Student Discipline GuideFaculty Edition.ppt

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1、Student Discipline Guide Faculty Edition,Published by: Betsy Regalado Vice President, Student Services 310.287.4333,rev. 8.3.11,2,Student Discipline Process,The student discipline process ensures that violations of the student code of conduct are addressed in a timely manner. It pre

2、scribes progressively severe type of disciplines while providing due process for the student.,3,Types of Disciplines,Warning Reprimand Restitution Disciplinary Probation Removal by Instructor Immediate Suspension Suspension from the college, or,4,Types of Discipline, continued,Suspension from a clas

3、s, program, activity, service or location on campus Suspension subject to Reconsideration Suspension of Financial Aid Expulsion,5,What happens when a student violates the student code of conduct?,Depending on the severity of the incident, any or all of the following may occur:Faculty resolve it Facu

4、lty refers student to the college disciplinarian Sheriffs intervene,6,What can Faculty do to assist with discipline matters?,Warn the student to discontinue the behavior. Reprimand the student. Suspend the student for the class in session. Suspend the student for the class in session and the next cl

5、ass session.,7,What if the behavior warrants discipline beyond suspension for the two class sessions?,If the student is a threat to the instructor or to the students in the class, contact the Sheriffs immediately. Discipline beyond suspension from two class sessions can only be imposed by the admini

6、strator who handles discipline for the college.,8,Suspension beyond 2 class sessions,If the instructor thinks the suspension should be more than two class sessions, a written report of the action should be sent to the department chair and to the administrator that oversees the discipline. If it is a

7、greed that further suspension is warranted, the recommendation is forwarded to the administrator handling discipline.,9,Who handles discipline for the college?,Dr. Shalamon DukeDean of Support Servicesext. 4423dukesawlac.eduORBetsy A. RegaladoVice President of Student Servicesext. 4333regalabawlac.e

8、du,10,What does the disciplinarian do?,He/she investigates the allegation: talks with the faculty, student, and any witnesses. If Sheriffs have been involved, he/she speaks with the Sheriffs and reviews the incident report, if one was completed. Upon request from an instructor, he/she will visit a c

9、lass where a potential disruption is anticipated.,11,What does the disciplinarian do? Continued,The disciplinarian provides the student with documentation regarding the violations and the level of discipline applied. Suspensions over ten days allow for students to request a hearing before a hearing

10、panel. Due process provides for students to be heard and the issue to be resolved in a timely manner.,12,Sheriffs Intervention,If the behavior is a threat to the instructor, the students, or the violator, contact the Sheriffs immediately. If the Sheriffs are the first contact, they will: Take the st

11、udent to the disciplinarian, or Give the student the disciplinarians business card and direct them to call before returning to campus. Complete a Campus Incident Report.,13,Where can I find information about student discipline?,Student discipline procedures and the student code of conduct can be fou

12、nd in:The schedule of classes The college catalog The student handbook The Office of Student Services,14,Disciplinary Hearing,Disciplinary Hearings are required for Suspensions for more than 10 days or for Expulsions Hearings are conducted by the Disciplinary Hearing Committee. The committee is comp

13、rised of one administrator, one faculty member and one student.,15,Disciplinary Hearing Procedures,The hearing shall be closed and confidential All witnesses shall be excluded except when testifying A campus deputy may be asked to be present during the hearing. The Hearing Officer shall be the Chief

14、 Student Services officer or designee, or the Presidents designee. The Hearing officer may conduct the hearing in any manner deemed appropriate, provided that the accused is offered due process and given the opportunity to confront the witnesses testifying against him or her, and to offer the statem

15、ents of any supporting witnesses.,16,Disciplinary Hearing Procedures Continued,Both the Hearing Officer and the student shall be entitled to call witnesses and to question witnesses presented by the other party. A member of the committee may ask questions at any time. Either side may recall a witnes

16、s, who again may be questioned by both parties and the committee. If the accused is a minor, he or she shall be entitled to be accompanied by his or her parent or guardian.,17,Disciplinary Hearing Procedures Continued,If the student leaves the hearing before its conclusion, the hearing shall be term

17、inated. The findings of fact shall recite what factual evidence, in the opinion of the committee, supported or failed to support each charge. The findings shall further show which if any, of the charges the committee believes were substantiated. The recommendation for action will be specific.,18,Closing Comment,Regardless of whether or not the student chooses a hearing, the student has the right to appeal the final outcome to the college President.,19,Need more information?,Visit the Office of Student Services in Bldg. A13 Review Article XI Student Discipline Procedures, LACCD Board Rules,


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