1、 ABSRULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION HIGH-SPEED CRAFT .2013 1 RULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION HIGH-SPEED CRAFT 2013 NOTICE NO. 1 February 2013 The following Rule Changes to Part 1 were approved by the ABS Classification Committee on 24 January 2013 with the implementation date; EFFECTIV
2、E AS OF 1 FEBRUARY 2013. (See http:/www.eagle.org for the consolidated version of the 2012 Rules for Conditions of Classification High-Speed Craft, with all Notices and Corrigenda incorporated.) Notes - The date in the parentheses means the date that the Rule becomes effective for new construction b
3、ased on the contract date for construction, unless otherwise noted. (See 1-1-4/3.3.) PART 1 RULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION SECTION 2 SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CLASSIFICATION 7 Suspension of Class (Add new Paragraph 1-1-2/7.15, as follows:
4、) 7.15 (1 February 2013) When a craft is intended for a single voyage from laid-up position to repair yard with any periodical survey overdue, the crafts class suspension may be held in abeyance and consideration may be given to allow the craft to proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the s
5、ite of lay up to the repair yard, upon agreement with the Flag Administration, provided ABS finds the craft in satisfactory condition after surveys, the extent of which are to be based on surveys overdue and duration of lay-up. A short term Class Certificate with conditions for the intended voyage may be issued. This is not applicable to craft whose class was already suspended prior to being laid-up.