ANSI INCITS 210-1998 Information Systems - High-Performance Parallel Interface - Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP).pdf

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1、ANSI INCITS 210-1998 (R2003)(formerly ANSI NCITS 210-1998)for Information Technology High-Performance Parallel Interface Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)ANSINCITS 210-1998American National Standardfor Information Technology High-Performance Parallel Interface Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)SecretariatInforma

2、tion Technology Industry Council (ITI)Approved June 9, 1998American National Standards Institute, Inc.AbstractThis document is a revision of ANSI X3.210-1992, High-Performance Parallel Interface - Framing Protocol(HIPPI-FP). It describes a framing protocol for the High-Performance Parallel Interface

3、, a simple high-performance point-to-point interface for transmitting digital data at peak data rates of 800 or 1600 Mbit/sbetween data-processing equipment.Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for appro

4、val havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unan

5、imity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from

6、manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have th

7、e right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American Na

8、tional Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by cal

9、ling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National StandardPublished byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 1998 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be repro

10、duced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of AmericaCAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may berequired for the imple

11、mentation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However,neither the developers nor the publisher have undertaken a patent search in order to identifywhich, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of publication of this standardand following calls for the identifi

12、cation of patents that may be required for the implementation ofthe standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the de-veloper or publisher in respect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or impliedthat licenses are not required to avoid infri

13、ngement in the use of this standard.iContentsPageForeword iiiIntroduction vii1 Scope . 12 Normative references . 13 Definitions and conventions 13.1 Definitions. 13.2 Editorial conventions 23.3 Acronyms 24 HIPPI structure . 24.1 Structure . 24.2 Error detection mechanisms . 24.3 Error detection limi

14、tations . 35 HIPPI-FP service interface to upper layers 35.1 Service primitives . 35.2 Sequences of primitives 45.3 HIPPI-FP service primitive summary 45.4 ULP data transfer service primitives . 45.5 Control service primitives 65.6 Status service primitives . 76 HIPPI-PH to HIPPI-FP services 87 HIPP

15、I data formats . 97.1 Word and byte formats . 97.2 HIPPI-FP packet format 9Table1 Byte assignments . 9Figures1 Logical framing hierarchy . 22 HIPPI-FP service interface . 33 Data transfer service primitives 44 Control service primitives . 75 Status service primitives. 86 Ordered byte stream to HIPPI

16、-PH 97 Bit significance within a byte. 98 HIPPI-FP packet format 11A.1 Source flow diagram. 13A.2 Destination flow diagram 16B.1 Class 1, single short burst 17iiPageB.2 Class 2, short burst with full burst(s) 18B.3 Class 3, full burst(s) with short burst 18B.4 Class 4, full burst(s) 18AnnexesA State

17、 transitions and pseudo-code. 12A.1 General. 12A.2 State exit 12A.3 Interlocks 12A.4 Source pseudo-code 12A.5 Destination pseudo-code 14B Implementation observations . 17B.1 Data transfer service primitive 17B.2 Classes of packets . 17C Bibliography 19D Alphabetical index 20iiiForeword (This forewor

18、d is not part of American National Standard NCITS 210-1998.)This High-Performance Parallel Interface, Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP) standard de-fines the data framing for an efficient simplex high-performance point-to-point inter-face. This interface was previously named the “High-Speed Channel“ (HSC)

19、. Thename was changed in October, 1989, to avoid infringing on an existing trademark. Arevision was made in 1997 which mainly changed the ULP-id assignments in 5.4.1.The HIPPI is designed for transmitting digital data at peak data rates of 800 or 1600Mbit/s between data-processing equipment. This st

20、andard responds to an industrymarket need (expressed both by users and manufacturers) to standardize the inter-connection of data processing equipment at these data rates. This revision to the standard includes technical changes to the list of ULP-ids, andnumerous editorial changes.This document inc

21、ludes four annexes which are informative and are not consideredpart of the standard.Requests for interpretation, suggestions for improvement or addenda, or defect re-ports are welcome. They should be sent to the National Committee for InformationTechnology Standards, 1250 Eye Street, NW, Suite 200,

22、Washington, DC 20005.This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by NCITS. Com-mittee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee mem-bers voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, NCITS had thefollowing members:Karen Higginbottom, C

