ANSI IESNA LM-63-2002 IESNA Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information《光度测量数据和相关信息电子传送的文件格式》.pdf

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1、LM-63-02 ANSI APPROVED IESNA Standard File Format for the Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information Prepared by: The Subcommittee on Photometry of the IESNA Computer Committee ANSIDESNA LM-63-02 ANSI Approval Date 9/12/02 ANSUIESNA Standard File Format for the Electronic Transf

2、er of Photometric Data and Related Information Publication of this Committee Report has been approved by the IESNA. Suggestions for revisions should be directed to the IESNA. Prepared by: The Subcommittee on Photometry of the IESNA Computer Committee Copyright 2002 by the Illuminating Engineering So

3、ciety of North America. Approved by the IESNA Board of Directors, August 4, 2002, as a Transaction of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Approved by the America National Standards Institute, September 12, 2002 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in

4、any form, in any electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the IESNA. Published by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 120 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005. IESNA Standards and Guides are developed through committee consensus and produced b

5、y the IESNA Office in New York. Careful attention is given to style and accuracy. If any errors are noted in this document, please for- ward them to Rita Harrold, Director Educational and Technical Development, at the above address for verification and correction. The IESNA welcomes and urges feedba

6、ck and comments. ISBN # 0-87995-178-8 Printed in the United States of America. DISCLAIMER IESNA publications are developed through the consensus standards development process approved by the American National Standards Institute. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints

7、 and interests to achieve consensus on lighting recommendations. While the IESNA administers the process and establishes policies and procedures to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accu- racy or completeness of any information published her

8、ein. The IESNA disclaims liability for any injury to persons or property or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, direct- ly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on this document. In issuing and making this docu

9、ment available, the IESNA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is the IESNA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment

10、 or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The IESNA has no power, nor does it undertake, to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this document. Nor does the IESNA list, certify, test or ins

11、pect products, designs, or installations for compliance with this document. Any certification or statement of compliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the IESNA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. ANSI/IESNA Standard File

12、 Format for the Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information Prepared by the Photometry Sub-committee Todd Saemisch, Chair W. Baker F! Ericson G. Hauser E. Gibson R. Heinisch C. Loch IESNA Computer Committee Wilson Dau, Chair I. Ashdown* W. Baker G. Barber T. Ballman* A. Cheng* T.

13、 Dahlquist D. DiLaura* F! Ericson P. Franck* R. Gibbons E. Gibson* G. Hauser R. Heinisch* J. Hibbs* R. King L. Livingston C. Loch* G. Lowe* M. Phillips* T. Saemisch R. Shakespeare* D. Smith* J. Zhang* * Advisory Contents 1 .O Introduction 1 2.0 Limits of Scope 1 3.0 Key Defintions 1 4.0 Summary of M

14、odification from IESNA LM-63-1995 1 5.0 Detailed Description of Data 2 5.1 IESNA.LM-63-2002 . 2 5.3 TILT =NONE or TILT = INCLUDE or TILT=cilename 2 5.5 . 3 5.6 . 3 5.7 enumber of vertical angle- . 3 5.8 . 3 5.9 3 5.10 . 3 5.11 . 3 5.12clenghb 3 5.13cheighb 3 5.1 4 . 4 5.16 4 5.17 . 4 5.19ccandelaval

15、ues . 5 5.2keyword 2 5.4 3 5.1 8 . 4 6.0 Programming and File Conventions 6 . References 7 Annex A General Rules for Keywords . 8 Annex6 Valid Keywords . 9 AnnexC Example . 10 Annex D Describing Luminous Openings 11 Annex E Lamp Position . 13 Annex F Format for Tilt = or INCLUDE 16 Annex G Use of Sh

16、all, Should, May, and Can 17 ANSI/IESNA LM-63-02 Standard File Format for the Electronic Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Information 1 .O INTRODUCTION This is the fourth revision of this standard. Since its introduction in 1986 (IESNA LM-63-1986), this stan- dard has proved to be very usefu

17、l and powerful. This revision further clarifies the standard to make its use as simple as possible. 2.0 LIMITS OF SCOPE This document describes the ANSMESNA LM-63- 2002 data system and how to build a file using this system. This recommended standard addresses pho- tometric data file formats specific

18、ally for data transfer, however, it is recognized that this standard is often used for data storage and retrieval. 3.0 KEY DEFINITIONS Absolute (or direct) photometry - Consists of the simultaneous comparison of a standard lamp and an unknown light source. Delimiter - Used to delineate data in a fil

