AGMA 2008-D11-2011 Assembling Bevel Gears《组装锥齿轮》.pdf

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1、ANSI/AGMA 2008-D11Revision of ANSI/AGMA 2008-C01American National StandardAssembling Bevel GearsANSI/AGMA2008-D11iiAssembling Bevel GearsANSI/AGMA 2008-D11Revision of ANSI/AGMA 2008-C01ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverificationbyANSIthattherequire-ments for due process, consensus, and

2、other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-n

3、imity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, frommanufacturin

4、g, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, noperson shall have the right or a

5、uthority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant impro

6、vement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-supportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Citationsshouldread: SeeANSI/AGM

7、A 2008-D11, Assembling Bevel Gears, published by the American GearManufacturersAssociation,1001N.FairfaxStreet,5thFloor,Alexandria,Virginia 22314,http:/ August 29, 2011ABSTRACTThis Standard was prepared for the assembly man in the factory and for the service man in the field. Ea

8、chdefinition, explanation, and instruction is directed toward the physical appearance of the gears as they areinspectedandassembledbythesepersonnel. Thedefinitionsaresimple. Theexplanationsarethorough. AnAnnex provides detailed instructions on performing contact pattern checks.Published byAmerican G

9、ear Manufacturers Association1001 N. Fairfax Street, 5thFloor, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2011 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permis

10、sion of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 978-1-55589-998-1AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 2008-D11AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2011 - All rights reservedContentsPageForeword vi.1 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definitions 13.1 Back angle 2.3.2 Backlash 3

11、.3.3 Backlash, normal 33.4 Backlash, transverse 3.3.5 Bevel gear testing machine 3.3.6 Concave side of the tooth 3.3.7 Convex side of the tooth 33.8 Crossing point 3.3.9 Diametral pitch 33.10 Face hobbing 3.3.11 Face milling 4.3.12 Flank of the tooth 43.13 Heel 4.3.14 Hypoid offset 43.15 Miter gears

12、 4.3.16 Module, transverse 43.17 Mounting distance 4.3.18 Pinion 43.19 Pitch diameter 4.3.20 Pressure angle, normal 4.3.21 Profile 53.22 Shaft angle 5.3.23 Spiral angle 5.3.24 Toe 53.25 Tooth contact pattern 5.3.26 Top of the tooth 53.27 Top land of the tooth 5.3.28 Wheel 53.29 Whole depth 53.30 Wor

13、king depth 5.4 Application of bevel gear types 54.1 Straight bevels 64.2 Spiral bevels 64.3 Zerol bevels 64.4 Hypoids 65 General considerations for proper assembly 7.5.1 Tooth contact pattern 7.5.2 Axial position adjustment 7.5.3 Significance of backlash 76 Examination of parts 9.6.1 Mounting distan

14、ce 9.6.2 Backlash 9.6.3 Matched teeth 9.6.4 Set number 10.6.5 Part number 10ANSI/AGMA 2008-D11 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv AGMA 2011 - All rights reserved6.6 Other markings 106.7 Damage 107 Positioning bevel gears 10.7.1 Positioning the pinion 107.2 Positioning the wheel 10.7.3 Positioning the pini

15、on by setup gage 10.7.4 Positioning the pinion by measurements 137.4.1 90 degree measurement 137.4.2 Angular assembly 147.5 Positioning the pinion by flush surfaces of the back angle 16.8 Backlash check 18.8.1 Backlash correction 188.1.1 Adjusting backlash when at mounting distance Adjustin

16、g backlash when gears are flush ground 19.8.2 Amount of axial movement for a limited backlash change 19.8.3 Endplay 198.4 Contact pattern movement 209 Tooth contact patterns 209.1 Tooth contact pattern at light load 209.2 Full load pattern 21.9.3 High or low contact pattern corrections High

17、 pinion/low wheel tooth contact (both sides) Low pinion/high wheel tooth contact (both sides) Lame pattern 229.4 Cross contact pattern 229.5 Toe tooth contact pattern 22.9.6 Heel tooth contact pattern 22.10 Suggested assembly check list 3110.1 Housing 3110.2 Pinion and wheel 3110.3

18、 Assembly 31.AnnexesA Recommended backlash tolerances using diametral pitch and AGMA 390.03a quality grades 32B Contact pattern testing of bevel gears 33Figures1 Bevel gear nomenclature 2.2 Bevel gear mounting distances 33 Bevel gear tooth nomenclature 44 Pitch plane of gear 5.5 Straight bevel 6.6 S

