1、American National StandardDeveloped byfor Information Technology Fibre Channel Physical Interface-4(FC-PI-4)INCITS 450-2009INCITS 450-2009INCITS 450-2009American National Standardfor Information Technology Fibre Channel Physical Interface-4(FC-PI-4)SecretariatInformation Technology Industry CouncilA
2、pproved April 24, 2009American National Standards Institute, Inc.AbstractThis standard describes the point-to-point physical interface portions of Fibre Channel serial electrical andoptical link variants that support the higher level Fibre Channel protocols including FC-FS, HIPPI, IPI,SCSI and other
3、s. This standard is recommended for new implementations but does not obsolete existingFibre Channel standards.Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Con
4、sensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and obj
5、ections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingp
6、roducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation
7、of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at a
8、ny time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards
9、Institute.American National StandardPublished byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 2009 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval sy
10、stem or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610,Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of AmericaCAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be re-quired for the implementation of the standard disclose su
11、ch patents to the publisher. However, nei-ther the developers nor the publisher have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, ifany, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of publication of this standard, followingcalls for the identification of patents that may be required
12、 for the implementation of the standard,notice of one or more such claims has been received. By publication of this standard, no positionis taken with respect to the validity of this claim or of any rights in connection therewith. The knownpatent holder(s) has (have), however, filed a statement of w
13、illingness to grant a license underthese rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to ob-tain such a license. Details may be obtained from the publisher. No further patent search is con-ducted by the developer or publisher in respect to any standard it pr
14、ocesses. No representation ismade or implied that this is the only license that may be required to avoid infringement in the use ofthis standard.iContentsPageForeword xv1 Scope. 12 Normative references. 12.1 General 12.2 Approved references 12.3 References under development. 32.4 Informative referen
15、ces . 33 Definitions and conventions. 43.1 Definitions 43.2 Editorial conventions 123.2.1 Conventions. 123.2.2 Keywords . 123.2.3 Abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols . Signaling rate abbreviations. Acronyms and other abbreviations Symbols . 154 FC-PI-4 structure and co
16、ncepts (informative) 164.1 Fibre Channel structure . 164.2 FC-0 general description 174.3 FC-0 interface overview. 195 FC-PI-4 functional characteristics 205.1 General characteristics 205.2 FC-0 states 215.2.1 Transmitter FC-0 states . 215.2.2 Receiver states 225.3 Response to input data phase jumps
17、. 225.4 Limitations on invalid code. 225.5 Receiver initialization time . 225.6 Loss of signal (Rx_LOS) function 225.7 Speed agile ports that support speed negotiation 235.8 Frame scrambling and emission lowering protocol 235.9 Test patterns 235.10 FC-PI-4 nomenclature 235.11 Interoperability points
18、 (informative) 245.12 Electrical TxRx connections. 315.12.1 TxRx general overview 315.12.2 Partially separable links . 31iiPage5.13 FC-PI-4 variants. 336 Optical interface specification 356.1 TxRx connections 356.2 Laser safety issues 356.3 SM data links . 356.3.1 SM general information 356.3.2 SM o
19、ptical output interface 376.3.3 SM optical input interface 396.3.4 SM jitter budget 396.3.5 SM trade-offs . 426.4 MM data links. 456.4.1 MM general information . 456.4.2 MM optical output interface 476.4.3 MM optical input interface 496.4.4 MM jitter budget . 497 Optical interfaces . 527.1 Optical i
20、nterface general information . 527.2 SC optical interface 527.2.1 SC performance information 527.2.2 SC optical plug. 527.2.3 SC duplex optical receptacle . 537.3 LC optical interface 537.4 MT-RJ optical interface 537.4.1 MT-RJ performance information 537.5 MU Connector 548 Optical fiber cable plant