23、hair (Acting)Karen Higginbottom, Vice-ChairMonica Vago, SecretaryOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeAMP, Inc. . John Hill Charles Brill (Alt.)Apple Computer, Inc. David Michael Jerry Kellenbenz (Alt.) AT however no mechanism of either HIPPI-FP or HIPPI-PH allows the detection of data cor

24、-ruption caused by the substitution of one burst,with good parity and LLRC, for another burst ofthe same length.5 HIPPI-FP service interface to upper lay-ersThis clause describes the services provided byHIPPI-FP. The intent is to provide the formalismnecessary to relate this interface to other HIPPI

25、interfaces. How many of the services describedherein are chosen for a given implementation, andwhether others may be required, is up to the im-plementer; however, a set of HIPPI-FP servicesmust be supplied sufficient to satisfy the ULP(s)being used. The services as defined herein donot imply any par

26、ticular implementation, or anyinterface.In this standard the ULP and station managementprotocol (SMT) are service users, and the HIPPI-FP is the service provider to the ULP and SMT.The interfaces consist of the ULP primitives, pre-fixed with FP_, and the SMT primitives, prefixedwith FPSM_.The HIPPI-

27、FP is also the service user of theHIPPI-PH services, prefixed with PH_.Figure 2 shows the relationship of the HIPPI-FPinterfaces.Upper-LayerProtocols(ULPs)HIPPI-PHPhysical LayerHIPPI-FPStationManagement(SMT)(FP_.)(PH_.)(PHSM_.)(FPSM_.)Figure 2 HIPPI-FP service interface5.1 Service primitivesAll of t

28、he primitives and parameters are consid-ered as required except where explicitly statedotherwise.HIPPI service primitives are of four types. Request primitives are issued by a serviceuser to initiate a service from the service pro-vider. In this standard, a second Requestprimitive of the same name s

29、hall not be issueduntil the Confirm for the first request is received. Confirm primitives are issued by the serviceprovider to acknowledge a Request. Indicate primitives are issued by the serviceprovider to notify the service user of a localevent. This primitive is similar in nature to anunsolicited

30、 interrupt. Note that the local eventmay have been caused by a service Request.In this standard, a second Indicate primitive ofANSI NCITS 210-19984the same name shall not be issued until the Re-sponse for the first Indicate is received. Response primitives are issued by a serviceuser to acknowledge

31、an Indicate.5.2 Sequences of primitivesThe order of execution of service primitives is notarbitrary. Logical and time sequence relationshipsexist for all described service primitives. Timesequence diagrams, as in figure 3, are used toillustrate a valid sequence. Other valid sequencesmay exist. The s

32、equence of events between peerusers across the user/provider interface is illus-trated. In the time sequence diagrams the HIPPI-FP users are depicted on either side of the verticalbars while the service provider is in the center. AULP or SMT implementation may present multiplerequests for services,

33、but the requests shall beserviced one at a time and in the order presented.5.3 HIPPI-FP service primitive summaryULP Data TransferFP_TRANSFER.Request (CCI, ULP-id,D1_Size, D1_Data_Set, D2_Size,D2_Data_Set, Keep_Connection,Start_D2_on_Burst_Boundary)FP_TRANSFER.ConfirmFP_TRANSFER_D1.Indicate (ULP-id,

34、 CCI, Status, D2_Size, D2_Offset,D1_Area_Size, D1_Data_Set)FP_TRANSFER_D2.Indicate (ULP-id, CCI,Status, D2_Size, D2_Offset, D2_Data_Set)FP_TRANSFER.ResponseControl LinkFPSM_CONTROL.Request (Command,Command_ Parameter)FPSM_CONTROL.Confirm (Status)Link StatusFPSM_STATUS.RequestFPSM_STATUS.Confirm (Sta

35、tus)FPSM_STATUS.IndicateFPSM_STATUS.Response5.4 ULP data transfer service primitivesThese primitives, as illustrated in figure 3, shall beused to transfer ULP data from the Source ULP tothe Destination ULP.5.4.1 ULP IdentifiersThe ULP-id of the HIPPI-FP header designatesthe Destination ULP to which

36、the data set is to bedelivered. (See annex C.)NOTE Identifiers registered at the time thisstandard was approved include the following(shown in binary notation). Later registrationswill be added as an amendment to this stan-dard.Unlisted ULP-id values are reserved. Processingreceived packets with unl

