第三章 能级跃迁 光与原子共振相互作用,一、二能级近似,二、相干迭加与统计混合,三、微扰 含时Schrodinger方程,The weak-field limit:,The strong-field limit: Rabi oscillation,Rabi frequency:,四、Damping,T1: longitudinal relaxation, population decay(life time of upper level) T2: transverse relaxation, dephasing,Decoherence,五、Experimental observation of Rabi oscillation,1. Self-induced transparency,2. Fluorescence emits from Rb atom in magent,3. Mollow triplet (Sodium D2 line),作业: 入射光为Z偏振,计算氢原子1s 2p 跃迁时的系数B12。 强激光入射到氢原子气体,激光频率被调节到氢原子1s 2p 共振频率(137 nm):1). 光强是10kWm-2, Z偏振,计算Rabi频率和周期;2). 如果2p能级寿命为1.6 ns, 计算Rabi周期等于能级寿命所 需光强。,