19、piral bevel 6.7 Zerol bevel 6.8 Hypoid 7.9 Measurement of normal backlash 810 Typical gear marking 9.11 Hypoid pinion mounting gage 1112 Pinion setup gage for angular bevel gears 11.ANSI/AGMA 2008-D11AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2011 - All rights reserved13 Photograph of pinion setup gage 12.14

20、Mounted bevel gears 12.15 Gears shown in 14 12.16 Shimming procedure for bevel pinion with 90 degree shaft angle 13.17 Typical gear box 14.18 Housing-vertical mounting distance 1419 Vertical sub-assembly 15.20 Housing-horizontal mounting distance 1521 Horizontal sub-assembly 16.22 Shimming procedure

21、 for bevel pinion with other than 90 shaft angle 16.23 Angular bevel gear box housing mounting distance measurements and calculations 1724 Positioning of bevel gears with flush surfaces 1725 Bevel gear backlash, normal and transverse 1826 Axial movement per 25 mm (0.001 in) change in backlash for 90

22、 shaft angle 2027 Typical contact patterns at correct mounting positions 2128 High tooth contact on pinion - low tooth contact on wheel (pinion axial position error) 23.29 High tooth contact on wheel - low tooth contact on pinion (pinion axial position error) 24.30 Lame tooth contact (improper machi

23、ning) 25.31 Cross contact offset error, case 1 2632 Cross contact offset error, case 2 2733 Cross contact improper positioning of one member 28.34 Toe contact shaft angle error 2935 Heel contact shaft angle error 30.Tables1 Suggested normal backlash tolerance at tightest point of mesh 8ANSI/AGMA 200

24、8-D11 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvi AGMA 2011 - All rights reservedForewordTheforeword,footnotesandannexes,ifany,inthisdocumentareprovidedforinformationalpurposesonlyandare not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA Standard 2008-D11, Assembling Bevel Gears.Information pertaining to recommended pract

25、ice in the assembling of bevel gears is not new in the publishedliterature of the American Gear Manufacturers Association. In 1927, the Recommended Practice of theAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association of Adjustment of Bevel Gears in Assembly was adopted andpublished.This practice was revised in 19

26、40 by the Bevel Gear Committee, but no further revision was undertaken until1967.Sincethesatisfactoryperformanceofbevelgearsiscloselyrelatedtoproperinstallation,itwasdecidedbytheBevel Gearing Committee that it was important to maintain information on this subject in the literature of theAssociation.

27、Thismanualbringsuptodateandreflectsthepresentthinkingontheinformationgivenintheoriginalpractice.This manual was prepared for the assembly personnel in the factory and for the service personnel in the field.Eachdefinition,explanation,andinstructionisdirectedtowardthephysicalappearanceofthegearsasthey

28、areinspected and assembled. The definitions are simple. The explanations are thorough.Eachsectiondevotedtothetoothcontactpatternofaparticulartypeofgearisintendedtobecompleteinitselffor use as a separate shop manual if desired. For this reason, when the manual is read in its entirety, thesesections s

29、eem repetitious.In contrast, the sections devoted to angular gears are brief and general. The committee concluded that eachangular configuration requires separate treatment, and that a complete coverage of all of the possiblecombinations would be impractical if at all possible.The first draft of AGM

30、A 331.01 was prepared by the Bevel Gearing Committee in October, 1967. It wasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipandbecameanofficialAGMAmanualasofAugust2.1969. Themanualwas reaffirmed in 1976.ANSI/AGMA 2008-B90 is a revision of AGMA 331.01. It was approved by the AGMA membership onNovember 10, 1989, and as a

31、n American National Standard on May 4, 1990.AnerratawasissuedinJune,1995thatchangedthedenominatoroftheequationfor“TransverseBacklash,Bt”in figure 7-1, to reflect the product of the cosine terms, rather than their difference.ANSI/AGMA2008-C01wasacorrectionofANSI/AGMA2008-B90. In2000anerratarevisionof

32、clauses7.2,8.3.1and8.3.2wasballoted. ThiswasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipinJune2001andasanAmericanNational Standard on November 20, 2001.ANSI/AGMA 2008-D11 is an update to ANSI/AGMA 2008-C01, converting to metric. Backlashrecommendations were revised to reflect current accuracy standards. An Annex was

33、 added to detail theprocedures used in contact pattern checking.ThefirstdraftofANSI/AGMA2008-D11wasmadeinApril,2008. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipinApril, 2011. It was approved as an American National Standard on August 29, 2011.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They s

34、hould be sent to the American GearManufacturers Association, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, 5thFloor, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA 2008-D11AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvii AGMA 2011 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the AGMA Bevel Gearing CommitteeChairman: Robert F. Wasilewski Arrow Gear Company.Vice

