AHRI 580-2014 Performance Rating of Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment For Use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers.pdf

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1、 AHRI Standard 580 2014 Standard for Performance Rating of Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment For Use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers Price $10.00 (M) $20.00 (NM) Copyright 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute Printed in U.S.A. Registered United States Paten

2、t and Trademark Office IMPORTANT SAFETY DISCLAIMER AHRI does not set safety standards and does not certify or guarantee the safety of any products, components or systems designed, tested, rated, installed or operated in accordance with this standard/guideline. It is strongly recommended that product

3、s be designed, constructed, assembled, installed and operated in accordance with nationally recognized safety standards and code requirements appropriate for products covered by this standard/guideline. AHRI uses its best efforts to develop standards/guidelines employing state-of-the-art and accepte

4、d industry practices. AHRI does not certify or guarantee that any tests conducted under its standards/guidelines will be non-hazardous or free from risk. Note: This standard supersedes AHRI Standard 580-2009. AHRI CERTIFICATION PROGRAM PROVISIONS Scope of the Certification Program The Certification

5、Program includes testing purge systems used in conjunction with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers. Certified Ratings The following Certification Program ratings are verified by test: 1. Concentration, ratio of mass of refrigerant to mass of air, g of refrigerant / g of air. TABLE OF CONTENTS

6、SECTION PAGE Section 1. Purpose 1 Section 2. Scope .1 Section 3. Definitions .1 Section 4. Test Requirements .2 Section 5. Rating Requirements .2 Section 6. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings 3 Section 7. Marking and Nameplate Data 3 Section 8. Conformance Conditions .3 APPENDICES Appen

7、dix A. References Normative 4 Appendix B. References Informative 4 Appendix C. Methods of Testing for Rating Performance of Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment Normative 5 Appendix D. Specific Rating and Testing Instructions for Purges Containing Adsorptive/Absorptive Media Normative10 Appendix E. C

8、alculation of Purge Equipment Concentration Rating for the Activated Carbon Method - Normative 12 Appendix F. Determination of Discharge Gas Concentration for Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment Testing Normative .13 FIGURES FOR APPENDICES Figure C1. Activated Carbon Sampling Method .7 Figure C2. Ga

9、s Chromatograph Sampling Method .8 AHRI STANDARD 580-2014 1 NON-CONDENSABLE GAS PURGE EQUIPMENT FOR USE WITH LOW PRESSURE CENTRIFUGAL LIQUID CHILLERS Section 1. Purpose 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to establish for Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment for use with Low Pressure Centrif

10、ugal Liquid Chillers: definitions; test requirements; rating requirements; minimum data requirements for Published Ratings; marking and nameplate data; and conformance conditions. 1.1.1 Intent. This standard is intended for the guidance of the industry, including manufacturers, engineers, installers

11、, contractors and users. 1.1.2 Review and Amendment. This standard is subject to review and amendment as technology advances. Section 2. Scope 2.1 Scope. This standard applies to Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment for use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers as defined in Section 3. This s

12、tandard defines general equipment requirements, test methods and analysis techniques used to determine the performance rating for Purge Equipment that removes Non-condensable gases from Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers. This purge equipment is typically used in conjunction with chillers whic

13、h operate with at least a portion of the system below atmospheric pressure. Section 3. Definitions All terms in this document will follow the standard industry definitions in the ASHRAE Terminology website (https:/www.ashrae.org/resources-publications/free-resources/ashrae-terminology) unless otherw

14、ise defined in this section. 3.1 Bubble Point. Refrigerant liquid saturation temperature at a specified pressure. 3.2 Concentration. Ratio of the mass of refrigerant to the mass of air at the Refrigerant Holding Capacity. 3.3 Dew Point. Refrigerant vapor saturation temperature at a specified pressur

15、e. 3.4 Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chiller. A centrifugal liquid chiller that typically has a portion of the refrigerating system below atmospheric pressure (100 kPa) when operated at typical conditions for comfort cooling applications. 3.5 Non-condensable Gases. Gases, such as nitrogen and oxyg

16、en. which do not condense at normal operating temperatures and pressures in centrifugal water-chiller condensers. 3.6 Published Rating. A statement of the assigned values of those performance characteristics, under stated Rating Conditions, by which a unit may be chosen to fit its application. These

