbelievable!Angelababy As a mother,I really hope that my child and every child in the world willgrow up happy and

23、 healthyBut unfortunately,each year,more than sixmillion children die before five years oldTherefore,health is extremelyimportant(掌声)邓超As a father,I believe every child can have educationBut many,manychildren are out of schoolPlease,please,please help themAngelababy Children areourfutureSo please he

24、lp them两人合Thank you 10 号 目 标 : 减 少 不 平 等 16 号 目 标 : 和 平 、 正 义 与 强 大 机 构(来自玛格丽特阿库洛)MargaretAkulloThe society will be judged by how it treats itspeopleEveryone should live in a place wherethere is peace 12 号 目 标 : 负 责 任 消 费 和 生 产 15 号 目 标 : 陆 地 生 物Thanks to space,we better understand our earth and our

25、activities,and this help us achieve the sustainable developing goals andmake ourplanet and ourfutureeven better主持人Lets give them a hand and a warm applause(to)MrLu Han and第6页共7页MrWang Zulan 9 号 目 标 : 产 业 、 创 新 和 基 础 设 施 17 号 目 标 : 促 进 目 标 实 现 的 伙 伴 关 系王祖蓝Good evening,everyoneIm Zulan鹿晗Good evening,e

26、veryoneIm Lu Han王祖蓝Thank you,thank you,thank youBefore we began ourspeech,I would liketo make a bet with youI bet one hundred RMB Chinese money that everyonehere thinks I am morehandsome than him鹿晗What?王祖蓝OK?鹿晗This is no way,OK?Okay,lets do it王祖蓝OKNow,please raise your handIf you think I am more han

27、dsome thanhim,please raise your handRaise your hand,raise your hand,raise yourhand鹿晗NononoNo!What?No!王祖蓝Thank youI love you allOKNow its yourturn鹿晗Yeah,its my turn,please王祖蓝Please,raise your handIf he is more handsome than me,now raise yourhandOhyeah,yeah,yeah!I winI winOKCan you transferyourmoneyto

28、 me?鹿晗No王祖蓝Please鹿晗Just kidding,OK?王祖蓝OKWeboth got a wallet in ourphonesSo,done?鹿晗Yeah,done王祖蓝Lu Han,one hundred RMBThank you鹿晗No thank youYoure welcomeWhat you just saw is mobile paymentIt hasrecently become quite popular in ChinaMobile payment can make our livesso much easierIn fact,I have not car

29、ried cash with me fora long time王祖蓝Well,me tooIn fact,most Chinese people are like that nowMost Chinesepeople know that the compass,gunpowder,papermaking and printing are thefour great inventions of ancient China that steered our historyThe countryhas stepped into a new era,Another four great new in

30、ventions are improvingthe quality of life鹿晗Id also like to share with you guys my own experience with the high-speedrailActually,I am really,really,really afraid of travelling by airBut oftenI have to give an interview in Beijing in the morning and fly to Hangzhou forfilming in the same eveningThe t

31、wo cities are twelve hundred kilometersaway from each otherThis is the same distance as between Vienna andParisBut thanks to the high-speed rail,there is now a betteroption forme totravel long distance第7页共7页王祖蓝YeahIts so trueHe is really,really,really afraid of aeroplanes鹿晗Yeah,reallyI believe that

32、through cooperation with other countries,the newinventions of modern China will also benefit the worldFinally,let us tell youabout the global goal seventeen王祖蓝In 2015,world leaders adopted the 2030 sustainable development agenda thataims to end poverty,reduce inequalities,and combat climate changeWe

33、 mustcome togetherGovernment,civil society,scientists,academia and privatesectormust unite to achieve these global goals hand in hand(掌声)鹿晗The world is a big familyAnd we are all in this big family,just like the sloganwe often say in the show,“Wearefamily”(掌声)王祖蓝At the end of the Youth forum today,we would like to call oneveryoneBecause we still have a long way to go,before we achieve theseseventeen sustainable development goalsSo please take action(掌声)跑男团One,two,threeKeep running!Thank you!


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