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1、 Part 1: Rules for Classification of Marine Vessels and Structures RULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION 2017 PART 1 American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 2016 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved. ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive H

2、ouston, TX 77060 USA Rule Change Notice (201 7 ) Rule Change Notice (2017) The effective date of each technical change since 1993 is shown in parentheses at the end of the subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are shown, the years in parentheses

3、 refer to the following effective dates: (2000) and after 1 January 2000 (and subsequent years) (1996) 9 May 1996 (1999) 12 May 1999 (1995) 15 May 1995 (1998) 13 May 1998 (1994) 9 May 1994 (1997) 19 May 1997 (1993) 11 May 1993 Listing by Effective Dates of Changes from the 2016 Rules Notice No. 1 (e

4、ffective on 1 July 2016) to the 2016 Rules, which is incorporated in the 2017 Rules, is summarized below. EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2016 shown as (1 July 2016) Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks 1-1-A3/5.5 Product Quality Assurance Certification (PQA) Tier 4 (IACS UR Z26 Alternative Certificati

5、on Scheme) To incorporate IACS UR Z26, which replaces UR M5 unavailability of repair facilities; unavailability of essential materials, equipment or spare parts; or delays incurred by action taken to avoid severe weather conditions), consideration may be given for an extension of the Special Periodi

6、cal Survey not exceeding three (3) months, provided the vessel is attended and the attending Surveyor(s) so recommend(s) after the following has been carried out: Annual Survey; and Re-examination of recommendations; and Progression of the Special Periodical Survey as far as practicable; and In the

7、case where drydocking is due prior to the end of the class extension, an underwater examination is to be carried out by an approved diving company. An underwater examination by an approved company may be dispensed with in the case of extension of Drydocking Survey not exceeding 36 months interval pr

8、ovided the vessel is without outstanding recommendation regarding underwater parts. ABSRULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION .2017 9 Part 1 Rules for Conditions of Classification Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 2 Suspension and Cancellation of Classification 1-1-2 (1 July 2

9、005) If the vessel is at sea on the Special Periodical Survey due date, consideration may be given for an extension of the Special Periodical Survey provided there is documented agreement to an extension prior to the due date, positive arrangements have been made for a Surveyor to attend the vessel

10、at the first port of call, and ABS is satisfied there is technical justification for an extension. Such an extension shall be granted only until arrival at the first port of call after the due date. However, if owing to “exceptional circumstances” the Special Periodical Survey cannot be completed at

11、 the first port of call, the Rule above for an extension of the Special Periodical Survey may be followed, but the total period of extension shall in no case be longer than three (3) months after the original due date of the Special Periodical Survey. 7.11 (1 July 2005) When a vessel is intended for

12、 a demolition voyage with any periodical survey overdue, the vessels class suspension may be held in abeyance, and consideration may be given to allow the vessel to proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the lay-up or final discharge port to the demolition yard. In such cases, a short term C

13、lass Certificate with conditions for the voyage noted may be issued provided the attending Surveyor finds the vessel in satisfactory condition to proceed for the intended voyage. 7.13 (1 July 2005) If due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Owners or ABSs control (limited to such cases as damage

14、to the vessel; unforeseen inability of ABS to attend the vessel due to the governmental restrictions on right of access or movement of personnel; unforeseeable delays in port or inability to discharge cargo due to unusually lengthy periods of severe weather, strikes, civil strife, acts of war, or ot

15、her cases of force majeure), the ship is not in a port where the overdue surveys can be completed at the expiry of the periods allowed above, ABS may allow the vessel to sail, in class, directly to an agreed discharge port and, if necessary, hence, in ballast, to an agreed port at which the survey w

16、ill be completed, provided that ABS: i) Examines the vessels records; and ii) Carries out the due and/or overdue surveys and examination of recommendations at the first port of call when there is an unforeseen inability of ABS to attend the vessel in the present port, and iii) Has satisfied itself t

