Sustainability of PBS Implementation- State-wide Planning in .ppt

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1、Sustainability of PBS Implementation: State-wide Planning in Kansas,March 27, 2008Rachel Freeman University of Kansas,Defining Sustainability,How do you know it when you have it?,Stages of Change for PBS Projects,Initial Implementation Focus on development of systems Identify and cultivate trainers

2、Create conditions for success Establish evaluation systemsExpansion Reorganize curriculum & training systems Recruit and train larger numbers of professionals Redesign evaluation measures to assess expansion,Stages of Change for PBS Projects,Sustainability Evaluation systems identify areas of need F

3、idelity of implementation becomes major focus Focus is on continual renewal of trainers within the system Continuous improvement of training system Embedded funding and policy work at state, regional, and local levels,How Do We Know? Becoming Aware of Implementation Stages,Questions that are being a

4、sked change at different stages: Initial: implement training Expansion: expand across state Sustainability: build into preservice training Level of energy that you place in evaluation change Initial: Learn how to use the leadership team checklist for “getting started” Expansion: add indicators for t

5、ertiary systems to the checklist and trainer expansion issues may be added Sustainability: add preservice indicators to checklist and evaluate link between inservice and preservice Efforts to embed funding mechanisms assist in sustainability,State-wide Interagency Planning: Dynamic Systems & Moving

6、Targets,Multiple PBS projects within state & across different human service systems Sustainability will be achieved in some places within the state while other programs are in transition Dynamic nature of state systems require us to expect change Directors change Some funding sources end, others beg

7、in Statewide planning processes require us to continually adjust,Kansas State-wide Positive Behavior Support Planning,PBS Kansas Interagency Focus Support Across the Lifespan,Education SW-PBS,Early Childhood Mental Health & Early Childhood Education,Education Funded SWPBS (8 Districts),Collaboration

8、 with SRS KIPBS Tertiary of Trainers Program,Mental Health,Kansas Institute for PBS (KIPBS) Tertiary Training Program,Community Support Services (Developmental Disabilities),Multiple Medicaid Waivers,Children Family Services,Embed Philosophy & Tools Across State Services,Tertiary Trainers of Trainer

9、s (KIPBS),Social and Rehabilitation Services,What Key Features Must Be Present for Sustainability?,Leadership Team,Funding,Visibility,Political Support,Training,Coaching,Evaluation,Active Coordination,Local School Teams/Demonstrations,PBS Systems Implementation Logic,Key Features: Fidelity of Implem

10、entation & Data-based Decision Making,Fidelity of implementation monitoring of large scale expansion data is a state investment Universal Secondary Tertiary Maximize use of limited funds by utilizing interagency training systems State level data-based decision making systems are established SWPBS Ac

11、ross human service programs,Key Features: Meeting Structures, Reinforcers, & Flexibility,Dedicated communication systems Interagency data based decision making regularly occurs Mechanisms for reporting & celebrating Educational awareness opportunities embedded within state systems Functional reinfor

12、cer systems for state professionals Politicians are in the news visiting local schools and organizations implementing PBS Families are rallying around state professionals celebrating data gathered in an organization or region Evaluation systems are used to adjust to constantly changing training need

13、s Sensitivity to other new initiatives and how they will impact PBS efforts,Sustainability Issues,Layers of training systems for different levels of capacity building Expert trainer level both Inservice and preservice District/organizational team level School/small group Team levelTarget population

14、of trainings vary Teams - Family Members Coaches - Community Coordinators - Legislators Preservice - Administrators State Professionals - And many others.,What Shifts Are Needed to Move Towards Sustainability,“This is What We Have Always Done”,Eight Elements of Sustainability (Fullan, 2005),Public s

15、ervice with a moral purpose Commitment to changing context at all levels Capacity building by networking Build relationships vertically “Deep Learning” through data-based decision making for tough problems Dual commitment to short and long term goals “Cyclical Energizing” (Sustainability is not a li

16、near process!) Leaders at all levels,PBS is Reflected in State Policy, Language, Culture,Preservice certification systems Teacher preparation Social work Psychology Counseling Etc. Language and use of PBS is part of every day conversation PBS is no longer just the “public broadcasting system” Google

17、 searches for the acronym pulls up positive behavior support sites Policy (state, region, local levels) Medicaid & other funding streams dedicated to PBS,Identifying Stakeholders Needed to Increase Sustainability & Assessing Functional Reinforcers,Expanding Stakeholders,Consider what reinforcers occ

18、asion behavior amongst interagency leaders What outcome data are these individuals looking for Substance prevention Behavioral health How do these outcomes correlate with PBS efforts? Connect resources to target regions in need of capacity building Use data across programs to identify areas that nee

19、d more intensive community intervention,Comparing those Seeking PBS Training Across Kansas With Other Initiatives,Creating Sustainability When Americans Are Looking for the Next “Big Thing”,Data, Systems, Practices: The key to Sustainability,Funding streams flow, dry up, and change Federal, state, and local pressures vary Reinforcers for state professionals will also change over time ABA, PBS, and other terms come and gobut underlying values and core principles remain the same Focus on strong data-based decision making to facilitate Consensus driven processes Systematic training systems,


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