21、 specification 558.1 SM cable plant specification 558.1.1 SM cable plant overview 558.1.2 SM optical fiber type 558.1.3 SM cable plant loss budget 558.1.4 SM optical return loss 558.2 MM cable plant specification 568.2.1 MM cable plant overview . 568.2.2 MM optical fiber types 568.2.3 MM modal bandw
22、idth. 578.2.4 MM cable plant loss budget . 578.2.5 MM optical return loss 578.3 Connectors and splices . 589 Electrical interface specification - Single lane variants 599.1 General electrical characteristics. 599.2 Transmitted signal characteristics . 609.2.1 General 609.2.2 400-DF-EL-S transmitted
23、signal requirements 62iiiPage9.2.3 400-DF-EL-S amplitude and jitter requirements at transmit interoperability points . 639.2.4 Return loss at the transmitter compliance points . 649.3 Receive device signal characteristics 669.3.1 General 669.3.2 400-DF-EL-S and 800-DF-EL-S receiver device tolerance
24、signal tolerance 679.3.3 Return loss at the receive device compliance points . 699.4 Jitter characteristics . 719.5 Signal characteristics for 800-DF-EA-S variants 759.5.1 800-DF-EA-S at delta R compliance point . 759.5.2 800-DF-EA-S at beta and epsilon compliance points 769.6 Eye masks 789.6.1 Over
25、view 789.6.2 Transmitter device eye mask at bT, dTand gT. 799.6.3 Receiver device eye mask at bR, dRand gR for EL variants 799.6.4 Jitter tolerance masks 809.7 Grounding and shielding requirements at interoperability points . 819.8 Transmitter device characteristics 829.9 Return loss and impedance r
26、equirements . 839.10 Receiver characteristics . 859.11 Transmitter Compliance Transfer Function 869.11.1 TCTF overview. 869.11.2 400-DF-EL-S intra-enclosure Transmitter Compliance Transfer Function . 869.11.3 400-DF-EL-S inter-enclosure Transmitter Compliance Transfer Function . 879.12 Test loads. 8
27、89.13 Example TxRx connections 8910 Electrical cable plant and connector specifications for single lane variants . 9010.1 Overview 9010.2 Shielding 9010.3 Cable interoperability . 9010.4 Unbalanced cable connectors 9010.5 Balanced cable connectors 9110.5.1 Balanced cable wiring 9110.5.2 Inter-enclos
28、ure connectors for balanced cable 9110.5.2.1 Overview of balanced cable inter-enclosure connectors 9110.5.2.2 Style-1 balanced cable connector 9210.5.2.3 Style-2 balanced cable connector 9210.5.2.4 Style-3 balanced cable connector 9310.5.3 Intra-enclosure connectors for balanced cable 94ivPage10.5.4
29、 Integral FC device balanced connector . 9410.5.5 Non-device inter-enclosure connectors . 9511 Very long length optical interface (SM-LL-V) . 9611.1 Introduction 9611.2 SM cable plant specification . 9611.3 Optical fiber interface specification 9611.3.1 SM-LL-V data links 9611.3.2 SM optical respons
30、e specifications 9711.3.3 SM-LL-V jitter output specifications . 9711.4 Optical fiber cable plant specification 9811.5 Cable plant loss budget . 98Tables1 ISO convention 122 Signaling rate abbreviations 133 Acronyms and other abbreviations 144Symbols 155 FC-PI-4 variants 346 Single-mode link classes
31、1 (OS1, OS2) . 367 SM transmitter eye mask parameters for 8GFC variants 398 SM jitter output, pk-pk, max 409 SM jitter tolerance, pk-pk, min. 4110 Multimode link classes 4511 MM transmitter eye mask values for 8GFC . 4912 MM jitter output, max . 5013 MM jitter tolerance, pk-pk, min. . 5114 Single-mo
32、de cable plant 5515 Multimode cable plant for OM1 limiting variants . 5616 Multimode cable plant for OM2 limiting variants . 5617 Multimode cable plant for OM3 limiting variants . 5618 Multimode cable plant for linear variants . 5619 Multimode fiber types 5720 Multimode fiber 5721 General electrical
33、 characteristic 5922 Signal output and return loss requirements at bT, eT, dTand gT6023 Transmitted signal mask requirements for 400-DF variant . 63vPage24 400-DF-EL-S amplitude and jitter requirements at transmit interoperability points . 6325 S parameter at the Transmit Compliance Points . 6426 Si
34、gnal output and return loss requirements at bR, eR, dR and gR 6627 400-DF-EL-S and 800-DF-EL-S signal tolerance amplitude and jitter requirements at receive interoperability points 6828 S parameter at the receive device compliance points . 6929 Max jitter output . 7130 Min Jitter tolerance 7231 Sign
35、al output requirements for 800-DF-EA-S delta R . 7532 Signal tolerance requirements for 800-DF-EA-S delta R . 7633 Signal requirements for 800-DF-EA-S at beta T and epsilon T . 7634 Signal requirements for 800-DF-EA-S epsilon R and beta R 7735 Return loss and impedance requirements . 8436 Optional i