35、 Chairman: George Lian Amarillo Gear Company LLCACTIVE MEMBERSW. Bradley, III ConsultantS.R. Davidson Boeing Rotorcraft - Philadelphia.L. Fravert, III Caterpillar, IncT. Guertin Klingelnberg-Oerlikon Tec Center, IncD.R. Houser Ohio State University.E.O. Hurtado FLSmidth, Inc.J. Kolonko Rexnord Gear

36、Group.T.J. Krenzer Consultant, The Gleason Works.K. Miller Dana Spicer Off Highway Products.C.E. Morgan FLSmidth, IncW. Tsung Dana Corporation1 AGMA 2011 - All rights reservedANSI/AGMA 2008-D11AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association -Assembling Bevel Gears1 Sco

37、peThis standard applies to the assembly of all bevel gears.Thetermbevelgearsisusedtomeanstraight,spiral,andhypoidgeardesigns.Ifdatapertaintooneormorebutnot all, the specific forms are identified.The standard provides the following:- A better understanding of the need for correct positioning of bevel

38、 gears.- Information necessary for correct assembly and positioning of bevel gears in their respective housings.- Informationformethodspersonnelinestablishingdetailedassemblyproceduresforspecificapplications.- Information for tooling personnel responsible for equipping an assembly department with th

39、e tools andgages necessary for proper assembly.- Instruction to assembly personnel for obtaining tooth contact patterns, for interpreting the tooth contactpatterns, and for adjusting the position of the members to change the tooth contact patterns.Thisstandardappliestotheassemblyofallbevelgears.Whil

40、ecertaindesignconsiderationsanddevelopmenttechniques are mentioned to clarify different aspects, this standard is not intended as a design guide. It isprepared on the assumption that gears and mountings are designed in accordance with ANSI/AGMA2005-D03, Design Manual for Bevel Gears.2 Normative refe

41、rencesThe following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of thestandard. At the time of publication, the editions were valid. All publications are subject to revision, and theusers of this standard are encouraged to apply the most recent editions

42、of the publications listed.ANSI/AGMA 1012-G05, Gear Nomenclature, Definition of Terms with SymbolsANSI/AGMA 2005-D03, Design Manual for Bevel GearsANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08, Bevel Gears - ISO System of Accuracy3 Terms and definitionsThetermsdefinedinthisclauseareusedinsubsequentsectionsofthisstandard.

43、 Thedefinitionsareprovidedfor the assembly or service personnel as an aid in the assembly and visual inspection of the parts. Therefore,they may differ somewhat from the gear engineering definitions which appear in Standard ANSI/AGMA1012-G05, Gear Nomenclature, Definition of Terms with Symbols.ANSI/

44、AGMA 2008-D11 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2011 - All rights reservedBevel gear nomenclature used throughout the standard is illustrated in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, andFigure 4.3.1 Back angleThe angle between the back cone element and a perpendicular to the gear axis. See Figure 1.AWHEELPIN

45、IONBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUABCDEFGBack angleBack cone angleBack cone distanceClearanceCrown pointCrown to backDedendum angleHIJKLMNFace angleFace widthFront angleMean cone distanceMidfaceMounting distanceOuter cone distanceOPQRSTUOutside diameterPitch anglePitch cone apexPitch cone apex to crownPitch di

46、ameterRoot angleShaft angleFigure 1 - Bevel gear nomenclatureANSI/AGMA 2008-D11AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2011 - All rights reservedMountingdistanceof wheelMounting distanceof pinionGage distanceof pinion to front of flatWheel axisPinion axisCrossing pointFigure 2 - Bevel gear mounting distanc

47、es3.2 BacklashThe clearance or play between the teeth of the meshing gears in an assembled gear set. Backlash may bedeterminedbyholdingtheshaftofonememberfixedandrotatingtheshaftofthemateineachdirection. Thisisusually measured at the pitch diameter at the heel of the wheel as a linear distance.3.3 B

48、acklash, normalThe backlash measured along a line perpendicular to the tooth surface.3.4 Backlash, transverseThe backlash measured in the direction of the rotation of the tooth.3.5 Bevel gear testing machineA machine used to check the tooth contact pattern of a pair of bevel gears while operating at

49、 light load at anyspecific mounting position. If necessary, the gears can be displaced in the machine from their mountingposition,theamountofdisplacementcanbemeasured,andtheeffectofthedisplacementonthecontactcanbeevaluated.3.6 Concave side of the toothThe hollowed or rounded inward side produced by the outer edge of a circular cutter or grinding wheel. SeeFigure 3.3.7 Convex side of the toothThe curved or rounded outward side produced by the inner edge of a circular cutter or grinding wheel. SeeFigure

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