17、hat the vessel is in a condition to sail for one trip to a discharge port and subsequent ballast voyage to a repair facility if necessary. (Where there is unforeseen inability of ABS to attend the vessel in the present port, the master is to confirm that his ship is in condition to sail to the neare

18、st port of call.) If class has already been automatically suspended in such cases, it may be reinstated subject to the conditions presented in this Paragraph. 7.15 (1 February 2013) When a vessel is intended for a single voyage from laid-up position to repair yard with any periodical survey overdue,

19、 the vessels class suspension may be held in abeyance and consideration may be given to allow the vessel to proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the site of lay up to the repair yard, upon agreement with the Flag Administration, provided ABS finds the vessel in satisfactory condition after

20、 surveys, the extent of which are to be based on surveys overdue and duration of lay-up. A short term Class Certificate with conditions for the intended voyage may be issued. This is not applicable to vessels whose class was already suspended prior to being laid-up. 9 Lifting of Suspension 9.1 (1 Ju

21、ly 2005) Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue surveys upon satisfactory completion of the overdue surveys. Such surveys will be credited as of the original due date. However, the vessel is removed from class from the date of suspension until the date class is reinstated. 10 ABSRULES

22、 FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION .2017 Part 1 Rules for Conditions of Classification Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 2 Suspension and Cancellation of Classification 1-1-2 9.3 (1 July 2005) Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue recommendations upon satisfacto

23、ry completion of the overdue recommendations. However, the vessel is removed from class from the date of suspension until the date class is reinstated. 9.5 Class will be reinstated after suspension for overdue Continuous Survey items upon satisfactory completion of the overdue items. 11 Cancellation

24、 of Class 11.1 If the circumstances leading to suspension of class are not corrected within the time specified, the vessels class will be canceled. 11.3 A vessels class is canceled immediately when a vessel proceeds to sea without having completed recommendations which were required to be dealt with

25、 before leaving port. 11.5 When class has been suspended for a period of three (3) months due to overdue Annual, Intermediate, Special Periodical or other surveys required for maintenance of class; overdue Continuous Survey items; or overdue outstanding recommendations, class will be canceled. A lon

26、ger suspension period may be granted for vessels which are either laid up, awaiting disposition of a casualty, or under attendance for reinstatement. 11.7 (1 August 2016) Any attempt by the Client to subcontract, assign, delegate, sublet, or transfer the Classification agreement without prior writte

27、n notice to ABS shall, at ABS option, render the Classification agreement null and void. ABS may deem the Classification of any vessel cancelled upon the vessels sale or transfer without prior written notice to ABS. 11.9 (1 August 2016) For vessels sold or transferred during layup, the new Owners ar

28、e to advise ABS in writing within 90 days, irrespective of any written notification provided by previous Owners as noted in 1-1-2/11.7, of their request for continued maintenance of the vessels Classification under the new Ownership. Failure to submit the request to continue Classification will resu

29、lt in Class cancellation. 13 Alternative Procedures for Certain Types of Vessels (1 July 2006) Alternatives to 1-1-2/7.9 procedures for automatic suspension of class and 1-1-2/11.5 procedures for cancellation of class may be applied to military vessels, commercial vessels owned or chartered by gover

30、nments which are utilized in support of military operations or service, laid-up vessels, or fishing vessels. ABSRULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION .2017 11 PART Section 3: Classification Symbols and Notations 1 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification SECTION 3 Classification Symbols and

31、 Notations Note: A listing of Classification Symbols and Notations available to the Owners of vessels may be viewed and downloaded from the ABS website “http:/www.eagle.org”. This Section introduces the fundamental classification symbols and notations. Additional and/or optional classification symbo

32、ls and notations are described in the Rules and Guides governing the specific vessel or service. 1 Unrestricted Service (1 August 2011) Vessels which have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to the applicable requirements of the Rules, Guide, or to their equivalent, where approved by