19、e. Acceptable delimiters are: a comma, a space, multiple spaces, or a carriage-return and line-feed character sequence. Goniophotometer - A photometer for measuring the directional light distribution characteristics of sources, luminaires, media and surfaces. Horizontal angles - Measurements in degr

20、ees of angular displacement measured counterclockwise in a horizontal plane for Type C photometry and clock- wise for Type A and B photometry. Keyword- Square bracketed words used in IESNA LM-63-2002 to label data. Photometric horizontal - Refers to a horizontal direc- tion from photometric center t

21、hat is coincident with horizontal angle O“ and vertical angle 90“ for Types B and C photometry. For Type A, the direction is coinci- dent with horizontal angle O“ and vertical angle O“. Photometric plane - A plane, not a cone, upon which photometric data is measured. In Types A and C pho- tometry, t

22、he planes are all vertical and share a com- mon vertical axis. In Type B photometry, the planes share a common horizontal axis. Photometric zero - Refers to a vertical direction from photometric center that is coincident with horizontal angle O“ and vertical angle O“ for Types B and C pho- tometry.

23、For Type A, the direction is coincident with horizontal angle O“ and vertical angle -90“. Relative photometry - Consists of the evaluation of the photometric characteristic of a lamp by compari- son with the assumed lumen or spectral output of a test lamp. Search string - A group of characters creat

24、ed by the user of the photometric file located to the right of the keyword SEARCH. These strings may be used by software to locate photometric files based on encod- ed characteristics. Vertical angles - The angular displacement in degrees from straight down (referred to as nadir in the IESNA Lightin

25、g Handbook). Zero degree photometric plane - A vertical plane passing through photometric center containing photo- metric zero and photometric horizontal. 4.0 SUMMARY OF MODIFICATIONS FROM IESNA LM-63-I 995 The following is a summary of the major changes from LM-63-1995 to LM-63-2002: The first line

26、 in the file is now IESNA:LM-63-2002 (see Section 5.1). All lines can now be 256 characters in length (see Section 6). All IESNA LM-63-2002 filenames shall now have the file extension es or IES. The following keywords are now required: TEST, TESTLAB, MANUFAC, and ISSUEDATE (see Section 5.2). DATE ke

27、yword replaced with ISSUEDATE (see Annex B). BLOCK and ENDBLOCK keywords have been removed. All tilt filenames (TILT=) shall now have the file extension tlt or TLT (tilt format moved to Annex G). Definitions of the Luminous Opening have been expanded and, in some cases, modified. The fol- 1 ANSVIESN

28、A LM-63-02 lowing shapes are directly affected: Circular, Sphere, Vertical Cylinder, Horizontal Cylinder, Ellipse, and Ellipsoid (see Table 1 and Annex D). The allowance for horizontal angles starting at 90 degrees and ending at 270 degrees for Type C photometry has been removed. LAMPPOSITION keywor

29、d has been added (see Annex E). 5.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF DATA The following is a file format specification. All ANSVIESNA LM-63-2002 filenames shall end with the file extension es or IES (the file extension is not case-specific); e.g., SAMPLE.IES. Each of the items listed in the format are descri

30、bed in the sections below. Each line marked with a bullet (-) shall begin a new line in the file. Unmarked fields, such as clumens per lamp, may either be placed on the same line as the field before it or may be used to start a new line of data. IESNA:LM-63-2002 Keyword 11 Keyword data Keyword 21 Ke

31、yword data Keyword 31 Keyword data Keyword n Keyword data *: TII T-A:I-.- I 1-1 I in i iLi-iiiciiaiiiw vi AuLww vi NONE clamp to luminaire geometry cnumber of tilt angles cmultiplying factors These four lines shall be be present if and only if TILT=INCLUDE 1 cnumber of lamps clumens per lamp ccandel

32、a multiplieo cunits type cheighb cballast facton duture use cinput watts ccandela values for all vertical angles at 1 st hori- ccandela values for all vertical angles as 2nd hori- zontal angle zontal angle *: ccandela values for all vertical angles at last hori- zontal angle 5.1 1ESNA:LM-63-2002 5.2

33、 Keywords Following 1ESNA:LM-63-2002, and prior to TILT= any number of defined IES keywords may be used (see Annex A and B). Each keyword line shall begin with an appropriate keyword. All files shall contain the following keywords: TEST Test report number TESTLAB Photometric testing laboratory ISSUE