36、nter-enclosure contact uses . 9137 Additional options to table 14 9638 Additional physical links for single-mode classes (OS1 reference points used for establishing signal budgets at the chip pins of the transmitter and receiver in an FC device or retiming element.3.1.2 T, R: beta T, beta R; interop
37、erability points used for establishing signal budget at the SCA-2 connector nearest the alpha point unless the point also satisfies the definition for delta or gamma when it is either a delta or a gamma point. The beta point specifications are intra-enclosure specifications.3.1.3 T, R: gamma T, gamm
38、a R; interoperability points used for establishing signal budgets at the external enclosure connector.3.1.4 T, R: delta T, delta R; interoperability points used for establishing signal budget at the internal connector of a removable PMD element.3.1.5 T, R: epsilon T, epsilon R; interoperability poin
39、ts used for establishing signal budget at non-SCA-2 internal connectors mainly in blade applications. The epsilon point specifications are for intra-enclosure specifications.3.1.6 alpha T, alpha R: see T, R.3.1.7 attenuation: the transmission medium power or amplitude loss expressed in units of dB.3
40、.1.8 average power: the optical power measured using an average-reading power meter when transmitting valid 8B/10B transmission characters.3.1.9 bandwidth: in FC-PI-4 context, the corner frequency of a low-pass transmission characteristic, such as that of an optical receiver.3.1.10 baud: a unit of s
41、ignaling speed, expressed as the maximum number of times per second the signal may change the state of the transmission line or other medium. (Units of baud are symbols/sec.) NOTE: With the Fibre Channel transmission scheme, a symbol represents a single transmission bit. (Adapted from IEEE Std. 610.
42、7-1995 A16.12).3.1.11 beta T, beta R: see T, R.3.1.12 bit error ratio (BER): the probability of a correct transmitted bit being erroneously received in a communication system. For purposes of this standard BER is the number of bits output from a receiver that differ from the correct transmitted bits
43、, divided by the number of transmitted bits.3.1.13 bit synchronization: the condition that a receiver is delivering retimed serial data at the required BER.3.1.14 byte: an eight-bit entity prior to encoding, or after decoding, with its least significant bit denoted as bit 0 and most significant bit
44、as bit 7. The most significant bit is shown on the left side unless specifically indicated otherwise.3.1.15 bulkhead: the boundary between the shielded system enclosure (where EMC compliance is maintained) and the external interconnect.3.1.16 cable plant: all passive communications elements (e.g., o
45、ptical fiber, twisted pair, coaxial cable, connectors, splices, etc.) between a transmitter and a receiver.3.1.17 center wavelength (laser): the value of the central wavelength of the operating, modulated laser. This is the wavelength (see IEC 61280-1-3) where the effective optical power resides.INC
46、ITS 450-200953.1.18 character: a defined set of n contiguous bits where n is determined by the encoding scheme. For FC that uses 8b10b encoding, n = coaxial cable: an unbalanced electrical transmission medium consisting of concentric conductors separated by a dielectric material with the s
47、pacings and material arranged to give a specified electrical impedance.3.1.20 compliance point: a normative interoperability point. Compliance points include beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon points for transmitters and receivers.3.1.21 component: entities that make up the link. Examples are connector
48、s, cable assemblies, transceivers, port bypass circuits and hubs.3.1.22 connector: electro-mechanical or opto-mechanical components consisting of a receptacle and a plug that provides a separable interface between two transmission media segments. Connectors may introduce physical disturbances to the
49、 transmission path due to impedance mismatch, crosstalk, etc. These disturbances may introduce jitter under certain conditions.3.1.23 cumulative distribution function (CDF): the integral of the probability distribution function (PDF) from minus infinity to a specific time or from a specific time to plus infinity.3.1.24 data dependent pulse width shrinkage (DDPWS): the difference between 1 UI and the minimum value of the zero-crossing-time differen