33、 the Committee for unrestricted service at the assigned freeboards, may be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols A1 indicating compliance with the hull requirements of the Rules and for self-propelled vessels AMS indicating compliance with the machinery requirements of the Rules. 3

34、Special Rules Vessels which have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to the requirements as contained in the Rules for special types of vessels and which are approved by the Committee for unrestricted ocean service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the

35、Record by the symbols A1 followed by the appropriate notation, such as Oil Carrier, Ore Carrier, Bulk Carrier, Ore or Oil Carrier, Oil or Bulk/Ore (OBO) Carrier, Liquefied Gas Carrier, Chemical Carrier, Passenger Vessel, Vehicle Carrier, Container Carrier, Towing Vessel, Refrigerated Cargo Carrier.

36、(See the “List of ABS Notations and Symbols” on the ABS website “www.eagle.org” for more information on the notations.) 5 Special Purpose Vessels Vessels of special design, intended primarily for ferry service, for dredging, for fishing, etc., which have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Sur

37、veyors to arrangements and scantlings approved for the particular purpose, where approved by the Committee for a particular service at the assigned freeboards, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols A1 followed by a notation of the trade for which special modifications to the

38、 Rules have been approved. 7 Geographical Limitations Vessels which have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to special modified requirements for a limited service, where approved by the Committee for that particular service, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the sym

39、bols and notations as described in 1-1-3/1, 1-1-3/3, and 1-1-3/5, but the symbols and notations will either be followed by or have included in them the appropriate geographical service limitation (e.g., Gulf of Mexico). 12 ABSRULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION .2017 Part 1 Rules for Conditions o

40、f Classification Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 3 Classification Symbols and Notations 1-1-3 9 Vessels Not Built Under Survey Vessels which have not been built under ABS survey, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey

41、. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols and special notations as described in 1-1-3/1 to 1-1-3/7, but the symbol signifying survey during construction will be omitted. 11 Equipment Symbol The symbol plac

42、ed after the symbols of classification, thus: A1 , will signify that the equipment of anchors and chain cables of the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of the Rules or with requirements corresponding to the service limitation noted in the vessels classification, which have been specially

43、 approved for the particular service. 13 AMS Notation (29 November 2007) Machinery, and boilers if installed, which have been constructed and installed to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to the full requirements of the Rules, when found satisfactory after trial and approved by the Committee, w

44、ill be classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation AMS. This notation is mandatory for classification of self-propelled commercial vessels built under ABS survey, classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbol A1. 15 AMS Notation (1 February 2011) Machinery, and boilers if install

45、ed on self-propelled vessels, which have not been constructed and installed under ABS survey, but which are submitted for classification, will be subjected to a special classification survey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in

46、 the Record by the notation AMS. The symbol signifying survey during construction will be omitted. 17 Centralized or Automatic Control Systems Where, in addition to the individual unit controls, it is proposed to provide remote, centralized, or automatic control systems for propulsion units, essenti

47、al auxiliaries, or for cargo handling, relevant data is to be submitted to permit the assessment of the effect of such systems on the safety of the vessel. All controls necessary for the safe operation of the vessel are to be proved to the Surveyors satisfaction. The automatic and remote-control sys

48、tems are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the relevant Rules or Guide. 19 Dynamic Loading Approach Vessels which have been built to plans reviewed in accordance with an acceptable procedure and criteria for calculating and evaluating the behavior of hull structures under dynam

49、ic loading conditions, in addition to full compliance with other requirements of the Rules, will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation SH-DLA placed after the appropriate hull classification notation. See also 3-1-2/5.3 of the Steel Vessel Rules. The application of the dynamic loading approach is optional. 21 Spectral Fatigue Analysis (2003) Where a spectral fatigue analysis is performed satisfactorily in accordance with an acceptable procedure and criteria, and the vessel is built in accordance with plans approved on the b


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