17、 values apply to all units of like nominal size and type (identification) produced by the same manufacturer. As used herein, the term Published Rating includes the rating of all performance characteristics shown on the unit or published in specifications, advertising or other literature controlled b

18、y the manufacturer, at stated Rating Conditions. 3.6.1 Application Rating. A rating based on tests performed at Application Rating Conditions (other than Standard Rating Conditions). 3.6.2 Standard Rating. A rating based on tests performed at Standard Rating Conditions. AHRI STANDARD 580-2014 2 3.7

19、Purge Equipment. A device which will separate Non-condensable Gases from refrigerant and remove them from the refrigeration system. 3.7.1 Automatically Regenerated Media. Media that is recycled at the purge system to remove entrained refrigerant and return this refrigerant to the chiller. The regene

20、ration process is initiated automatically by the purge control system. 3.7.2 Manually Regenerated Media. Media that is recycled at the purge system to remove entrained refrigerant and return this refrigerant to the chiller. The regeneration process is set up and initiated by an operator. 3.7.3 Refri

21、gerant Holding Capacity. The amount of refrigerant, designated by the manufacturer, which the media can hold prior to being replaced or regenerated, g. 3.7.4 Replaceable Media. Media that is removed from the system and replaced with new or recycled media. The media from the system is processed to en

22、sure refrigerant is not released to the atmosphere. 3.8 Rating Conditions. Any set of operating conditions under which a single level of performance results and which causes only that level of performance to occur. 3.8.1 Standard Rating Conditions. Rating Conditions used as the basis for comparison

23、of performance characteristics. 3.9 “Shall“ or “Should.” “Shall“ or “should“ shall be interpreted as follows: 3.9.1 Shall. Where “shall“ or “shall not“ is used for a provision specified, that provision is mandatory if compliance with the standard is claimed. 3.9.2 Should. “Should“ is used to indicat

24、e provisions which are not mandatory but which are desirable as good practice. Section 4. Test Requirements 4.1 Test Requirements. Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment shall be tested in accordance with the procedures set forth in Appendices C and D. Calculation of purge equipment concentration ratin

25、g for the activated carbon method is described in Appendix E. Determination of discharge gas concentration using the gas chromatograph method is described in Appendix F. If alternative test methods are employed for the gas chromatograph method, the user must be able to demonstrate that they produce

26、results at least equivalent to the specified testing method. Section 5. Rating Requirements 5.1 Purge Equipment Concentration Rating. Purge Equipment exhaust gas concentration shall be expressed in g refrigerant / g air. 5.2 Operating Conditions for Purge Equipment Rating. The Purge Equipment effici

27、ency rating point shall be established with a chiller operating at the following conditions: 5.2.1 Condenser refrigerant pressure at a nominal dew point temperature of 29C 0.5C. Allowable pressure limits during the test are equivalent to a dew point temperature range of 28 to 31C. 5.2.2 Ambient temp

28、erature at 25C 1.0C 5.2.3 Evaporator refrigerant pressure at a Bubble Point temperature of 4.0C or greater 5.2.4 For Purge Equipment designs that use adsorption or absorption devices to selectively separate refrigerant and air, these devices shall be brought to a normal operating condition prior to

29、test. See Appendix D for specific rating and testing instructions. This may include saturating and then regenerating a device or bringing oil supplies to a typical refrigerant concentration. AHRI STANDARD 580-2014 3 5.3 All tests shall be performed at the nameplate rated voltage and frequency or as

30、otherwise specified in this standard. For units with dual nameplate voltage ratings, standard rating tests shall be performed at both voltages or at the lower of the two voltages if only a single Standard Rating is to be published. 5.4 Tolerances. If conformance with this standard is claimed for a P

31、ublished Rating, then any Purge Equipment tested, following the procedures of Appendices C, D, E and F, shall not have an exhaust gas concentration greater than the Published Rating. If a Manually Regenerated or Replaceable Media is used, then the refrigerant exhaust gas concentration should not be

32、greater than the Published Rating when the absorptive medium has been filled with the amount of refrigerant specified by the manufacturer as the Refrigerant Holding Capacity. Section 6. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings 6.1 Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings. As a minimum,

33、 Published Ratings shall include Standard Ratings. All claims to ratings within the scope of this standard shall include the statement “Rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 580“. All claims to ratings outside the scope of this standard shall include the statement “Outside the scope of AHRI Standar