34、DATE MANUFAC Manufacturer of luminaire Date that the manufacturer issued the 1ESNA:LM-63-2002 file All other keywords are optional. In addition to the required keywords, the following are a suggested min- imum: LUMCAT Luminaire catalog number LUMINAIRE Luminaire description LAMPCAT Lamp catalog numb

35、er LAMPI Lamp description (.e., type, wattage, size, etc.) This line indicates whether the lamp output varies as i: fi7ctfji7 f the lminai:e tilt angle, and if so, :he loc- tion of the tilt multiplier information. If the output of the lamp does not vary as a function of the tilt angle, TILT=NONE sha

36、ll appear on this line (skip to Section 5.4). If the output of the lamp does vary as a function of the tilt angle, TILT=INCLUDE or TILT=cilename shall appear on this line. TILT=INCLUDE indicates that the tilt information is included as part of the photometric file. TILT= indicates that the tilt info

37、rmation is in a separate file. The filename shall end with the file extension tlt or TLT (the file extension is not case- specific); e.g., MHlOOV.TLT. The format for tilt infor- mation is the same whether it is in a separate file or included as part of the photometric file and is dis- cussed in Anne

38、x F. NOTE: The phrase TILT= shall be exactly as shown and begin in column 1. This is important since this phrase is used to signiy the end of the keyword information. The first line of any photometric file shall be 1ESNA:LM- 63-2002. This character string distinguishes it from files using other form

39、ats and marks the beginning of the file. 2 ANSMESNA LM-63-02 5.4 enumber of lamps This field shall contain a number indicating the total number of lamps in the luminaire. 5.5 This field shall contain a number indicating the lumens per lamp on which the photometric test is based. In the case of absol

40、ute photometry, where the lumens per lamp are not the basis for the photometric data, enter negative one (-1). NOTE: For most luminaires with more than one lamp, the lamps will all be of the same type with the same lumen output. For those luminaires with two or more lamps with different lumen output

41、, this value shall be treated as the average lumens per lamp. The product: x enumber of lamps shall be the total lumen output by all lamps operating in the luminaire. When creating reports with absolute photometry ( = -I), it is suggested to include the keyword OTHER indicating the can- dela values

42、are absolute and should not be fac- tored for different lamp ratings. 5.6 cmultiplierz This field shall contain a number indicating the multi- plying factor that shall be applied to all candela values in the file. This is often 1 .O, but may be a value other than 1.0. 5.7 enumber of vertical angles

43、This field shall contain a number indicating the total number of vertical angles in the photometric report. Refer to IESNA LM-75-01 for a detailed explanation of goniophotometer types. Luminous Dimensions The following dimensions refer to the luminous (that is, light emitting) opening of the luminai

44、re, not its phys- ical dimensions. They are meant to approximate the luminous opening (either as a luminous area or vol- ume) for lighting calculations. They are not intended for computer-generated renderings of the luminaire. It is assumed that there is only one luminous opening in each IESNA LM-63

45、-2002 data file. The luminous dimensions apply to a luminaire aimed at “photometric zero” (O” horizontal, O” vertical,). “Photometric horizontal” would be (O” horizontal, 90” vertical). “Length” and “Width measurements refer only to their orientation with respect to the zero-degree photomet- ric pla

46、ne; they do not refer to the luminaire dimensions or lamp orientation. In particular, the “length mea- surement may be less than the “width” measurement. 5.1 O This is an integer indicating the type of units used for the luminous dimensions of the luminaire, and shall be the value 1 or 2, according

47、to the following schedule: 1) Luminous dimensions are given in feet 2) Luminous dimensions are given in meters 5.11 This field shall contain a number indicating the dis- tance across the luminous opening when measured perpendicular to the O” photometric plane (perpen- dicular to “photometric horizon

48、tal” - see Figure 1, Tablel and Annex D for additional details). 5.12 5.8 enumber of horizontal angles This field shall contain a number indicating the total number of horizontal angles in the photometric report. 5.9 This is an integer indicating the type of photometry that exists for the luminaire

49、being described, and shall be the value 1, 2, or 3, according to the following schedule: This field shall contain a number indicating the dis- tance across the luminous opening when measured parallel to the O” photometric plane (along “photomet- ric horizontal” - see Figure 1, Table 1 and Annex D for additional details). 5.13 cheighb This field shall contain a number indicating the overall height of the luminous opening, measured parallel to “photometric zero” (see Figure 1, Tablel and Annex D for additional details). Luminous

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