37、isted ULP-id values isundefined.00000100 = ISO 8802.2 Link Encapsulation00000110 = IPI-3 Slave, i.e., IPI-3 Master to Slave00000111 = IPI-3 Master, i.e., IPI-3 Slave to Master00001000 = IPI-3 Peer00001010 = HIPPI-FC map to Fibre Channel ULPs00001100 = Scheduled Transfer00001101 = HIPPI-6400 Encapsul

38、ation1xxxxxxx = Locally assigned5.4.2 FP_TRANSFER.RequestIssued by the Source ULP to request a datatransfer. If a connection to the Destination speci-fied by the CCI does not currently exist, then aconnection will be established. At the completionof the transfer the connection may be broken un-less

39、Keep_Connection was specified. The packetformat is defined in 7.2, and shown in figure 8.Source ULP Destination ULP HIPPI-FP FP_TRANSFER.RequestFP_TRANSFER_D1.IndicateFP_TRANSFER_D2.IndicateFP_TRANSFER.ResponseFP_TRANSFER.ResponseFP_TRANSFER.ConfirmFigure 3 Data transfer service primitivesANSI NCITS

40、 210-19985Semantics FP_TRANSFER.Request (CCI,ULP-id,D1_Size,D1_Data_Set,D2_Size,D2_Data_Set,Keep_Connection,Start_D2_on_Burst_Boundary)The CCI is passed directly to the underlyingHIPPI-PH.The ULP-id identifies the Destination ULP. See5.4.1.D1_Size is the length, in bytes, of the ULPD1_Data_Set to be

41、 placed in the first burst ofthe packet. The maximum D1_Size shall be1016 bytes. A value of D1_Size equal to zeroindicates a null D1_Data_Set and shall causethe FP header D1_Data_Set_Present bit to beset to 0. See 7.2.2.D1_Data_Set is the ULP data set to be placedin the first burst, and delivered se

42、parately fromthe D2_Data_Set. The D1_Data_Set is in-tended for control information.D2_Size is the length, in bytes, of the ULP dataset to be placed in the remainder of the packet.The maximum determinate D2_Size is4,294,967,294 bytes (232- 2). A D2_Size ofhexadecimal FFFFFFFF shall mean that thelengt

43、h is indeterminate at the start of the trans-fer. Indeterminate length packets may belonger or shorter than the maximum determi-nate size. See B.1 for suggestions on transfer-ring larger size, or indeterminate size, packets.The D2_Size shall be set to zero to indicate theabsence of the D2_Data_Set.D

44、2_Data_Set is the ULP data set to be sent.Placement of the D2_Data_Set shall be gov-erned by the Start_D2_on_Burst_Boundary pa-rameter. The D2_Data_Set is intended for userdata, or the whole data set if separate controlinformation is not used. A ULP may deliver theD2_Data_Set to HIPPI-FP in multiple

45、 segments.To decrease latency and conserve buffers, im-plementations may start transmission before re-ceiving all of these segments.Keep_Connection true says that another ULPdata set with the same routing information iscoming, and the physical HIPPI-PH connectionshould be maintained if possible. Whe

46、nKeep_Connection is false, the connection maybe broken after this packet. ServicingFP_TRANSFER.Requests from other ULPsmay also cause the connection to be broken,e.g., requests to different Destinations, or re-quests with Keep_Connection false.Keep_Connection is a local control parameterand is not p

47、assed to the Destination.Start_D2_on_Burst_Boundary controls thestarting location for the D2_Area. If true, thenthe D2_Area shall start at the beginning of thesecond HIPPI-PH burst. If false, then theD2_Area may start in the first burst.Issued The Source ULP issues this primitive tothe Source HIPPI-

48、FP to request the transfer of theULP data set to the Destination.Effect The Source HIPPI-FP shall accept theULP data set for transmission. The HIPPI-FPshall build an HIPPI-FP header, as specified in7.2, and send the packet as a series of bursts tothe Destination. If (1) the D1_Data_Set does notcompl

49、etely fill the first burst, and (2)Start_D2_on_Burst_Boundary = true, and (3) theunderlying HIPPI-PH supports short first bursts,then this HIPPI-FP shall use a short first burstwhose length is sufficient to completely containthe D1_Data_Set. If any of the above conditionsare not met, then a 256-word first burst shall beused.5.4.3 FP_TRANSFER.ConfirmThis primitive acknowledges the FP_TRANSFER.Request from the Source ULP.Semantics FP_TRANSFER.Confirm (Status)Status shall be: Accept the HIPPI-PH has completed theconnection and accepted the packet for trans-mission.

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