34、d 580“. Wherever Application Ratings are published or printed, they shall include a statement of the conditions at which the ratings apply. 6.1.1 Published Ratings shall consist of the following information. 6.1.1 Concentration, g of refrigerant / g of air 6.1.2 Refrigerant Holding Capacity where ap

35、plicable, g Section 7. Marking and Nameplate Data 7.1 Marking and Nameplate Data. As a minimum, the nameplate shall display the manufacturers name, model number, electrical characteristics and refrigerant designation(s). Nameplate voltages for 60 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the equipm

36、ent nameplate voltage ratings shown in Table 1 of ANSI/AHRI Standard 110. Nameplate voltages for 50 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the utilization voltages shown in Table 1 of IEC Standard Publication 60038. Section 8. Conformance Conditions 8.1 Conformance. While conformance with this s

37、tandard is voluntary, conformance shall not be claimed or implied for products or equipment within its Purpose (Section 1) and Scope (Section 2) unless such product claims meet all of the requirements of the standard and all of the testing and rating requirements are measured and reported in complet

38、e compliance with the standard. Any product that has not met all the requirements of the standard shall not reference, state, or acknowledge the standard in any written, oral, or electronic communication. AHRI STANDARD 580-2014 4 APPENDIX A. REFERENCES NORMATIVE A1 Listed here are all standards, han

39、dbooks, and other publications essential to the formation and implementation of the standard. All references in this appendix are considered as part of the standard. A1.1 AHRI Standard 700-2014, Specifications for Refrigerants, 2014, Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute, 2111 Wilson

40、 Boulevard, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A. A1.2 ANSI/AHRI Standard 110-2012, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment Nameplate Voltages, 2012, Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A. A1.3 Appendix C to AHRI Sta

41、ndard 700, Analytical Procedures for AHRI Standard 700-2012, 2008, Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A. A1.4 ASHRAE Standard 41.1-2013 (RA 2006), Measurements Guide - Section on Temperature Measurements, 2013, American S

42、ociety of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia, 30329, U.S.A. A1.5 ASHRAE, Terminology, https:/www.ashrae.org/resources-publications/free-resources/ashrae-terminology, 2014, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-

43、Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A. A1.6 ASME Standard PTC 19.2-2010, Instruments and Apparatus, Part 2, Pressure Measurement, 2010, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASME, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, U.S.A. A1.7 IEC Standard 60038,

44、 IEC Standard Voltages, 2009, International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varembe, P.O. Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland APPENDIX B. REFERENCES INFORMATIVE None. AHRI STANDARD 580-2014 5 APPENDIX C. METHODS OF TESTING FOR RATING PERFORMANCE OF NON-CONDENSABLE GAS PURGE EQUIPMENT NORMATIV

45、E C1 Installation and Operation. C1.1 Installation. The Purge Equipment shall be installed and operated per the manufacturers instruction manual. A thorough inspection shall be made of the purge tank and exhaust system to insure that all devices and connecting lines are leak tight. A leak detector s

46、hall be used to ensure that any leak point does not exceed 14 g/year at 25C. C1.2 Test Procedure. The chiller test equipment shall be brought to steady state operation within specified tolerances for the refrigerant bubble point temperature (evaporator side) and refrigerant dew point temperature (co

47、ndenser side). Operate the Purge Equipment and allow it to operate until the approach of the water temperature leaving the condenser to the refrigerant saturation temperature does not decrease by more than 0.20C in 30 minutes. Introduce air at a rate of 4.0 x 10-6m3/s into the evaporator. During the

48、 test, the pressure in the chiller condenser shall not exceed the limits stated in Section 5.2.1. The Purge Equipment exhaust gas shall then be collected and analyzed as indicated by either the activated carbon or gas chromatograph method. C2 Instruments. C2.1 Activated Carbon Canisters. Canisters s

49、hall be filled with unused vapor phase activated carbon. C2.2 Temperature Measurement Device. The temperature measurement device shall be in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 41.1. C2.3 Gas Collection Bag. This will be a minimum capacity of 50 L for purge devices without Replaceable Media. The collection bag capacity will be a nominal 20 L 4 L for purge devices with Manually Regenerated or Replaceable Media. Volume will be calibrated to 2.5 kPa gauge pressure. The calibration for volume shall be made to assure accuracy better than 5% for the nominal ba


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